HI-Y-RANCHES - SUBDIVISION PLAT�' ! f //.' 1 L G7• `�'! . G� G •f �? f ji �� / r`t' J o n' _ u .a � �.c� � - �✓1 ivl.G'_ � /1,/ �t.c.,ut� �cc:.t,-�0�•-1. j/3 4� iCi�-t��i O�9r�. S o� .. / f.�iG // �✓d1 ,a4�C.� J"d � . i-, � n �,-- sty- r-� •� � ,- iMr SURTUOR5 AFFIDAVI'-" : -- /f STATE OF dISCOI1ISIN COUNTY OF ;IAUl�STsA: } �S I, Edw. H. Hoffmann of the WaU:esha County Surveyor's Off ice, do here- by certify that under the direction of"Lentini & Simandr.- :, T rude a survey of ffHi-Y-Ranchesff, being a subdivision in the Northwest 'quarter of the 'Northeast Quarter and part of t.-ie Northwest Quarter and Northeast Quarter of the North- west quarter of Section S, Tot,rn 5 North, Lange 20 East, Waukesha County, Wiscon- sin, bounded and described as follows:-- Beginning at the _North 4uarter cornea' of said Section 8; thence due West along the north line of the7-,-t'iwest quarter of said Section, 1L111- .30 fee; , 7thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes lest, 6`?0.00 feet; thence due .East, parallel '�e r?orth line of the iI?orth�aest quarter of "action 87 1575.55 feet to t'1le ce - ,' ter, '_7e' of County Trui-ik Highway "v'f; thence 'North 25 degrees 04 mi.�utes East alo `� i ad center line, 323.0`� feet; thence corti.i_ui_tig a:.l�--g said ce -ter line nortv�.;degrees 26 minutes East, 411. 5 feet to the worth line of t, ?°,ort:xeasi��; 'digs' * , f Section 8; thence South g degrees L6 minutes ��rest alon,- said ??orth I't. lid--;t 29 .6`,') feet to the glace of beginning, contai�i-ng 27.113 a.ca�es. fix= 1T,c.t t:,_e gttached plat is a correct re,resentation of ' :_e exterior 4 bou< As: of t:}e land surveyed and tl:e divisio-as t=,ereof. . T _1C-:t I _lave ully �rovicions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin St4 tutes -nd ami:,endry� t men-f -t'iereto in surveying, di.vising, and i�appL-iL; the sa�_ze. , co IL sses �•r •' #« cknowledged and sworn to before me t'-i* s � day of , 1 'So > •. 77.. 7 I4Iy comriis�-zon ux��ires 10 - /!o - 40 ��.� .•,,_ � . �;�., :�. ; , Waal; eshaLlCot?my and for • ,,..r _NgTERS AFFIDAVIT:-- U CaU71, �OF WAM HA) SS As owners we hereby certify that we caused the land described in the V I 176 o%g' affidavit of Edw. T. Hoffir_ann to '7e surveyed, divided, mapped, and v dtr(jXcqated as represented on this plat. fie.. Co. "Pre itnesses 1itnesses s• � t gee -= tg.. ee Mortgagee Personally came before rye this 2 "!A day of D�'c ac 2 , 1 11 the above �Lmed 1 5o1./S , to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing s iristrumcfi `and acknowledged the same, { "Aeknowledged and sworn to before me this Zf day of pc4F14 4 L , 1)56. ' T?Iy .commission ex_)ires pEc E 3 • Notary Pu.lic li'n and for .,: County. TREASUIu? S& CLET,,K CERTIFICATION:— W STATE OF WI`CO''TSII';) SS C7077 TY CF IIJATTIMHA) We heresy certify th.at there are no delinquent taxes or delinquent special assessments on a:ny of t'le lands included in t'ne plat of "HI-Y-R nc1- sf' Date Co -sty Tre�ear Date , 1956 /IM sl.ego To reasurer ` C Date , 1956• a D3� iluslr o Town Clerk I N I u _ 7, OLTJTIONS: -- \ �. �o �-s•a ' �, `- "Resolved that the Plat knownas I-Ti-Y-Ranches, in the Town of =o, be, and hereby is approved in compliance with Chapter 236 of the�sin Statutes. C�1�.� 3T.�-r�� ��� Id o z, , To1rm Clerk, of the Town of Muskego, hereby y that the above Resoluti n is a true a.,ld correct co-Dy of are olutio =: ed by the Town Board of the Torim of Nusl-,ego on the --day of , 1956. ..�. Date , 1?56 T2T Clerk "r 7 hereby certify that the above Resolution is a true and correct copy of a re olution ad tad the WaWlesha County Park & Planning Commission this J day of , 1956. STATE DIRECTOR OF REGIO'TAL PLANI,TING APPROVAL:-- Pla appr ed by the Wisconsin Director of Regional Planning this day of , 1956, under 1953 Statutes. ads Approved by: -- Henry X.. Ford . Stat Director of Regional Manning • u' ERS OFFICE at. 2'' 2 17 4t,,S11'Rc�F fe(I M 140. 'WIFT THE J'C�tlt�r, _.1J1, AND RECURRED IN VUL..- - N FAG r 1 I �%, LAk •O oa�0� � o fl o?MU ac rr- 0 `17 3 1 3 m M rn a m a D z -- I r m r m A rn o 0 0> R C7 n M 0 0 ��g H=\�0 O�\\\� t_�` oo n -Ile v -� D D -1 a (� 0 .A as N N W W b ut 'to N Qp OVo U j� N $ - U! S n5 8 O - cn G6zZ z Z z z zzz7— ziA? zP7.z NO 0 O O O O Ul o -- u� -r N sJl O - - - G g o & p O a 0 �!1 CM - 6 g � c� N �' o O D o N �` Q_ (Am N _ - N -z mm� m z n� x t,i o rn ? �mrn�� D N- W v7 N N N N p CNq C_7 A aLn iJi LM V4 CW l� iOi1 -P �j o O NzZ v° a 7- vr � A z°o ?N -* z° 7- o �U0 wzZoa z �o D� v A o°° 0o o c Dm o�N �� =7 z� xzo - o i-D� ��J ~ fn - 0:) 0 �" i p sn o 0° to N Vs o F N o0 trti 6� $ R! r1 0� a0 � a o °� LY cn vj Oo IN: W sn O p a, iU\ t� in in �p 6` 6 -- - 6-, .Oa _ N vl U) Go GI �' Oo LA � N {� .D 1fl ,gyp Oo vps � Q \d o vi o O -c�t7 U =�' �. •°i o a�s a On Q U Z � 0 �N � 0° I 1a�0C,o0 V � N 0w U U, i%1 V+. T O U� :� N � W iV N E1 A 0 6\ 6� Cb Ell LT l�vi a• Epp Fey u� ��j, o c . _ Ile ; �, O p y .O��Spp$ii �'I I I N tN N `NO � CD � — `O � f'U � G1 � �y 1-6 OLI �NO� O -4 -0 N Cp surd •A 0� v N Oo O N 0 O 6` W -rj O N OD z �i E^ 4 N p O �n OD 0 -6 �1 - p - W v1 pp N b ,D iJ1 V) bET r.;