049 - 10/1/1963, W." CITY OF MUSK PLAN COMMISS MINUTES OF FEETING HELD FEBRUARY 19, 1980 CITY HALL Mayor Gottfried called the meeting to order at 8:OO P.M. PRESENT: Chairman Jerome J. Gottfried, Richard Arrowood, Laura Kilb. Fred Lavey, Ald. Wayne Salentine and Walter Spann Planning Consultant Joseph Mangiamele and Zoning Officer Gerald Lee were also present. ABSENT: Secretary Edward Raimann MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting of February 5, 1980 were approved as mailed. TOM H. LUDWIG - The Recording Secretary read Resolution #p. c. 15-80, Approval of Conditional Use Grant. Ald. Mr. Lee described the proposed location of the building and Salentine moved for adoption. Mr. Spann seconded the motion. there were no objections. Ruekert & Mielke will be requested necessary public hearing had been held. Upon a roll call vote, to prepare the necessary easement. It was noted that the the motion carried unanimously. SUN OIL COMPANY - The Recording Secretary read Resolution #P. C. 16 - 80 Grant. Mr. Spann moved for adoption. Mr. Lavey seconded the . , Recommendation to Terminate Conditional Use motion. It was noted that the necessary public hearing had been held. Upon a roll call votetheymotion carried unanimously. CONDITIONAL USE GRANTS - The Recording Secretary read Resolution #p. c. 17-80, Recommendation to Terminate Certain Conditional Use Grants. Mr. Arrowood moved for adoption. Mr. SPann seconded the motion. It was noted that the necessary public hearing had been held, and that the termination of the DandiLion Park conditional use grant had been removed from the resolution at the request of Mr. Masterson, since the future use Of that property may require the conditional use grant. resolution was corrected to change the K & K Electric address motion carried unanimously. from Racine Ave. to Pioneer Drive. Upon a roll call vote the #P. C. 18 JOHN D. HUBER - The Recording Secretary read Resolution -80, Recommendation to Deny Rezoning Request (former Reef tavern). Mr. Arrowood moved for adoption. Mrs. Kilb seconded the motion. Planning Consultant Mangiamele Presented his report dated February 19, 1980. Upon a roll call the motion carried unanimouslyI GARY F. GREIVELL - The Recording Secretary read Resolution +\pe c. 19-80, ~eferral to Planning Consultant and Setting public Hearing Date - Petition for Conditional Use Grant- Mr. L~~~~ moved for adoption. Ald. Salentine seconded the riotion and upon a roll call vote the notion carried Faninously.