WEATHERWOOD COURTS - SUBDIVISION PLATs� There are no objections to this plat with respect to s. 236.15, 236.16, 236,20 and 236.21 (1) and (2), Wis. =�Q i ed by s. 236.12, Wis. Stats. dvD -COOP-Ts Certified , 20K7 Department of Administrati UTILITY EASEMENT PROVISIONS An easement for electric and communications service is hereby granted by North Cape L.L.C. together with Richard C. and Karen R. Henkel , Grantor, to WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation doing business as We Energies, Grantee, WISCONSIN BELL, INC., d/bla SBC Wisconsin, a Wisconsin Corporation, Grantee, and TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, L.P., Grantee their respective successors and assigns, to construct, install, operate, repair, maintain and replace from time to time, facilities used in connection with overhead and underground transmission and distribution of electricity and electric energy, gas, telephone and cable TV facilities for such purposes as the same is now or may hereafter be used, all in, over, under, across, along and upon the property shown within those areas on the plat designated as "Utility Easement Areas" and the property designated on the plat for streets and alleys, whether public or private, together with the right to install service connections upon, across within and beneath the surface of each lot to serve improvements, theron, or on adjacent lots; also the right to trim or cut down trees, brush and roots as may be reasonably required incident to the rights herein given, and the right to enter upon the subdivided property of all such purposes. The Grantees agree to restore or cause to have restored, the property, as nearly, as is reasonably possible, to the condition existing prior to such entry by the Grantees or their agents. This restoration, however, does not apply to the initial installation of said underground and/or above ground electric facilities or communication facilities or to any trees, brush or roots which may be removed at any time pursuant to the rights herein granted. Buildings shall not be placed over Grantees' facilities or in, upon or over the property within the lines marked "Utility Easement Areas" without the prior written consent of Grantees. After installation of any such facilities, the grade of the subdivided property shall not be altered by more than four inches without written consent of grantees. The grant of easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of all parties hereto. SURVEYOR' S CERTIFICATE: I, Robert G. Fox, Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that in full compliance with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muskego, that l have surveyed and remapped Lot 3 of Certified Survey Map No.9616 together with the remapping of Certified Survey Map No.195, being located in part of the Northeast 114 of the Northeast 114 of Section 25, T.5 N., R.20 E., City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, being bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Northeast 114 of Section Twenty Five (25); THENCE S.01"15'54"E. on and along the east line of said 114 Section, a distance of 50.01 feet to a point on the south Right -Of -Way Line of Ryan Road, said point also being POINT OF BEGINNING the lands herein described; THENCE continuing S.01015'54"E.,on and along the east line of the Northeast 114, a distance of 800.08 feet; THENCE S.84055'27"W., a distance of 405.93 feet to a point on the westerly line of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map 9616; THENCE N.05004'33"W. a distance of 25.00 feet to the northeasterly corner of said Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map 9616; THENCE S.84°55'27"W. on and along the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 182.50 feet to the westerly Right of Way Line of County Trunk Highway "00" aka North Cape Road; THENCE N.05004'33" W., on and along said Right -Of -Way Line, a distance of 229.06 feet to a point of curvature; THENCE continuing northerly on and along said Right -Of -Way Line and the arc of a curve, center of which lies to the east, having a radius of 5,679.58 feet, a central angle of 03019'04", a chord of 328.84 feet, bearing N.03025'01"W.,328.88 feet to point of tangency; THENCE continuing on and along said Right -Of -Way Line, N.01"45'29"W. a distance of 94.70 feet to an angle point; THENCE continuing on and along said Right -Of -Way Line N.24°01'16"E.,175.54 feet to a point in the South Right -of -Way Line of Ryan Road; THENCE N.87"17'23"E.,on and a along the South Right -of -Way Line of Ryan Road, a distance of 392.37 feet to an angle point in said Right -of -Way Line; THENCE S.01 ° 15'54"E., a distance of 10.00 feet; THENCE N.87"17'23"E., on and along the South Right -of -Way Line of Ryan Road, a distance of 150.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands contain 11.216 acres, more or less. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of the owners listed hereon. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of t Wisconsin Statues, and the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing, and mapping t%4aqwi5 Date this 8 day of Registered Land - THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY AV6 Vs7' No. S 1442 Robert Fox, RLS . 2005. REVISED AUG. 8TH, 2005 REVISED SEPT. 5TH, 2005 y Wii§ VISION SETBACK DE TA I L AND DRIVEWAY ACCESS RESTRICTION DETA I L A T R YAN ROAD / WEA THERM?OD C 1 RCL E 30' x 30' VISION SETBACK AREAS AT ALL INTERIOR STREET INTERSECTION SEE RESTRICTION # 1 30' r 30' - h � NO DR I VEWA YS SHAL L BE , , NO DR I VEWA YS SHAL L BE PERMI T TED IN THIS AREA PERMI TIED IN THIS AREA OWNER' S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION: NORTH CAPE L.L.C., a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company, together with Richard C. and Karen R. Henkel, husband and wife, as owners hereby certifies that it has caused the land described on the plat of "WEATHERWOOD" to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. NORTH CAPE L.L.C., a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company, together with Richard C. and Karen R. Henkel, as owners, hereby certifies that this plat is required by Section 236.10 or Section 236.12 of the Wisconsin Statues to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: APPROVING AGENCIES: 1) City of Muskego AGENCIES WHO MAY OBJECT: 1) Department of Administration 2) Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owners, this 3/PV day of In the presence of: it ess Thomas J. L on, Member North Cape L.L.C. cX1 Witness Robert W. Stac , Member North Cape L.L.C. STATE OF WISCONSIN) )SS. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) Personally came before me this day of ' , 2005, the above named Thomas J. Laimoh, and Robert W. Stack, members of North Cape L.L.C., as owners who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the sa Z P NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WISCONSIN My Commission expires: 18M2$/Q7 ELLEN M. BETHKE In the presence of: 5 /* a -, 0 - z �4_ �e_ _ &g4t!W,?,F Witness Richard C. Henkel, Husband Witness Karen R. Henkel, Wife Weatherwood Courts BEING A REMAPPING OF LOT 3 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 9616 TOGETHER WITH THE REMAPPING OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 195, BEING LOCATED IN PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25, T.5 N., R.20 E., CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. STATE OF WISCONSIN) 20 ` �' )SS. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) EU.EN M. BETHKE Personally came before me this srzday of , 2005, y��y the above named Richard C. Henkel and Karen R. Henkel, as husband and wife, and owners who executed the f egoin instrument, and acknowledged the same. LTA-4-V JPUALJC_, S7A 7"E OF kAJiY 1 I� w.. - Iv/�� o' CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE: M & I MARSHALL & ILSLEY BANK, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by the virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the above certificate of North Cape L.L.C., a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company, as owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said M & I MARSHALL & ISLEY BANK,has caused these presents to be signed by Douglas P. Brodzik, Senior Vice President and Edward W. Roessl, Vice President, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, this I. t_x day of Se *m Ise , 2005. In the presence of: Witness Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) 4 0ug0s P. Brodzik, Senior ice President .�. rJ, ---- Edward W. Roessl, Vice President Fs7. Personally came before me this ).SOdayof Seatt�!tiev _, 2005, the above named Douglas P. Brodzik, Senior Vice President, Edward W. Roessl, Vice President, of the above named corporation, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Vice Presidents of said corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as the deed of said corporation, by its authority. r ����W�ly� NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WISCONS NN Q�• ' My Commission expires: - 0- QLn CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER: 0����1� STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY ))SS 1, Pamela F. Reeves,being the duly elected, qualified, and acting Treasurer of Waukesha County, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of this 3 day of T 2005, affecting the lands included in the plat of "WEATHERWOOD COURTS". Date: Pamela F. Reeves, County Treasurer CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION: RESOLVED, that the plat of "WEATHERWOOD COURTS", in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, as owners NORTH CAPE LLC., a Wisconsin Limited Liability Corporation, together with and Richard C. Henkel, and Karen R. Henkel, as husband and wife, is hereby approved by the City Council. Charles Damaske, Mayor City of Muskego �a»�r 0..M.usAj-��''% I hereby certify that the foregoing is a copy of a Resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Muskego.a�':¢� Date. �Q QN o2C70s J nice Moyer, Clerk U "W; ity of Muskego'KE �r�� CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER: I, Janice Moyer, being the duly elected, qualified, and acting Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of thiSQ0 day of 2005, on any lands included in the plat of "WEATHERWOOD COURTS". Date- awo ,,-00 J nice Moyer, Treasu r ity of Muskego SHEET 2 OF 2