MEADOW GREEN WEST ADDN NO 1 - SUBDIVISION PLAT]LIG; Lx- 2 NORTHWEST CORNER 11AE 114 SEC. 16-5-20 N 334,100.11 E 2,498,552.29 67x6- CONC. MONUMENT N 88. 34' 35" E 1303.67 FTIerono objections to this plat with respect to .15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21 (1) and (2), s., or by the County Planning Agency. Certified this day ofl�,,,,••• 19.. 7q Is -4m� 1]epartment of Agriculture, Trade 8 Consumer Protection AHISTIR'S OFFICE) U i6Q163 T WCEIVID FOR RAC099 TU ,�.L&gAT .....,I A. D.,1994LA1 : O1fr�M .4. D RIC D[D t! �� o� �I "> I ZI it ex I fl1 tit .q+ Lu1 k� Q- __jI ,S- METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. 20875 CROSSROADS CIRCLE, SUITE 150, WAUKESHA, W1. 53186 PH. (414) 782-2221 FAX 782-4426 5 `` lSo N/L OF NE 114 16-5-20 Uj N N 18 N 88' 34' 35" E I349.69 NORTHEAST CORNER NE 114 SEC. 16-5-20 N 334,166.03 E 2,501,204.66 6"x6" CONC, MONUMENT NOTES: MEADOW GREEN WEST A DD'N. NO. l BEING A PART OF THE NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, AND SW 1/4 OF THE NE 114 OF SECTION /6, T5N, R20E, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, W/SCONS/N. 1) o-Denotes 2" x 30" iron pipe, 3.65 lbs. per lineal foot 2) 1" x 24" iron pipe, 1.13 lbs. per lineal foot, at all other lot corners 3) All distances to the nearest 0.01, 4) All bearings are referred to grid north of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone 5) A] 1 areas are to the nearest foot 19 _MEADOyy GREEN H'ESr 00, 20 j 42/ '1 Q SCALE- ., 2000, VICINITY SKETCH NE 114 SEC. 16-5-20 i .501 •00 a� � ! I 54" 7 . 24 I 1 � 1A�� pi S8 0 � �N 7834 25 � S OS s•�5., � 22 � DO" E 23 \ � f 39 � 17 s5s s.r r 60.00 , . se � Sig. .3d 0 � I 0 .6�v�, k E 74.25 g2� N83-5 -00"E I 0 0 �.,tu 0. oo F 11z? 2 06 '0ER ^ N130.00, - - - -- - - 4 \ y13 k0¢0 60 "� r:i 78 � 70• �-- �� 130.00QD 69 �� o s��5�r� 77 19.751 S.F N 0 STORM SEWER O 0'I2 EASEMENT :� to S 87. 51' 32" E h`t' 16,136 S.F. h h r7,480 S.F.SF o IS 5,53 33 615. . 5A 3060 tn 0 56•41 `� -Q D3 40 3`71, 1� 37 `k r, k'S � ,�`c� v 15. 52" W I96,11 I300p so? E N ti W 82 n l6,24S S.F. S 76'� O O `�D ,,, N 513' 44' �" E 37.80 C 7 13 3 b 10 eq o �. 18, 735 S.F. � 15.18 V �ti o 7 �a %6 �' 79 h `� �= 102 81 rya° o HAVEN DRIVE 2�036 S.F 2 d / 0 �_ Q 0'o 'N o - - (607 19,692 S-F o , o 17.687 SF. ti 81 0- 17,030 S.F. cD O �� toy Z 2 475 S.F. Z 1000 B3 © o ' m �n �r 18, 32'5 g0 5 e1. 08' 12" W , 73' 24' r 34 . 20 a 6 z O � . 36, 36� 0. CAS �• r68.84 Q � 0 6t 13T 1 �'6,• 30 j30 00` ^ 2 ? c - z m �g0 �3 v%8 \ N so 06'. g3. 2� 2919 66 (h � 71 t- '� m 6�s -� 00 o ,��, o o. 80 130 3 !B, 713 s.F w 0 1 118,537 S F. E 75 0 �'� 18.669 S.F. 00 Z 5 67.12 00 0 0 0` 2 00 °,cV 20,402 S.F. \, ,a5 175, oo + + �g \50 • o y E `, 2 \`, Z o„ Qo ' a 1 0 3� 4 6 `oo N . t0 9.S ` V 1 P 20,296 S.F. z i 72 to 51 k?6 � ;�0�; dg \ ` ,a °QQp 65 3d �3 �. Q� ti 4 7 �'=..1 0 18,900 S.F. 0 06', o oa,, sr N20,815 S.F 3 a �� 74 0 �\ 0 0- l7,055 S.F. IQ 3 Q s A ti 0 15 0 '• o 0 h a 0 �0 m. i M . t6 0 23 00 q l5,806 Sf. k02' �3 .00 0�.. 50,00 11 g3 00. kga+. 00 4 123.12 s z ��. z �' `�sroRM sEwER�'o q+,z ��0 0 0o 48 , !8`4 W 3 Qs, O�"'i¢ EASEMfh'T �' ,0260� 5 ,(� Zo• 15,600s.F S 76173�2 64 `� O 23, a 75 S.F. cti oo d . ro 'J0 16.900 S.F. ' g fit' kg 2 y00 ��`'0 "6'0 +30 �0 0 ZAAg+ 00 0. �� h,g02� �� d 49 00 2650 5 63 a 7- y o� 16,200 S.F. 4 19,999 S.F. 23 ,1 k p9 y STORM EAEMeNr 'E/? 62 `� �33 90 00 50 5 4i 17,100 S.F. 0 A � O` A 17,362 S.F. h oj� �'.>' byp h a a� .� h� 1011, 0 P _ sb .23 g o ® a' �� !c a�. � 3 \�h\�y� o ,n 6/�k9t9.23 5p6k (� `q r' O O N 89.13' 00" E 0 6, 18,964 S.F. +� 155.00 60 0 t, `�' o 4 Do- N 89' 13' 00" E l55.00 CA o 18,090 S.F. 1k0' • ' 6yb$ 5/ !8, 494 S.F. 2/0.00 d 59 4 �° C]+, 150.00 rr .... . O N O1 W k 43' 23 ik C `P' 0 00IzS 00 , 30' 30' !2 20,173 S.F. 5 72. 0 46 52 $ 446.5e t0 �n¢0 CO'' 0 58 o-�o 0 0 00 0; 5g,52 4c� 'h ti O 16,500 S.F. `� N N O o 4 _ 105 40 W 100.00 52 `�� 129.-9 - 72. 00 1 III S 405.04 00 l8,59B S.F. N 89. /3' 00" E 3 3 NB9'13'00"' -138.9 105.04 4$ 00 5z 41 WI O 150.00 q o 30.0 - _ 57 04 40" W w 53 O O _ f47.96 . 0' _ Q h _ 42 96 5 72 _ 17,204 S.F. f,,, 1Q� WI JI O 57 �O K �^ 105.00 w CV 54 M o?o 16,500 SF. �o Z o0 0 N 4 16,193 S.F. 10 0 25 z W Co �,W LD 55 Iz 9a l50.00 O, 0- p 56 � 16,274 S.F. '= 63� a S 89' 13' 00" W 3 =� 17,446 S.F. N 11222 210,00 O o 40 225.62 0 0 113• W to 136.91 S T2. 00` 40. 5 a S 89013, OO" W �p,NQ 2 /36.91 0N�'ASrE4 ' h 49 �s C-) IF �SC�kS��''��% 411 STANLEY J. �1(�z �nwI I^ 1 S 40' OI' 33" E 40.00 9j�, y O �o 'y''ry������►i�rrrlrru� �F REVISED THIS 5th DAY OF APRIL, 1990 REVISED THIS 8th DAY OF JUNE. 1990 REVISED THIS 3rd DAY OF JULY, 1990 o � o- 45 0 41 17,320 S.F. ~ O e5.00 _ - - 5 79• 48' 52" W 85.00 �g 25- 20' 00" W 60.00 UCaa0az3s GRAPHIC SCALE _ SCALE.• 1" 100' 0 100' 200, 50, 150 • LOT CURVE DATA NO RADIUS ARC CHORD I I12 CHORD BEARING 45 550.00 130.00 129.70 130 32' 34" 60 46' 17" S 730 02' 35" W 46 550.00 130.00 129.70 130 32' 34" 60 46' 17" S 590 30' 01" W 47 550.00 31.97 31.97 30 19' 50" 10 39' 55" S 510 03' 49" W 51 655.18 6.58 6.58 00 34' 32" 00 17' 16" S 490 41' 10" W 52 655.18 100.00 99.90 80 44' 42" 40 22' 21" S 540 20' 47" W 53 655.18 100.00 99.90 80 44' 42" 40 22' 21" S 630 05' 29" W 54 655.18 52.00 51.99 40 32' 5011 20 16' 25" S 69° 44' 15" W 55 492.71 42.96 42.95 40 59' 44" 20 29' 52" S 740 30' 32" W 56 492.71 105.00 104.80 120 12' 36" 60 06' 1811 S 830 06' 42" W 60 595.18 84.43 84.36 80 07' 40" 40 03' 5011 N 670 56' 50" E 61 595.18 140.00 139.68 130 28' 38" 60 44' 19" N 570 08' 41" E 62 595.18 10.47 10.47 10 00' 28" 00 30' 14" N 490 54' 08" E 64 370.25 25.10 25.09 30 53! 0211 10 561 1 311 S 380 39! 35" E 65 370.25 90.00 89.78 130 55' 38" 60 57' 4911 S 290 45' 15" E 66 370.25 90.00 89.78 130 55' 38" 60 57' 49" S 150 49' 37" E 67 370.25 100.00 99.70 15" 28' 30" 70 44' 15" S 1° 07' 33" E rl ne rn0 9B1 -)n 11 771_�r- IL- er nl0 68 0.25 58.30 58.21 100 461 00 " 50 231 00" S 440 1 11 36" W 69 310.25 150.00 148.54 270 42' 0611 130 51' 0311 S 240 57' 33" W 70 310.25 150.00 148.54 270 42' 06" 130 51' 03" S 20 44' 33" E 71 310.25 130.00 129.05 240 00' 30" 120 00' 15" S 28° 35' 51" E 74 382.10 51.91 51.87 70 47' 00" 30 53' 3011 N 360 42' 36" W 75 382.10 107.47 107.12 160 06' 56" 80 03' 28" N 240 45' 38" W 75 60.00 24.80 24.62 230 41' 00" 110 50' 30" N 510 30' 12" W 76 60.00 63.55 60.62 600 41' 08" 300 20' 3411 N 90 19' 08" W 77 60.00 71.33 67.20 680 06' 56" 340 03' 28" N 550 04' 54" E 78 60.00 65.73 62.49 620 46' 08" 31° 23' 04" S 590 28' 34" E 79 60.00 63.96 60.97 610 04' 3011 300 32' 15" S 20 26' 45" W 79 322.10 45.84 45.80 80 09' 12" 40 04' 3611 S 210 24' 18" E 80 322.10 85.00 84.75 150 071 1211 70 331 36" S 330 02' 30" E 81 610.00 83.22 83.16 70 49' 0011 30 54' 3011 N 530 18' 24" E 82 610.00 100.00 99.89 90 23' 34" 40 41' 47" N 610 54' 41" E 83 610.00 102.81 102.69 90 39' 24" 40 49' 42" N 710 26' 1011 E MAIN CURVE DATA NO. RADIUS ARC CHORD I 1/2 TANG BEARING CHORD BEARING TANG BEARING 1W io 320.00 48.83 48.79 8° 44' 36" 40 22' 18" S 400 50` 00" W. S 450 12' 18" W S 490 34' 36" W ]CL 350.00 53.41 53.36 80 44' 36" 40 22 18" S 40° 50' 00" W S 45° 12' 18" W S 490 34' 36" W lE 380.00 57.99 57.93 80 44' 36" 40 22' 18" S 400 50' 00" W S 450 12' 18" W S 49° 34' 36" W 2W 2W 370.25 277.64 271.18 42D 57' 54" 21' 28' 57" S 496 34' 36" W S 28° 05' 39" W S 6' 36' 42" W 2W 370.25 370.25 305.10 296.54 47° 12' 48" 23° 36' 24" S 6° 36' 42" W S 16' 59' 42" F S 4 0 Q sr,' 0r,- t= 582.74 524.43 90° 10' 42" 45° 05' 21" S 496 34' 36" W S 4° 29' 15" W S 40" 36' 06" E 2CL 340.25 535.52 481.93 900 104 4211 450 05' 2111 S 490 34' 36" W S 40 29' 15" W S 400 36' O6" E 2E 310.25 488.3b 439.44' 900 10' 42" 450 05' 21" S 49° 34' 36" W S 4° 29' 15" W S 40° 36' 06" E 3N 610.00 323.83 320.04 300 24' 58" 150 12' 29" N 490 23' 54" E N 640 36' 23" E N 790 48' 52" E 3N 610.00 37.80 37.79 30-33' 00" 10 46' 30" S 790 48' 52" W S 780 02' 22" W S 760 15' 52" W 3CL 580.00 307.90 304.30 30" 24' 58" 150 12' 29" N 490 23' 541' E N 640 36' 23" E N 790 48' 52" E 3S 550.00 291.97 288.56 300 24' 58" 150 12' 29" N 490 23' 54" E N 640 36' 23" E N 790 48' 52" E 4N 595.18 234.90 233.38 22" 36' 46" 110 18' 23" N 720 00' 40" E N 600 42' 1711 E N 490 23' 54" E 4CL 625.18 246.74 245.14 220 36' 46" 110 18' 23" N 720 00' 401' E N 60" 42' 17" E N 490 23' 54" E 4S 655.18 258.58 256.91 220 36' 46" 110 18' 23" N 720 00' 401' E N 600 42' 17" E N 490 23' 54" E 5N 432.71 129.94 129.45 170 12' 20" 80 36' 10" N 890 13- 00" E N 800 36' 50" E N 720 00' 40" E CL 462.71 138.95 138.43 170 121 " 20 80 361 u 10 N 890 13' n 00 E N 800 361 50" E N 720 001 II 40 E 5S 492.71 147.96 147.40 170 12' 20" 80 36' 10" N 890 13' 00" E N 800 36' 50" E N 720 00' 40" E 6W 420.00 98.77 98.55 130 28' 28" 60 44' 14" S 400 36' 06" E S 470 20' 20" E S 540 04' 34" E 6CL 390.00 91.72 91.51 130 28' 28" 60 44' 14" S 400 36' 06" E S 470 20' 20" E S 540 04' 34" E 6E 360.00 84.66 84.47 130 28' 28" 60 44' 14" S 400 36' 06" E S 470 20' 20" E S 540 04' 34" E 6E 360.00 88.46 88.24 140 04' 42" 70 02' 21" S 540 04' 34" E S 610 06' 55" E S 680 09' 16" E 6E 360.00 173.12 1.71.46 270 33' 10" 130 46' 35" S 400 36' 06" E S 540 22' 41" E S 680 09' 16" E 7W 382.10 159.38 158.23 230 53' 56" 110 56' 58" N 400 36' 06'1 W N 280 39' 08i1 W N 160 42' 10" W 7CL 352.10 157.33 156.02 250 36' 06" 120 48' 03" N 400 36' 06" W N 270 48' 03" W N 150 00' 00" W 7E 322.10 130.84 129.94 230 16' 24" 110 38' 12" N 400 36' 06" W N 280 57' 54" W N 170 19' 42" W 8 30.00 24.42 23.75 460 38' 32" 230 19' 16" N 160 42' 10" W N 400 01' 26" W N 630 20' 42" W 9 60.00 289.37 80.04 2760 19' 42" 1380 09' 51" N 630 20' 42" W N 740 49' 09" E S 320 59' 00" W 10 30.00 26.34 25.51 500 18' 42" 250 09' 21" S 320 59' 00" W S 70 49' 39" W S 170 19' 42" E 3N 610.00 286.03 283.42 26° 51' 58" 13° 25' 59" N 49° 23' 54" E N 62' 49' 53" E N 76° 15' 52" E SHEET 1 OF 2 336 MEADOW GREEN WEST ADD'N. NO. l SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WA UKSHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, Stanley J. Potrykus, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped MEADOW GREEN WEST ADD'N NO. 1, being a part of the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 16, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said NE 1/4 Section; thence N 88' 34' 35" E along the North line of said NE 1/4 Section, 1303.67 feet; thence S 1° 25' 25" E, 597.19 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence S 490 10' 00" E, 230.00 feet; thence N 78' 45' 54" E. 134.25 feet; thence S 73' 46' 15" E, 106.68 feet; thence S 19' 30', 00" E, 92.70 feet; thence N170° 30' 00" E, 185.00 feet; thence N 83' 50' 00" E, 130.00 feet; thence S 13' 44' 08" E, 129.34 feet; thence Northeasterly 37.80 feet along the arc of a circle whose center is to the South, whose radius is 610.00 feet and whose chord bears N 78° 02' 22" E, 37.79 feet; thence S 10' 11' 08" E, 225.00 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 41 in MEADOW GREEN WEST; thence S 79' 48' 52" W, 85.00 feet; thence S 25' 20' 00" W, 60.00 feet; thence S 76' 42' 18" W, 173.12 feet; thence S 49' 23' 54" W, 265.00 feet; thence S 210 50' 44" W, 100.58 feet; and Northwesterly 88.46 feet along the arc of a circce whose center is to the Northeast, whose radius is 360.00 feet and whose chord bears N 61' 06' 55" W, 88.24 feet; thence S 35' 55' 26" W, 229.18 feet; thence S 40' 01' 33" E, 40.00 feet; thence S 630 49' 44" W, 250.70 feet; thence S 720 00' 40" W, 225.62 feet; thence S 890 13' 00" W, 136.91 feet; thence N 00 47' 00" W, 60.00 feet; thence S 89" 13' 00" W, 210.00 feet; thence N 00 47' 00" W, 220.00 feet; thence N 890 13' 00" E, 210.00 feet; thence N 00 47' 00" W, 50.00 feet; thence N 890 13' 00" E, 155.00 feet; thence N 260 45' 55" E, 145.96 feet; thence N 19' 00' 38" W, 259.92 feet; thence N 13' 09' 49" W, 268.22 feet; thence S 870 51' 32" E, 196.11 feet; thence Northeasterly 277.64 feet along the arc of a circle whose center is to the East, whose radius is 370.25 feet and whose chord bears N 280 05' 39" E, 271.18 feet; thence Northeasterly 48.83 feet along the arc of a cirlce whose center is to the Northwest, whose radius is 320.00 feet and whose chord bears N 450 12' 18" E, 48.79 feet to the place of beginning. That I have made such survey, land division and plat by the direction of Pamela A. Boehm, Gary B.Boehm, Gloria J. Boehm, and Gregory J. Boehm, Owners of said land. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 18 of the City of Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Stanley J' Potrykus, Registered Land Surveyor S-500 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As Owners, we hereby certify that we caused thresentedeonrthes platd on . Weaalso certify thatNthEsTpjap'isNOequired.111 to be la surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as rep by S.236.10 of S.236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION 2) CITY OF MUSKEGO 3) WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK & PLANNING COMMISION DATE: / / 9C� aria J. Boehm{ ary B. ehm amela A. Boehm STATE OF WISCONSIN } SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this day of J,) 1990 the above named Gregory J. Boehm, Gloria J. Boehm, Gary B. Boehm, and Pame a A. Boehm, to me k own to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. My Commission Expires: CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SSp WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, Patricia G. Karcher, being the duly elected Treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of p&c.Iq affecting the lands included in the plat of MEADOW GREEN WEST ADDN NO. 1. A QLLL I o Date Patricia G. Karcher, �reas�urer- Waukesha County COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the plat known as MEADOW GREEN WEST ADD'N NO. 1, being a Subdivision of a part of the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 16, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which has been filed for approval of the Common Council of the City of Muskego, be and the same is, hereby approved as required be Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this A(,r"- day of �,� 1990, which action becomes effective upon receipt of approval of all other reviewing agencies a all conditions of the City of Muskego's approval were satisfied as of the a& r�l day of _ S�C«j. k _K_, 1990. Date ` J n Marenda, C-ity C erk - City of Muskego CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, Jean Sanders, being the duly appointed, qualified and acting Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certif� that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes of special assessments as of affecting the lands included in the plat of MEADOW GREEN WEST ADD'N NO. 1 yj1sCON S�ti'�. Date Jean Sanders, City Treasurer - City of Muskego � STANLEY J. pOTRYKUS Sjoo wAucESKk va do v�,�,� Mill CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE 3 jz jro TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the REVISED THIS 5th DAY OF APRIL.1990 State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, divi- REVISED THIS 8th DAY OF JUNE,1990 ding, mapping and dedication ofthe land described in the foregoing instrument of Stanley J. Potrykus, REVISED THIS 5th DAY OF JULY,1990 a Registered Land Surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of Pamela A. Boehm, Gary B. Boehm, Gloria J. Boehm, and Gregory J. Boehm, Owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK has caused these presents to be signed by William J. Werry, its President and Joel_L.Benz . its Asst. Vice President,. ,at Hales Cornefs, Wisconsin and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of J ,� 1990. IN THE PRESENCE OF: TRI CITY NATIONAL BANK if L,,, AL k, -2, -�,_ Witness Witness STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) William J. We y, PRES DENT IrJoel L. Benz, Asst. Vic(2resident PERSONALLLY came before me this St day of - 1990, William J. Werry, President and Joel L. Benz, Asst. Vice President of the above n med corporation and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers of said corporation by its authority. My Commission Expires _ �av 4l .o °�; 3 li.t. ►9 There are no objections to this plat with respect to C., L.y r j Secs. 236.15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21 (1) and (2), Wis. Stats., or by the County Planning Agency. f Ry R� � iCertified this ..Z......day of..................19. o Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection SHEET 2 OF 2 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY STANLEY J. POTRYKUS