PLUM CREEK ADDITION NO 1 - SUBDIVISION PLATBEING A SUBD1 NW 1/4 AN I I I Ir s r VICINITY SKETCH 3xtirii±+� +�ii�ss3 SCALE: to + 2000' WATER ELEVATION: Liw[ R& S. iS i H APPROX. 100 YEAR EL 800,61 = �' I �s6 r APPROX. LOW WATER EL 797.70 DATE OF SURVEY: FEBRUARY 24. 1994 N Br41'5r E 588.980' (RECORDED AS S 68'40' E 588.98') l Q.1,644.'...... 405.116' ..... r.���.��������•.....�iwiiwwww�lliii�.il1i44M.Y•MMMM MMMu1MMM.fr1 �D.002' 21.7 41'&T E 586. aN .. awl +Laoo.L� 1O �^ / LOT 630,433 Sr a •r T � 'IN 3 a hr 16?715 Sr M) ; W OON •aa �o 3 N ,; O � O c LOT 62 �► v�1 ?.9�b LOT 59 ^ z Q,.�t 149Da2 SF V Z14,743 SF 0 �� A.29 '�.►? aw o 14 1• 1P FOUND �• $ ' O 1• r FOUND 5� 8T57'3e W 68. 19' J 14 T � CAI135IM 3 � n �p�s 4�4• O� 0LOT c `G' 6 56 • ap n1 S 0736 SF b� g1t1 Z LOT W UNPLaTTED LOOM O ♦ a&A O. �S LOT 53 $ z 14.84a SF E r V FOuka 5 1' IP FOUND ------- ----r o ranlo, S W 18'00. W--- 1 21.307, S LOT S2 PLUM cRr No. leoros4 ' vOWYE •6, PA% 2S6_;57 � f�•.,_ LOT J 0 50 10O 200 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1" = 100' LEGEND: 0 INDICATES IRON PIPE 30' LONG BY 2' DNA• 3.65 LBS PER LINEAL FOOT. ALL OTHER LOT. OUTLOT AND MEANDER CORNERS MARKED BY IRON PIPE 2e LONG BY 1 DIA. 1.13 L OS PER LINEAL FOOT. �O CATES QO} PIPE 24 LONG BY 1' DIA. 1.13 LBS PER LINEAL REFERENCE BEARING: THE NORTH - SOUTH 1/4 LINE OF SECTION 17. TOWN 5 NORTH. RANGE 20 EAST WAS USED AS THE REFERENCE BEARING AND HAS A BEARING OF NORTH 00'S7'49` WEST (WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM - SOUTH ZONE). NOTES: SEE PAGE 2 OF 3 FOR NOTES. N There are no objections to this plat %vith respects to Secs. 236 15. 236. 1 G, 236.20 and 236.21 (1) and (2), Wis. Stats., or by the County PIanning Agency ° ay of \ , 19 Certified this 3e Llrutment of Agriculture, Trade K Consumer Protection ,LUM CREEK ADDITION NO. VISION OF PART OF THE NE 1/4 AND SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 AND PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN MAIN CURVE TABLE LOT 58 .511 SF �• dap. Z aW s6 a� 14.040 SF 0 14,O40 SF � , • LOT 54 F' 14.040 SF �j O_3 LOT •� as 14.517 0 jr LOT 43 op ' N_-86'10'05- - 61.7360 LOT 42 LOT 38 apt APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF THE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY Ste"Of rn0" SECTION t7, TOM S N011TM, RAMGt 20 EAST � ta+a �T� NT W/ �sS ur TO THE MUSKEGO CANAL 331.3.25U t . i ' T S Br04'02' E ' 170.000 o ._.�_`....... S 12W31• E 2• ii 147�000� IM WO MAMAnon,w M KM RA::P:/� oun T 1 . 6 ;N S 11*39*4 ' E W M M S ,�• 59.164 SF PN' 45.224 SF (M) 126.3090 N Br48'19' E I 0 25.038' a E a N Br48' 19r E 25.471' ' I 0 yZ'�I tj tSF S OT 18.3r W 73.500' , 0 �; $ a 1:OT • 0` 'L w ,� S OW41'4d' E 94.8t3a CURVE RADIUS ARC LD407H CHD LENGTH CHID BEARING CENTRAL ANGLE ! 12 TANGENT BEARINGS 1 330.000' 37.542' 37.522' N 63'36.4t. N 6f:07'4 N 6907' N Sr07'4 E W W IN 08'31' 9?00' 9000' 90'00 OY15'32. 45'00' 4500' 4500' N 60`21'0 N 23'07'4 N 23'07'4 N 2TO7'4 E W W W N SV52.14 S GV52'14 S 66'52' 14 S 66152'14 E W W W 2 C L 170.000' 267.035' 240.416' 2SW 140.000' 219.911' 197.990' 2NE 200.000' 314.159' 282.843' 3 30.000, 25.2324 24.495' S 4r46'32. W 48'11'2 2CO5'41. S 66'52'14 W S t8'40'S1 W 4 60.000, 289.424' 60.000' N 23'07' W 276 22' 13M!'11'2 S 18'40'51 w S 64'56'2 E 5 30.000, 25.232' 24.495' S Br02'04, E 4911'2 24.05'41. S 6WS6'2 E N 6652' 14 E 6 C 350.000, 207.694' 204.660' S 40'07' E 34'OO 1 T00' S 2Y07'4 E S 5T07' E 6Sw 380.000• 225.497' 222.202' S 40'07' E 3fOO' Iro0' S 23'07.4 E S 5707'4 E 611E 320.000' 169.892' 187.118' S 40'07' E 34r00' 1T00 -1 S 23.07'4 E S 5T07'4 E 7 C 400.000' 139.626' 130.919' S 4707' E 20'00'0 HOW S Sr07'4 E S 3T07'1 E 7SW 370.000' 129.154, 128.500' S 4757' E 20r00' 10'00 S 5T07' E S 3707'4 E 7A 370.000' 99.121' 98.625' S 49.27'17 E 15'20'S OT40'28. S 5r07'4 E S 41'46'4 E 70 370.000' 30.033' 30.023' S 3r2rl7, E 04'39'0 0219'31. S 41'06'4 E S 3707' E 7NE 430.000' 150.098, 149.337' S 4TO7' E 20'00 10'00 S ST07.4 E S 3T07'4 E a 30.000• 25.232' 24.495' S 76`57'55. W 4911'2 24'0b'41 S 52-52.1 W N 7V56'2 w 9 60.000' 289.424' 80.000' S 3ror E 276'22' 13911'2 N 78'36.2 W N "40'51 E 10 30.004' 25.232' 24.4950 N 28'46'32. E 48'1 t'2 24'05'41. N OV40.51 E N 5r52'1 E 11 30.000' 25.232' 24.495' S 7C57.55 W 48'11'2 2CO5.41. S 5r52'1 W N 7e'56'2 W 12 60.000' 289.424' 80.0000 S 3r07• E 27V72' 138' 1102 N 7V56.2 w N 0W40'51 E 13 30.000' 25.232• 24.495' N 2V48.32. E 4VII'2 2V05'41 N OW40.51 E N 5r52'1 E 14 C 500.000, 488.892' 489.472' S 0r07' E Sd•00' 26'00' S 3T07'4 E S I 52't4 W 14W 470.000' 459.371' 441.303, S OrO7' E 56'00 28'00' S 3T07' E S 1W52.14 W 14E 530.000' 518.014' 497.640' S orO7' E WOO 2500' S 3T07' E S 1a'52.14 W 15 30.000' 25.232' 24.495' N 4T02'04. W 48'11'2 24'O5'41. N 71.07' W N 2?56.2. W 16 $0.0000 289.424' 80.000, S IB'52'14 W 27Mr22'4 138'11.2 N 2r56'2_ W N WW5-1 E 17 30.000' 25.232' 24.495' N 84'47'02. E 48'11'2 24'0544f N W41'51 E -S 71'07' E 18 C 560.000' 198.26=' 197.231' S Or43'40. w 2Q17.0 10`08'33 S IW52'14 W S 01'24'5 E 18w 590.000, 208.586' 207.797' S 06'43'4o W 20`17*0 10'08'33 S 1i52'14 W S 01-24• E 18E 530,000' 187.644' 186.665' S-W43'4O w 20'17'0 10'08'33. S 1a'52.14 w S 01.24'6 E 19 100.000, 40.272• 40.000' S 1Q07'2 W 23'O4'2 I1'32'1 S 01.24' E S 21.39' IN 20 150,000' 60.407' 60.000, S 10`07'2 W 23'04'2 11'32' 1 S 21'39' W S 01'24'5 E 21 1 SO.(=$ 50.407' 60.000' S 175 E 2JO4'2 11'32' 1 S 2479' f E S 01'24' E 22 100.000' 40.272' 40.000' S 1r57' E 2.304'2 11'32'1 S 01'24• _E -S-2 s29'1 E ��;,���t°-: N �gsz� S 144.313' W so";1 • �:, +. S 2539'56" E I \r LOT 57 � LOT 11 98.000 15.600 SF y \� � 6 14.140 d• S 4('48' E ,r aj' '\ �, •q;QQ •; �, 154J= A. '� Ob0' ,� oT 1 %, ,� { S 44.30•41' E 0 ohs' 14.t38 SF' 60.054' 'Pa a ,�' ,�• w S 40�47'1Or E LOT 85 �� \ LOT 110 120.862' A 15.457 SF �' j 14.453 SFti ;4 lab• . r was TI( ics p, h SF `Ad; �R .y1'1• a �?J?�8,vr�? `t7 � �'�.LOT ` 1b9 % ' x� nXICOM 40 9 ? 15,018 SF • S 39' 17 54' E k;10 { 125.582' `�' 0. ,•• , auND�;t g�y6 LOT Be > 8 > �' .,,• S 3Tto'43' E S 18.021 SF y9 �Q �� rp' �• "�276.000' W IP FOUND + 3• `\ .0 6, , L4, 108 T.+-� APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE g 7A fie. ,15.51, SF OF THE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY i5 •�� 7 '{ram ; ;, TO THE MUSKEGO CANAL FOUNO5'' 0�3' LOT 67 � �J• s�. 5 39• a► 17.125 SF s , S 3T07 46r E LOT 68 '. 0� I 0 �� 105.000' N N N 14.138 SF LOT �07 co •�0• ?3,d'i. !�'- w ,, IP 14.175 5F E, � �,6��q j 'cQ ti R S 31'S6'OG E -0-� ���o' �. g .�, �til\ ��'� '� 150.454' LOT 41 W r IP ioUND � A 64 45 a LOT 69 15,805 SF ' 9 . IG� 10.130, W S 75 •51 ' LOT 10 2' 1P FO PM 1141 029' �G289.424• i Wram} LOT 70 3 57.900' al 16,201 SF IP FOUND O ^'-Ft) N - = �� Al Q9�. b� LOT 71 h 14,222 SF 20 ?'•71 y Z I 33 6 •�i' 1��� LOT 29 I "%` ry z• IP FOyN6 5 ,si LOT 28 1k' 1-N LOT 73 ; 15,828 SF I ' LOT 106 t 14,300 §F A 'Q ,y, • LOT 72 SF v. ,gyp 14.000 '. 90�'L�ry ti LOT 74 16,537 SF ,.P w• W y D u:� LOT 751 • {per �j 14,175 Sr LOT 78 115,901 SF $• ,� rn 86 'a Plur� CAFE►( to N RLe NO_1EQ2094 1IOLUAIE 46 PACES 258-257 LOT 27 o LOT 77 �____ nLn 11. 1993 - N 16.524 SF I' IP FOUND �r 0 z LOT 105 A01 14.252 SF LOT CURVE TABLE LOT NO MAIN CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHO LENGTH CHO BEARING CENTRAL ANGLE I 12 53 1 330.0o0' 37.542' 37.522' N 63'36'41_ E OV31' O-TI5'32. 58 2SW 140.0000 166.155' 158.574' N 5T07' w 68'00' 3CO0' 59 2SW 140.000' 53.756' 53.427' S 7T52'14 W 2ZOO• 11-005 so 3 30.000' 23.232' 24.495' S 4246'32. W 4T11'2 24'05'41 60 4 60.0000 41.721' 40.1m' S 393610 W 3750'2 1 P554 61 1 4 60.000• 68.719' 65.024' N W40.0 W 6537'1 37481 62 4 60.nool 88.788' 80.906' N UT27'S W 84r47'1 T 42*23*3 63 4 6O.0o0' 90.196' 81.940' N 71'59'41 E aV07'5 43'D3' 63 5 30.000' 23.232' 24.495' S 6702'04 E 4a'11' 2,V05'41. OUTLOT 1 2NE 200.000' 314.159' 282.543' N Ba'07'4 W 90'00' 4.TOO*OCr 65 BSW 380.000' 69.285, 69.190' S 2IN21.1 7 E 10`26' OT13'24 Be SSW 350.000• 82.439' 82.277' S 3747'2W E 1725*41r OB'12'S4 67 6SW 360.000' 73.773' 73.656' S 51'34'04 E 11*07'24 0.733'4 67 7A 370.000, 99.121' 98.825' S 4W27't 7 E 1 T20'S 0740'28 Be a 30.000• 25.232' 24.495' S 76.57'55. W Qr11'2 2-V05'41. 68 9 60.000, 64.454' 61.399, S 70.17'08. W 61.32.5 30'46'28 59 9 60.000' 56.842, 54.740' S 12.22' 15. W 54! 16'4 27'08.24. 70 9 60.000, 56.542' 54.740' S 41'54'33. E 54'16'4 27*08'24. 71 9 60.000, 57.900' 55.670' N 83'18'37. E 551604 2738'24 72 9 60.0000 53.396' 51.651' N 30'10'3 E 50'59' 25'29'41 72 10 30.000, 25.232' 24.495' N N-46.32. E 4s 11'2 24 05'41. 76 11 30.000, 25.232' 24.495' S 76'57055. W 48'11'2 24'05'41. 76 12 60.000, 65.010' 61.876' S 70r01113. W 6704'4 31'02'23. 77 12 60.000, 56.842' 54.740' S 11'50'25. W 5416'4 2TOB'24. 78 12 60.000, 56.842' 54.740' S 42'26'23. E 5Vl 6'4W 2708'24. 79 1 12 60.000, 59.835' 1 57.386' N 81'51'04 E 57061 21r34'0 Ir 80 12 60.000, 50.895, 49.383' N 2958'53. E 4536'05' 2418'02. 80 13 30.000, 25.232' 24.495' N 28'46'32. E 48*1 1-2,Y 24 05'41. 81 14W 470.000' 172.531' 171.563' S 26'36'47. E 21'01'5 10'30'58. 82 14W 470.000• 113.645' 113.371' S 011' 1 O'l IX E 13'S19 r OW55'37. 83 14W 470.000' 120.241' 119.913' S 05'0311 OAT W I C39'2 0719'48. 84 14W 470.000' 52.953' 52.925' 5 15'38'34. W OV27*19r 0N13'39. 50 88 15 30.000, 25.232' 24.495' N 47'02'04. W 4511'2 2405'41.5' 86 16 60.000' 77.300' 72.064' N 5W50'5 W 73'4815 3654.2 87 16 60.000' 56.842' 54.740' S 56'06'14. W 5V i 6'49r 2TOB'24. 88 16 60.000' 62.151' 59.409' S 00'42'3 E 5W20'6 2W40'2 89 16 60.000, 56.842' 54.740' S 57'31'32. E 5416'4 27-08'24. 90 16 60.000' 36.289' 35.738' N 7VOD'2 E 34'39'1 f 17*19'3 90 17 30.000, 25.232' 24.495. N 84'47'02. E 48'11.2 24'05.41. 92 18W 590.000' 13.841' 13.8410 S 18'11'54. W 01'20'3 00'40'19. 93 18W 590.000, 93.981' 93.882' S 12'57'4 W 09'07'3 04'33'4 94 18W 590.000, 101.064' 100.940' S D3.29'3 -S-1 -(Y W 09'48'5 04 54'2 95 19 100.000, 40.272' 40.000' 0-7 -'2 W 23'04'2 11'32'1 95 20 150.000' 31.416' 31.359' S 1539'3 W 170010 060010cr OUTLOT 2 20 150.000' 28.991' 28.946' S O407'20 W 11'04*26 OS'32'1 OUTLOT 4 21 150.000' 28.991' 25.946' S 0T57'0 E 11'04'2 0532'13' 96 21 150.000, 31.416' 31.359' S 18'29'1 E 12'0070 OB'00'0 or 96 22 100.000, 40.272' 40.000' S 12'57'0 E 23'04'2 11'32"I 97 18E 530.000' 170.942' 170.202' S oT49'30, W 18'28'4 OW14'23.5 98 18E 530.000' 16.702' 16.701' S 1T58'04 W 0-'JFW2 00'54'1 OUTLOT 3 14E 530.000' 214.739' 213.273' S OT15'4 W 23'12'5 101 14E 530.000' 84.424' 84.336' S 08 54'2 E 09'07'3 11*36*2 102 14E 530.000' 84.424' 84.336' S 18'02'0 E Q9'07'3 04'33' 103 14E 530.000' 84.424' 84.336' S 2709.38 E 09'07'3 04'33'4 104 14E 530.000, 50.003' 49.981' S 34'25'3 E 705.24'20 04'33'4 108 7NE 430.000' 61.359' 61.307' S 41`13'02, E 1 1 D'33' 1 0 0 2' 109 7NE 430.000' 88.739' 88.582' S 51'13'02. E 00741 05'S4'43.5 110 6NE 320.000' 120.000' 119.298' S 46'23'11,5 E 11'49'2 10'44'34.5 III 6NE 320.000, 69.892' 69.753' S 29'23'11. E 21729'O9 06'15'25. 12'30'51 , %%S'111I111111llj// f� �\S,C/ ,oNdo , i +"V- 'KAS , 173� % i( WAItRTOWN WI j rrIItI11 OWNER: PLUM CREEK, INC., 11501 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 771-6080 This Instument prepared by KALVIN K. KLIMECK, P.E. of PIONEER ENGINERING AND SURVEYING 221 Fremont Street, Watertown, WI. 53094 (414)261-1242 under the direction of MICHAEL J. MC GUIRE, R.L.S. of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. /MICHAEL J. ,C OUIRE -- Wis Reg, No, S-2173 i DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1994 REVISED THIS 24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1994 �a PAGE 1 OF 3 PAGES N S L9 E PLUM CREEK ADDITION No. BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NE 1/4 AND SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1 4 AND PAR � / T OF THE NW 1/4 AND SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 5 NOR TH, RANGE 20 EAST CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN APPROXIMATE CENTERUNE OF THE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO THE MUSKEGO CANAL • !, S 3T10.43' E 276.000' There are no objections to this plat with respects to Secs 236 I5. 236 16. 236 20 and 236 21 (1) and (2). Wis Stats , or by the County' Planning Agency'. Certified this eday of . 14� 5 J "Lu-� A Department of Agriculture. Trade &Consumer Protection LOB' I ,. S OWNER: PLUM CREEK INC. 11501 W. North Avenue. Wisconsin 53226 (414) 771-6080 7 � • .� 1s.51 * SF �:'•-. S 3T07'4� E Wauwatosa. This instument prepared b `t�tllllrrrrr,� p to red by KALVIN K. KLIMECK. P.E. of PIONEER ENGINERING AND SURVf=PING LOT 67 'r,,' ,� 105.000' �����A�`,,SGQN'A`i�,'�� 221 Fremont Street, Watertown, WI. 53094 (414)261-1242 under the direction of MICHAEL J. �1 S� MC GUIRE. R.L.S. of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. 17.125 5F s 0 SO 100 2D7 LOT as GRAPHIC SCALE 14.136 SF ��'e� �� ; 1s� i I FL . 4 SCALE: 1 e 100' a't'• �tiy' 1�db 'oa ; i \�•. S 3105600ir E \E\ r150.454 W MICHAEL JAAC WIRE -- 1r is Reg. No. S-2173 LOT 69DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1994 15,805 5f : aLOT i06REVISED THIS 24TH DAY OF9 0 lSb� �' �i t4.300 #'•� � S 5544'09����iSURD►; FEBRUARY, 1994 . w ,� LOT 73 0� ° ,�� 74 034' lrrrn11111A S .T.s13.61 �� 2'sa �15,828 SF ,� y.(yy`, WATER ELEVATWN: o'er' 141 • •289.424• ,�• '`, r44 �� �'• APPROX. 100 YEAR EL 785.89 ' APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE APPROX. LOW WATER EL 783.50 W "��, LOT 70 t! 57. LOT 72 !" 1CA' , 14�2 5F••`• :. S 4540'59• E OF THE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY DATE OF SURVEY: FEBRUARY 24, 1994 �r r FOUND a201 SF �� 14.000 SF ,�1 ,J �, �O x , 101.882' TO THE MUSKEGO CANAL NOTES: -'1'� } 1 1 bq `' ��i *-� ,�qs '� •` `�' b� 4�C!' S 4751'1,C E a: 6• I, _, �j .♦ ti I LOT 74 t'' 450.000' !fig t P�wcg 1) ALL DISTANCES HAVE BEEN MEASURED TO THE NEAREST HUNDREDTH --! ae, ; /� .�, 14.22275E e^ v' '1. 18.s.37 SF LOT 1b4 zy OF A FOOT AND COMPUTED TO THE NEAREST THOUSANDTH OF A FOOT. O h Q�► 47 94''Ly a d 14.216 5TC •' Dot ����CSM NO 2) ALL ANGLES HAVE BEEN MEASURED TO THE NEAREST 3 SECONDS ?j.�' �,t �4 ooc Wiia 3se AND COMPUTED TO THE NEAREST HALF -SECOND. 2 I �Ol It* �! G.3T1• W �' ' s• vow,K yi r,ixs tu �.�__ 17: 'jam .• ! � � ,I+ � 3) AS OWNER 1 HEREBY RESTRICT OUTLOTS 2 AND 4 W THAT NO OWNER. LOT » 1• w S 7•t47 t�`�'' '� d� S 4Z48 13• E r i0`1119 wY �p4�t7 POSSESSOR, USER. NOR LICENSEE, NOR OTHER PERSON SHALL HAVE ANY 1► r roy'd 13� -A LOT 75iOS. 1�' Q 1' 175.1430 RIGHT OF DIRECT VEHICULAR INGRESS OR EGRESS WITH WOODS BOAC. LOT 28 ,�� oa 14.175 4) AS OWNER I HEREBY RESTRICT LOTS 95 AND 96 IN THAT NO OWNER. LOT 103 ~s�, LOT 76 .4 -rd 13.451 SF `•` { POSSESSOR. USER. NOR LICENSEE. NOR OTHER PERSON SHALL HAVE ANY 0 15.901 SF�? • qg" - �• `••' N a9"01'29P E 339.922 S 0 58431' E 1 RIGHT OF DIRECT VEHICULAR INGRESS OR T. 4i �i•••••••�••- ,..�..R,;s�+... 171Jti,3• EGRESS E LINE OF SAID LOTS. � � �o' � b • 'r • �� e^ N �9'Ci�T'7� E r _ ••S .... ......... BOULDIVARO wrrHlN 20 FEET OF THE SOUTH PROPERTY •C � qp � .,� .� �,, TZk •'�•' ' �,�� • • 5) AS OWNER I HEREBY RESTRICT LOTS 57, 65. 67. 73, 74. 81. 84 AND 91 �' �' O10' b •�� ��• ' N 6 7.01 .890' S 82'38''•• IN THAT NO OWNER. POSSESSOR, USER. NO LICENSEE, NOR OTHER PERSON il�w 65• IAA 1 a�' ,� V00E `"ye.--- SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT OF DIRECT VEHICULAR INGRESS OR EGRESS TO PLUM oc I+o. � + tp ' 11 r�� 0Z s ncea.,,,., ! ...... sREcV..24.1 CREEK BOULDEYARD AND WITHIN SO FEET OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY Y Y.„s a N 16.524 SF ti� s LOT 81 15.451 SF _----- --------------•-----------_._ _ f -�w�EQ Z73 6� T LOT 27 $ LOT 77 iy LOT 1 �. ys• w[Mlpq E INTERSECTING STREETS EXTENDED THEREOF. LINES OF v� s!,-r �, � ,1 ti ,� 21.6e2 5F ---------- >wc,FT 5`" + ;0„ 6) AS OWNER I HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING PAD ELEVATION OF THE LOTS LOW -'--_�__- AP ^ 1Q ' - 0.S E' ..... '�_ ........ PROXIMATELY 24' TO ACCOMODATE THE BASEMENT EXCAVATION MATERW.. -y m r'p o�. 14 i �31'� E q�� R SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNER TO •01'�Jr •: � VERIFY THE LOT GRADING RELATIVE TO THE BUILDING PAD 165- r _ SHOWN ON THE MASTER GRADING PLAN. ELEVATION AS '- o�+wo S 12�.372 S -135;A o �' ' •S' it + '---` W OUTLOTS 1. 2. 3 AND 4 ARE OWNED AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE �• �„ LOT 8q 1� v' � %' LOT 101 'o N PLUM CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND THAT EACH INDMDUAL LOT OWNER 3 59.535 • 15.936 SF p1 +°s rr�II1 ne0°a,w SHALL HAVE AN UNDMDABLE FRACTIONAL. OWNERSHIP OF THE OUTLOTS AND 't it 15,451 SF LOT 8 � -b a.THA� � _ _ _ � • FOR WAUKESHA ANY FEES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTSAND THE CITY FMUSKEGO SHALL IN EVENT WAUKESHA BE LIABLE In 0 LOT r} ^ 17.9587 SF h d tee, o ,;� 14.863 _ ►J ! ' E th �? N OR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SHOULD BECOME OWNER OF ANY I COUNTY p a n' n LOT 79 N �85.000' h c�i SUBDIVISION BY REASON OF DELIQUENCY. THE HOMEOWNERS ,� 14.680 SF i' !? t^ 4 ti S 87' P Ir W : A.,,� 11rt 100 00 TW no00.uw � to ASSOCIATION SHALL MAINTAIN SAID OUTLOTS IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION ___ __ _ z 118.492• CV175.211' FLOo° LM N SO AS TO MAINTAIN ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. CONSTRUCTION OF ANY BUILDING. �' 1- r FOUND i83.525' 195.Op5. I toCV LOT $3 GRADING. OR FILLING IN SAID OUTLOTS IS PROHIBITED UNLESS APPROVED BY m N 8607•01',j 311.497' 72' r 16.450 SF n�i THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION GRANTS TO THE CITY, . THE RIGHT (BUT NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY) To ENTER UPON THESE OUTLOTS IN r J�► n S 8835 07' IN ORDER TO INSPECT. REPAIR OR RESTORE SAID OUTLOTS TO THEIR INTENDED LOT 14 °o LOT 87 hN el�C OUTLOT 3 2O9.IOO' PURPOSE. EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR SAID INSPECTION. REPAIR �- r FOUFb,- 19 9$4 SF LOT 8B 47- .Ss��' N �. PRIVATE PARK OR RESTORATION OF SAID OUTLOTS MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE TAX ROLL b 15.387 FOR SAID ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY. ,,, �•° W a 698.189 SF 8 OUTLOT 5 IS OWNED AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER. . -` B�'O?,�a ry r 41137 •4� JO0.�9• n 650,029 SF {AA} 9� ALTHOUGH ALL LOTS IN THE SUBDIVISION HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND �s� rr�A,ly� �' �j 1., m •r APPROVED FOR THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE IN y6', y LOT 85 ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 236 WISCONSIN STATUTES LOTS_ _�?% '� 14.303 SFFh'V LOT CONTAIN SOIL CONDITIONS WHICH MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL SOIL ENGINEERING 3 , + I X ao, AND FOUNDATION DESIGN WITH REGARD TO BASEMENT CO15,436 SF NSTRUCTION. R IS LOT 88 8? ^ 3 ^ RECOMMENDED THAT EITHER A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR OTHER 1 8?, ry '�' �1r 16 308 SF o+ o : • o SAILS EXPERT DESIGN A BASEMENT AND FOUNDATION WHICH IS SUITABLE TO PLUM CREED LOT 13 � N NN .y M ,? �►� WITHSTAND THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH SATURATED SOIL T CONDITIONS ON BASEMENT WALLS AND FLOORS OR THAT SPECIAL MEASURES 2QLWL_L 42WL 17 0,f BE TAKEN. SOIL CONDITIONS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO EACH OWNERS JMUARY. N SPECIAL INVESTIGATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NO SPECIFIC i-`- $S q,9 6,25g iv S, 1 �7, • . S �� 0 REPRESENTATION IS MADE HEREIN. �._,, 5 ;1 t3 3 'n I 000. 4B+ ? 7• 10) ALTHOUGH THE CITY OF MUSKEGO IS OWNER OF THE 20' BIKE PATH RIGHT- 1. IP FOUND S ,� o ^ N 1 �'� ,2D 1S5 ��0 rS0 °a0• E - +PLATTED uwos OF -WAY. SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS LOT 89 r ASSOCIATION. THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL MAINTAIN SAID RIGHT- LOT 12 0 19.597 SF O " p� "z N LOT 9t� iy �'ar t LOT 100 r Asm r E ioc OF -WAY IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION SO AS TO MAINTAIN ITS INTENDED ,tO� o not 14.876 ,SF �� $ 15,000 SF _ PURPOSE. EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR INSPECTION. REPAIR OR - RESTORAMON OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE TAX ROLL ~ 18.483' 14 400sSF o$ .3 S71. 100 YEAR IFIMORUw °a FOR SAID ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY. -------'----`-`-- "16 �'oli�"� - � ��M1 FIfi '--''-,-- � _ � � 07, h � 11) THE 75' DRAINAGE Er4SEMENT PLACED UPON OUTLOT 3 AND LOTS 101 _____ -- ----- 84 04.08+ yy a - o' 000 - o rsO £ ti m THROUGH AND INCLUDING LOT 113 IS GIVEN TO THE HOMEOWNERS r IP-FOUND : S g8'17'14' W ^' ^ �0' °' ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR PURPOSES OF DRAINAGE. SAID 84.687'I N �l• --* $ n ' 175.253' N f °�'+� 3 $' LOT 99 �W EASEMENTS CONTAINED WITHIN THIS NOTE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN AN 4 ?o,qW y 15,000 SF S r UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION SO AS TO MAINTAIN ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. EXPENSES i I LOT 92 o N La INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR INSPECTION. REPAIR OR RESTORATION OF SAID I 16,756 SF hrV J� S171. o' b EASEMENTS MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE TAX ROLL FOR SAID ASSOCIATION N ,J V.r AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY. �?'?8. I3 g4 so• q S0, F 12) AS OF THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT, LOTS 62, 63, 84. 97 THROUGH AND PA1e�tEL B r s ?s' W t' y �y m INCLUDING LOT 113 AND OUTLOTS 3 AND 5 RELATIVE TO FLOODPLAIN .r+4zT�+1Z . + 817• eoLOT 98 ALTERATIONS ARE UNDER REVIEW OF FEMA AND ANY FILLS PLACED FOR FLOOD- Qoc ►ea,»9�44 14,493 SF rr�j 100 YW FLOOOKARI by PLAIN ALTERATIONS HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED v_OLUuE 7`PAcES i1_42 LP T 93 • 1S �0?' °6 I� BB'35'07" E 839.299' MASTER GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND HEC it BACKWATER STUDY AS avNE z 1992 Co - tN D BY THE CITY OF ON CONTROL AND THE DEPARTMENT AC NATURAL _--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- `- 15 92 SF aoe i8 �ii' �..---r'=- --- APPROVE RAL RESOURCES. - ---------------------------- N - ------------------ `______-`------------ -._____---------------------`------------------ I 87{�s'Q1• S 28.793 '' 586.207' 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT � FLOODPLAIN PRESERVATION RESTRICTION i _ __,F w_� o 11 s6�' F'-- S 88'35'07' W 615.000' N 253. '07' E THOSE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN ON PAGES ' 1 AND 2 OF 3 ON THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT ARE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING 3 1♦ 517• �; b m r;r '- RESTRICTIONS: 5 I 01 m o LOT 97 o 1 GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BE PROHOMD UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED gg Im to LOT ,94 m 17.673 SF o BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND. IF APPLICABLE, THE WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK AND 5 :d +� 14.62� SF Q c PLANNING COMMISSION, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES AND n C4 :' As FL DM IN C YTAII F100°P1AIN 0404 TO THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. , o N i0o YM n000PLAA 2 THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. C S 88' 5'07' W W W N 88'35'OT E 1°01FJ�+ �0°°►+ 3� THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, I.E., TREES, SHRUBS, 13 .497' io kn . 140.723' u---TIED LANDS GRASSES. ETC•, SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF Z W '__�____ DEAD. DISEASED OR DYING VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANDOWNER, OR LOT'95 61 C4 IN '� LOT 96 in 0.665 5 SILVERCULTURAL THINNING UPON THE RECOMMENDATION OF A FORESTER OR NATUR- o r r` uNP1ATt-O owns 70,665 5F ow 14,35 SF w w 14,435 SF IR N ALIST AND THE APPROVAL OF THE WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT. obi ; 40.272, NW Ln 40.Z721 vNi ;f 4} GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, I.E. HORSES. COWS, ETC.. SHALL BE PROHIBITED, 19 42 N N 5) THE INTRODUCTION OF PUNT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING N �20'=�. 31.4t - 6' E RONM£NT OF THE PRESERVATION AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. I2a.334 w 6' ^ .. 31,A1 7r�445• o 0 8) PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 1�2� $ N°unoT 4 N AND, IF APPLICABLE. THE WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION, THE 4,741 2a99 20 " 21 S ge.ttl'`�° d+s 5F Z WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. 3 T2o.t79•' j ¢a12 ti 7) CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. 30'X3i� VISIONCOREASEMENT 100 58' 30100' VISION 17 _ x more TI,t ,� $B'.�O'OV CORNER EASEMENT N-'-----------------------------`•------------------ ------ ------------ ------ GRIN 341.5 5 ------ S '07' W $ f �°° 250.835 zeiq.3eo�-----__.�_------ g� 64.990'R CORDEDeAS-34,'fMORE OR ) rTa.T2s------- ...�.-- -----» a»aao�.__-. _-_-------- -- -- ----- GD&-ROA�}'---`- �saO.z2si - SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER I^ ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY VARIES BETWEEN 93.924' TOD2 ' AN D AREA SOUTH UN£ OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER `�__ �---'--�------�---�-- --"--"'_--�`---� MONUMENT FOUND EAST. --- MONUMENT FOUND SECTION 17, TOWN S NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST - _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ �- - _ _� - •-- - - �-• - - •-� - - - - - - 664T16N F74-TOWN 8-NBRTHr-WV10E-f0 � � - . _ _ - . �-- N N -- N atria a. E 2684,37' SOUTH QUARTER (1/4) CORNER N e935'a7' E 27a3.25' SECTION 17'. TOWN 9 NORTH. RANGE 20 EAST UNPLATTED LANDS CONCRETE MONUMENT W/ BRASS CAP UNPLATTED LANDS __ '"_ 320.070-51 N - 2.493.272.49 E F e 4 ' PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES PLUM CREEK ADDITION NO, 1 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NE NW 1/4 AND SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 CITY OF MUSKEGO, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I. Michael J. McGuire. a registered land surveyor, being duly sworn on oath, hereby depose and say that I have surveyed. divided, and mapped PLUM CREEK ADDITION NO. 1. being a subdivision of part of the Northeast Quarter 1/41 ANE and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) and part of the Northwest Quarter 1/4) and the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 17. Township 5 North. Range 20 East in the City of Muskego. Waukesha County. Wisconsin. bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the South Quarter (1/4) comer of said Section 17. thence South 87'07'25' West along the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 17, 64.990 feet; thence North 00'57'49' West 69.174 feet to the north line of Woods Road as recorded as document no. 1165922 in reel 465, image 779, Waukesha County Registry, on August 28. 1981 and to the place of beginning of the lands herein to be described: thence continuing North OO'57'49" West 449.682 feet; thence South 88'17'14" West 175.253 feet to the northeast comer of Parcel B of Certified Survey Map No. 1040 as recorded as document no. 739744 in volume 7. pages 41 and 42 of CSM's, Waukesha County Registry on June 2, 1992 and to the southeast couer of platted PLUM CREEK. being a subdivision in part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) and the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 17 as recorded as document no. 1802084 in volume 46. pages 256 and 257 on January 11. 1993; thence North 01.35'49" West along the east line of said subdivision 677.956 feet; thence North 63'27' 11" West along the east line of said subdivision 201.551 feet; thence North 02*15*47' East along the east line of said subdivision 59.509 feet; thence North 13*51'54" East along the east line of said subdivision 99.433 feet; thence North OW24'52" West along the east line of said subdivision 162.630 feet; thence North 8610'05" West along the east line of said subdivision 61.736 feet; thence North 23'07'46" West along the east line of said subdivision 182.491 feet to the north line of said subdivision and the north right-of-wcy line of Bendingbrae Drive; thence South 66.52'1,C West along the north line of said subdivision and the said north right-of-way line 217.280 feet to the beginning of a curve of radius 330.000 feet, center of which lies to the south; thence southwesterly along the north line of said subdivision and said north right-of-way line and along the arc of said curve 37.542 feet. the chord of said arc bearing South 63'36'41.5 West 37.522 feet; thence South 88'18'0r West along the north line of said subdivision 21.307 feet; thence North 01'05'08" West 328.049 feet; thence South 8757'38" West 135.538 feet; thence North 01'04'07' West 199.316 feet to the meander line of an unnamed tributary to the Muskego Canal; thence North 89.41'53" East along said meaner line 586.497 feet; thence South 8704'02" East along said meander line 151.792 feet; thence South 11'39'44" East along said meander line 126.309 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 113; thence South 04'41'W East along the east line of Lot. 113 and said meander line 94.868 feet; to the northeast corner of Lot 112; thence South 1901'52" West along the east line of Lot 112 and said meander line 44.313 feet, thence South 40'48'34" East along the east line of Lot 112 and 111 and the said meander line 154.888 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 110; thence South 44'30'41" East along the east line of Lot 110 and said meander line 60.054 feet to the northe-,st corner of Lot 109; thence South 40'47'10r East along the east line of Lot 109 and said meander line 120.862 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 108. thence South 3W 17'5,C East along the east line of Lot 108 and said meander line 125.582 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 107; thence South 37'07'46" East along the east line of Lot 107 and said meander line 105.000 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 106; thence South 31'56'06' East along the east line of Lots 106 and 105 and said meander line 150.454 feet; thence South 55'44'09" East along the east line of Lot 105 and said meander line 74.034 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 104; thence South 46'40'59" East along the east line of Lot 104 and said meander line 101.882 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 103; thence South 42'48'13" East along said meander line 175.143 feet; thence North 89.01'29" East along said meander line 229.890 feet; thence South 8739'22" East along said meander line 355.415 feet; thence South 77241917 18" East along said meander line 277.605 feet; thence South 0(r58'31" East 152.216 feet; thence South 88'35'070 West 209.100 feet; thence South 00'58'31" East 798.501 feet to the north right-of-way line of Woods Road as recorded as document no. 1165921 in reel 465. image 778. Waukesha County Registry on August 28. 1981; thence South 88'35'O7" West along the said north right-of-way line 250.942 feet; thence North 01'24'5S' West 280.401 feet; thence South 88'35'07" West 615.000 feet; thence South 01'24'53" East 262.960 feet to the north right-of-way line of Woods Road as recorded in said document no. 1165922; thence North 89'30'00" West along the said north right-of-way line 341.525 feet (recorded as 345 more or less) to the place of beginning. Containing 1,969,449 square feet or 45.21233 Acres of land as measured to the meander line. Containing 2.033.894 square feet or 46.69179 Acres of land more or less as measured to the approximate centerline of the unnamed tributary to the Muskego Canal. I further certify that I have made such survey. land division and plat by the direction of the owner of said land; that such plat is a correct representation of the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and subdivision thereof made; and that I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing. mapping and dedicating the some. X,i�'� SIC r0IV 7"." ••.........S/ 4L" E%You�,l / WI rnu. tits STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) OV MICHAEL .!. C GUIRE - Wis Reg No. S - 2173 DATED THIS 19TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1994 REVISED THIS 24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1994 The above certificate suscribed and sworn to me this 24th day of February, My commission expires February 26, 1995 CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO 1994 NOTARY UBLIC - GEORGIANN K. GROVES "Resolved that a plat known as PLUM CREEK ADDITION NO. 1, a subdivision in the City of Muskego, which has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on the �.� day of IAA►+ , 1994, which action becomes effective upon receipt of the approval of all other reviewing agencies and all conditions of the City of Muskego's approval were sat' fed as of the -Lq-- day of hJAACH- - 1994. Dated U'-!Y -- . 1994 DAVID DE ANGELIS - MAYOR J K. MARENDA - CITY CLERK 1/4 AND SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 AND PART OF THE OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN >1tiM� tM. !tM Mnr►n FM �tCill9 >I�1.L._w�3 sr 1c,zRp°Are 83,u CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) There are no objections to this plat with respects to Secs 236.1 S, 236 16. 236 20 and 236.21 (1) and (2). Wis. Slats.. or by the County Planning Agency Certified this -3 day of * `1V�- • 19 ` eparlment of Agriculture. Trade & Consumer Protection 1. , being the duly appointed qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify thpt in accordance with the records in my office. there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of this -! •F date of R 1994. on any of the land included in the plot of PLUM CREEK DITION NO. 1. Dated 3 /1 I 1994 &411r-1 � CITY TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) 1, PATRICIA G. KARCHER. being duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in m office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of jhirtsr, - k""; dete-of? t*W+. on any of the lands included in the plat of PLUM CREEK ADDITION NO. 1. Dated 1994 PATRICIA G. KARCHER - COUNTY TREASURER CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE PLUM CREEK. INC.. a Wisconsin Corporation, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin. as Owner, does hereby certify that said corporation caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this map. I also certify that this plat is required by s.236.10 or s.236.12 of the Wisconsin State Statutes to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission and the City of Muskego. In witness whereof, the said PLUM CREEK. INC., has caused these presents to be signed by 80eM A. PATCH. President and Vice President, and its corporate seal affixed this _!I-- day of -PIA 199 PLUM ROBERT A. tPATbo( - VICE STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA} Personally came before me this 9r day of j =r' 1994. the above named ROBERT A. PATCH. to me known to be the President and Vice President of PLUM CREEK, INC.. and the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the some. My commission expiresZ NOTARY PUBUC-D/i4ME [ , (,tJo PT /Vy CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE NORTH SHORE BANK, FSB, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing. mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the above certificate of ROBERT A. PATCH, President and Vice President. owners. .+w In witness thereof. the NORTH SHORE BANK, I J8, has caused then presents to be signed by � c its - and countersigned by.!$e?EtrfE�sr.+/�.�It-.k, its _ICE^�k�s�o��,vr and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this ,,Dw day of--���---�-- , 1994. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS COUNTY OFW+JX� mg ) NoR S.Sb.� FS d. N d e+fE iCoa�.er F. e4lsrMAN Personally came before me this 9'-"' _ day of . 1994. the above famed � *N V .Q•ecove*s� and 00o�9itr F. A,srMA 4►.�A2. to me known to be theyky'-• ftLe~-and �G6 • 10 r of NORTH SHORE BANK, FSB, and the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the some. My commission expires _ R�° a •�� 99� �_ NOTARY PUBLIC - 44a;,o �/ q �.y.E� OWNER: PLUM CREEK, INC,, 11501 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 771 -6080, This instrument prepared by KALVIN K. KLIMECK. P.E. of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, 221 Fremont Street, Watertown, Wisconsin, 53094 (414)261-1242 under the direction of MICHAEL J. MC GUIRE of PIONEER ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING. a PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGES