HILLENDALE HEIGHTS - SUBDIVISION PLATHILLENDALE HEIGHTS PART OF N. E. 1/4 PART N.E. V4 & N. W. 1/4 OF THE OF THE S. E. 1/4 SECT. 7 S. W. 1/4 SECT. 8, T. 5 N., R. 20 E. TOWN OF MUSKEGO WAUKESHA COUNTY, WIS. BY-- HOFFMANN 81 POLZIN --- SURVEYORS COUNTY SURVEYORS' OFFICE 1t 0- INDICATES 26lx30" IRON PIPE 3.65 /LIN. FOOT LOT CORNERS-1"x24" " to 1.13 */LIN. FOOT n 1 JOnitation, .tl%I 6C:.V.D OF HEALTH 41, J. MUEGGE Sanitary Engineer s CERTIFIES thct this - � -t :inre7ars to be in complial i H 65, Wisconsin Au'anin.vf ;:five Code SEP 4 1959 CARL N. NEUPERT, M. D State Health Officer .A- / . ! LOCATION MAP SCALE 1"=1320' SCALE I"--100' � 13 aD f ao W �„l o u L 8 rn z MONK- I MONO- S. E. CORNER __ S. W. CORNER SECT. 7-5-20 SECT 8-5-20 4'•i 6-al nn 1096.46 :18987 :r / N. 89 ° 5 8' E. _ FIELD _ _ 1 �` 170.68 _ YID_ 1/4 LINE DRIVE N 126.37 N� V-4Lu4� Cd a) 0 as Cd 00 1z 1 p 1ri a ov0 mrd 0 a3 Y1 0 ICd p, a0i cn 0 ID Pro 0 0 0 H +3 f •I +3 ui t LO M 8 i ..�..... f. ..._ . J :.. S. 89' 58, W_ 1520.00 115.00 1 120.00 1 120.00 12QOO 55.00 S. 89002' E. 530.00 PROSPECT DRIVE - ��' n nn0 nn' r can nn 120.00 1 8.97 6 �° I�n.w -- -- N. B9° 24' E. 884.76 N. 690 24' E. 398.97 UNNI� HILL DRIVE N. 89°24`E. e E s 120,00 120.00 120.00 120.00 125.00 140.00 qp. $ 140.00...... . 1d w 3 3 3 �w .m � M� O O3o 'o oC o $� rn p rt)N O z d_ p_ 140.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.Ot 125.00 1 0 1059.00 N. 89° 37' E. 2700,46 THIS 10TRUMENT- DRAFTED BY RON ZIMMERMAN. A 48.00 rn ao 0 120.00 24.76 � m � cn Ion pr n$ /P✓� Director of Regional Planning SHEET OF SHEETS 41 ao to O W rn 0 x 153°04' n � � 6 c o Q3'll'2 0 Da 1 1 N N S. 00° 36' E_ Ir. VV - {J La C. N_ 00° 1 411.46 826.74 P N rn ? m p M HILLENDALE HEIGHTS o n m co s ca tN N 0 b O N \ ` A A `-1 c 0 r m A w — N N O ro W to N A O O m m -4Dp0 -� rn m — O _N W W co t0 go M �0p1 A 0 W -4 to N N N 1D 0 _ - - m - - m N 0- - - - (A - U X U _ _ _ .4 N N ? N A N A A A CA 11 w C m N �l1 • N N ° 01 ° N A N W A ° e A Z D -4 ° ° . ° - • to m - , ° _ _° m U� a _ N N N _ O) _ A -cm r tp Np p O W W N N trV m 4hN ,— N N � to p rn 7O0) wt0 O -4p 10 0 N in N 0 -4 WW -4 G7 -4 0 N N i� N N w ° CO)fn V) m Of as • N q A Oi rn � w• O W OWef a = c ° AR• , $ ° q = c O ° c _ w ro ° ° ° p° �a . W N O N - J! - N �1 O _ _ _ CIO — - f A f m M<;uC0 0 -n o z 0 z pr � N �! A y m G 1 N 0 G 0 n 0 A 0 0 0 A A W POa N— N— rn wV to toin m a A w — — m m M — 0 w i; -4 A o api o .Ni D to 40 Cop)N 0 Ill N C !7 N A OD W y A O N . po N �i e e e + — ° — • • e N O Z rn a -� W M- A Q _ (A , . N to i N - N Q w a) m � _ _ _ _ ° N CT M � ]a N D - - - - - - - O) _ _ - r r r -4W W — 74 __ p N Qa N N 4k M (A —_A N W m 0 46 A w 4 CDQN1 0) — WWO — t v - CA -4 C7 s = 0 OD e to ? W m w IPA • m y y ° ° N tr m • • , N N • • e dNl O �n Q w - . All- - W (A_ N - y O LIN LIN -4 — rn n , SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE r f A „ We, Hoffmann & Pol zin, surveyors herebycertify:-- _ _ _ N That we have surveyed, divided and mapped L n , in the Town of Muskego, County of Waukesha and State of Wisconsin. That we have made such survey, land division and -plat under the direction of -r• -eLL , owners of said -land; being all thin pwrt of the Southeast Quarter of f S Section 7 and the Southwest Quarter oection 8, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, Town of Muskeg o, Wzuke a County, Wiscon , boungted and described as follows: -- Commencing at the Southwest corner - of said 'Seeti on 8; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes West along the West line of said sections 1334.10 feet to the place of beginning of the parcel hereinafter 37 degrees � described -thence North -89 de mutes ]Cast, 2700.46 feet to the South Quarter line of Section 8; thence North OO degrees 13 minutes 25 -seconds East along- said quarter line, 826.74 feet; � g thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes Vest-, parallel to the West Quarter line of'said secti-on 1320.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 13 minutes 25 seconds East, 495.00 feet to said West Quarter line; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes West along said Quarter dine, 170.68 feet to the center Lne of Hillendale Drive (Town Road); thence South 47 degrees 21 minutes West along said center line, 945.45 feet; thence c ontin1,ing along said center line South 46 degrees 33 minutes West, 1023.79 feet; thence North 88 degrees 32 minutes East, 223.72 feet to the place of beginning, containing 52.379 acres. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the subdivision thereof made. That we.have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision reg G0� f the Town;o:r_,Muskego in ve , di di and mapping the same. IN PRESENCE OF:-- —.gz PtouAL.0 41 MEr_HAN HOFFMANN "Agc_ 1pa&r & P 0 LZ I N Donald R olzin, Partn STATE OF WISCONSIN) r u} COUNTY OF WAUKESHAj SS - wAu1{ssrtA, The above certificate subscribed and sworn too before me this aiday of 195 ��� wls SU R4 Marcy Polz , Notelpy Pu.li , Waukesha Co. , W is. My Commission expires �o OWNEI4S_CERTIFICM , As owners, we hereby -certify that -we caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on the plats We also certify that this plat is required by S.236.10, or S.236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval: --Town of Muskego, Waukesha County Park & Planning Commission; and to the following for objection: --Director of Regional Planning, Stare Hoard of Health. Witness , the hand and seal of Aaid owners, this day of _ , a r��..- , �95 • IN PRESENCE OF:V. C� STATE OF WISCONSIN),, Ka �e H �J. ?3 r•c/� 1� �Qr _ — COUNTY OF WAUKESHA)S personally came before me this day of ��ar�� 1960 , the above named _. �v.rreLL_ �/. G✓aTrov,r -, to me known to be the pepsons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. - Notary"Lreu is , wAYrF,F County, 'Wis., My commission expires -- ---- _.�, 19_• COUNTX PT A=W. AGENCY &p-D-Pn1r1LTa , Resolved that the Plat known as L_L e .� ��L�. ��c `--..._� in the Town of Muskego, be and hereby is approved in compliance with Chapter 36 a -Wiscons Sta tes . I hereby certify that the fore oin is a tr1Te ^nip- correct 0f)1 t1 of a resolution adopted by the Waukesha County Park Commission, eff_eetive this ? day of _ _ , 195-.�, Harold A. McMilior Executive Sec'y STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY TREASURERS CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF, WAUKESHA)SS -I, Leslie P. 'Rockteaacher, being -the duly elected, qualified,,and aacting treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes, or special assessments as of �p y` / 9 s8 ti$�. affecting the lands included in the Plat of /�[ E/Y /1L,� Ei TS Date: - Leslie P. Rocktdacher, County Treasurer. TOWN OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION Resolved, that the Plat of , in the Town of Muskego, which has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Vis, onsin Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the 7-own Board of the Town of Muskego on the _( day of f V ~= Margare gilliams Town Clerk. m M. TOWN THFAMMS CERTIFIC E STATE,OF WISCONSIN)SS 170 COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) 0 I, John T. Zummach, being the duly elected{j qualified and acting Town Treasurer of the Town of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accoyfiance with the '.records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes, or unpaid special assessments as of — on any of the land included in Date:- REGISTER'S OFFICE $18987 X WauM�sha Co., Wis There are no objections to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15, � 236.16, 236.20 an4l �36.21 (1) and (2), Statutes rn IA�YR RECORD THE DAY ... 19_._.._. John F. , Town Treasurer. � K#� , A. D., 19�_AT r7 Cert'�'ied this �._.:: day of........- .. . -- - - - O'CLOCK M. AND RECORDED IN VOL. ����----... ----- DF__DN F 5 5 ,�- ✓G ry M. Ford Director of Regional Planning dM - - M LIM.-