COUNTRY BROOK ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLATa O DEVELOPER � OWNER w MR. DONA LD G. MILLER w a 9'19 LL a W 'U'''•�9 S•62 W. 17310 WOOD ROAD MUSKFGO, WISCONSI N 53150 M . 4 2Z- oosp p a ui ztiZZ NORTH M I•. M h� N N All M N A ~ Z = `� a ►� 4io �► �+ � 4i W + in to - o Z.� a: M •• -� h -� In cv . In . •• •& 0 ~ •►1 Ui fIj ri V 1 •rf d1 h N $g'0 .0 O 0 8 0 h _ - 1 0 0 � t. in p 1 0 t , ti •cy d •r- ' h- r1 Q ev w 4 H h z Inz cm 0 = z �9 N M � a Q cv tox In O a ti In Z Z sf : r d d' � N M •r, - 0 cv ,' a t n 'a0 s '� O V 40 go + In O r NIId ' 1� in 0 4 -h 0 M ,� Q Q c~ -N Q PZ - 0 •�, �� -� .V o N - I � � '� 'o •o 'M 0 v on cy in C � `� - ti a o 0 0 in to vi Z 2 ai ,ri ri Z on r on vi r; �_ M0 co � 4 0.4'n Mir+ d8 1n . N N N N 7 d V Q Qti Q 1r� N N e� N N N O N N 0 o 'J O O .o � r N 4� S �'9; r m p 0 n n in h 0 0 In O, at Q wr; 0+ r; 40 6 Jn ~. ri N N N 0, N p N M N �► N N N N N a N 0 j Z �y N h C9 p- c 0 F !�O LJ N T R Y BROOK ESTATES BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LANDS IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 a A PART OF'THE NORTHEAST 1/4 & NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MU SKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI SCONSIN. � 610 so loo ISC 7iOG 300' .I ` :.GR-APHIC' SCALE J-= !06 "IME.1IIZD NOTES : K '!4- P sZ.Y4•, • INDICATES 2x3O /RON PIPE, 3-GS/bs. PER 4INEAL• fool. � � �� ! ��i '14 � =1-7G 4.515' • INDICATES I"x 24" IRON PIPE ,� 1.13 IbS. PER LINEAL Fool. ,�I�'�="` -' ,r�0�1 ALL DISTANCES ARE MEASURED TO NEAREST HUNDREDTHOA A FOOT CALCULATED TO THE THOu5ANOTH of A FOOT. I I ALL 8EARINGS ARE REFERENCED rO► GRID. NORTH-I3A'5E0 ON ME- W.y4 V4- o0►or,�. � 1 wrscoMslN STATE PLAIuE cC�ott-vINATE 3YSTF� Cg�Tti ;zonlE) I 5. W. '14 ar I � �-� • INDICATES EXISTING SANITARY 44ANHOCE CWZR .A 42 SANjr-ARY'JK77EJZcZPTOR I ?' S.W. 94 S.I.r* � w 5EWER- THE t-. OF T14F- ExtSTING sewe-z WAS LOCATED IN ?wf ;F/Fta � �/ S.E1 '14 1 � ALL ANGULAR MEA'buREMENTS HAVE 8EEIV MADE To THE NEAREST L - __ y_______1 SEcoNn,t p � coPureo TO THE NEAREST ONE -TENTH SECOND. woos !CAD NO IN02LE'5S OR EGRE55 FROM LOTS 1,5,Co, 7,A8,%Ioi11,IT 413 TO LOCALITY MAP WOODS ROAD, APPLIES TO VEHICULAR TQAFFfC ONLY. SECTION ICc, T. 5 N., Q. 20 E. OA ALL 14TE210k 5T2I ETS AS SPOWN WITHIN PLAT To BE DEDICATED To THE $CALE : I: WOO' CITY OF MLISKfGD F-0 2 PUBLIC 5TREET PURP05Eg_ *,34, IGG.03 N. • 1A►!S, STATE PRop�,PTY L1NJ` 21sol, 204.e4 E.. 49L 20 PLJBLI C UTILi rY E3M'T. CASTl�ea+r MoN• �►I � • NIL OF N.E. 74 sECTIoN uH P L A T T E D LAND LOW WATER EL. 77 2.10 FE5. 1)1991 NIGH wArER EL 774•Sl �4'0� Q►. //--- of /V((f - -- h4eANDLIR LINE S. eO4-o* 2"E• 30.4+T9 ` .1 -�`- S KE N.O CANA L N.W. cbRNER OF PARCEL 1, 2fi93N0 ��''� �{�� W a¢� Ip; jZ..19 w REt.�►S S.e7-4o-io S'�1N/STJ~G • 84' 1O�~•E. ��� ` � 4� 7' - �70�`i (SANK ` v 1 0 h _r _ ._ 5 J7'AR 30 r EXIST. SAN. M.ii.EL.771.10 SA .0 M M 0 M'r SE Wdj SEw Q of ZRCEProQ s� EwENITAjay 4 SMr v 1.� O OF Mug .+� i . _ 1 .3 �q, ,, �' �` 1 Z CV v; O S.e4- o=r2NE TKFGp yCA/YAL�- N'�ry.=�Fc,ru,¢E P?ih0 '" .� �'j�f Kj v Q T�` HJ6F1 WATER EL.774.5 �v �, fPin Lo]• 5� �? i O LTt% r/� + O �- �o j�- -Ole__ SANK- - �'g�•' Ci-%' a` 11 is 6`- 0 n13p7 ,r1/� .EC. TOp OF DAniK 77$.! Q `�� 2��n p ��o , .P- a+�a v �� --� '� ao.4S ''y ` OOQ i ,}► --?' pry rre.5- Oflai in be ry rk� w: C. �. LA UNE -- "��►. iaiz" a to Q'� + `�� 7 e➢ �� eG� � �./ r PA 1,,, �j + ty 6" 4 2 s4 •v. s F `s4c a, .� + g wSa^iiTA,a}.�1r''t.�09 *1�c, 1 �! 6�.�5 0 0 Ek E S M'T. '� to 1. 6 G � ��' C� e+'ti I �' . ?0`. ft ti s.83--oy: z ,503� 0� _ 2Q� c�a5��h�h �p +�y�? ,w J 4r`6 all y� Q ^`� •� 1 Ar' 4 Pam' Iz0'95 �; � a -y' � ��; \�' \,� '` •3 3, 0, , �% ,.�' n -�;�9 M DE TA OF L O r �_ 5 3���, �5 �_ �~��•ti �� c�� �o �K n.�� '^ \�Q �Q ` ,�� ��4�, ����� O •, Scq�E I 3o aaC' z9 "�• c�k��o�" a c��� �� . `b h�,� •��• \��,� y•, �, 7�V / tg c�'• 3� 5�v � - i 'Q . a� �L9 `,�,- ��' ,� ti, of ti�i b \cl St �• o ,�a ��. sJ• rJ . rk, /gym' I E ' icy, S � rLM ti� / C �Q �� �Q' /. 31LI :OF -AI E-74 MG.1-4 cl Q• ti 3, / r 1' / *1�' w/ DRA K >yf s STA7)R n�►+ME 1 ► , -' �� /s �6 �JI ��'� �?.ry \P qS0 `sli 331 J s14.» o rt�+ D �o� .6 s Jys , 2,Sot, 232.7SE. "•-loulw zar1E �. Q, O, 2� .Ar'�9,5 ,y0 .;�► 1 gY' 4, o- .trQ �,y�' ' Oes �Q♦ � • �� � ` .SFr 3� / � ,� �, p� 47/ 0 Q. �, S ?� -c c� �D e, OP • O td' h0 n� Qom` \ � ��• C'� `r6 � � '� �� / n� �ry �� • rya. � o}' 41 0 Q. IN!'\ Sir \0 01 S t0 G° Irb IQ3 . o �s 'ti 6 Ids 10\ 0- 0. `°.y '`h� � 6 S�s6 • ��n k i h Lac ,P@ ' T y�0 .'lt'd0'� �'. \0 v ions �/ ,,�. .�o�s a �►� .s • / \ �• -� �. cC GP {.. O Al < o� ,, 3• '� 4 II � rr/ ova;, •I s % n Q Z i g\ A a� C : 1G 84403 v ltEYISJ<D 10-I2-91 ,/ oO $ ��. �7� g�' �A� Q� ��' / � � y`i 1�I�1��'=®FF��) REVISED THIS 29th. DAY OF OCT. 1991. 4,3 \ D'�pq, '� �r 55Ab 6 �4 co /%i►r�.�� . +, � Sig, M+�... M �/ •j /fiYt )R RECORD TVA jaiffO ! 5G0NSA -- 5. F9. 197- 2 0" W.,; - ; �" /�v ,�,`' `�A. J _� r• o o: j `u , K. .In. S oREGO Die li 41 WLUN H Sow-Tr 0 _ C. 5. M. NO. 30Ct0 ItWis. own d� S-626Q 8 c� / �OC7' I,JR ,, 7 1 1 W �/�4�. �r, / `'i LJC0000138 w1LLIAM H. 80•M1TT & ASS SLR*'"= -PAS rE as OMMM s32to T" 15 INST RuA4E Nr WAS DRAFTED 8Y : '•`V d / J'ci W/LLIAM H. SCHM/TT ���/ 3f' SHEET n10. 1 OF 2 UNTRY BROOK EST IS BEING A SUBDI V I'SION OF LANDS IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 a A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 a NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ATATZ.OF WISCONSIN )SS COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) I. WILLIAM H. SCHMITT, registered land surveyor, do hereby certify: THAT I have surveyed, divided and "ped "COUNTRY BROOK ESTATES; being a subdivision of lands in the Southeast 1/4 cW the Northeast 1/4 and a part of the Northeast 1/4 and the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and des- cribed as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the southeast corner 'of said Northeast 1/4 Section 16; running.thence North 00. 36' 06" West on and along the east :line of said 1/4 Section 354.040 feet to a point in the centerline of Woods Road; thence South 43. 41' 27" West on and along said street centerline 516.550 feet to the southwest corner of "Certified Survey Map No. 2693", a certified survey map of record in the office of Register of Deeds and the point of beginning of land to be described; thence North 46. 40' 53" West (recorded as North 45. 10' 10" West) on and alon4 the southwesterly line of Parcel 1 of said certified survey map, 262.350 feet (recorded as 265.00 feat) to an angle point; thence North 14. 56' 48" West (recorded as North 13. 26' 05" West) on and along said southwesterly line 295.940 feet to the northwest- erly corner of said Parcel 1, said point lies in the centerline of Muskego Canal; thence South 31. 58' 31.4" West, 342.273 feet to a point on a curve; thence Northwesterly on and along the arc of said curve which bears to the left 110.967 feet having a radius which bears South 31. 58' 31.4" West, 120.000 feet and having a chord which bears North 84. 30' 57.3" West, 107.055 feet to a point; thence South 21. 00' 26" East, 60.000 feet to a point of curve; thence Southeasterly on and along the arc of said curve which bears to the right 67.752 feet having a radius which bears South 21. 00' 26" East, 60.000 feet and having a-chordwhich bears South 780 39' 29.5" East, 64.209 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 46. 18' 33" East, 56.160 feet to a point; thence South 56. 24' 16" West, 840.610 feet to a point; thence South 46. 18' 33" East, 100.000 feet to a point; thence South 43. 41' 27" West, 220.000 feet to a point; thence South 46. 18' 33" East, 150.000 feet to a point; thence South 43. 41' 27" West, 60.000 feet to a point; thence South 46. 18' 33" East, 10.000 feat to a point; thence South 43. 41' 27" West, 165.000 feet to a point; thence South 46. 18' 33" East, 110.000 feet to a point; thence South 30. 38' 37" East, 55.483 feet to the northeast corner of "Certified Survey Map No. 3060 % a certified survey map of record in the office of Register of Deeds; thence South 00. 43' 40" East (recorded as North 000 43' 40" hest) on and along the east line of said certified survey nap 182.190 feet to the northerly southeast cornerof said certified survey map, said point also lies in the centerline of Woods Road; thence North 43. 37' 35" East on and along said street centerline $32.185 feet to an angle point, said point is also a point of curve as described in "Certified Survey Map lo.S&ST ", a certified survey map of record in the office of to later of Deeds; thence North 43. 41' 27" last (recorded as South 43. 41' 17" West in said "Cer- tified Survey Map No. 5883" and Certified Survey Map No. 5884" certified survey saps of record in the office. of Ragistor of Deeds) on and along said street centerline and the north lines of said certified survey maps 818.25 feet to the point of beginning. , The Southeasterly 50 feet being dedicated for public street purposes. Containing in all a grosm='area='of 691,972 square feet (15.65592 acres) of land more or less. THAT I have made such survey, land division and plat under the direction of Donald G. Miller, THAT such plat is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the subdivision thereof made. THAT I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the subdivision regulations of the City of Muskago in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. DATE: June 28, 1991 RIV 19f D 1b-12-% I REVISED THIS 291h. DAY OF OCTOBER, 1991 W-_'LLI �-� �76. 1 rwl� William H. Schmitt, Registered Land Surveyor, S-626 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION As owner , we hereby certify that we caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat in accordance with the require nts of Chapter 18, Section 3.8 of subdivision ordinace of the City of Muskago�and Section 236.10 or Section 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1) City of Muskego 2) Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection 3) Waukesha County Park i Planning Commission Witness the hand and seal of said owners this_day of 199..1-. In the presence of: F5.,W. 0 4, I _ �. , STATE OF WISCONSIN SS COUNTY OF WAUKESHA Personally cane before se this !! Lh day of 199 , the above named Donald G. Miller, to see known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. C0rAIL C� - Notary Public My commission expires ' - 9. -4 Waukesha, Wisconsin COUNTY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE OAYWUE3I)CUNTOFWAM8A SS I, Patricia G. Karcher, being the duly elected, qualified and acting treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments throuShtkgjo ffecting the lands included in the plat of "COUNTRY BROOK 13TAT13m. Dated:, - Patricia G. Karcher, County Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA )SS VA I, Jean Sanders, being the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in Accord- ance with the records in y office, there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of on any lands in the plat of 'COUNTRY BROOK ESTATES", Dated: J Sanders, City Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO CERTIFICATE "Resolved that the plat known as "COUNTRY BROOK ESTATES", a subdivision in the City of Muskego, which has been filed for approval, be and herein is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes". I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskago on the AA N o - -day of 4 2'rQ A Ir , 1991 , which action becomes effective upon receipt o a other review agencies and all conditions of the City of Muske o approval are satisfi as of the J/rx day of NQ,rt�Aa�t , 1�9! ,. Dated: lqf U Gp �rF O Tel 1L. Maren6ag City Clark rMI S 'NsTAuA4ENr NAS XwAcrt D BY: w/ L L IA&f H. SCHm i rT AA 2_A SHtf T MO. 2 Of 2