NORTH CAPE FARMS - SUBDIVISION PLATGRAPHIC SCALE 0 100, '000, 300, SCALE.-1 "=100' "there are no objections to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15, 236.16, 236 20 and 236.21 (1) and (2), Wis. Stats., or by the County Planning Agency. ICE- RECISifuR" CICE_ WnlJi�LMA COOONTFI: WI RECORDED ON � E_--_.S-1 q9'3 11 :.34 AMr, trillCHAEL J. REGISTER 0r EELS SUBDI VOLUME, Ry_PIAT_ SuEt?IVI5iO+lluEi�51�E 1 `A:F_ . _ds ��.... kEC. I F E - 50.00 77 � Certified - E Department of Administration NE GOPHER S'E 114 SEC 13-5-201? 6' =6" CONC. MONUMENT N 33e,121.49 E 2,617,278,W SE 1 '4 SEC 13-5-20 1 r` N VICINITY SKETCH i Sx'ALE`1 "=21000' UNPLATTED LANDS �a! P q � r k I r ; q t` ! I 1 V ' r g I; B h ----- I r h N 0. r t� ti 33' 1 5p' I ; 1 4 'a ---------------- r SCHAEFFER DRIVE m r g*�•� 1k; 19 r �25,431 1 ; oil! F \ r IJ 7 2.04 1 � OC.)�O ri O 22,506 N 81 "09_ 190.p0 1 ; 20,900 S.F. V• ', ! k0 NB1"0.9 �o O� 95 OI Pin N 7 22,800 S.F. ` 190.00 � moo~ S B!'0gZ33 19 o. 1 0923 r SPTM EA 7`� li � q M,679 S.F.O�°5d 1 � r r $i ; r 30 STORM y . SZNWR ESYT. \� 40 / C�l r, VV o ! k22,433GS.F. r `V C ' V ' N GB4 °1e ,4z" �. q 2ro.1a ' f ; ' A3F- 2� 0 3 22,:997 SF 1 N � ' Pi ; e 03 ;` �►i ------- - ------ k r 21,90.3 S.F. y 263 �! N 84'3854" 19047 S 2, I it 5 1 30,368 S.F. 1 r � ; 61 0.1• � ��I.,+ r 29, 789 S.F. w + IO' SANITIARY R SEVER EAISEMENT q y8 1 --f------------- �Ts?Jr_----------- 1 ; N 89 `O38152" W ; 1 1 r ; ; 50, 50, 1 O' 45986 UNPLATTED LANDS Aa NORTH CAPE FARMS I (A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) BEING A PAY"RT OF THE NE 1/4 AND SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 13, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. W E T L A N D C O U R S E S COURSE BEARING DISTANCE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE I COURSE BEARK DISTANCE CiOUR5E 13EARING EXSTANCE i S 77.47' 1" W 57.17 23 N 66.55'11" W 21.13 39 S 84.18' " w 574759 N 78*47'42" E 12.73 N 6 •25' 07" W 28.66 24 N 87.35' 34" W 28.64 40 N 89.42' 46" W 334560 N 54.48' 18" E 29.28 3 N 72/11108/1 w 5t.11 25 N 42-06' 08" W 43.85 41 N 88.47'53" W 47.46 61 N 35*31'39" E 33.11 4 N 13•02'17" W 47.98 26 N 35.04'57" W 49.18 42 S 89.28'44" W 34.14 62 N 27*21'10" E 46.43 5 N 04.01'34" E 44.39 27 N 38.51'57" W 27,75 43 S 35.17.58" W 35.63 63 N 19'58'01" E 43.39 6 N 0 '09" E 39.01 28 N 38.51'57" W 21.02 44 S 13.58'11" W 31.17 64 N 22'I8'04" E 34.88 7 N •59'07" W 34.55 29 N 26.41'11" W 41,71 45 S 20'38'51" W 17.47 65 N 39'3T 28" E 44.76 8 N 07.52'30" E 37.23 30 N 17.51'45" w 52.36 46 S 15'02'55 W 54,76 66 N 27.19'22" E 43.56 9 N 09.07' 41" E 5.76 31 N 31.20' 03" E 32.52 47 S 16'47' 54" W 68.01 67 N 12.40' 42" E 21.23 10 N 09.07'41" E 72.33 32 N 57.39'01" E 46.41 48 S 88*50'35" W 32.29 68 N 06'35'46" W 18.54 33 N 32'26' 17" E 24.28 49 N 06'24'18" W 48,4011 69 1 N 15' 3' 97 50 N 06.20' 36" W 41.94 71.87 M. S�T 47.49 55.78 40.95 52.97 32 66 23.73 13 N 3 *55'41" E 66.16 35 N 32'26' 17" E 19.00 51 N 05.20'34" w 14 N 3 •55'41" E I3.21 36 N 35.27.48" E 49.91 52 N 07.40'52" w 15 N 47.09'33" E 57.871 37 N 82'17'59" E 43.16 53 N 07*29'39" E 16 N 00*40159" w 45.55 38 S 07*30'06" E 13.38 1 54 N 05'01'48" w 17 N 151571 06" w 33. 24 55 56 57 58 N 52.40' 16" w 18 N 10*43'15" E 46.56 N 02*41'28" W 19 N 41 • 7' 30" E 49.01 N 81.48' 51 " W N 74. 4'51" E 46.41 N 71.4 '02" W 1 7 •19' 6" E 32.03 2 N 27'30' 27" E 10.89 NOTE.' 356 1 0 - DENOTES 2"x30" IRON PIPE, 3.65 LBS. PER 7) THERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM LINEAL FOOT. ANY L0TS OR 0UTL0TS IN THIS SUBDIVISION TO ;lEs 2) 1 "x24" IRON PIPE, 1.13 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT . OR NORTH CAPE ROAD (C.T.H "00'). AT ALL OTHER LOT CORNERS. 8) NO STRUCTURE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE 3) ALL DISTANCES TO THE NEAREST 0.01 : PERMITTED WITHIN A VISION CORNER WHICH 4) ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERRED TO GRID NORTH OF EXCEEDS A HEIGHT OF TWO (0) FEET ABOVE THE WISCONSIN STA TE PLANE CO-ORDINA TE SYSTEM, THE ELEVATION OF THE INTERSECTION, SOUTH ZONE. THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 114 SECTION EXCEPT FOR NECESSARY HIGHWAY AND 13 BEARS S 01 007'00" E. (NA.D. 1927) TRAFFIC SIGNS, PUBLIC UTILITY LINE AND 5) ALL AREAS ARE TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT. OPEN FENCES THROUGH WHICH THERE IS A 6) OUTLOT I TO BE DEDICATED TO THE NORTH CLEAR VISION, NOR SHALL ANY PLANT CAPE FARMS HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION. MATERIAL BE PERMITTED WHICH OBSCURES EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNER SHALL HAVE AN SAFE VISION OF THE APPROACHES TO THE UNDIVIDABLE FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIP IN INTERSECTION. 2YY OUTLOT 1 AND WAUKESHA COUNTY SHALL NOT 9) ALTHOUGH ALL LOTS IN THE SUBDIVISION HAVE BE LIABLE FOR ANY FEES OR SPECIAL BEEN( REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS IN THE EVENT THAT THEY WITHF SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE IN BECOME THE OWNER OF ANY LOT OR OUTLOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 236 WISCONSIN THE SUBDIVISION BY REASON OF TAX STATUTES, SOME LOTS MAY CONTAIN SOIL DELINQUENCY. THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION COND) I T I ONS WHICH MAY REQUIRE A DD I T I ONA L SHALL MAINTAIN SAID OUTLOTS IN AN SOIL, ENGINEERING AND FOUNDATION DESIGN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION SO AS TO MAINTAIN WITH REGARD TO BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION. IT ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. CONSTRUCTION OF IS RECOMMENDED THAT EITHER A LICENSED ANY BUILDING, GRADING, OR FILLING IN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR OTHER SOILS SAID OUTLOT IS PROHIBITED. THE EXPERT DESIGN A BASEMENT AND FOUNDATION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION GRANTS TO THE WHICH WILL BE SUITABLE TO WITHSTAND THE CITY, THE RIGHT (BUT NOT THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH SATURATED RESPONSIBILITY) TO ENTER UPON THE OUTLOT SO L, CONDITIONS ON BASEMENT WALLS OR IN ORDER TO INSPECT, REPAIR OR RESTORE FL 00)RS OR THAT SPECIAL MEASURES BE TAKEN. SAID OUTLOT TO ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. SOIL, CONDITIONS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO EACH EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR OWNERS SPECIAL INVESTIGATION PRIOR TO INSPECTION, REPAIR OR RESTORATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND NO SPECIFIC SAID OUTLOTMAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE TAX REPRtESENTATION IS MADE HEREIN. ROLL FOR SAID ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTED H�t'�i1S lYE� SEC /f)iV OFCIJU RYi'/fhYC . % T % % 1'T T AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY. CITY ACCESS TO OUTL 0T I SHA L L BE GAINED BY MEANS OF STORM a�-1 Z?R111t- YA Y5 SIMLL DI- PRCOH/B/JCD WITHIN %HZ- W-51Z)N SEWER EASEMENTS. enelvnF A S MCJVP. WETLAND PRESERVATION RESTRICTION Those areas of land which are identified as (Wetland Preservation Area on this Subdivision Plat shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited unlless specifically authorized by the municipality in which they are located and, if applicable, the Waukesha County Parks and Land Use Department, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. , trees, shrubs, grasses, etc., shall be prohhibited with the exception of the removal of dead, diseasedl or dying �] vegetation at the discretion of the landowner, OF 4 si 1 vi cul tural thinning upon the recorlmend& t ion of a forester or naturalist and the approval of the Waukesha e' County Parks and Land Use Department. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e., horses, cows, etc., shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to 4 the existing environment of the Wetland Preservation W Area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be pCermitted subject to the approval of the municipality in which they are located and!, if applicable, the Waukesha County Parks and Land Use Department, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. 4' 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. 8. All buildings to stay a minimum of 10' frorm wetlands. MAIN CURVE TABLE # Radius Delta Length Chord Chord Bearing Tan In Tan Out 1 60.00 265057' 14" 278.50 87.80 N 81 °46' 06. 0)" E S 34044' 43" W N 51 ° 12' 31" W 2 60.00 20"48' 25" 21.79 21.67 N 24 0 20' 30.5i" E N 34 ° 44' 43" E N 13 * 56' 18" E 3 30.00 65 ° 08' 49" 34. 1 1 32.30 S 18 ° 38' 06.5i" E S 13 ° 56' 18" W S 51 ° 12' 31 " E 4W 674.41 14 ° 33' 15" 171 . 31 170.85 N 06" 39' 40.51" E N 13 ° 56' 18" E N 00036' 57" W 4CL 704.41 14 ° 33' 15" 178.93 178.45 N 06 ° 39' 40.5i" E N 13 ° 56' 18" E N 00 ° 36' 57" W 4E 734.41 14 ° 33' 15" 186.56 186.05 N 06 ° 39' 40.5i" E N 13o56, 18,, E N 00036' 57" W 5W 861.51 09027' 34" 142.24 142,07 S 04006' 50. 0)" W S 08050' 37" W S 00036' 57" E 5CL 831.51 09027' 34" 137.28 137,13 S 04°06' 50. 0)" W S 08050' 37" W S 00036' 57" E 5E 801.51 09027' 34" 132.33 132.18 S 04 ° 06' 50.0)" W S 08 ° 50' 37" W S 001)36, 57" E 6 30.00 61 ° 14' 33" 32.07 30.56 N 21 ° 46' 39.55" W N 08 ° 50' 37" E N 52 ° 23' 56" W 7 30.00 31 ° 32' 42" 16.52 16.31 S 24 ° 36' 58.0)" W S 40 ° 23' 19" W S 08 ° 50' 37" W 8 60.00 272 ° 47' 15" 285.66 82.76 S 83 ° 59' 41 .5i" W N 40 ° 23' 19" E S 52 ° 23' 56" E LOT CURVE TABLE # Radius Delta Length Chord Chord Bearing Tan In Tan Out 1 861.51 06 ° 40' 18" 100.32 100.26 S 05 ° 30' 28, 0)" W S 08 ° 50' 37" W S 02010, 19" 2 861.51 02047' 16" 41 .92 41.91 S 00046' 41 .0)" W S 02010' 19" W S 00036' 57" 2 674.41 06 0 18 15 74.20 74.17 N 02 32 10.5i' E N 05 41 18 E N 00036' 5 3 674,41 08 o 15 00 97.11 97.02 N 09 o 48 48.0� E N 1 o 6 1 N o 41 1 " 4 60.00 29023' 37" 30.78 30.44 S 20002' 54.50" W S 34*44' 43" W S 05"21' 06" 5 60.00 43 ° 36' 47" 45.67 44.58 S 16 ° 27' 17.5+" E S 05 ° 21' 06" W S 380 15' 41 " 6 60.00 42 0 58 19 45.00 43.95 S 59 a 44 50.51 E S 38 1 41 1 14 7 60.00 45 ° 26' 16" 47.58 46.35 N 76 ° 02' 52, D" E S 81 ° 14' 00" E N 530 19' 44" 8 60.00 42 ° 58' 19" 45.00 43.95 N 31 ° 50' 34.5," E N 53 ° 19' 44" E N 10 ° 21' 25" 9 60.00 61 ° 33' 56" 64.47 61.41 N 20 ° 25' 33. D" W N 1002 V 25" E N 510 12' 31 " 10 734.41 080 15' 00" 105.75 105.66 N 09 ° 48' 48.O�" E N 13 ° 56' 18" E N 05 ° 41' 18" 11 734.41 06" 18' 15" 80.81 80.77 N 02 ° 32' 10. 5," E N 05 °4 V 18" E N 00036' 57" 11 801.51 01 °33' 09" 21 .72 21.72 S 00009' 37. 5," W S 00°56' 12" W S 00036' 57" 12 801 .51 07054' 25" 110.61 110.52 S 04053' 24.5," W S 08050' 37" W S 00056' 12" 16 60.00 42045' 18" 44.77 43.74 N 19000' 40.01" E N 40023' 19" E N 02021' 59" 17 60.00 41 ° 45' 38" 43.73 42.77 N 23 ° 14' 48.01" W N 02 ° 21' 59" W N 44 ° 07' 37" 18 60.00 57 ° 35' 24" 60.31 57.80 S 75 ° 39' 56.01" W N 75 ° 32' 22" W S 46 ° 52' 14" 19 60.00 66 ° 50' 42" 70.00 66. 10 S 13 ° 26' 53.01" W S 46 ° 52' 14" W S 19 ° 58' 28" 20 60.00 32 ° 25' 28" 33.95 33.50 S 360 11 ' 12. Oil' E S 19 ° 58' 28" E S 52 ° 23' 56" OL 1 60.00 31 ° 24' 45" 32 -90 32.48 N 59 ° 49' 59.51" W N 44 ° 07' 37" W N 75 ° 32' 22" NOTE- A STOP SIGN SHALL BE PLACED ON COUNTRY VIEW COURT A T NORTH CAPE ROOAD. `�g1NriHI1fINgq►1y11j/ ONLY LOTS 8,9,10, AND 11 WHALL BE ALLOWED TO GONS''Ih,����4i AVE WALK -OUT TNE E SUBDIVISION ARE NREMAININGEINTS. THE IOT PERMITTEDTTED T INO HAVE SA WALK -OUT BASEMENTS., i&)UI �S 7 F/170R e-Zr-11X rAaN o CHRISTOPHER I N0T TCJ /� ZVM-R r11W1l 7B9. 2. KUNKEL 51755 y WAUKESHA. i W1 SE CORNER SE `--iq ��ynryt�l5 METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 114 SEC 1.7-5-20 MONUMENT N M_ 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCCLE, SUITE 150, WAUKESHA, W1. 53186 MONq�p N 329, 431.97 E 2,517,330.50 PH. (414) 7WO-0221 FAX 782-4426 SHEET I OF 2 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN } SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, Christopher J. Kunkel, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped NORTH CAPE FARMS, being a part of the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 13,T 5 N,R 20 E, in the City of Muskego,Woukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Carmencing at the Northeast corner of said SE 1/4 Section 13; thence S 01' 07' 00" E along the east line of said SE 1/4 Section 13, 237.37 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing S 01007'00" E along said east line, 1711.11 feet; thence S 48° 04'44" W, 321.00 feet; thence N 89° 38' 52" W. 459.86 feet to a point on the west line of North Cape Road (C.T.H. "00"); thence N 08' 50' 37" E along said west line, 1632.94 feet; thence S 78° 54' 57" E, 254.34 feet; thence N 07' 21' 29" E, 355.09 feet; thence N 870 18' 00" E. 119.38 feet to the place of beginning. That I have made such survey, land division and plat by the direction of NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC., owner of said land. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision regulations of t City of Muske� in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. ����a�utr��utr�rn►►�►►ii, Date: Z�Z c� BSc oN1;01 Christ phe J.'Kunkel, RLS 1755 a r CHRISTOPHER J. ' KUNKEL = S1755 WAUKESt{4 "Y CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC., being a core oration duly organized and existing under and by the Virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, does hereby certify that said corporation has caused the lam d described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated, as represented] on this plat. NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC., does further certify that this plat is required by 5.236.10 or S.236.12 of the Wisconsin Statutes;, to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 2 WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS AND LAND UJSE DEPARTMENT 3 CITY OF MUSKEGO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above said NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC., has caused these presents to be signed by Joanne E. Pipke, Pr esident and Alfred A. Pipke, Vice President to me known to be such officers of said corporation and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed. DATED this � day of J U N c 1999. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Witness Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN } SS WAUKFSHA COUNTY ) NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC. ,4e��Ci, A�;� — Joann E. Pipke, President Alfred'A. Pipke, Vice President PERSONALLY came before me this 13 day of J-V N E 1 1999, the above named Joanne E. Pipke and Alfred A. Pipke, to me known to be such President and Vice President of NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC., as the deed of said corporation by its authority and to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the some. No ary bl is —State f Wisconsin F41, My Carrission Expires o3-°q'�Oo'3 CITY OF MUSKEGO CERTIFICATE RESOLVED that the plat of NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC., a subdivision in the City of Muskego, which has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the! City of Muskego on the 23 rN day of A Pe IL- 1999 which action becomes effective upon all conditions of the City of Muskego's approval being satisfied as of the —LE-rg_ day of -A U rae- , 1999, Date ( Qea-� —Y�q a"L� Jean renda, City of Muskego, City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER I, Jean Marenda, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are o unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this l8 r►► day of � t� N E 1999, on any of the land included in the plat of NORTH CAPE FARMS, INC. rb• . 1� 1f Jean *renda, City of Muskego, City Treasurer COUNTY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN SS WAUKESHA COUNTY 1, Patricia G. Karcher, being a duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my of .ce sho o unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or speccial assessments as of , 1999, affecting the lands included irn the plat of NORTH CAPE FA S, INC. Date: a Patricia G. Karcher, Treasurer, Waukesha County NORTH CAPE FARMS ( A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4 AND SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 13, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. I'licrc are no ohicctions to this plat %%it11 respect to Secs. 16.15. 216.16. 210.20 and 2. 6.1-1 (1 ) and (_' ). \Vis. Sims- or h% the Count. I'lannung ,',gene','. Certified ftpAj dIA" I)cpartinent of Adininlstrition THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY CHRISTOPHER J. KUNKEL 5-1755 SHEET 2 OF 2