082 - 11/1/1980......
'lax Key Lo. 2196.001.002 and .003
Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Eleadow Dale Subdivision, a part of the NW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N, R20E in the City of Muskego,
Waukesha Co., Wisc.
Personally came before
me rhi, .S.thky .J.anUaK.y. ., N..~L
thc .bovc -d. Thamas. .Ber.ken. ..and. ......
!' Waukesha. .County. \Vissonsin. in regard to I'remtses at. .5.72. .bll7.130.-40
'! !!
!I .Briargate La.n.e. .in Town.hip .5. . Sorrh. 12an:c. .20. .East. Waukesha 11 .~ounty. j
t~tc oi \\iscon>ln. I.~rthcr tlcs;ril)cJ as lollous: !
,: Tax Key No. 2198.001.002 and .003
NW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N, R20E in the City of Muskego, 1;
Waukesha Co., Wisc. iI
Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Meadow Dale Subdivision, a part of the I
11 I'
. " -
- - ~. . . . . ;i
'I lhc COSDITIOSS ol this Grant arc: I! 11 I Thih i ;rant h11 Ixcomc effective ulwn thc execution and rrcording by the Ouncrs of the l'rcmiscs ol an acccpcancc ii 'i
. . . . . . " . . . . . . - e
6. Condltlans an the Oprratlons
a. Hours of opcratlon:
b. Perforrnnncc ?tandarc!? relntinR to noise, vihrqtion, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. Provisions lor ~cwn~c diclwsal:
e. Other,
7. Conditions on the Buildings
a. Facade material ol cach huilding side:
b. Entrances, Dcsign and ILwntinn:
c. Signs ottachcd to thc Uuildinz, Location, Size, Dnign (including lighting)
d. Exterior LiChtin: of the Building:
e. Other.
8. Conditions on the Site
n. Street Acccss (numlvr location. dcqijin),
b. On-Street Parl;in; kztion and dcrign including scrccninz thcrcoo
c. Loading and Serj.icc Arcas (Iocaion and dfsi:n)
d. Outside Storage nl hlatcriols. I'rcducts or Reltlsc (location and scrccninz thcreor):
e. Finished topography and huildin: grades. retainin:: \valls. stnrm wtcr nln-on:
f. Landscaping or thc Site and Buildings (including plant typ. six. !pacing)
F;. Pedestrian \ulk\vay tcirxcs. malls (location and desijin)
h. Sips (frec st3ndin.c) h;Itinn, six. design (includin:: lizhtin:),
i. Extcrior Lirlhting ol tllc 5.1tL,., 1r:c:nion desi::n and pvcr
j. Other,
c .
No. 2 CUG 2 ~10111 LAND LOVENANT Relates to
Crnnl No. 82 . .... ......... ". ................. ..- .- ..
Acccptance of Canrllllons a( Condltlonal be Grant. .. . - "
by .Nancy. .a.nd. .Th.omas. ,Be.r.k.en THIS COVENANT. hladc this ..jo.th.. day ol. .,De.C.e.mb.er. 19. .8Q
... \ ...
Thomas Ber ken Ot
6250 S. 51st St. Apt.
Greendale, Wis. 53129
the I'rcmi4 uc thc
.I&t, in ~IIC Corlnt?
i .... -.__ 'lax Key Iio. 219ti.001.002 and .003
Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Meadow Dale Subdivision, a part of the
Waukesha Co., Wisc.
NW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N, R20E in the City of Muskego.
\l.lil> I
" -. ......
Cdean K. Marenda
li ;i Waukesha. .County, \\'isconsin. in regard to Premises at. 2.72. .Si17.13 0.-4 0
11 .Briargate .Lane. ,in l'owxhip. .5. .North. Ikmgc. -20. .E.osr. Waukesha. .County.
~,f Wisconsin. ll~tllcr tIcxri1)ctl its lollous:
1; Tax Key No. 2198.001.002 and .003
i: Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Meadow Dale Subdivision. a part of the
NW 1/4 of Section 10, T5N, R20E in the City of Muskego,
Waukesha Co., Wisc.
.having determined that by reason of rhe
.... ... ...
'6. Conditions on the Operations
a. Hours of operation:
b. Performance standartis relatinu to noisc. vibmtinn, odor. smoke or dust:
c. Water supply'iequlrerncnts: lS,ilk?g,:,;, ,:i_
d. I'rovirlons for scwagc diqwsnl: !: I:: .. . g ..... ~, I
7 Condition8 on the Buildings
8. Facade matcriul ol cach huilding side:
b. Entrances. Design and 1-cation.
C. Signs attached to thc Building. lacation. Size, Design (including
d. Exterior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other: