HALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDITION NO 3 - SUBDIVISION PLAT16 HALE PARK HIGHLAIJ 5 AbINIT I OW W 0 1141 3 BEI WG A SUBbIVISIOW OF A PART OF THE SE34 OF SEGTIOKI 1, TDIVW 5 WORTHI RAWGE 20 EAST, IW THE TO\VW OF MU%SKEGO) WAUKESHA COUWTY, IV15COM51W O 4 W ri o w :2I w W - as o Q OUP! TA /N IV094 VQ. � i o ►Y� a i o !4 � A 60 # -�X n 60 O} 5F, 5 g ZGO �F­ a Uj �3 4) W j � ,q N x to tY j I a q O 10 G► Q old► W � {. t ! N-q J e? O O �CV tu w Z3 S � Q J Q 4 60 ATT96 LA14 55 4 •2 —g 0.00 o ,5 60 `ti 4 °° Joel /a72 VL�� 160 / 6 8•0� � 1 - � 1 -- "' 41P u►� ` 9a N 1'a�. 6 ,>~ j ` �' , 1yq 12 � Z9•¢� T \ ,C \ LE GE W n : - •¢ 5 1 w %T 1-1O Q d 2"r30" 1ROW P{PE 3.65 1FT 2 • I x 24 do.6 AD113 */CT VP " � �.� '� `�''�' jp � '2 aye• 39� / o` V, NO 'ES : Z6,fib .�Q �a 1. Direct vehicular access to S. 124th Street �� � �3 � � N .� � ,30 92 ` is prohibited. o 'J 1b• ne All dimensions, lengths and widths are ineaaured to the nearest hundredth of a foot. 150 � •rs � i� ,;�J / 3, All angles are measured to the nearest minute. % 4. Lot and block dimensions oh curves are aro I /V69"3<'30"ty 3 p 31D / dimensions. For other data, see, ourve data 90e b a° co tables on Sheet 2. 5. In all oases the angle lyin between the Nam , QO tangent to each curve and (11 the straight �` ••�J / line adjacent or (2) the tangent to the curve UWPLATTEE3 �Pt a �'I6 adjacent is either a right angle (90o) or a LAW b5 L. a o3 ` O �i straight angle (1801 0 ) unless otherwise shown Nv pt� �� Dg 1 J on the plat. S.E. t/a SE / • 1 5- 20 SURVEYOE = S CERTIFICATE / 1 00 FEE T O 20OMNI 0 50 !O STATE OF WISCONSIN ✓ COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) SS. I, Donald J. Wendland, registered land surveyor, being first duly sworn, on oath do hereby OWNERS' CERTIFICATE depose and say that I have surveyed, divided and mapped HALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDITION NO, 30 being a subdivision of a part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 1, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, STATE OF WISCONSIN } in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded ad described as follows, to -wit: COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) Commencing at the Northeast corner of the outheast 1/4 of said Section; running thence due South on and aloe the East line of said 1/4 Section 755 60 feet to a g point in the oen- We Charles Jaeger and Catherine Jaeger, his s g g s terline of Woods Road; thence thence S 70000t00" W along the centerline of said 262.60 fsst wife, owners of the above described land, hereby to a point; thence 3 67058100" W along said centerline 18,72 feet to a point; thence due certify that we caused the land described in the North 162.60 feet to a point;r,thence due West 257.80 feet to a point; thence due South 311.09 foregoing affidavit of Donald J. Wendland, surveyor, feet to a point in the centerline of said foods Road; thence S 54030#16" W along said center- divided, mapped, and dedicated as represented on line 658.92 feet to a point; thence N 35029E44" W 204.80 feet to a point; thence N 89051130" W this plat. We also certify that this plat is re- 150.00 feet to a point; thence N 0008150" E 1178.02 feet to a point; thence N 88024940" E ozk quired by s. 236.10, Wisconsin Statutes, to be and along the North line of said 1/4 Suction 1326.05 feet to the place of commencement^ approved by the following: That I have made such survey, division and plat by direction of Charles Jaeger and Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission Catherine Jaeger, his wife, owners of the said land; that such plat is correct representation Town Board, Torn of Muskego, Waukesha County of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and of the division made thereof; and Common Council, City of Franklin, 91-lwaukee County that 1 have fully complied with all the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes WITLESS t &9 Oand and seal of said owners this _J in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. � � � � a � D day o f C,,V , 1957 . zn t • LVEL I-MENT presence Subscribed and sworn to before me this t X c o R P o R A T E a Donald J. Wen an y , 1957. Registered Land veyor Nae�a� � � L QN,Sjti,,�� Charles Jae �f eFUD�.0 .. wqd ES County-, y commiwiion expires Alg . z iys8 (DONALDJ.\ WENDLAND �+ MILWAUKEE, WIS. r �� .© • u ~��ia�tt�s7`it ,..� 'Catherine Jaeger 300 400 FEET STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) SS, Pereg4ally gAme before me this O day of r , 1957, the above named Char es Jaeger and Catherine Jaeger, to me ]mown to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public, Miifdu My commission exp res 514E E T I OF 2 S i-t E E T 5 x HALE PARK HIGHL W S ADDITIOIJ WO 3 13EIWG A SUBbIV151OW OF A PART OF THE 5,,E 114 OF SECTIOM ], TOWW 5 WORTH, RAWGE 20 EAST, IM THE TOWW OF MUSKE G0j WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISGOW 51 W /'DONALD J. I WENDLAND CERTIFICATE OF TOWN TREASURER Z } MILWAUKE£, + r WIS. STATE OF WISCONSIN if •��� ••''•,.•�'•*�CURVE N0. COUNTY OF WAUKESHA } SS • ' I �Nyw.H• �� U VO y%us��I NA I, John Zummach, being the duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of 1 C the Town of Muskego, do hereby certify that, according to the records in my office, 1 S/L there are no unpaid taxes and no unpaid special assessments on any of the d 1 A included in the plat of HALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDITION 3 as of 1 B 2 N/L 2 C/L S 2 3/L D at e Jo Jich, Town reasurer 2 A COUNTY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE 3 N/ STATE OF WISCONSIN 3 C� 3 S COUNTY OF WAUKESHA) SS. 4 5 I, Leslie P. Rockteacher„ being the duly elected, qualified and acting 6 Treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office 7 show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments affecting 8 E/'L the lands included in,th a plat of HALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDITION NO. 3 as of 8 C/ 'y .Y3 / 9 y-. 8 W' 9 C/L 9 A • es aEs oc eac er, reasurer, au eg• a oun y 9 B 10 NA COMMON COUNCIL RESOLUTION, CITY OF FRANxLIN 1010 3L RESOLVED, that the plat of HALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDIlu A ION N0. 3, in the Town 10 B of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, Charles Jaeger and Catherine Jaeger, owners, 10 C be and the same hereby is approved by the Common Council. 10 D ZLApproved Robert ac onal , ayor I hereby certify that the foregoing is a tr#e copy o a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Franklin on 7 ' ernon , arg, CityClerk-7" TOWN" BOARD RESOLUTION, TOWN OF MUSKEGO RESOLVED, that the plat of HALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDITION NO. 3, in the Torn of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisoonsin, Charles Jaeger and Catherine Jaeger, owners, be and the same hereby is approved by the Town Board. Signet I hereby certify that the foregoing is a ue copy of a resolution adopted c; by the Town Board of the Town of Muskego on 'gar Williams, Town Cler WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL Resolved that the plat known as BALE PARK HIGHLANDS ADDITION TIC. 3 in the Town of Muskego be and the same hereby is approved in compliance with Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopt d by the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission thia '� day of 1957, and that copies of this plat were forwarquired 236.g) on the dy of objections totheplatlile have been fd cr U7 file nave,,Wen satisfied.' and that no Dat e S e son, Executive ecre ary RADIUS 260.00 230.00 200.00 260.00 260.00 208e23 238.23 268,23 268.23 268.23 350.00 320.00 290.00 40eOO 60.00 60.00 45.00 220.00 250e00 280.00 815.78 785.78 845.78 666.21 696.21 726,21 666.21 726,21 666.21 726.21 BLOCK LOT RADIUS 24 2 60.00 24 3 60e00 24 4 60*00 24 5 60000 24 6 60000 24 6 203,23 24 8 208.23 24 8 350.00 24 9 350.00 24 10 350.00 24 11 350.00 25 3 290.00 25 4 290e00 25 7 666,21 25 8 666.21 25 9 60.00 25 10 60.00 25 11 60.00 25 12 280e00 25 13 280.00 26 1 726.21 26 2 7 26 a 21 26 2 845.78 26 3 845.78 27 3 268.23 27 4 268.23 27 5 268e23 27 7 726.21 27 8 726e21 27 9 726,21 27 9 785 e78 27 10 785.78 r -A � �:��.; ,�i T'i�_A GEC PA'A PL`a1SItR GENERAL CURVE DATA ARC CHORD CENTERAL ANGLE DEFL. ANGLE CHORD BEARING 242.15 233.49 53021146" 26040153" N 63019107" S 214.21 206.55 53021146" 26040153" N 63019107" E 186e27 179961 53021146R 260401531 N 63019107" E 110.00 109.18 240141`26R 12007113R N 77052147R E 72.02 71.79 15052'141 70561079 N 44034121R E 383.32 331.44 105028t06, 52044103R N 89022117" E 438.53 379.19 105028t06" 52044tO3R N 89022tl7R E 493.77 426.94 1050281061? 52044103R N 89022'17R E 400.50 364.32 850321529 420461260 N 7902414OR E 33.13 33.11 70041369 30321180 N 410251589 9 328.00 316.13 53041409 260501500 N 64044130, W 299.89 289.03 53041/409 260501500 N 64044130R W 271.77 261.93 530411409 P605Ot5OR N 6404413099 W 46.37 43.82 660251200 330121409 N 64004/390 W 258.05 100.40 2460251182 1230121399 N 250551229 E 242.36 108ell 231026112R 115043106R N 41028/2517 W 62.37 57.50 79024154, 39042127N 34032115R E 55.22 55.07 14022148" 701lt24R N 12021136W 184.82 180.64 42021130R 21010145R N 1037144R E 207.00 202.32 420P,1130 210101459 N 1037144.", E 227.03 226.30 15056144� 7058122, N 27031122" W 189e32 188.86 13048116',' 6054108't N 28036136" W 205.97 205.46 13057112" 6058136" N 2831/0811 W 599e23 579.23 51032106� 25 46 03" N 64022127, E 626.21 605e31 51032/060 25a46103n N 64022127e" E 653.19 63le40 51 32 06r, 25 4B 03N 64 22 27 E 340.25 336.56 29015144"M 14037152A N 5301411799" E 373.05 368.96 29025156" 14042158" N 53019123, R 198.98 198 a 22 17006140R 803312007 N 81035110i1 E 220.09 219. P5 17021152� 8040156^ N 91027134, E INDIVIDUAL LOTS - CURVE DATA n ARC CHORD CENTERAL ANGLE DEFL. ANGLE CHORD BEARING 35.77 35.24 34009126" 17004143" N 47056142" W 62.91 60.07 60004138" 30002t19" N 84056116" E 51.80 50.21 49028110" 24044105^ N 30009151�^S 52.00 50e39 490391249 24049142" N 19023155n W 55.57 53.60 53003140P 260311501 N 70045t27" W 85.01 84.41 23023tl6R 3.10411389 N 480191,529 E 215.98 206,43 590251400 29042t50R N 890402OR F 82.33 81.79 220391106 110191359 N 490131159 W 30.00 29.99 40541409 202712017 N 400211000 W 110.00 109.55 180001261? 9000139 N 5104813317 W 120e00 119.41 190381400 9049t206? N 70036106R W 68.00 67.90 110071540 5033157P N 86001t23f' W 56.34 56.26 110071549 5033/5717 N 8600lf23R W 215,43 210e51 42033146" 21016153" N 59010133" W 185.00 184.40 150541389 705711947 N 46033144" E 155.25 154.90 130211089 6040133R N 61011/3617 E 122.45 102,28 116055140R 58027150R N 15046152R E 54.91 53.02 52026118R 26013109R N 68054/079 W 65.00 6Ie87 62°041142 310021079 N 53050137R E 65.00 64.86 1318104R 6°39102 N 18009128, E 142,00 140e48 29003126M 14031143^ N 5001117A W 110.09 109.98 804111OR 402013517 N 85047155R E 110e00 109.89 8040142" 4020t2l" N 77006t59" E 165.97 165e71 11014136R 50371189 N 2700915OR W 40e00 40.00 2042136� 1021118n9 N 3400812617 , W 166.50 163.84 35033152; 17046156R N 54025'lOR E 106e00 105e31 22038132" 11019116" N 83031122" E 128.00 126e79 270201289 130401149 N 71029108" W 73e05 73.02 50451481? 2052154R N 4102911OR E 155e00 154.71 12°13144R 60081520 N 50029f056 E 145e00 144e76 11026124R 5043tl2R N 62019/099 E 141 e32 141.15 100181 t 69 500910M N 26050136R W 48.00 48.00 10030/009 104810017 N 330441449 W ^ n n SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS