LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLAT�ylcfc� �3}�1C�fitTLC-�s-t.G����✓ (�-C��L2� i� C. rL-s_t i� .� to/ � C/� ��� A B C D E F H I K L M N P R s T U W X 2 Al A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 All Al2 A13 INTERIOR ANGLES 900 00, 00" 270° 00' 00" 880 41' 05" 920 40' 43" 1640 25' 38" 1890 51' 43" 920 52' 56" 1800 11' 02" 910 17' 44" 880 36' 39" 2710 22' 30" 870 19' 17" 1970 35' 55" 1540 35' 56.5" 1370 00' 01.5" 2770 53' 20" 277" 53' 20" 1530 10' 10.5" 1960 J10' 09" 1530 26 ` 0611 2960 331 541t 134' 20' 33" 440 20' 33" 1400 46' 07" 3090 13' 53" 920 40' 43" 1720 12' 49" 1480 54' 54" 1810 05' 06" 2890 06' 24" 2680 54' 54" 1290 48' 30" 1430 43' 44" 2160 16' 16" 450 00' 00" 1890 43' 19" 930 01' 20" 230 17' 55" 1350 00' 00" LAKE BRITTA',-NYS ETATES BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE NE //4 AND SE //4 OF SEA /2, TSN, RPOE, /N THE C/TY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, W/SCONS/N Q 26 / 30 3 1 / 5 v- N 140.0 .21 O 140.00 O c c o r N If 10"47"W S A. 134.91 15,00 ' V ttin O a � � � m •A N 0 32 �g 80,00 4D /5 ..45 /A1 T o20'/3 "E- _ cti O ago 0 � w V1 � Q•-I 50.E ; OH//n33 o ffAA IA /4000"Q 4 C 0) Cb I � � 40.00 �► O O 0g3. O ti p /¢ .00 o w Sti o�w2 ti O ® 30.16 A u•� `A 4.00 L�° c° o° R 901952" W 160.56 V ` O .A V ti ff, y V //a33's�� ak 27 101 A779 LAKE LORE ESTATES 2 CHEVIOT ROAD NOTE. DENOTES 6 "X 6 " X 36 " CONCRETE MONUMENT DENOTES 2"X 30" IRON PIPE, 3.65 L BS. PER L IN. FT. I"X24"IRON PIPE, /.13 LBS. PER LIN FT. AT ALL OTHER LOT CORNERS. ALL ANGLES TO NEAREST 000 00' 00.5" ALL DISTANCES TO NEAREST o 0/ " PLAT BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 12, T5N, R 20E, ASSUMED BEARING OF S I0 19 "47 "E ff1LM'AUKt t G'UUNTY LINE WC/N/TY SKETCH SECTION 12, T5N, R20E NI ° 2I'49"W 33I.93 l 1v ie is 332.27 fhll-77 REVISED THIS 19TH DAY OF MAY, 1977 SHEET / OF LAKE 1 vJ C, ON. STANLEY �l�z177 REVISED THIS 19TH DAY OF MAY, 1977 I a� /0 ' ' O u, I 4 4 ' m v � 0 N Zt O cn O � �RR "1 CC1 C i 30 M A I N C U R V E D A T A BRIT TANY ESTATES CURVE NO. RADIUS ARC CHORD I I 2 _y CHORD HEARING 1 N 751.02 254.87 253.65 19" 26' 38" 9" 43' 19" N 88" 09' 27" W 1 CL 721.02 248.21 246.99 19" 13' 26" 9" 51' 43" N 88" 17' 51" W 2 70.00 219.91 140.00 1806 00' 00" 90" 00' 00" N 1" 10' 47" W 3 30.00 27.82 26.83 530 07' 48" 26" 33' 54" N 64" 36' 53" W 4 30.00 27.82 26.83 53" 07' 48" 26" 33' 54" N 62" 15' 19" E 5 70.00 349.73 84.00 2860 15' 36" 143" 07' 48" N 1" 10' 47" W 6 70.00 315.77 108.44 258" 27' 46" 129" 13' 53" N 50" 47' 45" E 7 30.00 41.08 37.95 78" 27' 46" 39" 13' 53" N 39" 12' 15" W 8 E 200.00 253.22 236.64 72" 32' 32" 36" 16' 16" N 42" 09' 52" W 8 CL 170.00 267.04 240.42 90" 00' 00'" 45" 00' 00" N 33" 26' 08" W 8 CL 170.00 236.88 218.17 79" 50' 08" 39" 55' 04" N 38" 31' 04" W 8 CL 170.00 30.16 30.12 10" 09' 52" 5" 04' 56" 14 6" 28' 56" E 8 W 140.00 219.91 197.99 90" 00' 00" 45" 00' 00" N 33" 26' 08" W 9 N 70.00 122.64 107.55 100" 23' 00" 50" 11' 30" N 51" 22' 22" E 9 CL 100.00 175.20 153.64 100" 23' 00" 500'11' 30" N 51" 22' 22" E 9 S 130.00 141.06 134.24 62" 10' 12" 31" 05' 06" N 70" 28' 46" E 10 30.00 31.42 30.00 60" 00' 00" 30" 00' 00" N 69" 23' 40" E 11 70.00 339.90 91.65 278" 12' 48" 139" 06' 24" N 39" 42' 44" W 12 70.00 315.77 108.44 258" 27' 46" 129° 13' 53" N 37" 54' 06" E 13 30.00 41.08 37.95 78" 27' 46" 39" 13' 53" N 52" 05' 54" W 14 70.00 219.91 140.00 180" 00' 00" 90" 00' 00" N 1" 19' 47" W 15 E 400.00 637.50 572.14 91" 18' 54" 45' 39' 27" N 46" 59' 14" W 15 E (A) 400.00 245.72 241.88 35" 11' 50" 17" 35' 55" N 18" 55' 42" W 15 E (St) 400.00 166.02 164.82 23" 46' 46" 11" 53' 23" N 48" 25' 00" W 15 E (B) 400.00 225.76 222.78 32" 20' 18" 16" 10' 09" N 76" 28' 32" W 15 CL 370.00 5B9.69 529.23 91" 18' 54" 45" 39' 27" N 46" 59' 14" W 15 CL 370.00 304.07 295.59 47° 05' 13" 23" 32' 36.5" N 24" 52' 23.5" W 15 CL 370.00 285.62 278.57 44° 13' 41" 22" 06' 50.5" N 70" 31' 50.5" W 15 W 340.00 541.87 486.32 91" 18' 54" 45" 39' 27" N 46" 59' 14" W 16 30.00 45.03 40.92 95" 59' 57" 42' 59' 58.5" N 6" 28' 21.5" B 17 70.00 239.19 138.68 195° 46' 40" 97" 53' 20" N 48" 25' 00" W 18 30.00 45.03 40.92 85" 59' 57" 42" 59' 58.5" N 76" 41' 38.5" E 19 50.00 42.05 40.83 48" 11' 22" 24" 05' 41" N 63" 15' 38 " E 20 70.00 337.66 93.33 2760 22' 44" 138° 11' 22" N 2" 38' 41" W 21 50.00 42.05 40.83 48" 11' 22" 24° 05' 41" N 6B" 33' 00" W 22 1140,11 309.88 308.92 15" 34' 22" 7" 47' 11" N 86" 13' 19" W L O T CURVE DATA LOT NO, B&DIUS ARC c 3I O;F D ... I _ _ I/2_ _ _ CHORD BEARL G 7 400.0) 46.72 46.69 6" 41' 32" 3" 20' 46" N 4" 40' 33" W 8 400.00 100.00 99.74 14" 19' 26" 7" 09' 43" N 15" 11' 02" W 9 400.00 99.00 98.75 14° 10' 52" 7" 05' 26" N 29" 26' 11" W 10 70.00 58.07 56.42 47" 31' 56" 23" 45' 5B" N 25" 42' 22" E 11 70.00 60.00 58.18 49" 06' 38" 24" 33' 19" N 22" 36' 55" W 12 70.00 60.00 58.18 49" 06' 38" 24" 33' 19" N 71" 43' 33" W 13 70.00 61.12 59.19 50" Oil 28" 25° 00' 44" N 58" 42' 24" E 14 400.00 70.00 69.91 10" OZ' 36" 5" 00' 48" N 65" 19' 11" W 15 400.00 80.00 79.87 11" 27' 34" 5" 43' 47" N 76" 03' 46" W 16 400.00 75.76 75.65 10" 51' 08" 5° 25' 34" N 87" 13' 07" W 19 70.00 30.00 29.77 24" 33' 20" 12" 16' 40" N 569 43' 59" W 20 70.00 65.00 62.69 53" 12' 12" 26" 36' 06" N 84" 23' 15" E 21 70.00 70.00 67.12 57" 17' 44" 28" 38' 52" N 29" 08' 17" E OL 1 70.00 157.66 126.39 129" 02' 48" 64" 31' 24" N 64" 01' 59" W 22 70.00 15.00 14.97 12" 16' 40" 6" 08' 20" N 45" 18' 17" E 25 340.00 90.00 69.74 15" 10' 02" 7" 35' 01" N 85" 03' 40" W 26 340.00 115.37 114.82 19" 26' 32" 9" 43' 16" N 67" 45' N 44" 28' 23" W 10" W OL 1 340.00 161.00 159.50 27" 07' 29" 34' 54" 26" 13" 33' 57" 14" 47' 13" N 16" 07' 00" W 27 340.00 175.50 173.55 UNPLATrED LANDS (MILWQUKEE COUNTYI TANGENT EMING S 38" 02' 59" E N 39" 23' 40" E N 1" 10' 52" E S 360 31' 27" E S 60" 18' 23" E N 870 21' t9" E N 44" 271 19" W LOT CURVE D A TA LOT RADIUS ARC CHORD 1 µ 12 CHORD SWING 27 70.00 35.70 35.32 29" 13' W' 14" 36' 45" N 74" 03' 28" E 28 70.00 55.00 53.60 45" 01' 08" 22" 30' 34 TO N 36" 56' 09" E 29 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 6" 02' 11" W 30 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 46" 57' 43" W 31 70.00 29.21 28.99 23" 54' 18" 11° 57' 09" N 79° 22' 38" W 33 70.00 75.58 71.96 61" 51' 36" 30" 55' 48" N 43" 47' 49" W OL 1 70.00 125.19 109.16 102" 28' 26" 51" 14' 13" N 54" 02' 10" E 35 70.00 15.00 14.97 12" 16' 40" 6" 08' 20" N 85" 11' 27" W 36 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 58" 35' 21" W 37 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 17" 39' 49" W OL 3 70.00 69.18 66.41 56" 37' 50" 28" 18' 55" N 71" 04' 45" E 42 70.00 60.00 58.18 49" 06' 38" 24" 33' 19" N 18" 12' 31" E 43 70.00 60.00 58.18 49" 06' 38" 240 33' 19" N 300 54' 07" W 44 70.00 60.00 58.18 490 06' 38" 24" 33' 19" N Boo 00' 45" W 45 70.00 60.00 58.18 49" 06' 38" 24" 33' 19" N 50" 52' 37" E 46 70.00 30.72 30.47 25" 08' 26" 12" 34' 13" N 130 45' 05" E 48 200.00 74.00 73.58 21" ill 58" 10" 35' 59" N 16" 29' 35" W OL 1 200.00 20.00 19.99 5" 43' 48" 2" 51' 54" N 29" 57' 28" W 49 200.00 70.00 69.64 20" 03' 12" 10" 01' 361" N 42" 50' 58" W 50 200.00 '70.00 69.64 20" 03' 12" 10" 01' 36" N 62" 54' 10" W 51 200.00 19.22 19.21 5" 50' 22" 2" 45' 11" N 75" 40' 57" W 53 70.00 60.77 58.88 49" 44' 30" 24" 52' 15" N 24" 50' 37" W 54 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 70" 10' 38" W OL 1 70.00 10.00 9.99 8" 11' 04" 4" 05' 32" N 85" 16' 04" E 55 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20° 27' 46" N 60" 42' 46" E 56 70.00 55.00 53.60 45" 01' 08" 22" 30' 34" N 17" 44' 26" E 57 70.00 50.00 48.94 40° 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 25" 13' 54" W 58 70.00 40.00 39.46 32" 44' 28" 16" 22' 14" N 62' 03' 54" W 63 751.02 95.20 95.14 7" 15' 46" 3" 37' 53" N 85" 45' 07" E 64 751.02, 128.04 127.88 9" 46' 04" 4" 53' 02" N 85" 43' 58" W 65 751.02 31.63 31.63 2" 24' 48" 1" 12' 24" N 79" 38' 32" W 64 70.00 33.42 33.11 27" 21' 24" 13" 40' 42" N 75" 08' 31" E 65 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 41" 00' 03" E 66 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 0" 04' 31" E OL 1 70.00 56.28 54.76 46" 04' 04" 23" 02' 02" N 43" 25' 17" W 67 70.00 30.21 29.97 24" 43' 28" 12" 21' 44" N 78" 49' 03" W 68 70.00 37.86 37.40 30" 59' 30" 15" 29' 45" N 53" 32' 44" W 69 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 89" 30' 15" W 70 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 49" 34' 13" E 71 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 8" 38' 41" E 72 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 32" 16' 51" W 73 70.00 50.00 48.94 40" 55' 32" 20" 27' 46" N 73" 12' 23" W 74 70.00 61.87 59.88 50" 38' 26" 25" 19' 13" N 61" 00' 38" E There 5 re n objection! d36 21t�1 i P�altr7}t 5 Lu st or by the Counto Secs. t. 236. Planning Agency. Ce i ied this .../('� :`�: ,i Director, Community Development Department of Local Affairs & Development SHEET 2 OF 3 CORPORATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES, INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, does hereby certify that said corporation caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES, INC., as owner, does further certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or S.236.12 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1) DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT 2) WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION 3) CITY OF MUSKEGO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES, INC. has caused these presents to be signed by JAMES G. E. WILLIAMS, its President and WILLIAM C. MORTIMORE, its Secretary, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this ci25 day of ._ , 19 77 IN THE PRESENCE OF: 1. f -0T 7 7J rr— i 3 � y / STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES, INC. s G. E. Williams, President William C. Mortimore, Secretary PERSONALLY came before me this`day of , 19 7 7 , JAMES G. E. WILLIAMS, President and WILLIAM C. MORTIMORE, Secretary of th above named corporation, to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be such President and Secretary of said corporation and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers and as the deed of sa/i%d,1 corporation by its authority. Notary Public Milwaukee County, Wisconsin My Commission Expires l CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY } I, JEAN SANDERS, being the duly appointed, qualified and acting treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accgrdance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of 1-7 7 on any of the land included in the plat of LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES, i 7-7 to ty n Sa ers, Treasurer of Muskego CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, DOROTHY L. MacDONALD, being the duly elected,Tressurer of Waukesha County, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of 1961 -7affecting the lands included in the plat of LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES. ate -1 Dorothy V. MacDonald, Treasurer Waukesha County COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the plat known as LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES, being a subdivision of a part of the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of Section 12, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which has been duly filed for approval of the Common Council of the City of Muskego, be and the same is hereby approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on theIY7H _day of E , 19 7 L277 Date Bette J. Bowyer, Ci y Clerk which ic on was subject to certain conditions and said conditions were met this ..l day of , 1977. Bette J. Bowyer, Cit lerk LAKE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) BRITTANY ESTATES I, Stanley J. Potrykus, registered land surveyor, being first duly sworn, on oath hereby depose and say: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped LAKE BRITTANY ESTATES, being a subdivision of a part of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and the NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 12, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha. County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said SE 1/4 Section; thence S 1' 19' 47" E, along the East line of said SE 1/4 Section 1254.14 feet; thence S 85' 59' 30" W, 1256.47 feet; thence N 78' 26' 08" W, 1185.02 feet; thence Northwesterly 248.21 feet along the arc of a circle whose center is to the South, whose radius is 721.02 feet and whose chord bears N 88' 17' 51" W, 246.99 feet to a point in the West line of said SE 1/4 Section; thence N 1' 10' 47" W, 974.41 feet to the center of said Section 12; thence N 1' 21' 49" W, along the West line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 12, 331.93 feet; thence N 87' 20' 27" E, 1328.07 feet; thence S 1' 16' 12" E, 332.27 feet to a point on the North line of said SE 1/4 Section; thence N 87" 21' 18" E, along said North line 1327.51 feet to the place of beginning. THAT I have made such survey, land division and plat by the direction of HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES, INC., owner. THAT such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE ST. FRANCIS SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described in the foregoing instrument of Stanley J. Potrykus,registered land surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of Homestead Properties, Inc., owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said ST. FRANCIS SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION has caused these presents to be signed by DAVID R. LABS, its Vice President and ROGER C. LEWIS, its Executive Vice President at St. Francis, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this -31-r day of A o e- u o'I' .� , 19 7'7 . ST. CT� A & LOO ASSOC Davi R. bp;lVice esident Roger/�4 Lewi4, Axecutive Vice President STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) PERSONALLY came before me this 31 " day of __� v e.A , 19��, David R. Labs, Vice President THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision and Roger C. Lewis, Executive Vice President of the above named corporation and acknowledged that they regulations of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the same, executed the foregoing inst�.rument as such officers of said corporation by its authority. ♦�NN11tt➢iiat Stanle . Potrykus �e�__`11�5 © ;Sj �`'�� � Notary Public �. y';'e '••. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Registered Land Surveyor S-500 �r c•,TAINL7y I My Commission Expires f POTRYKUS / S-50D' s [y L WAUVMTOSA, ; Wis. • ® £ ¢'1iz/�-7 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY STANLEY J. POTRYKUS RIGISTER"S Off ICE) SS 1-01,4779 , w•u•ashm Ca, Wis. 1 No. .». RE IVED FDR RECORS TWE .s?...�DRY ..... . D., 19 .AT'..`1.�.� (�'CLOCI 4. & RECD .E IN7,1 There ore no objections to this plot with respect to Secs. 236.15., 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21 (1) arid (2), Statutes, or by the County Planning Agency. —// ` Ce Tied this ..�e 4dav of ......tL �..... e'71 ..Director, .......... .... Community Development Department of Local Affairs & Development SHEET 3 OF 3