DURHAM MEADOWS - SUBDIVISION PLATDt RITA-AL-4 V-.AL. E ADOWS BE//V� F� 5UB0/!//5/ON Off" A P.9.PT OF THE 5. W. //4, SEC. �, T.SN., �ZOE., C / T Y OF MUS,C�EGO, W.9U.C�ES/�.9 L'DUNTY, LI!//4 2- 5-PO /1/DT�' 1 OENDTE.S /'•,j-24" /.POrr/ P/�E /. /,3 L.B..S. E.P. �/i1/FT ALL .r7i1/G'LESTO sf/E,q.PEST Dp ��' p/" �« oisrq�v�E ra /r/E,9,P�sT D. o/' T,S/E,E�E iSSrS'.liLL Bf NO !/E.Sr/C'UL9.P //f/G,�E.SS D,P EG.�fSS F.PO/Y/ L 7, 7 G. Algl - /,�� NV L �9 T T2� C !/.Pl/� CU.P!/E, i✓a ,P,4�Jyy1!/.a A.1PC' y D.Srd.�lJ d A6.6le CW ��-,0r rp .O ❑(D4� 0- �o in CZ. � n a --� `" � cT -� �s W. i iNF-'L.9TTE0 ZA/i/OS �//�/rn�,gTTEIJ L,9rt%as v o �i BEL/�pNT �,PEE/1/ 0 P/_YELL_ Nx yrcir��ry s�frc.� O Aw _4w' LDT r0 i iNF-'L.9TTE0 ZA/i/OS �//�/rn�,gTTEIJ L,9rt%as v o �i BEL/�pNT �,PEE/1/ 0 P/_YELL_ Nx yrcir��ry s�frc.� O Aw _4w' LDT r0 BL.E� rP.�l7/US F/.�C' /9 G'//Dr�O 2.�i9 d /0 .SG Fy d/2 o��B'�3?.5 ell f��rq.P//✓G �✓s�� fa'��..5` /3 / 3722 .so. /,3 -;049 �3D/ :% 84 /2p�/ : G 2,�' %9'' Al 7/ p /5' /.3"E. 74148 7f,3G //' Z7'.�2 ,5p ��3'. /✓B3' 22' 2B"E. 8 2 P87. vim/ /9�l /9'¢10 3'0.52' 42" /".Slv' 2/" /✓ B9'.SD` /�"E' O.L/ 2 rr /0D.DO /✓r794 /°53'D�" /.S°�G�3" /r/ 72�/lv' S4 :'1'1/ 2 /r 278.E 2loB. 4!a .S',3¢ �O" 27��T' /O" �✓. 2B �,3,3 `//"!y. 9 2 (� 2/. ,Sry r1,8,7.29 474. y/ 44' °.S5 D.S" ?Z°37:38.5 ri/ 2/° 4/',3/✓�''E O.C. / Z rr 2✓OD 2.S4D ?� /8'/loA /�49'D8" N..�,Sa/B'/2" �. /A 2 /r /da. op 9s7 /B° 7.3.73 /lv /V dO 23 2 r' 70OD 7✓r7/ /71 Z✓�' 4d" 2G 2 rr rr rr Al ri N. //' DT 33" E• o. Z. / 2 // 30. DD 2998 G A5Z',34" 3� 2� ' /7" N /° Di' /,:;;; "!fi/ 27 2 rr 7!�• 4D 75. 7/ /T° 25'44" 1.90 4e2' 32" Al lopy 29 2 ri rr rr r� r/ Al49° 44'/3 "!r✓ Al 73g9 7.3/3 /ra'W'//v" B°Z�l',3g� NB2d32'27"6i/ 22 Z 37�DD ///.DD //oG4 / ° 57 8° 2B"�9N /✓Ba° 34' per'°E. 23 2 // /l4 DO //�3AO /7° Iff W" 3� 24 2 ri rr for rr ,r . a5° 57' If /1/ c�aac3J!'p9`i It rr /(/ !a✓�� 2✓�' /Tir �� 2 rr /ro49 /o9Ta /,0" 8z�'�8~ 8z°,tee, 27/Y .7fi'�-le6 / /4/i C I DU RIAM MEADO�'V�S BE/NG' 1q, 5UB0/!//S/ON O<' f7 P�9.PT OF T.f1Z .S14l //mil, SEC. Z, T✓rN, e ODE., C/TY OF /'1l/S.C�rGO , �AU�E.S�/.9 COl/NTY, l�Y/,SCONS/N. SUR4'EYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISC0NSIN) SS MILWAUKEE♦• COUNTY ) 1, Stanley J. Potryltue, registered. land ;surveyor, being first duly sworn, on oath hereby depose and say: THAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped. DURHAM MEADOWS, being a subdivision of a part of the SE 1/4 =d;, % 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, fT 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said SW 1/4 Section; thence N 00 57' 05" W along the East line of said SW 1/4 Section, 636,00 feet; thence S 890 02' 55" W, 363.00 feet; thence N 00 57' 05" W, 130.00 faet; thence N 890 02' 55" E, 363.00 feet to a point on said Fast line; thence N 00 57' 05" W along said Last line, 716.52 feet; thence S 890 06, 24" W, 561.55 feet; thence S 570 08, S6" W, 572.15 feet; thence N 60 23' 13" W, 341.33 feet to a point on the South right of way line of State Trunk Highway #24; thence S 6411 25' 33" W along said right of way Line, 288.61 feet thence S 00 46' 01" E, 1427.36 feet to A point on the South line of said SW 1/4 Section; thence N 87 53' 51" E, 1346.85 feet to the place of b eginni.ng . THAT I have made such survey, land division and plat by the direction of JACK L. LaBONTE, owns° of said land. THAT such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed, and the land division thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision reg=alatiam of the City of Muskego in surveying, dividing and mapping the sauce St . Poixykus Registered Land Surveyor 5-500 scribed anl swain to before me this day of leeAZ_ 45V 1972,'4 /972 23441a_y a� POTR YKUS . s-Soo Nancy A. Xayhert,, Notary blic Milwaukee County, Wisc in My Commission Expires September 15, 1974 014'NER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION ,V- X WtS. i U As owner, T hereby certify that I caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. I also certify that this plat is required by 5.236.lo or 5.236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or approval.: l) DIRECTOR, LOCAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING, DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT 2) WAMSHA COUNTY PARK AND PL MTING COMMISSION 3) CITY OF MUSKEiGO 4) ]bML SI0N w OAF H IGRWAYS .;: WRARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION As owner, I hereby restrict Lot 7 in Block 1, in that no owner, possessor, user, near licensee, nor other person shall have any right of: direct vehicular ingress or egress with S.T.H. #24 or Janesville Road, as shown on the plat; it being expressly intendel that this restriction shall constitute a restriction for the benefit of the public according to section 236.293, Wisconsin Statutes, and, shall be enforceable by the State Highway Commission. WITNESS the hand and seal of said owner this � � day off 1972 IN THE PRESENCE OF: .. Charlotte Schweitzer Jack L. LaBonte STATE OF.TWTSCONSIN) SS MILWAUKEE C0u rY ) Persdriall.y came beforta me this day of L-t-� a , 1972, the above named Jacks L. LaBonte, to me known to be the person who 4aecu ed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE Notary Public, Milwauk e Count , Wis. My Commission Expires MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK, a corporation duly organized and existing undec- and by virtue of the laws of the 1 tedf_Ztates, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described in the foregoing :Instrument of Stanley J. Pot3rykus, registered land surveyor, and does hereby consent to the above certification of Jack L. LaBonte, owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK has caused these presents to be signed by JOHN H. KELLY, its president and countersigned by LAWRENCE K. ELTON, its vice president -cashier at 141.1:waukee, Wisconsin and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this_1�� -day of �•� , 1972. TN THE PhESENCE OF: 4 Geotge A. Eisen Marlene So McCoy Loan Of7ficer:: MIDLAND NATIONAL STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) Personally came before me this day of J. 1972, JOHN H. =Y, president and LAWRENCE K. ELTON, vice president -cashier of the abo a named corporation and acknowledged that they sxec ed the :Foregoing instrument as such officers of said corporation by its authority. Notary Pu"b13 k3.1kee Co ty, Wisconsin My; Commission �. r CERTIFICATE OF CITY 'ISEASURE�t 's STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, JEAN SA.NDIMS, the duly appointed, qualified and acting treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or spacial assessments as of /d' i17.7 v on any of the lexid included in the plat of DURHAM MEADOWS. Date an Sa6ders, City Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TRH STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS WAUKESHA COUNTY ) I, LESLIE P. ROCKTEACHM, the duly elected treasurer of Waukesha County, do hereby certify that the records in my of,f3.ce show np unredeemed tax sales and. no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of 12'1' / i= 1 j, 'R'i &,.4,. , affecting the lards included in the plat of DURHAM MF,ADOWS. a 97 _ Dante LeE e P. Rockt6mr- er�� . -e County Treasurer PW n R7 In c � I m m� m a o �L Ifn al CCAI q CO.MMO N COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLVES, tha-;, the plat known as BURHAM ME.9DOWS, being a subdivision of a part of the SW 1/4 Section 2, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, which has been dui filed for approval of the Common_ Council of the City cf Muskego, be and. the same is hereby approved �.' as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy a resolution adopted by theFCtna�on " Council of the City of Muskego on the .day of � � , 1972, Bette J. Bowyeiv, City Clark CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE I, WALTER WOLLMAN, mortgagee of the above described land, do hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat, and. I do hereby consent to the above certificate of Jack L. LaBonte, owner. WITNESS the bared and seal of WALTER WOL%,MAN, mortgagee, this of �-� , 1972 • IN THE PRESENCE OF: Charlotte Schweitzer STATE OF WISCONSIN) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTX ) Walter Wol.lman PERSONALLY came before me this D-136 day of , 1972, the above named Walter Wollman, to me known to be the person who exec ed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. Notary Public Milwaukee County, Wisconsin My Commission Expires TM iNSTRUMENI WAS Mom+ TED BY STANLEY j . POTRYKCTS There are no objections to this plot with respect to Secs. 23615, 236,16, 236.20 and 23621 (1) and (2), Wis. Stats_, Hy 33 cf" Wis. Admin. Code as provided by Sec. 236.12 (6), Wis. stp%" ar by the County, Planning Agency. Certified this 4p4d Jxday of .... L .l% —�....... 19 f�6-7 Dir or, Local and Regional Planning ,r,/, Eklmrtment of Local Affairs & Development. S.yEF7 � d`'2