071 - 4/1/1999LNo 2 CUO 2 (tow) LANL ,VENA l\UllLrJ w Qrnnt No. # 7 1 -
' Acceptance of Condltlons of mdltlond UBC Grant.
THIS COVENANT. Made this., .*;$..day of. _.. pub!?. , 19. qi
... ... ... .Grantors, i lor the use and benefit of all persons from time to time resident or owning property within the
by., .__. .R&dX. ... A. .h.U.X.i.n. .c.~.~.n.l.e.W.~.k.~.. ... ,.d ....
....... ... ... ...
boundariesof the. .c. i.f.y. ....... ,.of .......... ?hS.k.~.~.O.
(City. Village. Torn. County)
Waukesha ~~~ ~ .County, Wisconsin, and lor the use
md benefit of the said. ....... c,?%Y ..... of ............. !!?Lsk.%S!. ICltY, VIII.'.. TW". eunty, li in its own right and as agent for the purpose of enlorcing thev presents on behalf of the above T,
described class ol pcrsgns. Grantees. R I! lollowlng described la&s in Township. .5. ~Sorth, Range. 2.0. .East, in the County
'fhc premises alicctcd by these presents (Irrcinafter called the Premises) are the
of. Waukeeh.a end S:nte of Wlwo~sln. tc-wit:
i NTJ 114 Section 19, T 5 N,
I R 20 E
City of Muskego
W182 S8200 Racine
Muekego. WI 53150
Mad address of the Premlses is^ .............................................................................. 573 W16437 Janesville Road
Grantors v.arrant and covenant that st the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they are all of the owners of the Premises
and :h3t 110 other perm" has any estate or interest therein except by reason of easements lor public utilities, building restrictions, dedications to
I the public or putlic bodies, instruments not of record, and mortgages to banks. savings and loan asmiations or insurance companies.
Grantors reprcsent that petition on their behalf was made to the. .c.i.t.Y ............ .ol~. .M.U.?.ke.g~O.
pursuant to the Zmin:: Codc of the said. .C.it.Y. lorgrant of permission to ercct and/or conduct on the Premises a use
agrccmcnts as to site, building and operation plans which wre incor rated into the Conditional Use Grant: that based thereon Conditional
there permissible not by right but only by Conditional Use Grant; that in connection therewith Grantors made certain representations and
(City, village. Torn. Caunry1 ........
P1.a.n .cemmiSs.ion. Use Crmt No. !.!. .\vas issued under date of. 6./..!.g.b. .!.I? ., 19. .?..!and rho: a true copy thereof is on file with the
,.of the. C.i.t.Y ............ .of ......... ?!U..S.ke.gO.. ...
(City. Villsgc, Town, Gunry)
! and conditions thereof. This covenant shall ~UII with the land and shall be binding on the Grantors and on all persons claiming any estate or
NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accept the said Conditional Use Grant and covenont strictly to comply with all ol the terms
interest in the Fremms by. through or under the Grantors. as long as the soid Ihmises are used as described in the Conditional Use Grant lor
the opcratian of: .e.X.p.a.n..s.i.a.n.. .of. .C.o.n.di.ti.O.n.a.l. .US .... g.r.an.t.. !!.y$ .s.el?. .V.~.hiC.l.e.s. .......
In Witness Whereof, Grantors have hcreunto set their hands and xais this. .I .. .day of.
". .(SEAL)
(SEAL) &&/ - ................... L' ~fl. .(SEAL)
... ... I'
.J&.E.U~<.<.<~/itL.~ .Coun;:, Personally came b@e
me this ..kL da? of. ..~?~~.~!~~.u.~~~~.~-. ,' , ,'* ~, 19% .,
., President
and^ ., Secretary
the uba~.e named corporation, to me known to be such persons and
oKkers who executed the loregoing instrument and acknowledged
that they executed the same as such officers, by its authocity. for the
purposes therein contained.
... .(SEAL)
W,q l! KC
STATE OF \VISCOI\'SIN. 2 iSS. .................... .... :.1 ... .Cormry. Personally camebeforc
., 19. ., me this. 6:' .dny of.
the above named.
to me known to be the persons who executed the loregoing instrument
and nclmowledged the same.
Before the^ Pk".. <!?!!!.s.s.!.O.! ........ of the. ...City ........... of ...... ..M!.?.k.e.g.C! ..................................... .,
(hcrina Body) (city, Village. TOW". County1
........................ Waukesha ... ..County. Wiscorrsin, in regard to Premises at. ..$?.?...W~6.k?! .... J.a.lrC.Svi1.k .Kd.:.
... ." ........... ..in Township. .... 5. .... North, Range. ..?!? ...... Enst ,...... !!*.!ke.!.!.a ............. .County,
State oi Wisconsin. lurther described as follows:
NW 1/4 Section 10, T 5 N, R 20 E
WHEREAS the Zoning &c!c and Zonin:; I-listrict Map of thc above named municipality, pursuant to State Statute.
provide that the premises may not be uxd ol right for the purpoze hereinaltcr descrilxd but that upon pctition such ase
may bc approved by the municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circunlstancs as dcfvled hy the stmdards
in the Zoning Ordinance; and
Petition therelorc ha\,ing been mad?, and public hearing held thereon, and the^ Pk?., c?.m.mi.?.S.i.o.n.. ....
(r?cri,,g Bod")
of the. ..C i.t~ ......... of ..... Eiu.s.ke.g. 0. ... .." having determined that by reason of the
pal-tichr nature, character and circumtancs of the proposed use, and of the specific and contemporary conditions, grant
of such use upon the terms and conditions hereinafter prescribed would be consistent with the requirements of the Zoning
Gty, \''liaaC. Ton n. G""LY1
Now, therefore, IT IS GRAhTED, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, that
the Premises may be used for the purpose of. .e.x.E.a.n.s..iO..n...O.f. .f.O.nd.ltlo.*.r?.l. !+e.. .gK. ?.! .!... j(7.1 .... t.0 ......
.. .s.e.ll. vhir1e.s. .......................................................................... ."". ...........
the. ~.6.th. ..day of. .... ?.!.*e.. ........... ...., 19 ......... 91
GRANTED by action of the..ll.l.a.n .... Comm..i.s.s.ip..?bf the ...... C.i.1.Y. ....... of ...... M.!.Ske%O... .............
(city. village, Town. couniy1
& 2nd July
.ihe CONDITIONS of this Grant are:
hereof in such form as to constiwte an effective covenant running with the land.
I 1-his Grant shall become effcctive upon thc cxccution and recording by the Owners of the Prcmises of an acceptance
2. This Grant shall he void unless proper application, pursuant to the building and zoning codes of the municipality, for
of the date hereof.
3. This Grant is subject to amendment and termination in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this
plans filed in connection with the Petition for this Grant, and annexed hereto.
4. Constrbction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site, building and operation
a part ol their lease by the Owner, which lease shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditions to notify
5. Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility of tenantS of the premises shall be made
employees thereof.
appcpriate Building. and Zonlng Use and Occbpancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within. ....... months
6. Conditions on the Operations
of United Auto Body which have been approved from 8 AM to 6 PM.
a. Hoursofoperation? That the cars be sold only during normal business hours
b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. Provisions for sewage disposal:
e. Other:
1. That a maximum of 10 cars be for sale at any One time.
7 Conditions on the Buildings
a. Facade material of each building side:
b. Entrances. Design and Location:
c. Signs attached to the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lighting)
d. Exterior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other-
5. That no junk vehicles nor auto parts be allowed outside of the
business structure.
8. Conditions on the Site
a. Street Access (number, location, design)
;ale vehicles be w::~rked on the property with ainted parking lines or anothe b. Off-street Parking I location and design including screening thereof) 4 . Th a t the a rea for the s e
nethod to dis n .ill h t at. ar ng area from !he rest of the buslness area. C. Loading an63er6o 2 Areas #ocatIo{ anjaeslgn) ~
d. Outside Storage ol &laterink. Products or Refuse (location and screening thereof)
e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-off.
f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types. size, spacing)
g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location and design)
sale of the vehicles be first submitted to the Plan Commission for approval.
h. Signs (freestanding) location, size, design (includinglighting), 6. That a sign advertising the
i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location design and power.
j. Other: 3. That the parking area for these vehicles be located a
minimum of 60' from the center line of Janesville Road.
7. That cars can be parked to the grass area, but not extend past the
asphalt and must be parked on the west side of the building.
Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner
acknowledged the..fxr. zri .day of ..~...6;12. 1.:.i.i(~.,.c7/1.... ... _, 19..%
Please see attached
;?KC. FEE-CU: 4.00 REC. FEE: 12.00
RaaIdii Aru fit1!29121u!':0788
Name MII Reiam Mdrm
Attn: Sandi Asti
City of Muskego
Post Office Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150
MSKC 2198.948
Pad Id&iihtim Nmnk IPW
Acceptance or Condlrions ;ondiclonni Use Cronr. I
THIS COVEtjfE.IT. Mqdc &s - ....... .hy of. ../..!$h.?. .. 19. ..
by. .___ .................. ._ ......................... .................................................. rlan . urIce
99 I ...... ......... ......... .- ........................... ....................... .- ............
,.Grantors. ........ ........................................... ..................
for the YX ond ben IC 01 011 pcrronr irom ti eo time rcsldcnr or owning property wichln Ills
boundoricsoithe .or ....................................................... E: ty 5uskego ..... ...................................... .... COW. VI~I.,:~:~~~~. Cwnw
Waukesha ............ ................. ~.Counry, Wlsconsln. and lor rhc usc
ond bcnclic 01 rhc said. ....... ,.ol.
In ics own righr and os ogmc for rhc p~~rposs oi cnlorcin: r1x.x prcrcnrr on bcl,oll 01 111~ obovc
dcxriixd clnss or persox. Gmntccr.
(CIw. Vllln~.~. Tw-n. Guntyl
........ Muskego . - - - - -. .___.
rollowi~d~?Ibf,d lands In Townshlp.. .5 ........ Korcl~, IIan~c ............. .East, In tire County
Tlrc prcmiscs ollccccd by thcx prcrnts (hcrcinolccr coiled the Prcmiscs) ore the 20
01. u es a .... ....... .and Smc or \Vixonsin. cowit:
..LI I(I" "0, MSKC 2198.948
Lcr""" 10,
Attn: Sandi Asti
City of Muskego
Post Office Box 749
Parcel of land located in part NW 1/4 SEC 10 T5N R20E COM 1255.60 FT S. OF N 1/4 COR.
TH S. 57 01'W 29.8 FT. THE BGN, TH S. 57 01'W 243.66 FT., 1'H S 32 59'E 217 FT., TH N.
57 O~*E 102.83 FT. N. 258.64 FT. TO BGN ~198/a48 R 6871955 WD tltas
Moll nddrcrs 01 the Premlscs is
S73 W16437 Janesville Road ............................ ................................. ........ ._ ......... -. ..... -. . - . .. .- .
and chat no ocher person has ony cscorc or lntcrut therein exccpr by rcoson of caxrncnts lor public utlllcies. building rercrlctlons. dcdlcorlons co
Cruntors wrranr and covcnanc tlrnc at rhc clmc 01 thc cnxolinc ond dcllvcry 01 CIICX prclsnrs rhcy'orc all or rhc owncrs 01 the Prvnisa
rhc public or public bodics. inxrumcnrs noc or record. and nrortcagu co banks. Iovlngs ond Ian associations or Insurance cnrnpaniu.
Grantors rcprcscnt thur pctlcion on rlrelr bcholr was mndc co rhc.. .._...._... city ...................... .or ........................... Muskego ...................
pursuant co the ionlng Cde of the wid .......................................... lor gront or pcrmlsslon co erect and/or conduct on the Prernlxs a us(
there pcrmlssible nor by righr but only by Condirlond Ux Grant: char in conncctlon rlierewlth Grantors modi scrtaln rcproentnrlons onc
agrecmcnu ns to sire. building end operocion plnns which wecc incor rnccd InLo ~hc Canditlond Uu Gront: chat bawd rhcreon Condltiono' lIy,C&nc&~~~~~~~~ 7 1A .wns isucd xtndcr clmc of ............ Aprir 20 ................ 1099. .. nnd char a ruccopy th::col I: 011 filc with ck.' Muskego
(acY. VIII~~~..~~~~.'~~~~;~'
city (City. VIIIap.. Tom. &my) ........
city .ol rhc. ................... of .... ...... ......
NOW, THEREFORE, Cronrors hcrcby occept the sold Gnditlnnoi Usc Grant ond covenont scriccly to comply with 011 of rhc cerrn:
3nJ condirlnlrs rllcrvol. Tllir covcwnt s11o11 rtm with thc lund ond rlrall bc bindlnc on tllc Grunrors clnd on 011 perms sluinrin:: nny csratc 0,
lntcrcsc 111 cllc Prcmirs b tlrmuch or under rhc Cronrors. os long os the sold Preml.scs arc us4 oa ducribcd In r11e Condlrlonul Ur Gronr in rl~c opcrnclon or: ........ hestone Auto Service .. .......................... ... .............. ._ . ..
In Witneaa Whcrcof, Gronrors hove hcrcunto re their hands and seols rhls. .day of. .)_, . IP.,
.... -..- ...... - .......................................................
. " .. -. ...
... ._ " ... ... ... ......... , '. I
.......... ... ............ ......... t J
&//L< I an ..Y~ ..u i". .......... (SEAL
STATE OF WISCGNSI1.I. }*% ................ .................................. County. Perronally cams bcfore
ma rlrh ................... day or. ............................... ,........-..........., IP..,.., .I ............. ll.l..l...l........l,,,,....l.l..,,. .............................................. PruldMc
ond ............................................................ ......................... ~ Sscreury
of the ahvu named carprotloll, to mc known to Lx mclr perms and
olficen who aecutSd chc forccolnc lnstrumcnr ond ocknowlcdgcd
tliac &hsy onsauc8d ell8 moms 08 8uoh oIllasr8. by It8 nuchorlcy. lor cha
purposu rhcrcln contalncd.
..~~..M.CS.~K& ................_. county. Pcrronolly comehlo
me thld%? ......... day or .... C!!B.y .................................... 19.9:
&hm mbvm nmmd .,,...._.._. . ............................... ..lll.......- "... ............
to n1c known to Llc the perrons who crccutcd the forcgoln; lnstrurne
and ocknowled:cd the same.
.............................................. ..................... -.
my arnmlulmn amplru ......
I ................... .or thc. ............... ................. Muskego Ecrorc t,lc, Plan Commission city or.
(,\c,l,v: wy1 ICIIY. Vlll,l"U. '1.1, ..I 1. f.h,",Y) I Waukesha .... ...... .County. Wisconsin. in regard to I'remiscs at. ...... ............ ... S73 W16437 Janesville Road
5 20 Waukesha
... ... .in Township ... __.__North. Ron1:e. ... ..East .................. ... .G)unty.
Stnrc or Wisconsin. lurihcr cluscribcd as lollows:
Parcel of land located in part NW 1/4 SEC 10 T5N R20E COM 1255.60 FT. S. OF N 1/4 COR,
TH S. 57 01'W 29.8 FT. YHE BGN, TH BGN, TH S. 57 01'W 243.66 FT., TH S 32 59'E 217 FT.,
TH N. 57 OI'E 102.83 FT. N. 258.64 FT. TO BGN ~1981848 R 6871955 WD 8/85
WIERUS thc Zoning COJc and Zoning District Map of thc i11:ovc nanictl municipality, pursuant to SLXC Stature.
provide that tlrc premises may not !x used or right lor the purpose hereinalter described but that upon pctition such use
may be approvcd by tllc municipality os B Conditional Use Grnnt in particular circurnstanccs as defined by the standards
in the Zoning Ordilrancc: and
Petition thcrelorc having been made. and public hearing hcld thereon. and the. Plan Commission ....................................
(Acuhp ICJy)
city or the ........................ of ...................... ......... ... Muskego
(Ciny. Vllh~c, Tom. &my1
.having detcrminccl that Ihy rcasnn or the
particular naturc. clxmctcr ancl circunistonccs or thc propxed usc. ancl or the specific md contemporary conditions. grant
or such use upon thc term and conditions Ihcrcinartcr prcscribcd wotllcl L>e consistent with tllc rcqtlircmcnts or Lhc Zoning
Now, Lherclorc, l'r IS GRANTED, sul'jc~~e~pTsR~a~~~i~e~~ilCe~llls and conditions Ilereinnltcr stated. that
thc Prclniru mrly IX used. for thc purpose or. .......................................................................... ..................... ..... " ,.,, ... .................
tllc .........
Original filccl in Lllc nrficc or the. Plan Department city ... Muskego ...........or tllc. __..or ..... .......... ......................... ...........
Signed: ... ....................... -
The CONDITIONS or this Gront arc:
I. This Grant shall kccome cllcctive upon thc cxccution ond recording by the Owners or the Prcmiscs of an occcpcnncc
hercol in such lorm as tu constitute on clkcctive covcnnnt running with the land.
2. l'his Grant shall 1-c void unlcss propcr application. pursuant to thc building ond zoning codes or tllc municipality, lor
approprlatc Buildlnz, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Perlnlls in conformity to this Grant. is nrade within. .......... months
of the date hcrcor.
3. This Grant is sulijcct to amendment and termination in accordancc wit11 the provisions or the Zoning Code ol this
municipality. 1 4. Gnstrwcion and operation of thcuse grontcd sholl be in strict conformity to the approved sitc. building and operation
plans liled,.in,conncction with the Petition lor this Grant. ond annexed Iwcto.
n part ol their lcnsc by the Owner, wljich lcnac ahnll contnin provisions lor poatlng ol lhc pertincnr conditions to notiIy
9. Any Of the eo8ldILloll~ ol Clrla Grant whlclr would norniolly be the responsiblllty el ccnanu al the prelnlses shall be made
cmployccs thcrcor.
.1111111. ,"* .11..111,,
0 0 Eii!291i ,0792
....... .. ..... ..... , - - ....... .. ... ....... ..... .............. ........ .................. , - -. ., .. ..~__ i-..-_.-.i;_r".--.-~-"-:=i
6, Conditions on tilc operations SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION W.C. 41-99
a: Hours oloperntion:
b. Performance stondards relating to noise. vibration, odor. smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. Provisions lor sewage disposal:
a. Facndc mnrcrial ol each building sidc:
b. Entrances, Design and Location:
c. Slgns ottsclred to the Building. I.ocotlon. Sirc. Design (Including ilghting):
d. Extcrior Lighting ol the Building:
c. Other:
8. Conditions on thc Site
a. Street Acccss (numbcr. locotion. design):
b. Or-Strcct Parking (locntion and clcsien including scrcening t.hcrcol):
c. Loading unci Scrvicc Areos (locotion ond design):
cl, Outsidc Srorngc olbloterinls, Products or Rclusc (locotion'and scrccninG thcrcofj:
e. Finished topogruphy ond building grotlcs, retaining walls, storm wnkr run-off:
1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs, six. spacing):
g. Pcdcstrian wollways. tcrraccs, molls (location nnd design):
h. Signs (Ircc stonding) locotion, sire, dcsign (including liglitiny):
i. Exterior Lighting ol tI1c Sitc. locntlon design nnd power'
j. Otllcr:
S73 W16437 JANESVILLE ROAD (TAX KEY NO. 2198.948)
WHEREAS, Plans were submitted on March 19, 1999 by Brian Maurice to amend a
conditional use for building, site and operation plan approval for the operation of a 5-bay auto
service center at the property located at S73 W16437 lanesville Road (formerly United Auto
Body, Inc.), and
WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned 8-4, Highway Business District, and said
use is a permitted use by conditional use grant, and
WHEREAS, the service center would include the sale and service of tires, mufflers,
brakes, etc. for automobiles. No outdoor storage of tires shall occur, and
WHEREAS, the petitioner requests that zero vehicles be permitted for sale at the site.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the building,
site and operation plan submitted March 19, 1999 by Brian Maurice for a 5-bay auto service
center at the property located at S73 W16437 Janesville Road (formerly United Auto Body, hc.).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to the sue of the tenant area and types of
products offered for sale shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in
this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action,
or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Approved 04-20-99
4- 13-99