010 - 12/1/1965NOVENEER 9, 1965 HR. lPIr GSRTH. Sk. P. 0. Box 256 W191 s7210 LOCXCRE6T DR. flUSKEO0, VIS. DEAR MR. GBRPE: k.' GERTEI HEAFIX~ TRIS LETTER IS PLAN COHNISSIO rma8 DI~TRIGT. A COPY OF rm nopIcE 16 Yoma vrnr TRULY, PLAN OOXXISSION JEROME J. GOTWRIED CEA IR NA CIIY vuskego, "is. November 8, 1965. hwskego, %is. CITY OP~ WJSKEGO Gentlemen: Following is the Legal Description of the CHARLES SAhIUEL property, located at w-179 5-7672 Racine Ave, Muskego, Jiis 8 "The 11 401 of the following dsscribed Real Estate, to '?{it: Beginning in the center of Materford Road 213.181 iv and 1508' N 93/4 degrees E from the 1/4 post on the s dide of Section 9, Tv:n 5 K, R 20 E and thence running N 93/4 degrees E a@, thence s 80 1/4 degrees E 1501, thence s 9 3/4 degrees y;r 801 thence N 80 1/4 degrees w 140' to the place of beginning, in the Town of h!uskego, Yiaukesha County, Xis. (mrmerly-"faterford Road) The above Legal DescrLption id recorded at the . Register of Deeds Office at suaukesha, disconsin, in vel. 977 page 71. The City of 7.luskego Key Number being 2196.994. Respectfully submitted this 8th day of November 1965. A. J."%uture, Agent.