090 - 1/1/19843 J
-,x? 2 ,,sa71 LAND COVENANT
Acccpuncc of Conditions of Conditional Use Grant.
Relates to Grant No. 90
THIS COVENANT, Made this.. .day oi. ... ..k t.Qb.er... .. 19. ..6.3
by. .-Dr.-. .Alic.e. .Mar.o.l.d. ... ...... ...
... ..... ..... ...... _"" ....... .Grantors,
for the use end benefit of all ~erson9 from time to time resident or owning property within the
Maukesha. .County. Wiswnsin. and for the use
and benefit of the said. ..cits)r .of. .Muskego.. ..... ...
(City. ~llagr. Town. County)
described class oi persons. Grantees.
in its own right and as agent for the purpose of enforcing these presents on bchalf of the above
The premises nfiected by these presents (hereinafter called the Premises) are the
of Waukesha. .and State of Wisconsin. owit:
fallowing described lands in Township. 6. .North, Rsnge. .2Q. .East. in the County
Part of the SW 114 of the SW 114 of
Section 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City
of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin,
Muskego, WI 53150
also known as S102 W13945 Loomis Drive,
3LT"lN TO: Cathie Anderson
City of Muskego
P. 0. Box 25
Muskeao. WI 5315(
Mail address of the Premises is. ............................................................................... S102 W13945 Loomis Drive
and that no other person has any estate or interest therein except by reason of easements for public utilities, building restrictions. dedications to
Grantors warrant and covenant that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they are all of the owners of the Premises
the public or public bodies, instruments not of record. and mortgages to banks. savings and loan assmiations or insurance companies.
Grantors represent that petition on their behalf was made to the. ... ..ciL.y ..... ....:.. .oL~ MuSkega.
pursuant to the Zoning Code of the said. .c.i.ty ............... for grant of permission to erect and/or conduct on the Premises a use
agreements as to site, building and operation plans which were incorporated into the Conditional Use Grant; that based thereon Conditional
there permissible not by right but only by Conditional Use Grent; that in connection therewith Grantors made certain representations and
.was issued under date of .!kt.&e.r. 19. {.?and that a truecopy thereof is on file with the
(City. Vlilogc, Town. Carmy)
Use Grant No. ......... 90 ..... ..
.P.lan .Carnr.issian. of the. Ci.ty of .Muskegs. ... ............. .... .................. (City. V11Iap. Town. Cbunry)
and conditions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land and shall bc binding on the Grantors and on all persons claiming any estate or
NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accept the said Conditional Use Grant and covenant strictly to comply with all of the terms
interest in the Premises by, through or un+r the Grentors. as long as the said Premises are used as described in the Conditional Use Grant for
the operation of: ..a. ,h.%s$. .chic.. ............................... .............. .........
In Witnesa Whereof, Grantors have hereunto set their handsand seals this. .L6.ch..day of. ... .J.anuar.)! ........ , Id%..
. - - . . -.
." .... ... (SEAL)
................ " .."....... ....................... ................................... ,.. ............. ...................................................................................................... @BAL)
.Caunty. 1 Personally came before
., Preidcnt
., 19. .,
and. ~, Secretary
of the above named ioqxrztion. 13 me known to k such persons and
officers who executed the loregoing instrument and acknowledged
purposes therein contained.
that they execured the me as such officers. by its authority, lor the
me this. .day of.
1.. .. .....
me this.. .!,.k. .day of. ~~..~~j..~..~l.~..~~.:~. .. 195.Y,
the above named .. ALkB .. L... ,.mrD.l.d.. .D...V.-.M -...
..~ ...
to me known to be the perscns who executed the foregoing instrument
and acknowledged the same.
.... ..............................
Cathie Anderson (SEAL)
irant Number ____ go.., .....
M 74 and 59.97 Wb Srarr.
Before the. ... Pl~n...~.a.~i.~.~ir;I.n ...... of the. ..ci.ty ............. of ...... Muskego.. ....................... ......,
(Amng Body) (City. Villagc, Town. County)
........................... Kaukesha ....... County, Wisconsin, in regard to Premises at. ..Sl.O2. .bIL39.45...Loom.i.s. -Dr.i.ve-
..... ...... ........ .in Township. .... 5 ..... North, Range. .20 ....... East ,... Waukesha....... County,
'tare of Wisconsin, further described as follows:
Part of the SW 114 of the SW 114 of Section 25, T 5 N,
R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin.
provide that the premises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinafter described but that upon Petition such use
WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District Map of the above named municipality. pursuant to State Statute,
may be approved by the municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circumstances as defined by the standards
in the Zoning Ordinance; and
Petition therefore having been made, and public hearing held thereon, and the. ... Phn. .c.~.~.i.ss.i.o.n ............
(Acrlns MY)
............ of the.. .. C~t jr ...........,.. of ..... .hSkegO.. ...........
Gry. Village, Town. County)
.having determined that by reason of the
particular nature, character and circumstances of the proposed use. and of the specific and contemporary conditions grant
of such use upon the terms and conditions hereinafter prescribed would be consistent with the requirements Of the Zoning
NOW, therefore, IT 1s GRANTED, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions hereinafter stated. that
the premiss may be used for the purpose of. ..ap.er.at;irq..a. .har.se...clinir ......................................................
.....__ .................................................................................................................................................................................
GRANTED by action of the ... ~l~~...C.OnRRiO~ the ....... City. .......... Of ..... bUakq0 ............... ..::....- .......
(Seal) ..
the.. 4.f.h.. ........ day of. ........ Q.cfQb.6X ....... ........., 19..83. (city. V111age. Town. County)
me ....... ..Gi.q.".&&.. ..... \ . .,
'/ :
(Ciry. Village, own. County) Clerk
'. ' ~' . I I\ ..
The CONDITIONS of this Grant are:
I, This Grant shall become effective upon the execution and recording by the Owners of the Premises of an acceptance
hereof in such form as to constitute an eHective covenant running with the land.
2. This Grant shall be void unless proper application, pursuant to the building and zoning codes of the municipality, for
appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within..li?.. .months
3. This Grant is subJect to amendment and termination in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code of thls
of the date hereof.
4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site, building and operation
plans filed in connection with the Petition for this Grant, and annexed hereto.
5, Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility of tenants of the premises shall be made
a pan of their lease by the Owner, which lease shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditions to notify
6. Conditions on the Operations
a. Hours of operation:
b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. Provisions for sewage disposal:
e. Other:
7 Conditions on the Buildings
a. Facade material of each building side:
b. Entrances. Design and Location:
c. Signs attached to the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lighting):
d. Exterior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other:
8. Conditions on the Slte
a. Street Access (number, location, design):
b. Off-street Parking (location and design including screening thereof) ~
c. Loading and Service Areas (location and design) ~
d. Outslde Storage of Materials, Products or Refuse (location and screening thereof):
e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-off:
f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types. size, spacing):
g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location nnd design) ~
h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting):
I. Exrerlor Ll@hrlng of the Slte. locatiull design and power:
1. Other:
Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner
\ / "
pte: Where the conditions are shown on maps, drawim, photographs, or similar nttachents, Enter: "See Exhibit. ...