078 - 4/1/1979' described class ol persmr. Grantees.
in ils own right Blld agenr lor the of enforcmg thcse presents on behalf ol tlx abve TAX KEY NO.
lollowlng described lands in Township. 5.
Thc premisca aliecred by these presents (hcreinalrer callcd thc Prcmlses) are the
.North, Kange. 2.0 East. in the County
of. .wa.u!k.e.s~h.a .and Scare of Wtscans~n. rewit:
I 1
Lot 2, Block D, Freedom Acres Subdivision in SE 1/4 of Section 11
" ..................... ..................................... ..................................................
.,,, ........................................................................................ (UIi,\l.>
~ ." ..... IITLf. _. -.
i 'I
! state or Wisconsin. further described as follows:
.in Township. ........ 5 North. Range ..... 20 .East.. .W.aU.k.'Xiha.. .County. ............
i " Lot 2, Block D, Freedom Acres Subdivision in SE 1/4 of Section 11
Signed, ' .;:<..~..t.t-.:... I.' )T ... ~:.~L::~;L.c.~.
The CONDITIONS ol this Grant are'
_____ oean b?arenda
' I, This Grant shall become efiective ulmn the execution and recording by thc Onners of the lkmiscs ol an acicl)[mcc
hereof in such lorm as to constitute an eiicctivc covcnant running wiLh the land.
2. This Grant shall bc void unless propu ;tppIication, pursuant to thc building and zoning codcs ollhr municipaltry, for
of the date hereof.
3. Tnls Grant is subjcct to amendment and rernlination in accordancc \vith rhe provisions of the Zoning Code of this
plans filed in connection u,ith the Perition lor this Granr, and annexed hcreto.
4. Cnnstruc'tion and operation of the use pranced shall b: in strict conformity LO the approved site, building and operation
5. Any of the conditions of this Grant which \vouId normally bc tllc respnsibility of tenants of the prcmises shnll bc made
' n parr of thclr IC~SC Ly d7c Owner, whlch lease shnll contnln provisions lor lusting or rhc pcrrincnt conditions to nvrily
appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Pcrmits in conformity to this Grant. is made within. ...... months
employees thereof. ..
.ilbl,.lb ,1111 .,,..b.,,
'I 6. Conditions on the Opcrntions
~. ~
I1 a. Hours of operhon:
li b. Performance standards relating to noicc. vibration. odor, smoke or dust,
c. \\'ater supply requirements
d. Provisions for sewage disposal,
e. Other.
I! i' 7 Conditions on the Buildings
a. Facade materid of each bulldinn side:
h. Entrances. Design and Location
I! c. Sip attached to the Building. Location. Size, Design (including lighting)
I! !' d. Esterior Ligllting of the Building:
e. Other.
'I Section 8.01 (7) C 10 of the Muskego Zoning Ordinance
is dominately single family in appearance; the second unit does not
each unit is related to a person in the other unit by blood,
marriage or adoption
,I Two family residence, provided the architectural character
I/ exceed 800 square feet of residential floor area; and one person in
~ ' 1 S. Contlitions on ttle Site
a. Street Access (nunher. location. design)
b. OII-Srrect I'al.l<ing (Iocatiun anLl LICSI~I including xuemlng chcIeof)
c. Loadinn and Service Areas (location an+ design)
I I d. Ourside Storage of Ivlaccrials, Products or liefuse (location and screening thereof)
e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls. storm water run-off
f. Landncsping of tha Sltc snd Eulldinga (inoiuding plant typca. alre. mpacing):
g. Pedestrian walkways. terrnces. nralls (location and design):
h. Signs (free atanding) location. size, deign (including lighting):
i. Exterior Lizhting of the Sirc, location desip and power
j, Other:
Receipt of a True Copy of this insrrumenr on behalf of the petitioner
acknowledged the..2..5/ .day of. .&.&x!.&. ., l9.2.?
"wc"tuy_/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...
&Qtc: Where the sonditicnr nrc shown on maps. drawines, photogrspho, or sirnilsr prrachwnts. Enter: "See Exhibit.