PARKLAND NO 3 - SUBDIVISION PLATNORTH LINE OF 1/4SEC. 1 88 1.00' Nr 8$- 25'02 E. V. t= 14 s c , r BR a 0 T5 N. R20E z r u O a �¢ Zr � J C � J Q J Ll 1-.. �n V I C I LAITY MAP' I"- 2000' [w SHEET' I OF 2 PARKLAND NO, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE N.W. 1/4 OF SEC. 10, T.5 N.,R.20E.,IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO,WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SCALE 1 100' 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 I3AOGE;R SURVEYING GO.INC. NOTE: • DENOTES 2"X30" IKON PIPE WEIGHT 3.65 LBS. PER LINEAL. FOOT ALL OTHER LOT CORNERS ARE I"x24" IRON PI PE WEIGHT 1.13LBS PER LINEALFOOT ALL DISTANCES ALONG CURVES ARE ARC LENGTHS ALL LINEAR MEASUREMENTS ARE TO NEAREST HUNDREDTH OF A FOOT ALL ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS ARE TO NEAREST M INUTE ANDCOMPUTED TO NEAREST HALF SECOND A a c*Z O1 r-i N m m m 0 O N oD CO CO CO CO \O \D r-i aD tr\ tN r1 \0 O\ UN O L� cn M O m t`- M N r-40 rn ON M O a1 N 0 t-- .� co -.1, 03 , � O> O to 0 E� r- t-- t`- t- N ri -:J- N CD ao m �,o r-i C7 \ O co u1 1-4 � a0 Cn O rn O\ C5\ D \O r-4 M r--I � tom•- 01\ t - r - t-- a] tC\ V% ro rn M m cn n3 cQ to u\ N � 0 � O � O1 0\ is cv co CD � Co h h h N r- � t`-.:z- (R N t- C--- tom- N r-i uti €n Is\ tr\ tN MOD to to CT Cat r-i M3 10 Co N O tr\ C7 r-qN m r4 ri N O W in tN tr\in W irtiNLr\ oq i7 irtict Pq rr'\irl�in W u u F� Fri W W cn Lf,, VN UN V\ �1: i \ u3 �3: s� I.N CO CO "D ruin \D M ON CV MO cc3 ..:J' C0 r+^•m CD CO 0 Cv^ L` ti co M tI-- M C3\ m 0\ \D rd cn CA rn 1,0 � L71 iI- co rn W o O .! 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W m O rn r-I M N O tN tN \D m +� r i N r I r^ 1 N O Oh m Op m N N N co C)\ r1 O 0 O O O \0 ON T O\ h- t`- N h O m -�' N t' 0 O 0 u\ -�• r-4 0 O � � O r-I � tN m.=- ir\ m m M r-i m u\ rn f+CA n') .m M r I m � IrN u, Lr% Lr\ r-i tN `4 to rf (y) m N i� I. O1 0 m m CV N � N N m m 01 rl e- I n Co m Ire O � C7) �Fj H (� tN r- 1 CT M C1\ :� r-i : r-I r 4 0 N � C7 O O O p LN N Cat q t` �- N ,� � !� � oo � e0 N Z m r 1 CD �D rn \0 m,,o r- I OD d C3 m O E� Irl r 1 r-4 N trt r-I N m m m r I', r r-! [Yl r C� O O C) C3 N r-I rn N m rn 0 ---t m O to ul rn rA O co '�� ' C1] o' o - Q Q a' o= o o' o' o a' o o c �, o 0 0 0. o • Q Q o 0 0 o e o o. e, a o. Q o a �. . N N � .4 r-# aD cn c'i M m O c - 4 c7 �T3 In r-4 r-1 • _ r-# M u� r-1 r-I r-•1 r-♦ , C1i m u\ m UN €r\ rt -- h .:- O - t� 0 O r-I � r-I r- ri N N C\I N N N r q rn r—I r 1 r-i r-i E4 a H A W a CO 0 cQ 0 rn E-in in .� in m i t O a0 'h N- \,0 N Lr, , trn ip Ch tl - o 0' 0 O 0 N ON r - ON ire Lr\ 00 in Lr\ co O a0 ON :: � W 00 r- i p uti M N b O.. m N Ca N N tN C? m O O Q m r-I O 0 0 0 0 m r q m ur\ tat Ir\ -:t N tr\ N .--t m o O « O to h r-i O Co CO cy) < 1CD C7 (+') 0\ h MCA m rn m O :-i i-•i i-f � r-i O %f� Cat .-I fN Lit ut o 0 UN in m\1- m r-4 -4 O r-I -:I-m m tr\..# m rn.� r•i N r-1 O N N N O N� O O O O b uN N r-1 -.-J- r-i r-I O rn r-i r-i tr\ Ir\ �j rrl O do: o' o. a. o e, o o! o: o• p o: o e o o: o, o: o• e• e° o eeo• o; e e o e o' o? o: rs' o= o o' o. 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Piepenburg; Registered Land Surveyor, hereby certify that I hire surveyed, divided and ma pped the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the northwest Parkland No. 3,1bbeing a subdivision of the northerly extension of the east line of Parkland No. 1 a part of the North West l�l line Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, n s recorded subdivision; thence S.0° 54, 17"E. along the east line of said Parkland No.eIN and -its 2s 02 E. along the north Line feet said a s Section corner feet to a plant in said point being the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing S.0° 5�+' 17"E. an a lane 953.56 feet to a, point; thence We on northerly extension 501.42 feet to a southeast corner of said P Point; thence 5.80° 15 W. on a line 263.00 feet to a „ West n a line 96.14 feet to a point; thence S.6 ° 051 11 afeet t No. 1, Point; thence S.3° 18' 55"W. on a line 153.00 feet to a point; thence N.85' 02 05 W. on a line 125.08 feet to a point in the curved easterlySlip on a line 285.00 feet to a northerly along the easterly line of said Parkland Drive on a curved Line (whose center lies to the northeast, having a radius of 209.00 feet with of tangency; thence east ly l along the easterly line of said Parkland Drive e cent feet to a Dint of curve, � a chord of 188.37 feet, bearingN. ° � ' 04==W, to ce Parkland Drive; thence a radius ay; thence with a chord of 9.19 as feet, bearing said �l' 28"E. P thence northerly along the easterly line of said Parkland. Drive on7 7 } a distance of s to t feet to a point to the north, having a radius of fiord o feet, with a chord of 1 ) a distance 9.19 feet to a corner of said Parkland No. 1; thence easterl a curved line (whose center lies to the northwest, having 1 .00 feet to 59.53 feet, bearing 5.89 10 y along a southerly line of said Parkland No. 1 on a curved 1' 33 a corner of said Parkland No. 1• thence N.l 37.5 E.).a distance of 160.00 feet to a corner of said Parkland No. ° ' one (whose center lies 5° 22' 38"E. along the easterly line of said Parkland No. 1 o. thence N.0 09 31 E. along 332.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parkland No. 3 lies in the north west 1/4, north east 1/4, south east 1/4 and south gwest t1/4 Ofcsaidr1/Of said4 Sect oarkland No. 1; thence N.870 20' 0 ong"a southeterly line line said Parkland No. o. That I have made such survey, land -division and plat by the direction of Muskego Parkland Shopping3 E. along"a southerly line of said Parkland No. 1 Center, Inc., owner of said land. � Section; n; , That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the Land surveyed and the subdivision thereof made. r1+��i;`I`g+"r8���,i GN [� That I have fully complied with the Provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muskego in i g surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated this 11 th day of January, 1972 ✓v Revised this 15th day of February,1972• s CL.ARENCE H.'; : PIEPENBURG L P S 139 Z • MILWAUKEE, �, d r WIS. s' ®e � . ev CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION +�iHsf Muskego Parkland Shopping Center, Inc•, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wiscon i objection: ec surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. Muskego Parkland Shopping Center Inc. s n, as owner, does hereby certify that said corporation caused the land described v objection: City of Muskego, Director of Local and Regional Planning, PP g , does further certify that thisPlatis required by 5.236.1Q or s.236.12 to be submitted to the following for n this plat IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Muskego Parkland Shopping Center Tnc�Partment of Local Affairs and Development, Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission, g approval or corporate seal to be hereunto affixed on this 2/$rpP g ' has caused these presents to be signed by Sam N. Lawent, its president, and countersi In thepresence of: day of January, 1972• geed by Nicholas S. Raich, its secretary, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its (26 2, / / ' V - witness MUSKEGO PARKLAND SHOPPING CENTER os .,Fes E. 0 te#Lq, INC. Sam aw t, Ares ent �k%'!`/>'{C witness William E. Paschke, Jr. STATE OF WISCONSIN) Nichc as S. aich, secretary MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) ss Personally came before me this 2`Srday of January, 1972, Sam N. Lawent creta . ry of known to be such president and secretary of said corporation, and acknowledged ethat ntheynexecutedathe 'foregoing einstr instrument asesuch vOfficers caspthe tdeed Of said known to ti the Persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me —k,4 0.7 f said corporation, by its authority. Notary Public, Wisconsin. N. Clarence H. Piepenburg, Registeled Land aeyor S-139 My commission expires 1973 CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE NATIONAL SAVINGS &LOAN ASSOCIATION a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State. Wisc. mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and does hereby consent to the above certificate of Muskego Parkland Shopping Center, owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said National Savings &.Loan Association has caused these mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, presents to be signed Inc.,, e Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed on this fir{ geed by Loui,sR�'ons-, ...its President and countersigned by :Paul�}F'an�, its Secx•e'ta•r In the presence of : day of January, 1972• y at Milwaukee, Linda C. Sanchez STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY ,) so Personally case before me this Al cb,y of instrument, and to„known to be such President. Witness NATIONAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION _. signed is•RFOns,JRPresi nt Witness countersigned oils, Secretary above named. LouisRYons, Presiden'L, and PauI Fous, Secretary of the above named corporation, to me known to be the Of said corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of saidecorporati executed the foregoing �.eonord ,. corporation, on, by its authority. Notary Public, Wisconsin. My rnnrni i nn __� -t p -7 X_— CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER��;'��` �.iS��` STATE OF WISCONSIN) 11+gi WAT SHA COUNTY ) ss I' ��117W /,�. 9AvcpkeS' , being the duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereb - %ssessments as of on any of the land included in the plat of Parkland No. 3. y certify that in accordance with the retards in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special City Treasurer ,'ERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER )TATE OF WISCONSIN) TAUKESHA COUNTY �) sss , being the duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of assessments as of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the retards in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or 1TQa�r _affecting the lands included in the plat of Parkland No, 3, date • special ;RTIFIC OF CITY L I, 72, and tha within, to : County Treasurer v , being the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that copies of this plat were forwarded as re uired b 20-day .limit set by s.236.12(3) (no objections to the plat have been fil.ed)(all objections to the plat have been met).q y s•236.12(2) on the � day of January, City Clerk MMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION Resolved, that the Plat of Parkland No. 3, in the City of Muskego, Muskego Parkland Shopping Center, Inc., owner; is hereb a rov � 7-17 y PP ed by the Common Council. to : Mayor, City of Muskego hereby eertiy that the fo/ going is a copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. City Clerk IThis instrument -was drafted by Clarence H. Piepenburg rn e rM CD W ® m . va g� gy„ m :9 C012 C= �+ , PARKLAND N o. 3