MUSKEGO SHORES ADDN #1 - SUBDIVISION PLATMUSKEGO SNORES ADD' N, * I BEING A SUBDIVISION, OF PART OF N.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 9 AND THE S.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 4, TOWNSHIP '5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN A RE SUBDIVISON OF LOTS 1--2-3-AND 4 OF BLK. 2 8 BLK. I OF RAMBO SUBDWISON 8 PART OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 9, & THE S.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 4 - 5-20 MUSKEGO SHORES --- - - - LU - - -Q- S.89' 55' 32•' E - _60.00' 806. 82' •(}1 9 130.00' 166.83' < i� 30' 30 100.00' IOO.DO' 100.00' 7 149.99' UNPLATTED LANDS �J ,o. geoAO 89. 0 E0 4,0' - - - -- - - %- 96.83 30' 30' 4 9. 99, O 1 O-�- 1/4 LINE N.89'38'48"E. 495.61' - - - - - \ 33'ao 362. 87' L z- 132_7a' - 12e9, g 0 7 0 ° 8 9 a fd oro N I �o r6.5 BO m o 3� $ o O $ i $ 0 00 241 3 N lJ� �. I ODO. 1 166.83' o N 1+! 1 `CY • S� \��' I i ` � � 1 o I I 5.89'55'32"E. Z � _ -Zo �. -i 148.08' 3 N 127.55'- - �_ 1 I - O N - �O.�O' - - 100�0' - 100.00 89'S5' 32"E . - N�� iV - - 2'27.96'4 S.89'5K'32"E.- I72_04'r _t I,,13• 2�`E w =1 0 6 a o ,n v w' ,9" o ? 0 14, f 0 0 Iv 0 1 cn �M o Z 15 nw o � 166.83' N 220.00' 2 rn L , 225.01' S.89.55'32 E. rn S. 89" 55' 32" E. N �= ,�� w S. 89'S5'32..E. rn m �" EA ,2 �- 0 0 �p p p 142. 00' 2 83A['CU Q. C. iB '1Z 108.72' 29.6g•. �0 , AU Go 3 O , \- ',, C O- - rn 5 169-59'24' w S 6�• P i os.87"59'40.5" W� 20�°O es. 2s6 r6g. o I90•00-36., ti v,sss �'i 40 , • g3, ss•��•.7 P 6 5 ;� s, \ 124.58 Cy •�]f?� �` 9S • �Sg OBN. A } f 1 `� �n � 25g4848' h tv. j 1 - �0 0 _�f S.89'38'48" W. ��Q 70 20 z ! z !' 190'00'• 6' b" o' o + ! /o i- �. 23 U p B LIK . 2 BLK. -4 _ `� S;54� 6Jr/ o �: RAMBO 7� / r 5 L sO O __�N. ?a 2O 1# 6-4 a 7.64, 5118' D _ I OIOO"'W �i ! if C� Bl� SUBDIVISION 7s�3',�. w � w CURVE DATA TABLE hj� RAMBO SUBDIVISION- CURVE NO. BLK j LOT RC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH I CHORD BEARING CENTRAL ANGLE DEFLECTION ANGLE RADIUS 1 4 1 240.35' 2127.02' N.57.00' 55.5"W. 66-40'33" 33'20' 1&5 ' 206.54' 14 2 50.72' 50.63' S_72'08'03" W. 1 11'37'24" 5.48'42" 260.00' 14 3 1 10S. 72' 1 1107. 87' N.8935'44,5" W 1 24'55'0I" 12' 27' 3Q5" 250.00' 14 4 29. 69' 29.6T' N.73. 44' OT" W. 6'48' 14" 3' 24' 07 " 2 50.00' 14 5 8S.74' 88.29' N.9'39'24" E. 20.01' 12" 101001 36" 253.98' f5 4 102. 97 102.85' N.76'15'00" W. 9"50'00" 4- SS'(30" 600.00, 15 6 1 09.7 1' 109. 15' N - 9'39'24" E 2Cr 01' 12" 1 10' 00' 36" 313 . 98' 1 240.35' 227"02' N.57.00'55.5"W. 66'40'33" 33'20' 16.5" 206.54' 2 189.f2' 184.65' 5.87-59'40.5'W. 43-20'39" 21'40' 19.5" 250.00, 3 1 02.97' 102.85' N.75'15'00" W. 9150,001, 4' 55' 00" 600.00, 4 - W S8.74' 88.29' N- 9' 39'24" E. 20' 01' f 2" 10'00' 36" 253. 98' 4- 99.23' 98.72' N.9'39'24"E. 20'01' 12" 10*00,361, 283. 98' k . E 109.71' 109. 15' N. 9.39` 24" E 20' 01 ' I2" 10'00' 36" 313.98' 111111l.4N Se1Rk. -Y/NG 4C Z1- V611VZZR- /NG w L4 -; 0 _-75 200 10 100 250 SCALE r' = 100' ' N.E. COR. OF N. E. 1/4 89' 38'48" W' 30.00' (ijvr_ 0MM1 o�I z Y 0 30' 30' I O � I 0 1 I �i �f BLK. 3 INDICATES 20' UTILITY EASEMENT & DRAINAGE EASEMENT o INDICAT-ES 211 x 30" IRON PIPE 3.65 LBS. PER LII1. I'T . ALL OTHER LOT COMT ERS HAVE 111 x 24" IROTd PIPE 1.13 LB,S. PER LIN.FT. i 0 1D it m LL DI-E-SIONS P-IE:',SU:'ED TO THE '-'E:',.REST 0.01' ALL GULAR KEAr3-JRET1Ei,. H. "IE FEi. I�1ADE TO THE LLTEAREST 30 3ECC'NDS -'.ND C0K7JT ,D TO fHE NE,'R 3T 0.5 SEC``? "17 'r I SCOT-ST:J i r l�AT1KLSuA C. UNTY)1 Z)S We, GyR�LT) 13. I .1-1AN -Lnd T IOMAS D. I17114AN9 rc' ;i' t erec'_ l nci curve ,Tors; bciil; iir t au.ly s�aDrn on oath, here'oy de Doge nr' s:.y; That tine 1i ;ve surva;� -d, divided wnd ma sped a .)_..rt of the N.L.4 ofN.T .,'. of 5ecti:�n 9 and t1 e S.; r , of a.�.�4 of Section 4, To�rrs'r.i ; 5 : ,rt'_., R _n:e 2C _ :t, amity of .':u sl-ego, rJuke. ha .;uunuy, V'Lsc.:nsin, bounded -end described ,-,s follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northe j:st 1/4 of s_.id Section 9, thence S,,uth 39'38' 48" `:Jest 30.00 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Lannon Drive and the ooint of b inr_ing of the lAnd to be described; thence Due ;south ::Ian,; the westerly ri ht-ol-:iay line of Lannon Drive 300.01 feet to --�. ,,oint; thence South 89°38148" ':Jest 124.58 feet to a point, t',Icnce South 9° 5010011 ',Jest 159.18 feet to a point on a curve; T'?orth.;esterLy 102.97 feet long the 7zrc of a curve, the center of �i'-,ich lies Tuor�- r1,; , rri th a radius of 600.00 feet �A,nd cord of w' ich bears North 75°15'00'1 'lest 102.85 foet to a point; thence North 70°2010011 'Jest 547.58 feet to a point of curve; thence Jesterl,y 189.12 feet along the arc of a curve, the center of which lies Southerly, with a r-,dius of 250.00 i:et end a chord of w.,ich boars South 875914135"',Jest 184.6> feet to a point; thence SoutIA 66°1912111 West 91.63 feet to a point; thence Nortn 23'40'39" '.Jest 184.13 feet to a point of curve; then.cc TTorth•,"resterly 240.55 feet al ng the �_rc of w curve, the center of ;:iich lic�s South<lesterly, with a r.:dius of 206.54 feet and a cr.ord of w'.ich :, rs north 77°00' -5.511 West 227.02 feet to a point in the North line of the 'orthe•-�st 1/4 of ;..id Section 9; thence North 89°38'48" East along said :orth 1/4 line 495.61 feet to a Joint; thence 1`ort;-i 0'04128" Eust 57.17 feet to Joint in the South rir-ht--o"-way line of ilu;-ie L.o Drive; thence South 89'55'3- Last �lon s1.id right-o�-w�;r line 80'.82 f et to a point; thence SD uth 1013' 48" West 51.15 feet to the ,point of ;et iy,nine. rs /.31-/csl' �. ,y c aA.4J.r, C r�� .�E �� a F St�z 9 .�/7c� T,c/2= -Sr- iz - j- _ -�-- r :OTARI.�ATION OF SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ST.'I`-`L OF 'II �C, NSIN WAU_KuaHA 0"UNTY)SS Pers-:,nally c;�,me before me this 17L' day of October, 1969, the above maned GERALD B. IN11',N and THOM,yS D. IiP°�.'�TT, to me known to be the persons who executed t'le foregoing instrument and ac'tn)wled:ed the s: iie. n T�ot::.ry ?ublic Milt-:�_:.uTiee�CountV Wiscon ,in My ex_,ires �ri �� s ! 4 %-2- -_ i :,.be1 1-,ui:.n e PClNhll f,�ZMABEL y INMAN 0`.�T ,3 E,.iIiIC. TE OF DEDIC.ITIO ,6,.�� >> af:•�Tr 01 `:iICCP.SIT:; +s;,'F L'1rLTTY;3'S {vi�',VIVrTY)S0 YIi��GF .,�� As owner, I hereby certify th-J.t I c:,.used the 1,,nd described on t.is pl:,t to be :surveyed, divided, m pped ,.--nd dedic°;.ted -�s re �r4r,ented on the plat. I also certify th .t this nl-t is re:.uired by s.-936.10 or s.236.12 to be subpitted to the follo,;rin for ..prrov:zl or obj,ction: The Co ­-ori Council of the City of I 1 i r^ t ir, Local 7 ] e 7 tr rt n '.? �e �,ional y ]_ :'.nnin , D „p; r � le � o. Lac; .l ;� i Dw 10 y lr,nt C:•;unty Park anc�. Pl:anninE; Co,.�ai,;lion } WC0001018 JIL JIT`<<:�SS the hand -n1 seal of s:lid o�aner this /7d-.y of OGrs�rR ,1969• In Presence of �7. a- a Do _ d Tievey / �___ R. 1. YIOLZ - Seal ) 'TRV1E70R1S CERTIFICATE(Con't.) SEC. 9-5-20 PLAT ] ER-,� C 'D m0 R E ST LI'7E OF T_rE SEC. 9 31-7AI?T::G T J DTT~ SOUT:T T� , S.E. 1/4 4 PLAT--4 D LA E \ � S� �. A• _�- N.� G 4 Q/ MI SKIF x] 9 LOCATION MAP THAT we have made I-lurve-,, land division and plat by t1ie directi:�;n R.". ''OLZ, owner of said land. T�'-1T such plat is a cl.lrrect reprlesentation of all the exterior boundaries of the land sTarvelred and the : ub(division thereof mawde. THAT we h-:,ve fully complied .rich the provisions of Chupter 2,56 of the Wiscon.-An Statutes and the subdivision regulations of 'he City of Muskegs in surveyin_�, dividing, and mapping same. Dated this 17 day of ocroff -, _ _, 1969. REVISED THIS 31 ST. DAY OF .BAN. 1970. %W"Offt REVISED THIS �l1=p��f 20TH DAY OF FEB., 1970 0 ON VA D. ID--�91 GERALO BOYD THOM Z.• AS IEKMAM INMAN = aurv�yor S4391 S S-959 M MIL1IrI►VIRM MILWAUKEEA Q+ 9 1d18~ �- % W15. a �o o, i�,i�O v�• ��i♦�O v���,` THOMAS D. T171"AN U-99 Surveyor J. J. lz ST;LTE J C )iTSIT1)SS 'LINTY } Pers ,n«.11y c me bef are me this /7 � 7':,.;T of QSaQE�_,1969, the �:bove nai- ed R.':'. HOLZ to me known to be the rer���an Oho executed the foregoing instrument and °-cknowled ed G�mmissi - x; ,es �'_^, 11 1973 the same. Notary Public, 1-/�l/.ces..gv A�' , `r]isc. My Commission E�alres NK � Glenn Kirschenlore "ins Y. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY GERALD INMAN $, THOMAS INMAN 4360 CERTIFICATE OF CITY T7-EASURER STATE OF ':1I3CCN3IN SS WAUTLESH" COUNTY ) I, JEAN SAYDE1Z5, the dlzlv an -pointed, q,.zali"ied and acting Treasurer of the City of N4uslcego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of � day of 1970, on any of the land included in the plat of MUSKEGO SHOVES A WN. -""I. Joan Sande-fs, City Tr.casurer CERTI'-;'ICATE OF COUN'"Y TREASU ILER 77 Tr OF ;dISC P' Ii'? SS WAT=IiA CCUNTY ) I, Leslie P. Rocktcacher, the duly elected treasurer of Waukesha County, do hereby certify that t'ie records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments from -Y- =-r- , inclusive, affecting the lands inclined in this plat. i Z. Leslie P. 2,oc?�teacher, County Treasurer COIMMIT COUNCIL RESOLUTION "Resolved that a plat -�:no-.,n as t':USKE GO CIHORES ADD'N. -. I . which has been duly filed for ap-prov;n•1 of the Common Gouncil ox' the City of lluslzego, be .end the same is hereby a-oproved as reel -.,fired -03 Cl.:wpter 236, lisconsin Statutes, 1965. I hereby certify that the above is true and correct copy of a resoluti:,n adopted by the Co=a.on Council of the City of Phis. ;o on this day of _ le "1 1969• `Bette J. 3o,ry �ler�L I Ae4'-/.IY CcRr1F1' THAT 7:412-- CO/"/fc/v Ce,c'rvC.4- q7O J if'E� F�/«M Tjy',E//$ /4PP1?4 V.41- etc TN•T /3A:.4 7- iCNC jv v --Ibjlorzrez� -S, '4,0,0'V / sHEfrr I OF i113. �4. 41S"