ROSEWOOD ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLAT7�0 LOCAZION MAP Stale: i" - 2000' ROSEWOOD ESTATES NW 1/4. 11-5-20 NW COR. OF SEC. it T. 5 N., R. 20 E. CONC. MONUMIENT WITH BRASS CAP N. 339, 646.44 E. 2,506, 424.64 WISCONSIN COORDINATE SYSTEM - SOUTH ZONE og c NE 114. 11-5-20 \ LOT 7, BLOCK 1 DUR}1AM MEADOWS PREVIOUSLY \ DEDICATED FOR \ PUBLIC STRE%T N87°53'51" E ROSEWOOD ESTATES F o objection, to this plat with respect to 5. 236.16. 236.?0 and ?36.?I (I)and (?), or by the County Planning Agency. bV epartment of dministra n BEING A SUBDIVISION OF APART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 114 AND THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWN S NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WA UKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. N W E S _--------�—__ —_, I I SCALE 1 "=100' ----�-------------T-------r----�--r.— —----r- I 1 III 1 j I I I 1 I i I Ijl I I I I I I I , I 0 100 1 I I ! I I l o f I I E I I l I csM ss9z I I I I I I I NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF SEC. 11, T. S N , R.24E. LOT 2 I I I I I CSN 5882- I I N, LINE OF NW 1/4, SEC. 11-5 -20 2693,90 1 1 CONCRETE MONUMENT l 460.09 1 1 S.87053'Jr'1"W. 886.88 T, �7 - 1 N. 339,745.27 �-•1 �- I 1 / - 1 1 E. 2,509,1 1 6.53 O - WISCONSIN COORDINATE 346.95 / >t5 \e4 SYSTEM- SOUTH ZONE -- -' �• per'" :�_ Ot,� I 1 REGISTERIS OFFICE CONSERVANCY / WETLAND PRESERVATION AREA y \ems' I I I / / 1 1 WAUKESHA COUNTY. WI (SEE DETAIL. ON SHEET 3) +!,y `ScS` XT 1 y 11 RECORDED ON 1 I / / 1 11 :10 AM -1" a4 S MICHAEL J. HASSLINGER O\�' REGISTER OF DEEDS / 1 VOLUME: - - - _ 1 �\ // ill 1l 1 PAGE ISIQNICE R'1� WESTCOTDRIVE � / / 1 � — — — ^ O / o — - 7- ` \ ' 11 1 11 REC. FEE: 50.00 Cp glr 19 (RESLERVED FOR PARK Q OPEN SPACE PURPOSES 1 r _ ��• s '2 `� r + ` / 1 ti J _ �as '► so I 1 1 .. rb \ xt'6' m 0 U T L O T I " S. 55 27 54 £. ry �� �► ry row �, ny r \ O/ / -70.00 (n 327,1124 S.F. 8 \/ fey o © \ z I' wErLAND \ goo 4°° "�\ eo'cv ��� 2� J `t4/ \ o ro \ e�Oc &gryh �B `���..� / a �� 3 s''' �a d� / � Q IrIq 5g i �g9+ �o/ f 7A_�, ` / \3O / n� /� � �'s a° �!' glrg ny io s 1 1 11 �► � ' °; /v /O°' g \O g / \ \ `9�A� V\ . �� � { , •oso s, / \ — 1 1 4 ,. �� Aso I — l _ Il , 160 Il Ci OWNED BY PRO-RATA SHARE " r a / ' g b Q ay. \ / S rj `f'�,\ 11 HIDDEN CREEK a (( Ik ''17,5 ` - ti 1 - - - - - 1 of Lors r- t9 FOR /I ' c 16 / O / �E A / �° 1 COURT SrORAIWArER k 1J ti / Dry /L ` y/� e� / ��i °moo► %, 1� 'o ` / s. 0 rJr \ 1 N r MANAGEAIENr �] +�/ I �b ( ^ �i/ C / lei (p,,O O' \ �O \ `pD -O- �6' 1 t �� — -' — + PURPOSES ko .0 , �` +. y t Y 4 � / 52. *'E /Naroa•lara 1 AZ ,12 y \ 77s.>t?N 1192.98 o I 4b �" `� ��,, / �s1.63 \ r, N87* 4 1 { 1 v. q '0? 9— ivar 1 1 g75.09 ky *BT ti* ,o�w r4o 10 \ \ oy 9� �P !�� ~ I b '�? y� 2 5 .�4 2�1 a z 15 y / oy%. o ti �� N, �� ®t? f 6 eo 6 / �9 �► �a �g ry IA. — / ao. °, N 1 �a \c�^Ifio. o m e me' / r3 �� g U 4 �o R .�� C,� t� j OrO r 9 r4 _ ` y {D11+sg7 - � FRgs�4 Cl ,b 1 OUT-0-T \ + OUTLOT 2 �� `` ,1a� /�� — — — 13 y1. I a o��, h +09 ry x ,o _?sr r► 9FHT I v� o CA 1 I 89,943 S.E R e 7-39 61 ,�0 e�`4 r �y0 R I� {`3 q+ s� h� ,` , �� �E C4'1 Y q Ir an bad f J 1 \ ` r EASEMENT FOR STORMwATER �� �� � �,k{ is t 4 �+ o °� ` A• n0 CZ AIANAGEAIENr PURPOSES die S./r O cT ti A vi,ry� \ t' 8 ` -� N 7 A $- ~ L �1 - g► to 6 t \d ` \ / -- - 4 u 242.4 _ d 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT .. -- 2 DRAINAGE EASEWT-y o4 _%41 --� , \ r ss•?! ��----_--- ~----`---------�- EASEMENT S � — - f5 3O PLANTING EASEMENT 2;— 88 89 i,�Y.ss 83.t77 159.$4 E 137.02 55.59 ls4.32 SEE SHEET 3 S87"32'00" W ,Z94�76 3'69 101.33 1345. ✓ 5 � � FOR EASEMENT 253.98 �` >//�� >+ SEE SHEET 3 � � DETAIL 1 ` _ _I ,S8 S Z l! 1 W FOR EASEMENT DETAIL - - 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 1 60 FUTURE MOORLAND ROAD ' BO' ----------------------------- ------ EASEMENT �^_ �� -- FOR STORMWATER 11 11 OUTLOT 3�~`-` __ __ __-_ R — _ ~\ \ MANAGEMENT PURPOSES 1 UNPLATTi=D LANDS �\ �\ (OUTLOT 41 1 1 3905 S.F. 1 (RESERVED FOR FUTURE MOORLAND ROAD R►GNr-OF-WAY) , 1 1 ♦\ \ ` ------ i NOTES: A. THE PLANTINGS IN THE PLANTING EASEMENT ON LOTS 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS. B. THE PLANTINGS IN THE PLANTING EASEMENT OF OUTLOTS I AND 2 ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. C. OUTLOT 2 AND OUTLOT 4 ARE OWNED BY PRO-RATA SHARE OF LOTS 1-19 FOR STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. D. THE LANDSCAPED ISLAND AT THE "DIVISION ENTRANCE IS TO BE MAINTAMD DY TIIT 4WNLRS' ASSOCIATION, Those areas of land which are identified as Conservancy / Wetland Preservation Area on Page 3 of 3 on this Subdivision Plat shall be subject to the following restrictions: I. Grading and filling shall be prohibited unless specifically authorized by the municipality in which they are located and, if applicable, the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetation cover, i.e., trees, shrubs, grasses, etc., shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetation at the discretion of landowner, or forester or naturalist and the approval of the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e., horses, cows, etc., shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the Conservancy / Wetland Preservation Area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the municipality in which they are located and, if applicable, the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. "Although all lots in the subdivision have been reviewed and approved for development with single-family residential use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes. some lots contain soil conditions which may require additional soil engineering and foundation design with regard to basement construction. It is recommended that either a licensed professional engineer or other soils expert design a basement and foundation which will be suitable to withstand the various problems associated with saturated soil conditions on basement walls or floors or that special measures be taker. Soil conditions should be subject to each owners special investigation prior to construction and no specific representation is made herein." "The drainage easements shall be maintained by the respective home owners. The home owners shall maintain said easements in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain their intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading or filling in said easements is prohibited. The home owners grant to the City the right (but not the responsibility) to enter upon said easements in order to inspect, repair or restore said easements to their intended purpose- Expenses incurred by the City for inspection, repair or restoration of said easements may be placed against the tax roll for said home owner and collected as a special charge by the City." All bearings m1er to Grid North of Wiscmisie Coordinate System - South Zone. (the West lime of the NW 1/4, Sec. l 1-5-20 assumed as N.01 °14'09"W. - NAD 27 ) All linear measurements have been made to the nearest hundredth of a foot. All angular measurements have been made to the nearest second and computed to the nearest half second. o - Denotes 2" diameter iron pipe, 30" long, weighing 3.65 ft. per lineal foot. All other lot and outlot corners are slabW with a 1" diameter Iron pipe, 24" long, we0ing 1.13 lbs. per lineal foot. r v�/FF�'//��KIT �/r i RUVKKANElN S-1177 } r WAUKESHA, 7dpy wls. 4,04 /•,��S U R ��oo LdND STIR VEYORS KUOKKANEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 910 ELM GROVE ROAD ELM GROVE, W1 53122 PHONE: 262-782-8690 FAX: 262-782-1770 SHEET l OF 3 ROSEWOOD ESTATES SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Kit Kuokkanen, Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the North quarter corner of said Section 11; thence S.8705351"W. along the North line of said NW 1/4 Section, 886.86 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described: thence S.55°2754"E., 124 1. 00 feet; thence N.87°02'49"E., 125.40 feet to the centerline of Durham Road; thence S.19°42' 12"E. along said centerline, 148.95 feet; thence S.87032'00"W., 294.76 feet; thence S.87°52'01"W., 1345,95 feet to the West line of said NW 1/4 Section; thence N.01010'13"W. along the West line of said NW 1/4 Section, 883.40 feet to the North line of said NW 1/4 Section; thence N.87°53'51"E. along the North line of said NW 114 Section, 460.09 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 21.66988 acres of land, more or less. That I have made such survey, land division and plat by the direction of Rosewood Estates Corporation, owner of said land. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the lands surveyed and the subdivision thereof made. That I have fiilly complied with the provisions of chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and the Subdivision Re dons of the Cit of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping of the same. I / A ` ���rteuiopr DATE VIES-. 1%, \999 REVISED THIS IITH DAY OF FEBRUARY,2000 Iil;. 1 ► ; G„0NS� �4 KIT KUOKKANfN S- 1177 =} WAUKESHA, _ �b WIS. ® e •'��v�� i����•+SIV R � Dove ROSEWOOD ESTATES CORPORATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, does hereby certify that said corporation has caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped, and dedicated, as represented on this plat. ROSEWOOD ESTATES CORPORATION, does finiher certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or S.236.12 of Wisconsin Statutes to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1) Department of Administration, 2) City of Muskego and 3) Waukesha County Parks and Land Use Department. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said ROSEWOOD ESTATES CORPORATION, has caused these presents to be signed by Glen A. Miller, President, and countersigned by Donna L. Brady, Secretary, at MJsscE,-o, W t Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 7 day of a« , 20oo Glen A. Miller, Fr4sident ROSEWOOD ESTATES CORPORATION CORPORATION STATE OF WISCONSIN) W AU r- syA- COUNTY) SS Donna L. Brady, Secretary ROSEW D ESTATES PERSONALLY came before me this --7 Tb� day of APRs L , WOO, the above named Glen A. Miller, President, and Donna L. Brady, Secretary, of the above named corporation, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be such officers of said corporation and acknowledged the same. Q2:�� ??I aAZ"'CL'-' Not4 Public - State of Wisconsin My ommission Expires: 9 ,27- O-3 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE NE 114 OF THE NW 114 AND THE NW 114 OF THE NE 114 OF SECTION 11, TOWN S NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WA UKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. COMMON COUNC L RESOLUTION RESOLVED that the plat known as ROSEWOOD ESTATES, being a subdivision of part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, ROSEWOOD ESTATES CORPORATION, owner, has been filed for approval, be, and hereby is, app`pr?ft �p��llired by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. ����`� F M Usk �U . OppORgP� 0 Date Davi . Dekfigefis, Mayor s City of Muskego'..,,.....,..• [IKES-AN 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution" Ndoa ied by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this day of /kg �, 2000 . Date J K. Marenda, Clerk/Treasurer C` y of Muskego CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER 1, Jean K. Marenda, being duly appointed, qualified and acting treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this 7 "-'l day of _ PAIL affecting the lands included in the plat of ROSEWOOD ESTATES, Date Je K. Marenda, Clerk/Treasurer Ci of Muskego CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER 1, Patricia G. Karcher, being the duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of Waukesha County, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unred tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of this �� med day of _ od 0 , affecting the lands included in the plat of ROSEWOOD ESTATES' r--7) 4-.- 2, Date Patricia G. Karcher, Treasurer Waukesha County CURVE DATA CURVE LOT NO. RADIUS ARC CHORD I ANGLE DEF. ANGLE CHORD REARING TANGENT BEARING 1 East 120.00 78.75 77.35 37036'08" 18048'04" S15044'02"W S34032'06"W C/L 150.00 98.44 96.69 37036*08" 18°48'04" S15044'02"W West 180.00 118.13 116.02 37036'08" 18048'04" S15044'02"W 2 East 180.00 93.97 92.90 29054'37" 1405T18.5" S11"53'16.5"W S3004'02"E C/L 150.00 78.30 77.42 29054'37" 14"57'18.5" S11053'16.5"W West 120.00 62.64 61.94 29"54'37" 14057' 18.5" S 11 053' 16.5"W 19 120.00 52.25 51.84 2405702" 12028'31" S9"24'29"W Outlot 1 120.00 10.39 10.38 405T35" 2028'47.5" S24021'47.5"W 3 East 769.81 78.51 78.48 5"50'36" 2055'18" S29045'53"W S3204l'l1"W C/L 739.81 150.43 150.17 11039'00" 5049'30" S32040'05"W West 709.81 63.03 63.01 5005'15" 2032'37.5" S29023'12.5"W S31055'50"W 11 769.81 26.63 26.63 1058'55" 0059'27.5" S27050'02.5"W 12 769.81 51.88 51.87 3051'41" 1055'50.5" S30045'20.5"W 4 60.00 275.03 90,13 26203751" 13101T55.5" N54035'15.5"W N76043'40"E 12 60.00 30.11 29.79 28044'59" 14022'59.5" S8028'18.5"W 13 60.00 47.45 46.22 45018'20" 22"39'10" S45029'58"W 14 60.00 69.13 65.37 66001'02" 33000'31" N78050'21"W 15 6o.00 45.00 43.95 42058'08" 21 °29'04" N24°20'46"W 16 60.00 78.20 72.78 74040'40" 37020'20" N34028'38"E 17 60.00 5.14 5.14 4054'42" 2027'21" N74016'19"E 5 60.00 40.41 39.65 38035'22" 1901741" S13023'30"W S5"54'11"E 6 60.00 46.91 45.73 4404T50" 22023'55" N54019'45"E N3I055'50"E 7 North 270.00 63.06 62.92 13022'55" 6041'27.5" S62009'21.5"E N68050'49"W C/L 300.00 141.91 140.59 27006' 10" 13033'05" S69000'59"E South 330.00 102.94 102.52 17052'22" 805611" S64024'05"E S73020'16"E 9 330.00 79.07 78.88 13043'40" 6°51'50" S62019'44"E 8 330.00 23.87 23.87 4008'42" 2004'21" S71015'55"E 8 60.00 37.39 36.79 35°42'15" 17051'07.5" S55029'08.5"E S37038'01"E 9 60.00 5298 51.28 50035'47" 2501T53.5" S85051'17.5"W N60033'24"E / N68"50'49"W 10 60.00 274.17 90.70 261048*35" 130054'17.5" N11027'41.5"E N60033'24"E 8 60.00 72.11 67.85 68051'29" 34025'44.5" S72003'45.5"E 7 60.00 45.00 43.95 42"58'09" 21 °29'04.5" N52001'25.5"E 6 60.00 45.00 43.95 42058'09" 21 °29'04.5" N9"03' 16.5"E 5 60.00 112.06 96.47 107000'48" 53030'24" N65056'12"W 11 15.00 26.87 23.42 102039'06" 51019'33" S73012'33"W S21053'00"W 12 15.00 21.55 19.74 82018'29" 41 °09' 14.5" S 14° 18'39.5"E 13 15.00 25.58 22.59 97041'31" 48050'45.5" N75041'20.5"E 14 18.58 26.69 24.45 92018'29" 41 °09' 14.5" N 14° 18'39.5"W N26050'35"E 15 Outlot 3 710.00 258.90 257.47 20053'33" 10026'46.5" S81"41'12.5"E MM426"W Outlot 1 710.00 65.21 65.18 1 5015'43" 203TS1.5" S73"52'17.5"E Outlot 2 710.00 193.69 193.09 1 1503T50" 7048'55" S84019'04"E There are no objection, to this plat With respect to Secs. 236.15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21 ( I ) and (2), Wis. Stars., or by the County Planning Agency. Certified % y b 20 MI De artment oPdation SHEET 2 OF 3 WIDV M Wild 13 1110 Do VIA:] LINE DISTANCE BEARING L 1 55 10 ' S74 '32 ' 29 W L2 35.82' S69'46'13"W L3 34.23 S77'00 39 W L4 34.28' S56'31'58"W L5 27.25' S38'34-29"W L6 25.66' Si8'15'52"E L7 33.94' S87'09'27"E L8 39.43' N82'26'24 'E L9 50 46 ' S86 '04 ' 38 E L10 37.66' N75'29'06'E L11 52 37' S84'30'36"E L12 44.70' S85'55'59"E L13 35.71 S72'52'00'E L14 25.79 S86*26'30"E L15 29- 12 N53'26 52 -E L16 34.30' S85'40'51'E L 17 34 . 55' S82 '00' 45"C L18 34.95' S37'19'30'W L19 31.29' S75'32'11"E L20 34.71 S10'57'05"E L21 17.58' S45'56-59"E L22 34.53 S08'43'46"W L23 24.35 S17'51'03"W L24 30.12" 528'56'51"W L25 31-06' S47'52'56"W L26 43.52' S07'51'06 E L27 20.82' S35'02'07"W L28 19.72' S40'59'.35"W L29 16.67' S76'46'43"W L30 20.09 N14'55'10 W L31 22 38' N65'28'28'W L32 28.00' S60'23' 19"W L33 38 35' S60'04'22"W L 34 45 28 ' S81 '42 33 W L35 20.50' S66'34'51 W L36 32.40' S36'13'46 W L37 38.06' S87'44'59'W L38 40.55' S47'59'41"W L39 30.61' S02'10'19"E 140 41.52 S26'00'41"W L41 42.95 S76'19'12"W L42 32 01 ' S51 '26' 08 W L43 14.64' S23'17 10'W L44 47.21' S56'45'25"W L45 31 . 31 S31 '47 ' 47 ' W L46 25.43' 502'31'47"E L47 23.41' S12'34'18"E L48 16.25' S40'23'51"W L49 33.70' S12'14'03"W L50 53.04' S11'11'50"W L51 49.28' 514'28'30'W L52 48.93' S37'00'55 W L53 26.43 S59'07'27"E L54 51.55' N40'38'36 E L55 50.32' N17'57'42"r L56 23.02 N22'42"42"W L57 25.04' N09'34' 12"E L58 20,69' N07'26'24'W L59 28.82 N27'28'56 E L60 14.98' N10'05'34"E L61 26 64' NO3'07'30"W L62 26.03' N00'42'58"W L63 22.87' N49'27 28'E L64 17.42' N52'49'20"E L65 25.22' N67'39'01"E L66 24 63' N50'21'31 E L67 21.34' N65'11'29'E L68 25.98' N60'19'01 E L69 15.24' N59'43'13"E L70 25 29' N40'50'26"E L71 27.70' N86'20'43"E L72 30.94' N67'52'31"E L73 29.49' N67'15'43"E L74 21.90' S48'57'07"E L75 20-75' N57'37'25"E L76 41.25' S14'32'35-E L77 44.12' 508'22 36"W L78 39.43' S14'48'17"W L79 46.39' S05'27'15"W L80 40.52' S20'48'54'W L81 27.20' 562'27'30"E L82 39.81' N05'45'14"W L83 35 84' N22'39'55"E L84 49.91' N13'25'59"E L85 19.63' N06"21 20"W L86 36.69' N42'50'34"E L87 27.80' S73'41'12"£ L88 22 56' S80 '11 ' 27"E L89 13 12' S57'39'33`E L90 23.38' N45-37 53"E L91 36 69' N32'58'06'E L92 29 41' N28'28'23"E L93 28.56' N09'00'50..W L94 46 79' N50'28-i1-E L95 65.52' N44'02'49"E L96 46.88' N09'48'13 W L97 73 84 N22'38'30"E L98 84.03' N01'07'27"E 10 72 N55 '02 54 ' E L02 S83'21 43"E99 14.22 N30.55 15"E ROSEWOOD ESTATES N87 '53 ' 51 "E 146.54 Le Lg _-- -`� - L12 /0 _l )g 1 'h L, ry CONSERVANCY 1 WETLAND PRESERVATION AREA 1J (DELINEATED BY SEWRPC JUNE 18, 1998) 'ry LOCATED FEBRUARY 2, 1999 0 13-It TEA UKESHA COUNTY O - DENOTES SOIL BORING (APPROXIMATE LOCATION BY OTHERS) Soil Borings (Approximate Locations) B1 N4175 E4948 B2 N4319 E4544 B3 N4304 E4330 B4 N4215 E4185 BS N4464 E4278 B6 N4397 E4763 B7 N4695 E4314 0 &-z L SCALE 1"=100' 0 100 O 125. )J N87'02449 S67'52'01"W EASEMENT DETAIL SCALE: I" = 60 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 ° 20' SANITARY 9 SEWER EASEMENT �� '0 yO \ 7 __ --- ----- 8 1 f �17.32 DRAINAGE EASEMENT i.A +ARG 133.39 CH. 133.25 S- 870 28' 22'E. - PLANTING S t R ! P ---1_ 4v 10 �20' DRAINAGE N� _ EASEMENT--3 _ 1 1 2p' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT - CH. 89.05 S.79041' 59" E. O=OT - 4 OUTLOT - 4 S87'32'00"W There are no objections to this plat m ith respect to Secs. 236.1 �. 2 36.16, 236.20 and 2316.21 (1) and (2). W is. Stats., or bN the Count- Planning, Agency. Certified '-0�.[ A 1 Dep rtment of Adminis ration 3r in a 03. L v .40 fKIT Kl10KKANEN •w S-1177 C+ WAUKESHA, � WIS.'� sue' i#� U I 9��0� SHEET 3 OF 3