NATURE ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLATKEi'!c:'TER1 C; OFFICE -;AUiKESHA COUNTY, Wi RE [� ]C���ED ON 7�IRB MICHAEL J. HAS-OLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS VOLUME: �ilsuIUiSIu.iICEMt. RyA1 PAGE NATURE ESTATES REC. FEE: 50.00 Being a part of the Southeast 114 and Southwest 114 of the Southeast 114 of Section 16, C.S.M. No5885 I Township5 North Ran a 20 East Cityof Muske Waukha Count Wisconsin Parcel 3 \ Parcel 2 I _/ ! � t �o 1 es� 1 / y 11j. I Parcel 1 Parcel ? / sT� \ C.S.M. No. 8375 / NOTES: AT 01 '9 I &4 - Denotes 1-1/4" O D x 30" No 10 Reba set, 4 30 lbs. per lin. R. \ / r� ��- / s 22 1 t ' w N 1-114" 0.D x 24" Iron Pipe set, 1 13 Ibs per lin ft at all other Lot and Outlol 0' 40' 80, 160, �A7 p S �c WETLAND 4 35' / V 0 1Q PRESERVATION N 8105.90' E � / corners. 20' 60, 120' 24(Y 20 1D 2Q AREA / ,105.90' N 0 S� R (See Nob) N� y� ,ho' \ I �$ orelnage All distances computed and measured to the nearest 0 01' ,` o p 1t � r� Parcel 4 Wetlands staked by Mum iA% 10 &� ��, K Easement GRAPHIC SCALE o .. °e Environmental, Inc on 3115Mand •j'L m �, described per Certrfied Survey Map I N� Zh�h S 89°t3'34" W All angles computed to the nearest 00°00'00.5" and measured to the nearest Scale: 1"=130' o� Alee��1� � �'�\_Xtp No 8375 � ?, /act h ��jP 80.90' zo v, 00°00'01„ ��^ A/ �J �� O �� IF $�65 ��/ 15 W I m s.:q! r \ / '�� �• t'i: o? S 22 56 35 E g ;" /30,987 sq. R. I sq. R. - Denotes lot areas to the nearest square root w 41.90 �A,9 Np5 Q, as�� Grinder Pump May A �I N f� \ 9 F• 3° °36 tom` 4b" ti?.� Be Required - >r I - Denotes soil bonng r o \ / �o Nb6 �E 2s' y5� hti� s I o c P North O p`, Cam' - Arc=2003' �-' o �o� There are no objections to this plat with respect to , oo `y -' `� Q. ,cy / lO \ 28.32' ���� z .-w 62,4S8' W Red=19849� 4 236.20 and 236.21 (1) and (2) s o �' ��' cP \ 5� N es°3r19• w� +s e0 Z 4a a6' N Secs. 236.15, 236.16, �¢� - -t;+ aChd a g =S 86 39'C®" W p� 'o �o 14 �� �a ti s' Ten, grrg, -ap Wis. Stats., or by the County Planning Agency. .� 2Q Z4 `� / / _\_ / , �' 7j ��• `�`,�? N 84 34'32' W 30,757 sq- R- 87 - N 89°32'35_ E v 10 Q l0 \v�11 / <1228' Grinder PumpMay _ V- Q L /Q b �' �.• , N 85 28'06" W y \ 250Q'_ Be Required 12' Electra >� 5g1 / O Tan Br S /� r S \O �R d0� O\� 96 12 E� Q CableEaserten[ 11 �0 �e r'R 4 1 a g N 89°35 S8' E r'7 L'� a 60' x 80' Vis \ 2 4 '.? C 4 --center on lot line r0 m Corner Ell ! �S fir' 8• B 0ea err Till �j Scale: 1"=1,��Q` Certified n✓✓, , 20� y ` 4 5 80° t3�' S Tan. Brng- S ) +0 > I fSee No\ \ u,\9)'\ 1176 18'F ` C� A� 11��1 y N 89'40'50" E f, S 43 ~ 73.0° O F 6� r All bearings refer to Grid North of the Wisconsin State Plane TP o , 3 , A 80'46•�8• 1i Z, 3 3o,oaasq.rt.\ ��_ 117.43' N1 yg1 Co-ordinate System, South Zone. The South line of the 3 a 68.71' A' B-2 t7 EI«tic& =S0' so 3 48.72' 91 .2 '5' �35' Departm nt of A nistration - Southeast 114 of Section 16, Township 5 North, Range 20 East Cable Easement 46'1$• a 09 has a bearing of S 88004'55" W per N.A.D. 1927, 38.7k 20' sao°46`18•�VICINITY SKETCH $ $ - CONSERVANCYIWETLAND PRESERVATION RESTRICTION so9.13'a2'w� $ 18r I 12 Electric a 32.96' Southeast 114, Section 16, Township 5 North, � Cable Ease,, Those areas oare as a ! 9 ent Range 20 East f land which identified Wetland Preservation Area on Sheet f of 2 on this Subdvision Plat shall be subject O S 09.1342• w 60� K W Vision I tv rn � . Corner Easement 32ss 1 to the following restrictions: O � m 1'2 (See NotN N e) � n W x BC'Vision 34,105 sq. R. w NOTES: I A rA Corner Easement / 31,468 sq. R. (SeeNote) I 0 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited unless specifically authorized by the municipality in which they are located and, if 4 I 12 El«t,& i, - - - - EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNER SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL UNDIVIDABLE INTEREST IN OUTLOT 1 AND ALL OF THE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS appficable,the Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Gable Easement I v PLAT. WAUKESHA COUNTY OR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY FEES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IF EITHER SHOULD Army Corp of Engineers. 15.00' - centered on lot line 30 30' - =-N $9°13'34' E- - BECOME THE OWNER OF ANY LOTS OR OUTLOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION BY REASON OF TAX DELINQUENCY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO SHALL N, �� 243.15' - - HAVE HAVE THE RIGHT, BUT NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY TO ENTER SAID OUTLOT TO INSPECT, REPAIR OR RESTORE SAID OUTLOT TO ITS `-N 89°13'34" E - B-3 - - - g I INTENDED PURPOSE. ALL COSTS SHALL BE AGAINST THE TAX ROLL FOR EACH LOT AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL CHARGE BY THE CITY 2• The removal Of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. --243.32'=I = �17.11 Easement centered on lot line I SIDEYARD SETBACKS = 20 FEET, FRONT SETBACK = 40 FEET. REAR SETBACK = 20 FEET AND WETLAND SETBACK = 10 FEET 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, ill trees, Shrubs, grasses, ect., shall be prohibited, with the exception of ` 2 Q ` OUTLOT 1 SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION WITH UNDIVIDED INTEREST THE ASSOCIATION SHALL the removal od dead, diseased or dying vegetation at the discretion a forester or naturalist and the approval of Waukesha County 1 t., I a 4 4 g 30,172 sq. R. I g O Cable Easement GRADING sq. i< N, MAINTAIN SAID OUTLOT IN AN UNOBSTRUCTED CONDITION 50 AS TO MAINTAIN ITS INTENDED PURPOSE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, Department Of Parks and Land Use. Q � r , I I GRADING OR FILLING IN THE OUTLOT IS PROHIBITED. THE ASSOCIATION GRANTS TO THE CITY, THE RIGHT (BUT NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY) TO o N `J 1 (p ENTER UPON THE OUTLOT, AND/OR ALL PUBLIC OR PRIVATE EASEMENTS, IN ORDER TO INSPECT, REPAIR OR RESTORE TO THEIR INTENDED 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, ie., horses, cows, ect., shall be prohibited. Building Sel Lines(Typ) I �I ro °D PURPOSE. EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR SAID INSPECTION, REPAIR OR RESTORATION MAY BE PLACED EQUALLY AGAINST THE TAX Sea Note `td N J I 89°13'34" E o ROLLS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF SAID ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTED AS A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BY THE CITY. IL I - - 4 4 243.04' co 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the Wetland Preservation Area shall be a l I I - N 89°1334" E I � DEED RESTRICTIONS ARE ON FILE IN THE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE. prohibited. 4 I - 243.32 - I I a �, 4) THERE SHALL BE A FIVE FOOT EASEMENT ACROSS THE FRONT OF ALL LOTS FOR THE PLANTING OF STREET TREES, STREET TREES SHALL BE 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the municipality in which they are located and, if applicable, the Waukesha r PLANTED BY SUBDIVIDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY APPROVED PLANS AND MAINTAINED BY EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNER. 17 Electric& 3 County Department of Parks and Land Use, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers. Cable Easement I 4 01) y I N j ry I 30,000 sq- R- MAINTENANCE OF ALL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT APPURTENANCES AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE ADDRESSED BY SEPARATE g I 10 N 12' Electric& DOCUMENT RECORDED WITH WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. N 30,172 sq. R. I I 4 `r' cable Easement - I I I I o I I I centered on lot line f VISION CORNER EASEMENT RESTRICTION N W - N 69°13'34" E - - NO STRUCTURE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHIN A VISION 242 94' - - - CORNER WHICH EXCEEDS A HEIGHT OF TWO (2) FEET ABOVE THE - N 813'13'34" E - - - L.V - - - - ELEVATION OF THE INTERSECTION, EXCEPT FOR NECESSARY 243.32' - u+ w HIGHWAY AND TRAFFIC SIGNS, PUBLIC UTILITY LINE AND OPEN FENCES THROUGH WHICH THERE IS A CLEAR VISION,NOR SHALL ANY PLANT MATERIAL BE PERMITTED WHICH OBSCURES SAFE VISION OF l` cab eEasemant I °ca �+ $ I 4 I LO THE APPROACHES TO THE INTERSECTION, THERE SHALL BE NO I centered on lot line rn rMv to 30,000 sq. R. N VEHICULAR ACCESS OVER ANY VISION CORNER EASEMENT Z I I 2 $ I Z Grinder Pump Required 4 OUTLOT AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PRESERVATION RESTRICTION: 30,152 R. Grinder Pump Required I I 30' 30, - - - - ALL OUTLOT AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREAS SHALL BE RESTRICTED o - - - - - THAT ALL FUTURE BUILDING OR USE OF SAID OUTLOT OR EASEMENTS, B-4 N 89'1334' E EXCEPT AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN THE r 242.84' LU STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES AS REQUIRED BY THE C114�II11I/ // N 89°13'34• E 7 - - - - _ CITY OF MUSKEG HALL BE PROHIBITED � O 5 /r 240.11' 6 d. h/ \\ ,\ Electric //�1:41 {V 23 65' S r \ Gable Easement WETLAND PRESERVATION RESTRICTION: V` v ai U - , e` �� `j, THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, I.E., WILLIAM R. = o �e�"� b' 1 TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES, ECT., SHALL BE PROHIBITED, WITH THE HENRICHS i_ 20 ° �� °' 1 5 I $ EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC OR INVASIVE SPECIES, OR Z 8 0 30,517 sqCD - R- I DEAD, DISEASED OR DYING VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF 5-2419 I 31,624 sq. R. ~ Grinder Pump Required I J LANDOWNER, FORESTER OR NATURALIST, AND WITH THE APPROVAL Waukesha, = (a1 I , OF THE WAUKESHA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND LAND USE. WI �\ I Grinder Pump Required 3,275.22`/ 35' /�'",(,CXtgt / • ,1:5i' / 12' ElectrK & J] /`/+' �. J/ �p� 2 Cable Easement 1 � / r1 �fo. 12' Electric 8 �w `/ centered on Vol line � Cable Easement 1 cP 4 centered on lot line to -N 6 Revised Jul 12 2002 / / 12 ElectrK& �' ° 33 585 R I M y S 7 Cable Easement ? cn 33,857 sq. R. Grinder Pump Required M Southeast Corner �, m Southeast 1I4 Grinder Pump Required Sect. 16, T5N, R20E Southwest Corner Southeast 114 `� L - - - - - - -{ (Cone mon. w/brass cap) N 328,891-80 - - - • W Sect, 16, TSN, R20E 293.61' 5 E 2,501.271.92 (Cone. mon. w/brass cap) S 88°04'55' W (Wsconsin State Plane Co- tt 328,803.09 Outlot 1 I o Ordinate Sysytem, South Zone) E 2,498.622.69 35.514 sq R. 4 $ (Wisconsin State Plane Co- o Owned by prorate share of Lots 1 - 15 1325 44' Ordinate Sysytem, South Zone) two inclusive for Storm Water detention - 779.44' 546.00' south line Southeast - - - S 88004155" W Sect. 16, T5N, R20E $8°04'S5" W 2650.88') MAIN CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD CENTRAL ANGLE DEFLECTION ANGLE CHORD BEARING 1 E 275.04' 123,35 122,37 25'41'4T' 12°50'53.5" N 35°49'28,5" W 1 E 275-04' 50.25' 50.18' 10*28'08" 5*14'04.9' N 43'26'18,0" W 1 E 275.04' 73 10' 72.88' 15'13'39' 7°36'49.5" N 30°35'24,5" W 1 CL 245.04' 110 or 10915, 25'44'11" 12°52'05,5" N 35°50'40.5" W 1 W 215.D4' 46,3T 46 28' 12°21'14" 6'10'37 9' N 29'09'12.0" W 2N 123,63' 124,71' 11949 57°47'43" 28°5a51.5" S 51 °52'26-5" E 2N 123,63' 28 37 2826 13°07'30" 6°33'45.0" S 29°32'20A" E 2N 123-63' 96 39' 93.96 44'40'13" 22°2906.5" S 58*26'11.5" E 2CL 153-63' 154,97' 148,49 57°47'4^" 28°5Y51.5" S 51 °52'26.5" E 2S 183.63' 185.23' 177,48' 57°47'43" 28°53'515' S 51 °52'26.5" E 3N 120.00' 73.00' 71.88' 34'51'11" 17*2535.5" N 81 °48'06,5" E 3CL 150.00' 91.24 89.84 34'51'11" 17*2535.5" N 81 °48'06,5" E 3S 180-00' 1D9.49 107,81' 34'51'11" 17°25'35.5" N81°48'06,5"E 4N 198,49' 87 19' 86 49' 25'10'04" 12°3502,0" S 76°57'33.0" W 4CL 168,49' 74 18' 73.58' 25'13'27' 12°3643,5" S 76°59'14.5" W 4S 138-49' 61.17 60.6T 25°1819' 12°39'09.5" S 77°01'40.5" W 5E 470-00' 82.05' 81.94' 10'DO'08" 5°00'04.0" S 04°13'38.0" W 5CL 500.DO' 87.29' 87.18' 10,00,081, 5°00'04.0" S 04°13'38.01' W 5W 530.00' 92.52 92.41' 10,00,081, 5°00'04.0" S 04°13'38.0" W 6 60.00' 43.36 42.43' 41°24'35" 20°4717,5" N 19°55'51 5" E 7 60.00' 43.36 42.43' 41 °24'35" 20°4717 5" S 21 °28'43.5" E 8 60.00' 275.27 90.00, 262'49'10" 131 °2435.0" N 89'13'34,0" E LOT CURVE TABLE LOT RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD CENTRAL ANGLE DEFLECTION ANGLE CHORD BEARING 5 60.00' 63.60' 60.66 60°44'03" 30°2701.5" N 1 1'48'59 5" W 6 60.00' 61.65' 58.98' 58'52'2T' 29°2613 5" N 47°59'15 5" E 7 60.00' 57.93' 55.71' 55°19'11'* 27°39'35 5" S 55°26'38-5" E B 60.00' 71.65' 67AT 68°25'1 T 34°1736 0" S O6°25'33 0" W B 60.00' 23.65' 23.50' 22°34'58" 11 °1 T29 0" N 29'20'40 0" E 9 60.00, 19.71' 19.63' 18°49'3T' 9°24'48.5" N 08°38'22,5" E 12 183.63' 70 50' 70.OT 21 °59'51" 10'59'55.5" S 69°46'22.5" E 13 183.63' 1 14.73' 11 12.8T 35°47'57' 17°5356.0" 1 S 40°52'31.0" E Outlot 1 60.00' 20.39' 20.29' 19°28'1T' 9°44'08.5" 1 N 87°09'37.5" E f Unplatted Lands BASEMENT RESRRICTION LANDCRAFT SURVEY AND ENGINEERING, INC. Although all lots in the Subdivision have been reviewed and approved for development with single-family residential REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes, some lots contain soil conditions which, due to the possible 2077 South 116th Street. West Allis, WI 53227 presence of groundwater near the surface, may require soil engineering and foundation design with reguard to PH (414) 604-0674 FAX (414) 604-0677 basement construction. It is recommended that either a licensed professional engineer or other soils expert design a LANDCRFT@EXECPC COM basement and foundation which will be suitable to withstand the various problems associated with saturated soil Signed May 23, 2002 conditions on basement walls or floors or that special measures be taken. Soil conditions should be subject to each owners special investigation prior to construction and no specific representation is made herein. SHEET uCCT 1 OF 2 NATURE ESTATES Being a part of the Southeast 1/4 and Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) SS I, William R. Henrichs, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, mapped and divided NATURE ESTATES, being a part of the Southeast 1/4 and the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast 1/4 Seciion 16; Thence S 88°04'55" W, along the South line of said Southeast 1/4 Section 16, 1325.44 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; Thence continuing S 88*04'55" W, along the South line of said Southeast 1/4 Section 16, 546.00 feet; Thence N 00'46'26" W, 847.48 feet Thence N 22°50'35" W, 168.98 feet to the Centerline of Woods Road; Thence N 41 *39'14" E, along said Centerline 168.71 feet to the arc of a curve; Thence Southerly 123.35 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Southwest, whose radius is 275.04 feet and whose chord bears S 35°4928.5" E, 122.32 feet; Thence S 22*58'35" E, 41.90 feet to arc of a curve; Thence Southeasterly 28.32 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the Northeast, whose radius is 123.63 feet and whose chord bears S 29*3220" E. 28,26 feet; Thence N 66°36'49" E, 493.88 feet; Thence S 00°46'26" E, 244.22 feet to the arc of a curve; Thence Westerly 61.17 feet along the arc of a curve whose center is to the South, whose radius is 138.49 feet and whose chord bears S 77°01'40.5" W, 60.67 feet; Thence S 00°43'35" E, 886.86 feet to the place of beginning. Said lands containing 13.6436 acres or 594,315 square feet. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Pegarl, LLP, owner of said land. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance, in surveying, mapping and dividing the same. Date Revised July 12, 2002 CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE .,,/ , _/ Z_ ®� William R. Henrichs Registered Land Surveyor, S-2419 WILLIAM R. HENRICHS — 5-2419 Waukesha, WI Pegarl, LLP., a company duly organized and existing under and by vitUre of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, does hereby certify that said corporation caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped .and dedicated as represented on this plat. Pegarl, LLP., does further certify that this plat is required by Section 236.10 or Section 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1. Department of Administration 2. City of Muskego 3. Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Pegarl, LLP. has caused these presents to be signed by Reno R. Berg and Wayne G. Salentine, Partners, at Muskego, kesha County, Wisconsin, and its company seal to be hereunto affixed on this / day of 2002. In the presence of: Pegarl, LLP. Reno R. Berg, Partner Way a G. Salentine, Partner STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY) SS Personally came before me this day of 2002, Reno R. Berg and Wayne G. Salentine, Partners, to me know to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such Partners of said company, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said company, by its authority, o ry Pu lic State of Wiscon My Commission Expires: There are no objections to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15, 236,16, 236.20 and 236.21 (1) and (2), Wis. Stats., or by the County Planning Agency. Certified �II�L+.� ► 2 1 10 � 1, �'f���V���1► Department of ! .r CITY OF MUSKEGO CERTIFICATE RESOLVED that the plat of Nature Estates, a subdivision in the City of Muskego, which has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on the I-1+ day of Al ws—r 1 2002, which action becomes effective upon ail conditions of the City of Muskego approval being satisfied as of the Z811{ , day of AU60S r 2002, Date: e 108ZO(z CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER . 6_m�k' Je . Marenda, City of Muskego, City Clerk 1, Jean Marenda, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of Muskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this r`� day of V� S i , 2002, on any of the land included in the plat of Nature Estates. Date: '912-® JZooI- Jean�lf. Marenda, City of Muskego,City Treasurer COUNTY TREASURERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY) I, Pamela F. Reeves, being duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the r'acords in my officeshowno unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of I 2002, affecting the lands included in the plat of Nature Estates. Date: Pamela F. Reeves, Treasurer, Waukesha County COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLVED that the plat known as NATURE ESTATES, being a part of the SW 1/4 and SE 114 of the SE 1/4 of Section 16, T 5 N. R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, PEGARL, LLP., owner, has been filed for approval, be, and hereby is, approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. �ZQ/ZooL 7 `����r►ltuut+lu��i� Date Mark A. Slocomb, Mayor City of Muskego ���QM(�5+�� I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Cour$il oith�j�r �f 1T ' Muskego on this Z� day ofAf(,JST A 2002_ pp��11��Ld s H12,e10XZ �'�lllglrrl n N1N*,1�� Date Je . Marenda, Clerk/Treasurer City of Muskego CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO, a Corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws to the State of Wisconsin, Mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described in the foregoing instrument of William R. Henrichs, a Registered Land Surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of PEGARL, LLP, Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO, has jLfed these prese is to be signed by at Mukwonago, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 1 day of A� gN5f 2002. IN THE PRESENCE OF: CITIZENS BANK OF MUKWONAGO Witness LANDCRAFT SURVEY AND ENGINEERING, INC. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS 2077 South 116th Street, West Allis, WI 53227 PH. (414) 604-0674 FAX (414) 604-0677 LANDCRFT@EXECPC COM Signed May 23, 2002 SHEET 2 4F 2