132 - 9/1/1995................................................ munities ........................................................... ............................ , .................................................................................................... ,.Orantorn, bou!~darleaefrhe ....... GALS .................. of ............. &hfi.k.9~~.. .................... lor the use and bench of 011 pcrrons lrom timc to timc resident or ownlnp property within the ............... ICI~Y. VIII~CC, 'Town. county) ....... El.auk.esha. ,... .... ...... ,... .County, Wisconsin. end lor the USE and benefit of the said. ,.Ci.t.~.. ....... . ... (Clw. IiIqe Twm. Gunry) of., ~U.3k.F.eg.Q.. ._., described closs of perso5s. Gmntccs. in its own right and as agent for the purpose of cnlorcin.- that presents on behalf or tire above ..... ThC Prcmiscs offectcd by thcsc presclrts (hcrcinaltcr called the Premises) are the following ~~ dlxrlbcd lands In Towuhlp .......... 5. ...... .tiorti?, Ilanpa ........ 2.Q ........ East. ln the cantv or ...... w.a.v.Ks,s.~.+., ... and State ol IVisconsin. to-wit: Described as Tax Kev #Is MSKC 2224.998 h 2223.980 National ReEencv of New Berlin. Inc. has reoresentel ~~~ SIGNED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF " 8.. [!:, r,> r,.-n :,,I ,)I 11 L' 30 R[[L22521!i$[O~52 .L... .. i ,. !: 3 j .. _.. MSKC 2223.998 MSKC 2223.980 ix KIV NO. V N 101 ", dY?y of Nuskego 4ttn: Matthew Sadowski P 0 Box 903 quskego, WI 53150 to the City of Muskeeo "..-..."" - that they have been assigned any and all rights of Senior Citizens Housing Development Corporation of Muskego, Inc., Senior Citizens Housing Developme1 ment of this land including, but not limited to, any right, title and inter1 Corporation and the National Council of Senior Citizens concerning the deve: of the same pursuant to Amended Ordinance /I833 of the City of Muskego and Agreement for Municipal Services and a Conditional Use Grant #124 dated on or about July 5, 1994, and the City of Muskego is proceeding in this matter has also represented to the City of Muskego that documents known as Ordinanc in reliance upon said representations; National Regency of New Berlin, Inc. #833 and Conditional Use Grant #124 are recorded with the Waukesha County Register of Deeds as Document 1964500 on May 16, 1994 and Document 1981229 on July 20, 1994. respectively, based upon these representations, the City .- Mail address or the Premises is ....... .... ........................................................... ............................. continued ........... on reverse) ...................... Grmtors wmt and cownant that at thc timc 01 thc enscaling and delivery 01 CRCU: prcunts they nrc thc the premlm and that no other person has onY fStatC or interest thercln except by reawn of cuwmcnts (or publlcutilitics, rwtrictions, dcdjcatlons to the public or public bodies. instruments not of record, and Inlortgages to banks. savings and Ian a-iations or inNrance companieJ, Crnntors rcprcscm tho1 petiriolr on their t.c!lalf was Inndc to the. ......... Ci.ty., ............... .of.. ............ M~sk.eg.o.. .......... _, pur3uant to the ioniw Cde or the szid. ... ,.C.i.f.~. ... forgront of permission to erect and/or On prcmlscr ,, use wrecmcnts as to site. buildiw and operation plans which were incorporated into the randitions1 usc crnnt; that bard c,,nditioml there permissible not by right but only by Conditional Use Grant; that in connection therewith Grantors made certain repruentatlons and Use Grant No. .1.3.2. .wosiraucdttndcr~orcor .... .S.e.gtemb.e.r,~~.5. _, ~~.!.,nndth~tatr~~copyt~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~l;~ (Clly. VIIIIPC. Town. Caunty) .Pl.an. .Commission. ,.orthe. .C.i..t~.. ......... or .... .l!.iu.S.k.~.g.o ..... ........... (my. VIII~~~. 'rown. County) NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accept the said Conditional Use Grant and covenant strictly to amply with 011 of the tcrmS ~LI conditions tlicrvof. This covcwnt sllnll run wilh thc lond and slrall bc bindinc 017 the Grantors und 011 a11 persons cluimi,l!, nl,y cst3tc or Inlcrcst in tllc Prcmirs by. throuch or under thc Crcntorr. as Ion6 0s rhe said Prcmlrcs nrc uscd OS dcscrlkd in tllC conditionul uSc c~~~~~ ror the operotlon or: ....... Muskego. .Reg.en.c.y. .S.en.i.~.x. ..C.~.m.mun.it.i.es ..... (e.!.d.S.rl.Y .... .!?.OUS!.Il.g.) ...... In WitnCSS Whereof, Grnntors hove hereunto sct thcir hands and seals this. .:.-.day of. .:-... .... , I@ 1 le*h n7AY w ... .- - - - . ................................................. .(SEAL) .. .... ... ... ..... ...... ............ , CORPORATION i t .. ............................................... ......... (SEAL) TIIL NAME "ERE lr * SO"POA*TION, ACKNOWLE~MENT J WISCONSIN. lSs, .County.j Personally me this ................. ... ., President and. ......... ... ... ......... o( the abvc non1cd corporotion. to mc known to bc such persons ond ., Secretary officers who cxecvtcd thc forcgaing ilxtrumcnt and ncknowicdgcd purposcs thcrein co3taincd. thot they executed the same as such oficcrs. by its authority, for the I, INDIVIDUAL Namry Public. Scot Waukesha .... .......................... ...... .~or~nty. \Visconsin, in regar\< to I'rcnliscs nt... .M.sKc...~.223.~.9.aO &...?..22.4.:..9.9.S,, .in 'I'o~vnship. . 5 ~~ .North. Ran1:e. ~~ 20 ..~ .East.. Wa!ke.sh.?. htc of \\"isconsin, furher clcscrilxd os follo~vs: .Gxtnty, PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 SEC 16 T5N R20E COM S 1/4 COR W 913.44' N44 15'E 1327.92 FT E 846.78 FT S 1320 FT TO BGN EX VOL 481152 VOL 94/340 VOL 1169/545 ~~ .k \-l/ PT S1/2 SEC 16 T5N R2UE COMS 1/4 COR' W 140.61 FT TH WLY 19.4 FT \ TH NLY 1328.76 FT TH NLY 319.04 FT TH ELY 163.72 FT TH ELY 380,96 FT TH S 320.93 FT TH W 50.83 PT TH S 333.75 FT TH W 266.1 FT TH S 734.93 FT TH SWLY 101.57 FT TI1 SWLY 232.16 FT TO BGN 11.964 AC M/L REM VOL 1169,545 DEEDS EX THAT SOLD CITY .+-. 2133403 WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning Distl.ict hhp of thc d:ovc na~ncd ~nunicipality, pursuant to StatcStaturc. provide that thc premises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinaftcr described but that upon pctition such LISC may be approved by thc municipality as a Conclitional Use Grant in particular circumstances as defined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinancc: and Pctition thcrclorc having been mode. and pthlic hcaring hcld thereon, and the ...................................................... Plan Commission (As~lw I3tJy) of thc of having detcrmincd that Iby rcaso~l of thc city Muskego .............................. ........................................................................... IClrv. Vlllncc. Town. Guntv1 partictllar nature, charxter ancl circumscnnccs of thc prolmsed USC. and of the specific and contemporary conditions. grant of such use upn thc terms and conditions hcrcinaf~cr prescribed wo~~lcl bc consistent with the rcqtlircmcnts of thc Zoning 0l.dinnncc: Now, therclorc, IT IS GRANTED, SUI~'CCL to compliancc with thc terms and conditions liereinalter stnted. that thc Prcmises may hc used for thc purpose of. ....................................................................................................................... kuskego Regency Communities (.an elderly .. housing development) the. .... 5.t.h. .day of ...... Sep.t. em!?. e.E ... _..., 19.8.5. ,;~- ..I' I IYl , ,.. ,;?. -;... ($en]). ................................................................................................... ................................. GRANTED by action of ~hc.?.l.?.!!. C5??!!?is.s.$.'?.!d thc. .......... g.0 ,, ............. Attest: I. -.:. .. !. 1 , : I, ... TIIIc.. ..M.?.y-o..r I' (h1nyor. l'r<,l'lmL cl>dr.m0") ~ ' ., .- I i : ,..^ . (Ury. Vlll~~e, Tom. Counryl Clerk The CONDITIONS ol this Grant arc: - hercof in such form as to constitute an effcctive covcnant running ~vith thc land. I. This Grant shall become cffective upon thc excation and recording by the Owners of the Prcmises of a11 occcptancc 2. This Gr3nt shall hc void unlcss propcr application. pursuant to the building nnd zoning codes of thc municipality. lor of the d3tc hcrcof. appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Cmnt, is made within ..months 3. This Grant is subject to amendment and tcrmination in accordancc with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this municipality. 4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site. building and operation plnns filed.in,conncction yith tllc Petition lor this Cmnt. and anncxccl 11cI.cto. a part of their lease by thc Owner, wllich lcase shall contnin provisions lor posting of the pertinent conditions to notify 5. Any ol the cc11cJition~ of this Grant u41ich \vould normally be thc responsibility of tenants of the premises shall bc made cmployces thcrcol. .... ___- " - mvr;rt\ .,,01."1. 11N .,1..11.1. a: Hoursofoperation: As described in Resolution #F.C. 133-95 b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: c. Water supply requirements; d. Provisions for sewage disposal: e. Other: 31 3% vt 9, I, I, 7. Conditlons on thc Buildings a. Focadc material of each building sidc: " " b, Entrances. Deripn and Lctetion: I, 1, C. Signs attached to the Building. I.ocation, Size, Design (including lighting) I, ,I d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: I, I, e. Other. 8. Conditions on tl~c Site a. Street Access (number, location, design) approved through Resolution f1P-c. 133-95 b. Off-Street Parlting (location and design including scrccning thcreol): c. Loading and Scrvice Areas (location and design): " d. Outsidc Storage olMaterinls, Prodtrcts or Refttsc (location'and scrccning thereof) e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-off. I, I, ID ,I I, f. Landscaping of the Sitc and Buildings (inclt~ding plant types, size, spacing) 6. Pedestrian walltways, terraces, malls (location and design) h. Signs (free standing) location. size, design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting or the Site. location dcsign and power' j. "This Conditional Use Grant hereby incorporates any and all provisions of Eluskego Ordinance //E72 and Ordinance 11892 and this Conditional Use Grant is null and void If, in fact, 011 of the conditions set forth in said Ordinance do not take place in the time and manner indicated in said Ordinance, time being of the essence as to the dates indicated in said Ordinance." I, 9, 9, ,I 11 9, $9 of the peitioner .., I9 ........ Please see attached WRUKESHR COUNTY, WI REGISTER'S @FFICE RCCORDED L1N @7-?3-1339 2:14 PM MICHdEL J. HRSSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS :?LC. FEC: 18.0121 REC. t I-!E-CO: 4.00 KKC. l+L-sl-: 2. e121 TRdt4. FtF: CiillN. IGX-STCITE: F'RGES: 6 - - Hnmc and Rehm Addreu City of Muskego Muskego, W1,,5$5& ; P.O. Box 749 Parcel Ideolifatioo Number PlNl MSKC 2223.980 & 2223.998 - ".".Ib.%". Ascoptanso of Condltlons c. tlonnl Use Grmnt. &&d+~+-)~atioria~ Regency of w*d!rw by ...____.._.._......_.... .................. ...................... ............................................................................... ........._ k1[129481U'.::1044 ................ Gmntora, HIS COVEN NT, Modo Ih I,..~. ,,,,.,,. ,,, ,, ,~IIV I,, ll,lllll,.,l~llllllllll ., 17 March for Muekego ReaencJ Retirement C!ommunIty ............ -..- ......... " ............................................... _.... ................................................ ....-.... ........... -... lor the UY ond benefit ol all perrons lrom tlme ro tl c rerldent or ownlng pmpcrty wlrl>ln rlrc city boulrdoricsol the. ............................... ,.or ................................................................................... Musrego (city. VIII.,:~. .Torn. knty) ll .... l",.. ....................... "........I ...... ....".,__" Waukesha and benefit ol the sald. ef ry "WizEigQ counry. Wsconsh. d .lor (LIC ................... .ol. .. in its own right 011'1 05 ogcnt lor the purposc ol cnlorcirl: thuc presents on hholl ol thc obovc TAX wv H~.2223.980 & 2223.998 dcscribcd closs ol persow Grantces. (Clty, VIII~L.~. Tom. &my) ' 53150 1 "LTURN -10, The prcmiscr nllecrcd by thcx prcxnrs (ircrcinalrcr cnllcd the Prcmixs) ore the lollowllrp dmrlbcd IonJa In Tovndrlp ...................... 5 North, I<m~e. ................. 20 East. ~n the County ity of Muskego ttn: Sand1 Aeti . 0. Box 749 ol Waukesha and SI^ of \Visconsin, cDwit: ........................................................ PT SE 1/4 SW 1/4 SEC 16 T5N R20E COM S 1/4 COR W 913.44' N44 15' E 1327.92 FT E 846.78 FT S 1320 FT TO BGN EX.VOL 48/152 VOL 94/340 VOL 1169/545 USkiWL -..".,"" PT S1/2 SEC 16 T5N R20E COMS 1/4 COR W 140.61 FT TH WLY 19.4 FT TH NLY 1328.76 FT,TH NLY 319.04 FT TH ELY 163.72 FT TH ELY 380.96 FT TH S 320.93 FT TH W 58-83 FT TH S 333.75 FT TH W 266.1 FT TH S 734.93 FT TH SWLY 101.57 FT TH SWLY 232.16 FT TO BGN 11.964 AC M/L REM VOL 1169.545 DEEDS EX THAT SOLD CITY blnll nddrcss ol the Prcrnlscr is .......... ........ ................ . ._ MSKC 2223.980 & 2223.998 SW 1/4 SECTION 16 and that no ocher pcrron has nny cstotc or interest thercln crccpr by rcnson olcaxmcnrs lor publlc utllltlcr, bullding restrlctlons, dedlmtlons to Cruntors warronr and covenant thnt at the tinrc ol the cnscolinC ond dcllvcry or tlrcsc prcxno they arc oll 01 the owners ol the Prmiw rhc public or public bodicr. insrrumcnrs not ol record. and IrrortKagcs to banks. savlngr ond laan asmciarlonr or insurance cornpalriu. Grantors rcprcscnr rhut pcririon on their behalf woa lnodc to thc. City ....... .ol.. ........................................................... ...... .......... ._ lor gront ol permlsslon to erect and/or conduct on the Prcmlws a use Muskego pursuant to the Zonlng Cde ol rhc rrid. there permissible nor by right but only by Conditional Ux Grant: thot in connccclon cherevlth Grantors modiserrah reprucntatlonr and Llsc Grant No ......... 132..A., .vos iwcd undcr dpre ol. .J.un!?.,.l 8"... ............ IQ ....... 97 nnd thnt a rruccopy tllcrcol is on file with rt,c agrecmcnrr 01 to sire. building and opcrotion plnnr whlch were incorporated Into the Csndlrlonnl U?r Cront: char bod thcreon Condltlonal (aty, VIII~~~. ~rown,'Cunt~i"' uskego City (Cky. Vlllnge, Town. County) Plan ~~~ ~~ Commission .ol the., ................... 01 .... Clty ..................... NOW, THEREFORE, Grnnrorr hereby nccepr thc sold Gnditlonol Ux Cront and covcnnnr strictly to amply wlth all 01 the terms unJ co~rditlonr tllcrcol. Tlih covcnnnt slinll run with the lund ond shall k bindinc on tllc Crulrrorr l~nd on 011 perms cluimill:~ nny cytarc or lntcrcst In tllc Prcmiscs by. rlvouch or undcr rhc Cmnrors. os long or the rnld Premlxr nrc urd or ducllbed In the Gndlrlonvl Ux Cr lrt lor rlic opcrntlon 01: ...................... Muskego Regency .Communities (an elderly ............................... housing development) ._ Twice ...................... AmenJed In Wltncsa Whereol. Grnnrorr have . 19 ......... 99 SIGNED AND SEALED IN (SEAL) . ... .............. ............................................ . - - .. -. ... ... .. I ... .- - " - . ... ... ... ....... - - - .. ......... ........... (SEAL) National Regency of New Berlin, Inc. TlPZ l4.M. 141°C // .......................................... ........... .(SEAL) . . ,. - - -. ......... ..... ... ..(SEAlJ . TlTLl STATE OF \\'ISCONSIN. 1. ..... ..... ~unry.j". ~ersm011y mrnc~lon me rhls ............ .duy ol ...................... 19., ..... the abovc named .... .... ................... - " ........................ .- .... .... nard ncknowlcdpd the mrnc. to nrc icnown to Lr thc pcrwns who cxcnltcd rllc lorcgolnc Instrumcnl A. J .... Zacher Notory I'ubllc. Starc ol Wirconsln MY Gmmirrlon cxplru !% vember _ 10 t 2002 ll II J ACKNOWLEDGMENT CORPORATION INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WISCON5IN. I ................ .. ..... County.j Pcrlonally comc bcrore me this ............... 17 ..day ol.~ March ........................... 19 ......... 99 ... Daniel P. Blask ........................................................... Prcsldent and ......... Secrctary ol rlrc ohvc nonrcd corporotlon. to nrc known 10 Ix sldr pcrwns nnd I : purpow rhcrchcontaincd. VI ~lmlnly rwlntrd or tyyxwrlum ~hcreon #he nomm 01 uhr rrunrha.orporonm~nl~l~l.ney r.hlcl~.dr~llrd.uchln~rru .I.._ ....."., ..._..... -1 . - Ecforc thc. Plan Commission ................. city .of tlrc. ........... .............. Muskego of. SW lf4 Section 16 MSKC 2223.980 (A<VIW Udy) ICllY. Vlll,,"C. 'li,..,l. Cnm, ) Waukesha .Carlnty, \Virconsin, in rezard to I'rcnliscs at ........................................................ .................................................. & 2223.998 5 20 In lownrhip. North. Rolwc Esrr County. .. Waukesha ............................................. ............. ................ ................................................... Sta~c or \\'isconsin. furthcr clcscribcd as follo\\*s: PT SE 114 SW 114 SEC 16 T5N R20E COM S 114 COR W 913.44' N44 15' E 1327.92 FT E 846.78 FT S 1320 FT TO BGN EX VOL 481152 VOL 941340 VOL 11691545 PT S1/2 SEC 16 T5N R20E COM3 1/4 COR W 140.61 FT TH WLY 19.4 FT TH NLY 1328.76 FT TH NLY 319.04 FT TH ELY 163.72 FT TH ELY 380.96 FT TH S ,320.93 FT TH W 50.83 FT TH S 333.75 FT TH W 266.1 PT TH S 734.93 FT TH SWLY 101.57 FT TH SWLY 232.16 FT TO BGN 11.964 AC M/L REM VOL 1169.545 DEEDS EX TIIAT SOLD CITY provide that thc premises may not LC used or right lor the purpose lrereinnltcr described but that upon petition such tsc WHEREAS tllc Zoning CnJe ancl Zonin: Districc Map of the aI:ovc named municipality, pursuant to Statc Statute, may be approvcd by thc municipality as a Conclitional Use Grnnt in particular circumstances as tlcfined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinance: and Petition thcrelorc having bcen made. and public hearin: held thereon, and the Plan Commission ............................................... City Muskego IAszlny IItJy) ol thc. ................... of .............. ... City. VIIIILC. Tocn. Gumy) .having detcrminccl that by rcnsnn of thc particular nature. charxtcr and circunrstanccs of the prolwsed usc. and of the specific and contemmrarv conditions. nrant Original iilctl in tl~c office or tlrc. ... ... ......... or thC. ... ............ of ............................... *_.. Plan Department city Muskego (ClLY. V1lln.c.~ I". C'amly) Signed:. ........... /LLLdu. A I... &: ..................... - The CONDITIONS of this Grant arc: I This Grant shall kcome crfective LIIX)~ thc cxccution and recording by the Owners or the Prcmiscs or an acccptance hercof in such form as to constitute an efkctive covcnant running with thc land. 2. l'llis Grant sllall Lx void unlu propcr application. pursuant to thc building und zoning codes or the municipality. lor appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant. is nrnde within. .__ .months of the date hcreof. 3. This Grant is suliject to amendment and termination in accordnncc with the provisions or the Zoning Codc of this municipality. 4. Construction and operation or the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site. building and operation plans filcdjn conncction with thc Petition for this Grant. and annexccl Ilcrctn. 5. Any of the ccnclitions of this Grant nhich would normally be the responsibility or tcnantS or the premises shall be made n part of their lcxe I,y tllc Owncr. wllich lcasc shall contain provisions for posting of thc pertinent conditions to notify cmployccs tlrcrcof. - "_ .- " I rnvr,,> .1,.1..1. .',*I "*...ll.,, .... ....... - .... -. ....... !I 6. Conditions on thc Operations See attached Exhibits A & B (Resolutions #P.C. 94-97 & 126-97) ' a: Hours of operation: b. Performance orondsrdc relating to noiac. vibratlon, odor, smoke or Juar: E. Water supply rcqulrements: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: e. Other: Compliance has been achieved as of March 3, 1999 in relation to Conditional Uee Grant #132 and Muskego Ordinance M72 and Ordinance #892, as amended by Resolutions #P.C. 94-97 and 126-97. There is a continuing requirement of compliance with all tho rsquiramants rafarrad to herein. ' Conditions on See attached Exhibits A & B (Resolutions #P.C. 94-97 Z 126-97) a. Facndc material of each building side: b. Enrronces, Design and Locetlon: c. Signs attsched to the Building. Location. Six. Design (including lighting): cl. Extcrior Lighting of the Building: Other: Compliance has been achieved as of March 3, 1999 in relation to Conditional Use Grant #132 and Muskego Ordinance 1872 and Ordinance lIt(92, as amended by Resolutions I1P.C. 94-97 and 126-97. There is a continuing requirement of compliance with all the requirements referred to herein. 8. Conditionson thCSitCSee attached Exhibits A 6 B (Resolutions #P.C. 94-97 6 126-97) a. Street Access (number. location. design) b. Off-Strccr Parking (location and clcsign incIt~ding scrccning thcrcof): c. Loading and Scrvice Areas (location nnd dcsilp): cI. Outsiclc Storngc of blnterinls. Products or Rcfusc (locotion'and screening thercofj: c. Finishccl topogruphy nnd building grocles, retaining \voIIs, ston11 wtcr run-off: 1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs. size, spacing); g. Pedestrian walk~vays. tcrraces, molls (location ond design): h. Signs (frcc standing) locotion. sizc. design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lichting of tllc Site. locnrlon dcsign and power: I. OhCr: Compliance has been achieved as of March 3, 1999 in relation to Conditional Use Grant #132 and Muskego Ordinance 11872 and Ordinance #892, as amended by Resolutions #P.C. 94-97 and 126-97. There is a continuing requirement of com- pliance with all the requirements referred to herein. Exhibit A AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 94-91 RECOMMENDATION TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF A NON-SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUSKEGO REGENCY RETIREMENT COMMUNITY BY BERLIN FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT SW 1/4 OF SECTION L7' WIMMER BROTHERS AGENTS FOR NATIONAL REGENCY OF NEW 6 WHEREAS, A Conditional Use Grant for a 250 unit retirement community within an OPD Development was adopted under Resolution #P.C. 133-95, and WHEREAS, The plans approved illustrated ten - 8 unit buildings, one - 10 unit building, two - 32 unit buildings, and one - 96 unit building, and landscape plan for the development through resolution WHEREAS, The Plan Commission approved an amended #P.C. 30-97, and WHEREAS, On April 25, 1997 Wimmer Bros. submitted a proposed revised site plan illustrating the elimination of building and the introduction of one - 42 unit independent the four eastern 8 unit buildings and one eastern 10 unit living building, and WHEREAS, No revised landscape plans, revised utility plans, revised grading and drainage plans, or color renderings have been submitted which coincide with this submittal, and a substantial change to the OPD of Muskego Regency, it does represent a substantial change to the Conditional Use Grant requiring a public hearing before the Plan Commission. WHEREAS, The proposed amendment does not constitute THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends to the Common Council that the proposed amendment is found not to constitute a substantial change to the approved OPD of Muskego Regency Retirement Community as unit densities remain the same while open space increases. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission finds that due to the impact of the building mass of a 42 unit building, the proposed change does represent a substantial change to the building, site and operation plan being the subject of the Conditional Use Grant as approved under resolution #P.C. 133-95 and therefore requires that a public hearing be held before the Plan Commission to solicit public input. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That prior to said Conditional Use Public.Hearing, revised landscape plans, color renderings, revised utility plans and revised grading and drainage plans shall be submitted for approval by the appropriate City Committees and Commission. City of Muskego Plan Commission Adopted 05-06-97 Defeated Deferred - 04-28-97 Exhibit B AMENDED APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE SUBIBMITTED BY WIMMER BROTHERS FOR THE MUSKEG0 REGENCY RETIREMENT COh4MUNITY RESOLUTION #P.C. 126-97 WHEREAS, A Conditional Use was approved by the Plan Commission for a 250 unit facility to be located northeast of the intersection of Racine Avenue and Woods Road through Resolution P.C. 133-95 with the approved plans including ten 8-unit buildings located around a man-made pond, one IO-unit building, two 32-unit buildings and one 96-unit building, and WHEREAS, Through Resolution P.C. 94-97 and Common Council Resolution # 107-97, it has been proposed to amend the approved plans by eliminating the four easterly 8-unit buildings and one easterly IO-unit building and replace them and their attendant garages with one 42-unit building having underground parking, and WHEREAS. Through Resolutions P.C. #94-97 and #107-97 it was determined that the proposed plan alterations did not constitute a substantial change to the approved Planned Unit Development ofMuskego Regency Retirement Community as unit density remains the same while open space increases, and WHEREAS, Through Resolutions P.C. #94-97 and #107-97 it was determined that the alteration did constitute a substantial change to the Conditional Use due to the change in building mass and composition thus requiring a public hearing before the Plan Commission. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the change to the plans submitted May 22, 1997 depicting one 42-unit building having underground parking and appropriate landscaping and the elimination of four 8-unit buildings, one 10-unit building and all attendant garages, and that said plan be kept on file in the Planning Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the conditions of approval of this resolution, the applicable conditions of the Planned Unit Development of Muskego Regency Retirement Community, the applicable conditions of the approved Conditional Use Grant for Muskego regency Retirement Community. Resolution P.C. 133-95 or any other applicable conditions or documents shall result the imposition of fines of $100 per day per violation, the initiation of legal action, or both. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That satisfaction of finance issues must be completed. Submittal of west elevation needed. Fire Department review for compliance. Landscape plans are approved with the exception of the plan for the 42 unit building; said plan will be brought back to Plan Commission for approval. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 06- 17-97 Denied Deferred 06-09-97