126 - 12/1/1994126 ~Condirlond Uno Gmnt. THIS COVENANT, h4ade this. .Z.o.th. .day of. .D.e.c.emb.er. .. 19..9.4. by. .Gear.ge. .Al.ex. ... ... .... ... .... .~. ... ...... ". ... .Grantors, bounderlesofrhe .............. City ....... ,.of. ....... .l.us.ksgo .............................. ...... for the use and benefit of dl person, from time to time resldcnr or owning pmperty ruihhfn the GY. Village. Town. bunry! .Llaukesha. ... ... and benefit of the said. .... .of. .... !!!".eg.O. ..... ... in its own right and as agent for the purpose of enlorcing these presents on behalf of the above TAX I(Ey No. (City. Village, Town. Counrv! dc--- [bed class of persons, Grantees. I"" RETURN TO CITY OF MUSKEGO The premises affectcd by these presents (hereinafter called the Premises) are .the ATTN COLLETTE lollowing described lznds ill Township ..... .5.. North, Range. .20. .East. in the County P .O . BOX 9 0 3 of. Wa.&es.ha .and State of Wisconsin. tmwit: PT NE 1/4 SEC 25 T5N R20E COM SW COR TH N87' 22'E 1657.87 PT TH N08' MUSKEGO, WI 53150 03'W 25.33 FT TO POB TH CONT N08' 03'W 574.67 FT TH N83' 04'E 150.03 FT Ti Mail oddrcss of LIW Prema~s is. S98 W12712 Loomis Road and that 110 other person has any estate or interest therein except by reason of casements for public utilities, building restrictions, dedications to Grurtors warrant and cox mant that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of thcse presents they are all of the owners of the Premises the publlc or prlblic bodics. iv.str.mcnrs not of rccoid. and rnortgagcs to banks, sn\,ingr and 103n associatmns or insurance cornpanis. Granrors rcpre.cn: tha: petition on dwir bchalfunr made to thc. ... Ci.!2 ............. of ..!!!.Ek!?g.o~ pursunnr to rhc Zol:ing Ccds of the said~ city ... .... there permissiblc nor by risht but only by Condirionel Use Grant: that in connection therewith Grantors made certain representations nnd ., lor grant of permission to ercct and/or conduct on the Premises a use (Cirr. Villnye. Town. Coullry) agrecmmts as to sitc building and operation plans which were incorpsratcd into the Conditional Use Grant; that based thereon Condttional December 2o ., j9. 94,andr~atat~~ecopythereo~isonfilewi:l~the Use Crznt xo. 126 os issued undm date oi. ............ Planning Y'ept. ......... .of the. ci t~Y ............ m of ....................... IC#iy, Village. Town. County) Muskego ." and conditions thereoi. This covenant shall ru,, wich the land and shall he bindihg on the Grantors and on a11 persons claiming any estate or NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accept the said Conditional c'sc Grant end covenant strictly to comply with all of the terms inwrest in the Premises by. throqh or under the Grantors. as long as the said Premises are used as descrtbed in the Gnditional Use Granr (or the operation of: .tw.O. .(.2.) .m~i.n.i. ..S..t.O..L3g.C. .W.a..r.~.ho.us.e.S. In Witness Whereof, Grantors have hereunto sct their hands and seals this. .day of. , 19. SIGNED ASD SEALED IN PRESENCE OF CORPORATION .(SEAL) ... (SEAL) IF A CORPORATION. TIP= NAME *ERE ... .(SEAL) , TITLE ... -. .. .(SEAL) , TITLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT INDIVIDUAL STATE OF \VlSCONSIN. }ss, .County Personally came before me ths. day of ., 19. ., and. ., President ., Secretary of the above named corporation, to me known to be such persans end officers ujho executed the loregoing instrument end acknowledged that they executed the sxnc as such officers. by its authority, for the pur~ses therein contained. TH15 lNSTRUKENT w15 DRAFTED BY (SEAL) , f&&& ...z A?" ......... ;;. i ................. ..:.. '/ ~ Notary Public, State of Wisconsin My Commission expires .............. 4.7Ay ... ._ ......