PARK ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLATo � n h CU W 1 N O e � o --------------- 0 :n ----------------- :tn ti :k 00 ~ O y v 1 33,949 S-F- N 87025'13" E 290.53 2 41.043 SF N 87031'42" E 338.19 3 35,500 S.F- N 87.3417" E NR CORNER NE 1/4 SEC 18-5-20 6"X6" CONC. MONUMENT N 333, 908.40 E 9490,489.62 KIMBERL Y ........................... `. E S T A T'SS .............. '. OUTLOT 1 ................. '•, 7 � 8 , IV 87025'13" E , 780.95 0 7161 1 488.93 w NN ¢ 0 Q 2J �, od 59,527 S.F. N , 3 N 87°25'13" E 26.06 AGE EASEMENT C/L SO'DRAINAGE (ONLY ACCESS DRIVES ALLOWED 1N 1 41 EASEMENT -ALL OTHER STRUCTURES 1 ARE NOT ALLOWED) 28 52, 645 SF 6 N 87'31 '42" E :1 ` = 379.64 27 35761 S.F. ISlS, N 870347 7" E 350.97 +. EXISTING DUELLING 4 26 44,572 S.F. o I L39,418 SF. N 8703477" E 'n l i N 87.3417" E 394.04 .. C A 'Na 325.05 n GARAGE 0 g�3A39 /I60 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PA J?K ESTA TES BEING A PART OF THE SE 114 OF THE NE 114 AND A PART OF THE NE 114 OF THE SE 114 OF SECTION 18, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CI Y OF HUSKEG0, WA UKESHA COUNT Y, WISCONSIN. ALSO CONSISTING OF: LOTS 2 & 3, C. S. M. NO. 687, YOL . 4, PG. 240-Z41 LOTS 2 & 3, C. S.M. N0. 688, LOTS 2 & 3, C. S.M. NO. 689, VOL . VOL. 4, 4, PG. 242-243 PG. 244--245 PARCEL I, C. S.M. No. 8314� PARCEL 1, C. S.M. No . 8 31 S VOL. VOL. 7Z 7Z PG. j/y-3a3 PG. 3Z4- 3Z8 PARCEL 1, C. S.M. a#.83It, PARCEL 1, C. S.M. No. 8 31 ? VOL. VOL. 7Z 77- PG.3Z9-333 FG. 3'f ¢ - 338 PARCEL 1, C. S. M. Ne . 031 YOL . 72- PG. 534) -34t- -----_�-------- 0 5 :y O 40,256 SF. : 31,644 S.F. c to N 8703477" E 410.39 N 87.34'17" E M11 Z,; C -------r-------- -- n 100.03 310.36 908.96 - - =b ------ i4 S 87-34'17" W6 24 : e~ 31,056 SF. 29.797 S F. � W 4 O N 87°3417" E N 87°34'17"' E �j o 320.91 298.47 23 w w ti 31,889 S.F. 29,024 S.F. ` N 8703243" E = N 87°32'43" E ZU a ----------------------------- 326.08 29320 k : h Ike 32,060 SF. = 28,751 S.F O .� : S 87'32'43" Il N 87.32'43" E ------P----------------------- :.� 325.87 f 299_l3 1 [y = V � 31,779 SF. 28,998 S.F. --------' '------------------- N 87.3243" E 320.56 try O 4 y N 8r3243" E a� o ti PARCEL 2 65 02 255.54 'r ,riff t° 288.07 ro o C.SH No ' S B7°32'43" W �? v $ olo�'� o° ti o 20 •. .......... ___--------......---------------------- - c 0 o °,� o ~ a 34,874 SF. 0 30,330 SF. IV 3055 S.F. c N 87.32'43" E o N 87.32'43" E CNi : 0 305 33 n 247.91 f 905-77 0 i boa 0 c N 87'3243" E m Ica 19 29557 SF. 0 35,141 SF. o N B7.9243" B N 87.32 43" E y) W 305.59 (n ,Z47.77 s0' DRAINAGEi a ti STORM SJrW R EAS=Mr �: �. 12 &A � ..: 18 I ctAn-A 38,046 SF SE CORNER NB 0 1 .70,140 SF. o N:�ti !w 0 1/4 SEC 16-5-20 N 870 32. 43„ E ti 6 je" CONC x/L of sr 1/4 sic 1e-s-aa 195.10 NONUMENT N 87'32'43" E N 87°92'43" Lr' $►� ���17 - 257.68 295.14 a �5 ti 13 O � '" O � 2'l;i40 SF. � : �* 17 o rr a, 37860 RE ° C!,x r. m �► 82.48'S9 9 81.09'0410 B 0.28 o 14 °= 90' PLANTING ►3 tD C315� r ° 28F. ,208 S25.00 cn imuP �� m 16 a N =. Vs R o '• ty � � y � � N 7827 �,, � r : N ;4, 35,742 SF. CC1111 1< .10, PLANTING 15 �o m M ~ N 58 f---'""- a m STBIP .14372 SF. s4.�'97� 58 f 150' VISIONNT to N' 21.70 10 tit;5 9 1 OO NRR EASNWR t 0 _ r 263.28 �28�� I OO'z COR © 15O' VISION41 V 4 Nr 78� _- - " - 1 8 R NAggy[S � o _ _ � w 124.7 �°� C� �. - - -�-+- I UNPLAI,TD r GRAPHIC SCALE 0 100' 200, 300, SCALE:1 "-100' There are no objections to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15. 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21 (I) and (2), Wis. Slats.. or by the County Planning Agency. Certified Z . 19� Department of Commerce 1 NE 1/4 SEC I8-5-20 1 I 1 I [ � 1 r 1 I SE 1/4 1 SEC B-S-20 L-_ VICINITY SKETCH SCALEy =ZOOD' NOTE.• 1 0 - DENOTES 2"X30" IRON PIPE, 3.65 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT. 2) 1 "X24" IRON PIPE, 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT AT ALL OTHER LOT CORNERS. 3) ALL DISTANCES TO THE NEAREST 0.01. 4) ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERRED TO GRID NORTH OF THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM, SOG'TH ZONE. (N.A.D. 1927) (THE EAST LINE OF THE NE 114 BEARS N 00°58'44" W) 5) ALL AREAS ARE TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT 6) EACH LOT OWNER SHALL HA VE AN EQUAL, UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN 0UTL0T 1, OPEN SPACE AND COMMON AREAS EASEMENT COURSES COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 1 S 00.35, 39" W 40 - 94 2 S 03'43' 41" W 35.00 3 S 27'22'46" E 120.25 4 N 89.24' 49" E 33.87 5 S 34.59' 01" E 43.08 6 S 13.19' 44" E 82.27 7 S 05001'56" W 111.14 8 S 02°27' 28" E 1 65.86 9 IS 08'21' 07" E 81.06 10 IS 40'20'12" E 24.60 11 N R7°34'17" E 273.9b WAUKESHA COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY FEES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN THE EVENT THAT WAUKESHA COUNTY OR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO BECOMES THE OWNER OF ANY LOTS 1N THIS SUBDIVISION C0 BY REASON OF TAX DELINQUENCY. 7) NO STRUCTURE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE PERMITTED S 9 1) WITHIN A VISION CORNER WHICH EXCEEDS A HEIGHT OF TWO (2) FEET ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE CHRLSTOPHER J. INTERSECTION, EXCEPT FOR NECESSARY HIGHWAY ��ffi' AND TRAFFIC SIGNS, PUBLIC UTILITY LINE AND OPEN ?IrAUKEnji, FENCES THROUGH WHICH THERE IS CLEAR VISION, NOR SHALL ANY PLANT MATERIAL BE PERMITTED WHICH OBSCURES SAFE VISION OF THE APPROACHES TO THE INTERSECTION. 8) THERE SHALL BE NO VEHICULAR ACCESS TO JANESVILLE Relvis FAD T IS i rd oPA �l �a ROAD (C.T.H. "L'j FROM LOTS 15, 16 AND OUTLOT 1. ` /4 &0 of % 1997 REVISED THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1997 BASEMENT GROUNDWATER RESTRICTION Although all lots in the subdivision bav6 been reviewed and approved for development with single family residential use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes, some lots may contain soil conditions whicb may require additional soil engineering and foundation design with regard to basement construction. It is recomuended that either a licensed professional engineer or other soils expert design a basement and foundation which will be suitable to withstand the various problems associated with saturated soil conditions on basement walls and floors or that special measures be taken. Soil conditions should be subject to each owners special investigation prior to construction and no specific representation is made herein. METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE SUITE 150, WAUKSSHA. UL 53186 PI£ (414) 762-22$1 FAX 782-4426 ,9 1W Radius Delta Length CURVE Chord TABLE 1/2 Chord Bearing Tan In Tan 1 LOT CURVE TABLE L75.42 1CL 1448.93 01046' 36" 44.93 44.93 00053' 18.0" S 38050, 16.0" E S 37056' 58" E S 39043- Out 1800.00 02°24fen 02" 75.41 01012'01.0" Nh24-43-earin 21.01, 1 2W 1418.93 00054' 44" 22.59 22.59 00027' 22.0" S 39016' 12.0" E S 38048' 50" E S 39043' 34" E 2 1800.00 04023' 18" 137.86 137.83 020111 39.0" N 21 ° 19' 41.0" 1 2CL 120.00 13°48' 12" 28.91 28.84 06054106.011 N 32049128.011 W N 25055' 22" W N 39°43' 34" E 3 1800.00 03018' 56" 104.16 104. 15 01 039' 28.0" N 17028' 34.0" 1 2E 150.00 1304811281 36.14 36.05 06054' 06.0" N 32049' 28.0" W N 25055' 22" W N 39°43' 34" W 4 1800.00 03047' 46" 119.26 119.23 01 °53' 53.0" N 13055- 13.0" 1 3W 180.00 13*48'12" 43.36 43.26 06054'06.0" N 32049'28.0" W N 25055'22" W N 34" W 5 1800.00 03012' 49" 100.96 100.95 01036' 24.5" N 10024' 55.5" 1 3CL 1800.00 28037' 27" 899.25 889.93 14° 18' 43.5" N 11 °36' 38.5" W N 02042' 05" E N 39043'34" 25055- W 6 1800.00 03*08120" 98.61 98.60 01034110.0" N 07014-21.01, 1 3E 1830.00 1860.00 28037' 27" 914.24 904.76 14018' 43.5" N 11 °36' 38.5" W N 02042' 05" E N 25055' 22" 22" W W 7 1800.00 03007' 56" 98.40 98.39 01 °33' 58.0" N 04°06' 13.0" 1 4W 1430.00 280372711 17027'44" 929.23 919.59 14018' 43.5" N 110361 38.5" W N 02042' 05" E N 25055' 22" W 8 1800.00 03007' 40" 98. 26 98.25 01 °33' 50. 0" N 00058- 25.0" V 4CL 1400.00 17°27'44" 435.82 426.68 434.14 08043152.0" S 06001'47.0" E S 02042105" W S 14045'39" E 9 10 1800.00 1430.00 02006' 01019'52" 40" 66.32 66.32 01 °03' 20.0" N 01 °38' 45.0" E 4E 1370.00 17°27' 44" 417.54 425.03 415.92 08043952.0" 08043' S 06°01'47.0" E S 02042105" W S 14°45'39" E 11 1430.00 04047'50" 33.22 119.73 33.22 00039'56.0" S 02002'09.0" V 5 1500.00 05"38' 03" 147.51 147.45 02049' 52.0" 01 S N 06001' °56' 47.0" E S 02°42' 05" W S 14°45' 39" E 12 1430.00 04°48' 1S" 119. �'0 119.70 1 19.87 02023'55.01, 02°24' S 07°0i'42.0" E 6 2925.14 02026' 39" 124.78 124.77 01°13' .5" 19.5" S 11 76053' 37.5" 08.5" W W N 09007' 36" W N 140451391, W 13 1430.00 031145' 59" 94.00 93.98 01 °52' D7.5" 59.5" S S 05°49' 44.5" E S 7800602818 W S 75039' 49" W 14 1430.00 02045' 48" 68.97 58.96 01022' 54.0" S 10°06' 13022' 51 .5" E 45.0" E 17 1370.00 061116'33" 150.06 149.99 03008116.5" S 11037'22.5" E 18 19 1370.00 05000'55" 119.93 119.89 02030'27.5" S 05058'38.5" E OL2 1370.00 1370.00 04047'54" 00025' 09" 114.73 114.69 02023'57.0" S 01004'14.0" E 20 1370.00 00057113" 10. 02 22.80 10.02 22.80 00012' 00028136.5" 34. 5" S S 01 °32' 02013'28.5" 17.5" V 21 1860.00 02012'34" 71.72 71.72 01*06'17.0" N 01°35'48.0" 9 E 22 23 1860.00 03001137" 98.26 98.25 01030'48.5" N 01001'17.5" W 1860.00 03001'48" 98.37 98.36 01030154.0" N 04003100.01, V 24 1860.00 03002113" 98.59 98.58 01031'06.5" N 07005'00.5" V 25 1860.00 03006'29" 100.90 100.88 01033'14.5" N 10009'21.5" V 26 1860.00 030401081, 119.10 119.08 01050'04.0" N 13032'40.0" V 27 1860.00 03012' 09" 103.97 103.96 01 °36' 04.5" N 1605B' 48.5" V 28 29 1860.00 04014106" 137.48 137.45 02007'03.0" N 20041'56.0" 1 1860.00 03006'23" 100.84 100.83 01033'11.5" N 24022110.5" 1 SHEET 1 OF 2 SURVEYOR'S STATF OF WI SCONIr 1 iJ I WAI)KI.-SHA COLIN'Y ) `'S I, ('111-istO[AW1 1. Kunkel , �s rL�y::;t.E'I Od l 111d tiler Vt'v�. I dCJ herehy c•(-11 i fy Lh�lt I hj)Ve surveved, d1vid0d died IliilJl'r'1 PARE 1'.S1rH"I"FS' 1'i'ir1i; ,1 1Ja[L of VdCatE'd P1Ytiii{]E'nr] I)C1Vf'_ (Re'solIIt, Ion I.s,. /55 -9"7--' I),19 } ;sleet .t p'tr-L eJf thC. ,;J. 1 � •I of the Ni 1 , •1 isn(i a pisr ', of Li„• Nlr 1 1 of t hE SE "1 01 SeCt 1EJrl 18, -C 5 N, fit 20 F, iri the Ci 1.y of Mu'sI,uoo, w,luk'-shi'. COUrl :.111 X 1101111dPd and desk- I i hod as f01 1 ows: C olllmenc l nq a L the SoutE0'Isi 141% 1. •1 Section 18, --tid 1)oint being the place of beginning of. Lhe land" to iJ(2 descrihed; thence S O1r 10' 24" L' alang the East_ line of said S1: 1/4 Section 18, 255.2.1 feet to a poinL on the North line of Janesville Road (C.T.H. "1_"); thence S 78' 06' 28" W along said North line, 592.26 feet; thence Southwesterly, 124.78 feet along said North line and the arc of a circle whose center is to the South, whose radius is 2925.14 feet and whose chord bears S 76' 53' 08.5" W, 124.77 feet; thence N 16° 44' 59" W, 387.36 feet to a point on the North line of said SE 1/4 Section 18; thence N 87" 32' 43" E along said North line, 195.10 feet; thence N 01° 05' 46" W, 359.98 feet; thence S 87° 32' 43" W, 65.02 feet; thence N 01' 05' 46" W, 393.29 feet; thence S 87' 34' 17" W, 100.03 feet; thence N 01' 05' 46" W, 378.18 feet to a poinL on the South line of the Replat of Kimberly Estates; thence N 87' 25' 13" E along said South line, 780.95 feet to a point on the East line of said NE 1/4 Section 18; thence S 00' 58' 43" E along said East line, 1333.27 feet to the place of beginning. Containinq 27.096 acres of land, more or less. That I have made such survev, land division and plaL by the direction of, Pegarl L.L.P, Yvonne Borgen, and Katherine Halbrucker Owners of said land. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muske o Kinurveying, dividing and mapping the same. Doke' C Christop Ar J nkel, RLS, S-1755 knesse4 ral40ilt rwn OeUor GONs�,y'% CHRISTOPHER !. KUNKEL At ALSO CONSISTING OF: LOTS 2 8 3. C.S.M. NO. 687, VOL. 4, PG. 240-241 S1T55 LOTS 2 8 3, C.S.M. N0. 688, VOL. 4, PG. 242-243 i� WAUKESHA. LOTS 2 a 3. G.S.M. NO. 689, VOL 4. PG. 244-245 YR PARCEL I. C.S.M. NO. 8314. VOL. 72, PG. 319-323 ,'-7, PARCEL I, L.S.M. NO. 8315. VOL. 72, PG. 324-328 �Ui"vQ PARCEL 1. C.S.M. NO. 8316. VOL. 72, PG. 329-333 PARCEL I. C.S.M. NO. 8317. VOL. 72. PG. 334-338 PARCEL I. L.S.M. NO. 8318, VOL. 72. PG. 339-342 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE As Owners, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. As Owners, we also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or S.236.12 of the Wisconsin Statutes to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 2) CITY OF MUSKEGO 3) WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS AND LAND USE DEPARTMENT WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owners, this k3Ak• day of A.11.»Z , 1997. IN THE PRESENCE OF: PEGARL L.L.P W essU Wayne alentine Witness Reno Berg STATE OF WISCONSIN } SS WAUKESHA COUNTY } PERSONALLY came before me this day of KySvsT 1997, the above named Wayne Salentine and Reno Berg to me known to be the persons who executed the foreg i.ng instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public -State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires �c�e3'ER �, 71Dsoa OWNER'S CERTIFICATE As Owners, we hereby certify that we have caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. As Owners, we also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or S.236.12 of the Wisconsin Statutes to be submitted to the fallowing for approval or objection: 1) DEPARTMENT OF -COMMERCE 2) CITY OF MUSKEGO 3) WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS LAND USE DEPARTMENT WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owners, this 1341,. day of A�4.,•s-t , 1997. - IN THE PRESENCE OF: Y onne Borgen i Katherine Ha brucker STATE OF WISCONSIN } SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this 11n day of .+ .aST , 1997, the above named Yvonne Borgen and Katherine Halbrucker to me known to be the persons who executba the fore oing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public -State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires Ot,co1,6Q.. `a,20DO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PARK ES TA TES BEING A PART OF THE SE 114 OF THE NE 114 AND A PART OF THE NE 114 OF THE SE 114 OF SECTION 18, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WA UKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. ALSO CONSISTING OF. LQTS 2 8 3, C.S.M. NO. 687, VOL. 4, PG. 240-?41 LOTS283. C.S.M. NO 688, VOL. 4, PG 242-243 LOTS 2 8 3, C.S.M. NO. 689, VOL. 4, PG. 244-245 PARCEL 1, G.S.M. NO. 8314, VOL. 72, PG. 319-323 PARCEL I, C.S.M. NO. 8315, VOL. 72, PG. 32'1-328 PARCEL 1, C.S.M. N0. 8316, VOL. 72, PG. 329-333 PARCEL I, GSM. NO. 8317, VOL_ 72, PG, 334-338 CITY OF MUSKEGO CERTIFICATE PARCEL 1 C.S.M. NO. 8318, VOL. 72, PG. 339-342 RESOLVED Lhat the plat of PARK ESTATES, a subdivision in the City of Muskego, which has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct ropy of a resolut-on adopted by th Common Council of the City of Muskego on Lhe /� f/, day of 1997, which action becomes effective upon receipt of approval of all ache revie�ring agencies and all condi ons of the City of Muskego's approval were saLisfi`ed as of the i-V _ day of 1997, ZiDate: - _ Jean Marenda_ City of M k o, City Clerk L.� CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, Jean Marenda being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this day of 1997, on any of the land included in the plat of PARK ESTATES. Date: Z(" / 97 Jean Ma n a, City of Mus . go, Pit y Tr6fasurer ;Ga.PORR cc COUNTY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY } I, Patricia G. Karcher, being a duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales an no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of AA 1�A1997, affecting the lands included in the plat of PARK ESTATES. Date: Patricia G. Karcher, Treasurer, Waukesha County J CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by the virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described in the foregoing instrument of Christopher J. Kunkel, a Registered Land Surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of Pegarl L.L.P. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO has caused these presents to be signed by at Mukwonago, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this _13+% _ day of o -r , 1997. IN THE PRESENCE OF CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO �- 4:Z_ ness Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this ti3 day of 1997 1r,"A A. ZAA-eiPe- S AA,-a00u$jAS $1-Z9-V:0U of the above named co poration and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers of said corporation by its uthority. ��& Notary blic State of Wisconsin My Com ion ExpiresZl. aep t µ 2238M gig .4 1IM_ 1Metdr�lsst Qrr:r1M ] , MCMW lbs. MR 00bF67 +Etlrer y ..19 2 7 OW -x.-; 0.. �iCI ,,:..LM. $ RECORDED � (.�t. S p��pN 1 (r .• •-• 1(0 1 RFGISlT ;t � T CIZ 4" THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY CHRIST OPHER J. KUNKEL S-1755 There are no objections to this plat ,%ith respect to Secs. 236.15. 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21 (1) and (2). Wis. Slats., or by the County Planning Agency. 44- Certified , 19q 7 Department of Commerce oHEET 2 OF 2 t` ._ .. _ • .- _ -_ _ _ -'!'ram �� :w ��-. _i ��r�[�"