AVIAN ESTATES - SUBDIVISION PLATrkV I )k N E S T �� T E S HE/NG A P4Ri OF THE S.E. !/4 OFTyE ,S.W. I/4 OFSECT/ON 3, TUNN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, /N THE C/TY OF MUSKE60, WAUK.£SHA COUNTY, W /SCONS/N fi` 5 GrAGHIc Sc�ILE \ 0 15 30 60 120 /80 240 h SC4LE' 1 60' VI IWO 4 R NO TES 1 N SEC. 7" PL. AT N / G��" ♦ ,d-DEt10TEI Z"X30"IRp,N 11PE, 6,5L85./SIP/. FT. LOCATION MAP �6► O - DErlOTE x21'"lRnrJ FIFE. ,.13 LfIS./Llrl. Fi E JC7Cy ------ - - -- — All distances to the nearest 0.011. 1 �°` SCA 4 ! = All areas to the nearest square foot. �y t �� All bearings are referred to grid North of the [Wisconsin State Plane Cc -Urinate System, South lone. "The drainage easements shall be maintained by the RASFMENT RESTRICTION-GROLTNMATER ,c respective home owners. The home owners shall main- "Although all lots in the subdivision have been reviewed rV �6 tain said easements in an unobstructed condition so and approved for development with single-family residential as to maintain their intended purpose. Construction use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes, of any building, grading or filling in said easements some lots contain soil conditions which may require is prohibited. The home owners grant to the City the additional soil engineering and foundation design with 10 to enter (but �� ♦ �� rig but not the responsibility)regard to basement construction. It is recommended �''♦ 7. O ` upon said easements in order to inspect, that either a licensed professional engineer or other repair or restore said easements soils expert design a basement and foundation which to their intended purpose. will be suitable to withstand the various problems Expenses incurred by the associated with saturated soil conditions on basement 44 ~ walls or floors or that special measures be taken. Soil ! t' City for inspection, re- p q pair or restoration of conditions should be subject to each owners special �yo said easements may he investigation prior to construction and no specific ) Z' placed against the representation is made herein." tax roll for said home owner and 'COTE: \o walk out basements permitted collected as a special charge by t r�, the City". CONSERVANCY/GIETLAND PRESFRVATIOW RESTRICTION v/ I;`r Those areas of land which are identified as Conservancy/ Wetland Preservation Area on Page l of 2 on this Subdivision Plat shall be subject to the following ` J/ t,f 40P restrictions: 1) Grading and filling shall be prohibited unless Q IMf�. specifically authorized by the municipality in W % in which they are located and, if applicable, tht w III Waukesha County Park & Planning Commission, the d Department f Natural Resources an the a Wisconsin De at t o P Army Corp of Engineers . , i 2) The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials Q) shall be prohibited. y MwoK _ S/Z.a 3) The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e., trees, shrubs, grasses, etc., shall be prohibited with the exception of c; the removal of dead, diseased or dying vegetation at the discre- Nt / / tion of land owner, or silvicultural thinning upon the recommen- dation of a forester or naturalist and the approval of the Waukesha County Park and Planning Department. 0 \ ' '+) Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e., horses, cows, etc., shall ___ / (_ 96,761% ! be prohibited. Wi I 6 B/3AC. o • 'W E T � A N O �, 5) The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing -- Q� environment of the Conservancy/Wetland Preservation Area shall be 1 _ C _ - prohibited. BLO I j N 8 • 6) Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the municipality y O 4g in which they are located and if applicable, the Waukesha County ZS 4 �2 W Park and Planning Commission, the Wisconsin Department of 'natural f \ / Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers. 7) Construction of buildings is prohibited. _ _ 1 4 z 1JETLAND NOTE l,;etland boundary identified and ` field staked by Donald Reed and Rachel i.ang of S.F.W.R.P.C-on / T,l` „„g"F�t r_ :. t3 10-23-97. Field locations by �U _J ­77�1.."_3 _ w Interline Surveying 12-97. o u 1l?i� o -/,t.- 4� �£ s� ti 1 a? Wetland Flevation = + 812.00 220. 00 N.1 a8,P z9 E. _ -- - - � - -- w - � nr.eavr2s"�. i,5''otStiN� + ol,i � There is no flood plane 46.00 -,� E EA /� 20 NL&J consideration for this property. i N` 2 'h ET�4 i a A��yj49 \� IKOTF:'To building is 0 HQ y0 j �5 permitted within 10 feet o �, til M Cti O I10!'�; 3 3 /� 4 5 of the wetland line. / v I l r:O,`3751 120,3r51 1 r2J3t9J p�j 3757 LWL o NOTE: LOTS 2, 3, hand 5 of � ', . , .4" - , Oti a �k. y o- � _- � Bi 0CK 1 may discharge �� sump pumps to rear of C z 1 yard areas. _ tC _ yy sETBACK L1NE - T - -- -- - LU oII o N N� 11.?4 "F 44799 W LL 12 Ill 99 .1 r - - H -44 y'u il' 29 E. 2 99 - 4 EDG `W OD DRIVE 14 N 8�1! 9NG. o M - - 443.04 ----- - - Z # ` _ /f000 w Q _ � `� Nl� v DR. • .2 Mr^ or - N a8°J!'29"E 'n --333 08 - - i� 4 0. z Q HE D . N. a9 1/ 9 C- Pn ' SETBACK LINE- C �O C� -� 1 � I � b,f+yj � ` ` o !` M 0�• i L (20 1931 a r29,19 kAJ Ct 1 t S. LI. F I/4 SEC-,, 11 1. 34-- d. _ 333..34 N. 88 • !/' 2 9" E- - A fv D S REGISTER'S OFFICE WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 08-17--1999 8:21 AID MICHAEL J. HASSLINlE REGISTER OF DEEDS VOLUME: d SUBDIVISION/CEMEF_ -_ PAGE: REC. FEE., W. , 00 rN15 J.'J `' �F .'h°EPJT av�.• = , AFTEG r n:lenx 6 SWAN 5HEE7 1 OF 2 12 AVIAN ESTATES WA!IKF,FHA CO(W rly, WISCONSIN SURN EYOR'S C ERTIf IC:ATL STATE: OL WI.SCONSIN) MILW AUKEE COUNTY) I GARY J. SMITH, a registered land surveyor do hereby certify: TH AT I have surveved, divided, mapped and dedicated a part of the Southeast 114 of the Southwest 114 of Section 3, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha C ounty, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said 114 Section, thence S.8801 1'29"W ., along the south line of said 114 section, 667.00 feet to the point of beginning of the lands to be described, thence N.Wl9'Ol "W„ 491.00 feet to a point; thence N.048'05"W., 254.12 feet to a point; thence N.15°35'39E;., 383.40 feet to a point on the centerline of MARTIN CHIVE, thence N.59°40'471h'., along said centerline, 605.32 feet to a point; thence S.00°14'03"F., on and along the east line of PARKLAND NO. 2 , 8 " feet to a point, said point being the northwest corner of LOT l of C.S.M. NO 1972, thence N 8e] 1'29"E., along the north line of said C.S.M. 'NO. 1972, 220.00 feet to a point; thence S.00014'03"L., along the east line of said C. S. M. NO. 1972, 181.99 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE Ni.8el l'29"fv., 5.00 feet to a point; thence S.00"14'03"F.., 30 01 feet to a point; thence N.W11'29"E., 110.00 feet to a point; thence S.00°14'03 "E., on and along the east line of PARCEL I C.S. tit. VOLUME ME 32, R46F. 59, 212.00 feet to a point on the south line of said 1/4 section; thence N.8801 1'29"E., along said line, 333.34 feet to the point of beginning. DEDICATPNG therefrom the north 50 feet for public road purposes. Containing 11.295 acres gross 10,609 acres net DATE: /- y- 99 GAPY:, .�/SYTTH P,.L.S.-2195 N AS OW NER I, JOYCE N. SC'HW' A13FNLL NDFR, certify- that I have caused the land described on this plat, to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. AS OIA'NFR 1, JOYCE N. SCHW ABF:NLF'NDER, do further certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: I) Department of 'ldministration 2)Waukesha County Parks& 3) City of Muskego Land Use Department W-ITNLSS the hand and seal of said owner this :7day of < ,199� J 11'NLSS JOYCE N. SCHW ABF'NI ENDER S I'A TE OF W'ISCONSIN) MILW A1'KE.E COUNTY) PFRSON Al I N' came before me this day of 199/ the above named JOYCE N. SCEfWVABFNI ENDER, to me-J(n'n'VJn to be the person who executed the forgoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOT ARY PUB1,1C, STATE -Of' WJS{'ONS IN MY COMMISSIOIN EXPIRES CITY Of, MUSKEGO CERTIF•1CATE RLSOLVlr D that the plat of AVf AN FS-I A rES, a subdivision in the City of %luskego, which has been filed for approval, be and hereby is approved as required by Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this „day of 199,', which action becomes effective upon receipt of approval of all other revievving agencies and all condition of the City of Muskego's approval were satisfied as of the day of 199. This plat was reapproved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this day of , 199. . f-4 DA-IF: Jean Marenda, Citv Clerk I, _TF.AN MARFNDA, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that copies of this plat were forwarded as required by s.236.12 (2) on the .t day of "- , r; _ 0- , 199,9, and that within the 20-day limit set by s.236.12 (3) (no objections to the plat have been filed/all objections to the plat have been met). THIS rNSrRuMENr W45 DRAFTED SY ntARK G. 5W4N J CON�T OF_'1 ORTUAGLL ST ATF f=INANC'I AI BANK, A Corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the t 1nited States of America, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveving, dividing, mapping and dedicating ofthe land described in the foregoing instrument of 6 ARY J. SMITH, a Registered Land Surveyor, Ind does hereby consent to the above certificate of JOYCE. N. SCHW'ABE'NI-EN'DFR. In 'Witness Whereof the -saW,State inancial Bank, has caused the presents to be signed by !/. f' and countersigned by '. �� "i�r at Wisconsin, andifs cor ate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of 199� In the presence of. State of W isconsin) Milwaukee County) PERSON AI I I' came before me this day of �_' , 199 7 and / iA, u __ .c.z �.�I % _ of the above named corporation and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers of said corporation by its authority. N tart' Public, County, Wisconsin. \f.N- commission expires I, PATRI( IA G. KARCHFR, being a duly elected qualified and acting treasurer of the County of Waukesha, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no unredeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of this 1 day of z 199 , affecting the lands included in the plat of AVI AN ESTATE,. Patricia G. Karcher, Treasurer, Waukesha County CLK I I F I(ALi.- 01- C i I Y M AS LAE R 1, .11, AN M AREND.A, being the duly elected, qualified and acting City of %luskego Treasurer, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office, there are no unpaid takes or unpaid special assessments as of this day of 199 DATE: ; Jean Marenda, City of Muskego, Citv Treasurer N SHEET 2 OF 2 Qz9x IE