155 - 4/4/2000Dosummf Nvmbrr I1 Please See Attached 3 .- 0 L 56312161 WRUKESHR COUNTY, WI REGISTER'S OFFICE RECORDED ON &5-24-?000 11:03 FIM MICHaEL J. HRSSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: REC. FEE-CO: 4.00 16.00 REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRRN. FEE: TRRN. FEE-STATE: PRGES: 7 2242.999 2237.999.001 Fucd Id- Number WNl ........... by ... .. ..... ............................................... ......................................... ....................... .................................................................................................................................... Crantora. lor the use and benc@.ol all persons lrom time to tlme rcsldcnt or owninn nromrtv withln the I Being the E % of the NE k of Section 20 (Tax Key No. 2237.999.001) and the NW k of the NW k of Section 21 (a part of Tax Key No. 2242.999), all being a part of Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. bid1 nddrcss 01 the Prcmlscs Is. ...... W183 S8750 Racine Ave. ...... .... ............... ......... - -. ....... ..... ................. and that no ocher perron has any estate or intcrcst thcrcln except by reason 01 eaxrncnts lor public vtIIItIcs. bulldinp restrlctlons. dcdlatlon, to Cruncorr warrant and covenant thnt at the the 01 the enwnlinC and dcllvcry 01 tlrcsc presnts rhcy ore nII ol chc owners or the Prcrniw thc public or public bodies. Instruments not ol rccord, and tnortgago to banks. sDvlngs and ian a~~~iatlons or ~n~rane~ compmlu. Grantors rcprcmrt chat pcticlon on tlrclr khallum lnodc to the ... city ...................... .ol._.... Muske,:giF! .... ......... pursuant to rlx iolrlny Cde or the =Id ............ C.k ......... .__...._.._.__., lor grant of permluion to erect nndlor conduct on the Prcmlxel e use there pem>irslblc nor by right but only by Condltlond Ux Grant; thnt in conncctlon tllerewlth Grantors rnadecertaln rcprocntotlons and (a,,.. Vlll.*.. Torn. Gunty) ... .was luucd lodcr dote a1 .......... ............................ .......................................................... the ...................................... b ty or ...... ....................... (utr. VIII~~... 'Torn. G~~~~) NOW, THEREFORE, Crnntorr hereby accept thc add Conditlonal Ux Grant and covenant strlscly to comply wlth all ol the terms unJ conditlons tllcrcol. n;Ir covcnunt sl~nll run wlth tlr lund and droll bc bindlnc on chc Cruntora urd on all perms clulmln:l nny ertucc or lntercst in thc Premises by. tlrmuph or under the Gmntprs. os long os the raid Prcmlxer nrc used os ducribed 11) the Condltlonul USC Grant lor tile opcmtlon or: .... cons- ~.r.~~~.~~~..~u~d.o.or...~.~~~.~~~..~ec~~€ac~i~~..o~..h.~~h-..~~.o~~..~~.~~~~~~... In Wltncss Whereof, Grnntors have hereunto XI thclr hands and seals thls ........................ dmy of ..._....... . 19. .... SICKED AND smLm IN PncsmCe OF I ...........-....-... I.._.._.._... .. ......... - ...... .......... ................................................. , I. A co"r*"r1,0*. h Grounds .............. ...... ............................... ........ .... - . - - -. .(SEAL) 7"P* *A*l 14111 , IIYL. ..... - - - - -. . -. .............................. ............... .!SEA!.) CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WISCONSIN. )ss. ........ ......................... ............... County. Perrcnolly cnmc &lore rnc thls ...... day of ................................................ 19 -.", ._ Pruldent and ...... .................................. _I_ ........ Secrcury or the ahvo nnmcd corpratlon. to me Inown to Lu nadr pcrsotu and offsccrs who cxccutqd the lorecolnc lnstrumenc and acknowledped purpalo thcrcln contained. chat chcy executed the ume as such olliccrs. by Its authority. lor che .)*I, I*.I"""I*. w.. 0.A.1.0 .* ." ... Kellie Renk (SEAL1 INDIVIDUAL 0 Nu. I OUO I IIBOI CONOIIIONAL U8b ORANT 155 ............................. .... ................................... Waukesha Cannty. \Viscolain. in regard to I >' renrlscs IIL ............................................................................ ... ...... ............... In lownrhlp ................ 5 North. Ron(;e .... 2.Q ....... East ..................................................... Waukerha fi~ntY, W183 S8750 Racine Avenue .. Stnte of Wisconsin. lur[hec ciewibcd os follows: Being the E 4 of the NE ?z of Section 20 (Tax Key No. 2237.999.001) and the NW ?z of the NW ?z of Section 21 (a part .of Tax Key No. 2242.999), all being a part of Tom 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. cmployces thcrcnl. "- "- ,#TJFI.> .I..,.". ,"* .I..",., I 53- i i I 7 6. Condllfon8 on tho Opmtlong See Attached Resolution P.C. #75-2000 II Hours of operarlon: b. Performance stondards relating to noise. vibration, odor, smoke or dust: e. Wotcr supply rcqulrcmcnu: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: c. Other: 7. Conditions on thc Buildings See Attached Resolution P.C. #75-2000 a. Facade motcrial or each building sidc: b. Entrances. Design and Location: c. Slgns attaclred to tlrc Buliding. I.ocaclon. Sire, Duign (inclodlng lighting): d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: e. Other: 8. Conditions on thc Sitc See Attached Resolution P.C. #75-2000 0. Street Acccts (number. location. design): b, Off-Strcct Parking (locotion nnd cicsign including screening tlrcrcor): c. Loading and Service Arcos (locotion ond dcsicn): cl. Otltsidc Storngc of bloterinls. Products or Rcfusc (locotionbnd scrceninC tlrcreor): c. Finishcd topogruphy and building grntiu, retaining \voIIs, storm wntcr run-off: 1. Landscaping of the Site and Bulldings (inciudlng plant typu. slze. spacing): E. Pedestrian woil~wnys, tcrracu, molls (locotion nnd design)': h. Signs (free stonding) locotion, size, design (inclndlng lighting): i. Exterior Lichtins or tlrc Site. locntion dcsign nnd power: j. Otlrcr, TWICE AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 75-2000 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDEDMENT TO A BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AND A CONDITIONAL USE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING ILLUMINATED OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES FOR THE W19204 RACINE AVENUE (TAX KEY No. 2242.999) MUSKEGO-NORWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT S74 WHEREAS, On March 1, 2000 plans were submitted by the Muskego Gridiron Club for approval of an amended Business, Site, and Operation Plan and a Conditional Use Grant for new bleachers and outdoor lighting at the Muskego-Norway School District property located at S74 W19204 Racine Avenue, and WHEREAS, The property is currently zoned Rs-lIOIP, Suburban Residence District as modified by the Institution and Public Service Overlay, and lighted outdoor recreational facilities are permitted under a conditional use grant, and WHEREAS, lighting is proposed in the form of four (4) poles, seventy (70) feet in height, each with ten (10) fixtures for the football/track and field stadium area, and WHEREAS, each fixture contains a 1,500 watt down-angled metal halide lamp, and WHEREAS, A photometric plan has been submitted which illustrates light levels within the football field and which illustrates light levels at a distance of 400 feet, and WHEREAS, The hours of operation of the proposed lighting have not been indicated, and WHEREAS, The new bleachers will flank the existing faotball field. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves an amended Business. Site, and Operation Plan and a Conditional Use Grant for new bleachers and operation of outdoor lighted recreational facilities for the Muskego- Norway School District property located at S74 W19204 Racine Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas building facades and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission and that failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. I) RESOLUTION W.C. 752000 I?RY 2L1oe. 0 5 0 9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the lighting will only be used for Varsity Football Home Games. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the light poles surrounding the football/track and field stadium area will be turned off at 10:30 P.M. The Common Council may grant approval of extending hours of operation for special events subject to notification of all property owners within 300 feet of the high school property, with said notice indicating the nature of the request and the time and date that such request will be considered by the Common Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to City Engineer's approval of the photometric plan. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: ADril4. 2000 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: ADril4. 2000 ATTEST /A; ti, Recording Secretary Page 2