LUTSCH ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLAT2L '19 . 330 J) iov � L U aCH ES TA TES BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 708 70 BEING A PART OF THE NE 114 AND - N£ CORNER NE 1/4 » -5_2a SE 1 /4 OF THE NE 114 OF SECTION 14 T5N, R2OE, 6"xs" conk MONUMENr At 339.865.88 IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, m E 2,511, 69.25 SETTLERS CREEK WISCONSIN. m co 10 I ` uSGS DATUM n l ` uNPLATTED 1„�1�11Q. '1 WATER EL. - 777.8 l2/22/93/ ll<NPLAT TED LANDS � USGS DATUM \ \ I (KURTH PARK- EST. HIGH WATER - EL. 778.3 - ^ - - - _ 4 - 'w Zi NI - - " - EST, LOW WATER - EL, 777.5 1 � 1 WATER EL. - 775.5 (2122193) uiI EST. HIGH WATER _ EL. 7 76, 0 9 \ I V I EST LOW WATER - 15L. 775.2 -- --- 662.00-------- v� S 87.32' 00" W ; _ - 1349.05 - - 314.39 'y —70' DRAINAGE EAS£AIENr INTrAMITTENT STREAM $ 1 's AKA TESS CORNERS CREEK Q N ' Q� 1 '''• -S 87' 32' 00" W 540,00 . SCALE .� SDr T : 2600 I Ji SCALE.- Rap I'• .100' a► 132.769 S.F. `r N (61 N 3048 ACRES f34482 S.F.$ OUTLOT Sots ACRES �W 1 195,955 S.F. 4.499 ACRES VICINITY SKETCH 4 o � � 47.,E nr 1/4 SEC. !s-2o h m I1 ° 70'1 5 pp CO I _ OO)GRAPHIC SCALE 4395! t° N / 400,00 �►" E ' O .21 \ w 0 100' tool ' 1 / N �'�1 v C ;z�g� a 3p' !so' 4 �-�N 7- IOa 1 2ku �I 13t �p 89 ACRES _ / 11 o- DENOTES 2*100" IRON PIPE, 3.65 L8S. PER 1 z ! • 1 / 1 Cs1 � ` .�_� � � � � Li1WAL FOOT. , 211'x24" AM PIPE; 4/3 LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT i V► M\ NO 1 - - 60.00 N i H AT ALL OTHER LOT CORIIIERS. o 31 ALL DISTANCES TO THE NEAREST O.OI: w 1 1 O ��" SOAP, 41 ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERRED TO GRID NOPTH OF 294.62 110.00 $ ro o - 1 1 O N TO' 14 3.46 THE WISCONSIN STATE P(.ANE CO-oRDINATE SYSTEA4 1 O cJ 24 z SburH ZONE. col a ; W Ta• 14 47., E 0.00 5T � � Op SF• 1 1 _ � � ..O o WO D E 5p � � 5/ ALL AREAS ARE TO THE NEAREST SOUARE FOOT II N r$ 2�'0 1 _ 1 0,;_14 ' �� 6) L0T5 4, 3, AND 6 CANNOT BE REDIVIDED. 70 ll 17 ' ' SE CORNER V � P -t %14 r�j j00.00 / i nAF 114 11-'5-20 O 1 1 6"x6" CONG MoNuMENT • / "' o 1 1 16- N 337,200 09 qZ1ro ` 1 1 E 2,511.836 49 V? Ta } Sao SI ( - d - tQ r a 2 s.F. 2T. Z13'7e •.� " u — ' 11 �5 METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING C, 27.S0a T 78, �-`' Vie} 1 AD 1 I 20873 CRO�SSRA4DS CN7CLE, S[NTE 150, WAWESHA, WL 3318 26g28 5�. 110.E E RO I 0 1,10. 1 A 47.. - ? 6 1 1 Pit (414) 702-2221 FAX 782-4426 110.a oODS i I?- -� O 1'30 oa 47''p�HpM_ `O- - - o � . 14 Each lot owner must strictly adhere to and finish grade his lot in accordaiiiaze with the grade established by the City Engineer on file in the office of the DEVELOPER and the office of the City Engineer. Until such time as all the construction improvements are dedicated to the City, the DEVELOPER and/or the City"-and/6r the• agents. employees or independent contractors shall, have the right to enter upon any lot, at any time, for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, correction of any 1 1 7� drainage condition and the Property Owner is responsible for cost of the same." 1 ,yRVEYORIS CERTIFICATE SITY OF MUSKEGO CERTIl►ICAIE, STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SS RESOLVED that the plat of LUTSCH ESTATES, a subdivision in the City of Muskego, which WAUKESHA COUNTY ) has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the I, Stanley J. Potrykus, a Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: Wisconsin State Statutes. That I have surveyed, divided and mapped LUTSCR 9/TAT88, being a division of Parcel 4 of Certified Survey Map No. 7087, being a part of the NE 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the NE -I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted 1/4 of Section 11, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, by the Common Council 'of the City of Muskego on the O r# day of bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said NE 1/4' n k_rUV , 1993, which action becomes effective upon receipt o approval of Section; thence N 10 26, 42" W along the East line of said NE 1/4 Section 1551.68feet all other reviewing agencies and all conditions of the City of Muskego's approval were to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing N 1 26142 satisfied as of the Tr4- day of _ UC,Lzsi _, 1993. W along said East line 226.02 feet; thence S 870 32' 00" W, 1349.05 feet; thF11ce S 0° 53, 54" E, 851.00 feet to the centerline of Woods Road; thence N 700 14, 47" E along further certify that the copies of the plat were forwarded as required by S said centerline 760.85 feet; thence N 19° 45' 13" W, 300.00 feet; thence N 700 14, 47" on the 97 day of J U Nc, , 1993, . and that within the 20-day E, 300.00 feet; thence S 190 45' 13" E, 300.00 feet to the centerline of Woods Road; 5�.236.12 (3), all objection' to this plat have been met. thence N 700 14' 47" E along said centelrine, 243.46 feet; thence N 10 26, 42" W, 8 � ORp,on 200.00 feet; thence N 700 14' 47" E, 125.00 feet to the place of beginning. Date: U C_ 2,J? ...,,,—... s Jea arenda. Citv of Muskeao. rWitt Clark That I have made such survey, land division and plat by the direction of Shirley Krahn, the Personal Representative for the Albert Lutsch Estate, Owner of said land. .TREASURER That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land �QM CERTIFICATE OF CIT ��� �/� surveyed and the land division thereof made, I, Jean Sanders, being the duly elected, qualified and acting `City. of Muskego STANLEY J, Treasurer, do hereby, certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes POTRYKUB and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and s-�oo no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of this �'v`� day of 1993, on any of the land included in the plat of LUTSCH E.STA7,"f; mapping the same. WFl Q• Date: Stanley J. Potrykus,RLS, S-500 SUA14 Date: 14. Jea�*nders, City of Muskego, C ty relssurer OWNER' CERTIFICATE As Owner, I hereby certify that I have caused the land described on this plat to be REVISION THIS 161h CMTY ,TREASURER' S CERTIFICATA surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. DAY OF JULY 1993 As Owner I also certif that this plat is required b S.236.10 or S .236. 12 of the REVISED THIS 201h DAY OF JULY, 1993 STATE OF WISCONSIN ; SS , y p q y Wisconsin Statutes to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: REVISED THIS 261h DAY OF JULY, 199 WAUKESHA COUNTY I, Patricia G. Karcher, being a duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of the 1) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TRADE & CONSUMER PROTECTION County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed 2) CITY OF MUSKEGO tax e n unpaid taxes or special assessments a4 of 3) WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK & PLANNING DRY, �, af, , ram-, affecting the lands included in the plat of WITNESS the hand and seal of said Owner, this 01- day of LUTSCH ESTATES, 1993. 1 l IN THE P SENCE OF: PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE ALBERT Date:__ -1 �_ - - - Patricia G. Karcher, Treasurer, Waukesha LUTSCH ESTATE County Wit ss irley Krahn STATE OF WISCONSIN } SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) �"i;� PERSONALLY came before me this /,;2 day of , 1993, the �M above named Shirley Krahn, to me known to be the pers9A who executed the foregoing ON60" $8, ft, k... r... instrument and ackno edged the same. mints Few Rl"" to Not ry Public -St to of Wisconsin My Commission Expires 5 !49 `P �5 Oo THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY STANLEY J. POTRYKUS SHEET I OF 1