MUSKEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION NO 1 - SUBDIVISION PLATMUSKEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION NO. PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 AND THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1 /4 OF SECTION 16, AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1 /4 OF SECTION 17, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN BY RUEKERT & MIELKE , INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS LOCATION MAP NO SCALE LEGEND O - INDICATES 2"x 30" IRON PIPE 3.65 LBS/LINEAL FOOT. ALL OTHER LOT CORNERS, 1'x 24" IRON PIPE. 1.13 LBS./LINEAL FOOT NOTES ALL LINEAR MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE NEAREST ONE HUNDREDTH OF A FOOT. ALL ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE NEAREST SECOND AND COMPUTED TO HALF SECONDS REFERENCE MERIDAN - WEST LINE OF THE SW 1 /4 SECTION 16, TOWN 5 NORTH. RANGE 19 EAST, ASSUMED BEARING N 00 59'13' W 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE IN FEET C.S.M. NO. 4305 \ , / DOC. N0. 1209864 1 9� \ UNPLATTED LANDS- f WEST 1/4 COR 20' WIDE UTILITY ' / N. LINE OF SW 1/4, SEC. 16, T 5 N. R 20 E SEC. 16, T5N, R20E EASEMENT •'� . L N\ 88.19"54 CAST IRON MONU W/BRASS CAP N 88047'42"E 1677.00 �, - - - .� 78.96 150.00 150.00 150.00. ^ 150.00,-150.00, - 150.00' - - ' 7a.96 171.90 - - VISION CORNER U SEE DETAIL BELOW o r �� \ 11 I N $ g $ C o p ad 20' WIDE UTILITY 41 N. LINE of SE 1 /4, \ I N $ o M BLOCK 3 "' N j EASEMENT CA SEC 17.T 5 N,R 20 E \ 1 z '�-------- ' I 130683 SQ. FT. ® +�• 2 5 4 3 2 3.000 ACRES 00. .6 * 0 8 7 6 45000 SQ. FT. 44971 SQ. FT. ,1 b'D 'A 3 ~ 58029 SQ. FT. 45000 SQ. FT. 45000 SQ. FT. 45000 SQ. FT. 45000 SQ. FT. 1.033 ACRES 1.032 ACRES UNPLATTED 2 1 �1 cD I , fO 1In .332 ACRES 1.033 ACRES 1.033 ACRES 1.033 ACRES 1.033 ACRES LANDS o� I. 0 W Saoco 13i g +_ N CV N N - Q o z N z00 M � z 66 N1) 150.00' 150.00' 150.00' 150.00' 150.00' 101.82' .4�.22 234•47� ' UA ' 1004.79 S 88 047 42 W -g I - SATURN--------- r�- �, k\ UNPLATTED LANDS 1 UNPLATTEDUNPLATTED LANDS LANDS I 16.5' WADE CIS. TEL CO. EASEMENT - DOCUMENT NO. 317776 40 I40 IN SOUTHWEST CDR Irke co�+' SEC. 16 T5M, R20E AP AST SSACMONU (AD O W/Br fly I a.. VISION CORNER CURVE NO. LOT NO. RADIUS LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING CENTRAL ANGLE TANGENT BEARING 1 1974.48 103.63 S 12.11'10.e' W 03000'27" S 10.40'57" E V.C. 1974.48 59.60 S 11.32'50" E 01.43*46* 1 1974.48 44.04 S 13.03'03r E 01.16*41 " S 13' 41' 24" E 2 20.00 28.44 S 34.38'26" W 90.38'46" S 79' 57'49' W 3 1164.35 236.06 S 74• 06'44" W 11.38110* S 6a' 19'39" W V.C. 1164.35 14.87 S 79'35'51.5" W 00*43'55" 1 1164.35 221.26 S 73" 46'46.5" W 10.54' 15" 4 656.36 233.23 S 7a•33'40.5" W 20.28'03" S aa' 47'42" W 1 656.38 155.53 S 76.27'23.3" W 16" 15'29" 2 656.38 48.21 S a6.41'25" W 04" 12'34" 5 20.00 28.34 N W 05'45.5- W 90' 13'05' N 00' 59'13" W 6 437.18 262.75 N 18•28'29.5" W 34.58'33" N 35.57*46" W R1IEI�IIT, �. S-1204 WAUKE>l lk VA �NIN�4i�l�WlVird�Ull��l'I'M� REVISED THIS ,., DAY a `C...�� 1996,: wCaaaa3„ C"7 r � r VISION CORNER DETAIL SCALE: V - 50' 7t "THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY .��,1 1`J 11,.,F 1 " SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS MUSKEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDITION N0. I PART OF,.THE NORTHEAST-4/4 -AND THE NORTHWEST'1/4 OF THE'SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, AND PANT OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, Frank Ruekert, Jr., registered land surveyor, hereby certify; That I have surveyed,.divided and mapped Muskego Industrial Park Addition No. 1, located in the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17; Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. That I have made such survey, land -division and plat by the direction of the City of Muskego, owner of said land. Commencing at the West 1/4 corner of Section 16 and point of beginning; thence North 88047'42" East, along the North line of the Southwest' 1/4 of Section 16, 1677 feet to a point in a curve and Westerly right-of-way line of C.T.H. "Y", Racine Ave.; thence along an arc of a curve 103.64 feet, center which lies to the West, radius of 1974.48 feet and a chord bearing South 12011'10.5" East, 103.63 feet to a point of a curve; thence along an arc of a curve 31.64 feet, center which lies to the Northwest, radius of 20.00 feet, and a chord bearing South 34038,26" West, 28.44 feet to a point in the Northerly right-of-way line of Saturn Drive and point of a curve; thence along an arc of a curve and said Northerly right-of-way line 236.47 feet, center which lies to the South, radius of 1164.35 feet, and a chord bearing South 74008144" West, 236.06 feet; thence South 68.19139" West, 211.83 feet to a point of curve; thence along an arc of a curve 234.48 feet, center which lies to the North, radius of 656.38 feet, and a chord bearing South 78033'40:5" West, 233.23 feet; thence South 88047142" West, 1004.79 feet to a point of curve; thence along an arc of a curve, 31.49 feet, center which lies to the Northeast, radius of 20 feet, and a chord bearing North 46005'45.5"West, 28.34 feet to at point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Mercury Drive; thence North 00.591130 West along said Easterly right-of-way line, 28.38 feet to a point of curve; thence along an arc of a curve 266.87 feet, center which lies to the West, radius of 437.18 feet, and a chord bearing North 18028129.5"West, 262.75 feet to a point on the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17; thence North 88019154" East along said North line, 78.96 feet to the point of beginning containing 10.53 acres more or less. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land sur- veyed and the subdivision thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muskego, in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated this day of Jeagw1deye , 19�• It Revised this 71 of Dwamber, 1 8 FlirMJ. T, A. 5-1204 � o- COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. firlank Rue ert, Jr. s-1204 RESOLVED, that the plat known as Muskego Industrial Park Add. No. 1, being a Subdivision of a part of the Northeast 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, and part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, T5N, R20E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which has been filed for approval of the Common Council of the City of - Muskego, be and the same is hereby approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing'is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on the J r 'day of _'I'l �z, , 19_& I, further certify that copies of this plat were forwarded as required by S.236.12 on the day of , 19 96 , and that within the 20-day limit set by S.236.12(3)-no objections to the plat have been fi.leT or all objections to the plat have been met. Date: T City Of Muskego CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION The City of Muskego, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, does hereby certify that said corporation caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. The City of Muskego, does further certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or S.236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: Approving Authorities Common Council of the City of Muskego Agencies Having Authority to Object 1. Waukesha County Park th Pfannin9 Commission 2. Department of Development As owner, the City of Muskego hereby restricts all lots and blocks, in that no owner, possessor, user, nor licensee, nor other person,, -shall have any right of direct vehicular ingress or egress with County Trunk Highway "Y" or Racine Avenue as shown on the plat; it being expressly intended that this restriction shall constitute a restriction for the benefit of the public according to Section 236.293, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall be enforceable by the State Highway Commission. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Muskego has caused these presents to be signed by Wayne Salentine, its Mayor, and countersigned by Charlotte L. Stewart its Cl k, at Muskego, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed on this�//�ay of ,_19A,• In the presence of: STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS WAUKESHA COUNTY } CITY OF MUSKEGO Personally came before me this �ay of , 19 i'( , Wayne Salentine, Mayor and Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk of the ove named municipal corporation, to me known to be the persond who executed the foreoing instrument, and to me known to be such Mayor and Clerk of said municipal corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers as the deed of said municipal corporation, by its authority. No ary Public, , Wisconsin r: r r�• r My Commission expires ,Y- - REGISTER'S Off ICE ss N0. ���►�:�. c.. ■h. .... 4 g DAY ECEIVED FOR RECORD' ..--...-... r _ 5 CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER „•„ A. D„ 1961..AT•••�•I• 9o!=•••'1 # M. 6 RECORDED IN STATE OF WISCONSIN) Ole (SS OF ON • WAUKESHA COUNTY } •RE�,Tf/ I, Jean A. Sanders, being the duly elected, qualified and acting, _ City Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of it c, a.�"� I L on any of the land included in the plat of Muskego Industrial Park Addition No. 1. Dated: Jeap A. Sanders, City COUNTY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) (SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) easurer I, Dorothy L. MacDonald, being the duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments through ! affecting the lands included in the plat of Muskego Industrial Park Addition No. Dated*.-, Dorothy L. MacDonald, County Treasurer SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS