154 - 2/15/2000Please see attached.
MSKC 2196.957.001
Pard Id- Number 0
- -
Name .od Rdmn Mdrm
City of Muskego
Attn: Sandi Asti
Post Off ice Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150
9 e 54498 1
03-09-20@6.. 9i22 .J$M ..
REC. FEE: .:. 14.00 ..~~' .; REC. FEEXO: 4.30
TRRN. FEE: REC. FEE-ST: . 2.~00'
THIS COVENANT. Ir+lc thls ..._. 24 ..... .dt~y or. .Feb%arY ...... ..h$?!?!?$
by...-M~~a~~...~Q~.~~~~~ ..................................................................... . .......................................
... .- ........ I ".."..." .........................
'or the usc nnd benc IC or all perrons from tlm to Imc realdent or ownlnp property vlthln the
................................................................................................... "" .......................... Grnntors.
mundaricsolthc. .................................. Elt, or ...__.......... huskego ........ _._ ................................... ..........
Waukesha .County, \Vlsconsln, and lor the ux
~nd benefit or rhc sald. .Ciy ......... ,.or ........... Muskegs.. ..........
Nn its own rich ad os ascnt lor the p~rw~ or cnlorcin: tl~ prescnts 011 beld or CII abvc
lcscribcd class or prams. Grnntccs.
LCI,~. VIII~..:~~~. hntY1
(C I. VIII.Cl. Torn. County)
lolloving dexc:lbcd Ianda In TOWSIIIP ....... 5. ._ ......... Korth. 11a11~~,,,2~. ..... .Em, In CI\C County
'nx prcmlscs nncctcd by thcx prexnta (htrclnolter cnlled the Prcmlscs) OTC the
or ..... hUhha .................. : ......... and SIPI. or \~1wonn11v, m.w~tI
Parcel of land located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9, T5N, WOE, City of Muakcgo,
Waukesha County, VI, better described as Parcel 1 of CSM No. 19/253. I
Moll nddress or thc Premlscs Is ...._.. SE. ..1.& .... of. .%.G.!iSIl_~ ._ ............................ . ........................... ._ ..._._......_...
Cruntors nwrnnt nd covcnmt thnt at thc tlmc or the cnxallnc and dcllvcry or tllcse prclcnu thcy arc all of thc owners or the pr~i~
and that no other pcrwn has any estate or litcrut thcrcln uccpt by reaaon or cascmcnta lor publlc utlllties. bulldlng restrlctlons. dcdlccltlonl to
thc public or public Mica. Instruments not or record. and mortgagu to banka, sovlnCa and Ian asoelatlona or Insurance cnmpaniu.
Cra11tors rcprcscnt that petition on chelr +lull \vas madc to thc ...... ckf ,.or.. ... kkEkgQ... ....
punuant to tire Zoning We or thc szld ....... I c.i.!Y, .."......_..____.._.- -.. lor grant or permlulon to C~CCC and/or conduct on the Prcmlxs . ux
there pcmlsslblc not by right but only by Condltlonsl Ux Grant: that In conncctlon tllerevlth Grantors rnadicerraln reprocntntlonr and
11s Grant NO. .". .....,........ 154 ........... vas luued under .... Fek.%z..l5 ......... fd.2%!&d that a truccopy tlrrcor 1s on vlth 1k-c
agrccmcnu :I tc s!te hlldln: ond cperatlon plans vhlch were hcarporotcd Into the Condltlmd Ux Grant: that bod thcrron Condltlonal
(Ow. V111.10. Torn. County)
........................................................... Plan Comnlsslon or the., .G.A.;.Y ................... ~r.Jh&eq a. ............................. LOW. VIII~~~. Torn. hmY
NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accepr the sold Condltlonal Ux Grant and covenant strictly to comply with all or the terms
unJ coditlonr tlwtd. Tlh eovcnmt rlmll NI~ with tlrs lund and dmll bc blndlnc on tl~c Cruntors nd on all perms clu1mln:l nny cstatc or
Intcrcx 11% tlx Prem .I by. tllmuch or under the Grantors. as long as the sald Premlxs nrc ud os ducrlbcd In the Condltlonul Ux Grant rnr
tllc owration or: .................................................................................................. _ ................................. ..................... ........... 'Bay care center ...........
In Witncm Whcrcol, Grantors have hereunto XI thelr handa and seals this ........................ 1 day of .... fi.&t22!l.._._ . M&?.<.O
............................ . .................-. .............. - .................. I ..................................................................... (SEAL)
. " - -. .. .............................................................. I , l. A CO"P0"A11**.
YVPE MA*. ltlll
..... - " - -. ........................................... ....................................................................... .(SEAL)
, TI.,.
........ "_. ............. ................................. ._ - -. .... ... ... ..(SEAl.)
STATE OF WISCONSIN. ss, ..... ... ,.County. } Personally came belorc
me this., ........ ..dny or ..... ...... ............................. 19 ...-... ._ .._.............._._.. ..................................... Pruldcnt
and ..................................................................................... Secretary
ol the ahvc namcd corparatlon. to me known to bc such perms and
omccrs who cxccutcp thc rorcgolnp Insrrurncnt and oeknowlcdgcd
th~t they cxccutcd tlx some as stlch ofhrs. by Ita authority. lor the
purpaw thcrcln contalncd.
Sally A. Bukowski (SEAL)
ccforc tI1C. ..................................................... Plan Comnission nf rIrc .......................... nr ........ Muskeg0 ...................................... City
(Adw MY) (CItI. Vllll,yl. I'm,..,,, Clmly)
............................................... Waukesha Caunty. \Vircontin. in regard to I'rcmiso at ............................................................................ SE 1/4 of Section 9
....................................................... In I ownshlp ................ 5 North, Ranl;c ...... 20 ..... East ...... w*UkeE.! ............................ County.
Stntc of \Viaconsin. furthcc describcd as follows:
Waukesha County, WI, better described as Parcel 1 of CSM No. 19/253.
Parcel of land located in the SE 1/4 of Section 9, T5N, RZOE, City of Muskego,
WlIEREAS the Zoning Wc bnd Zoning District hhp of tlrc dxvc nmrcd municipality. pursuont to Statc Scntutc,
provide that thc prcmiscs may not Ix used of richt for tlre purpose hercinnftcr dcscrlbed but thnt upon pctitlon such use
may bc approvcd by tlrc municipality as a Conditional Use Crnnt in particulnr clrcnmstnnco os dclincd by the standords
in the Zoning Ordinancc: and
Petition thcrclorc having been nrndc. and public hearing held thereon. and the..P.l.an..hmis3iQn ..........................
IAnlnm IWYI ..
ol thc. ............................ City of .............................................................................. Muskego Irnving detcrminccl thnt by rcnson of the
I>orticulnr nnture. clrornctcr ond circumttonco of thc prol.wsed USC. onci of the specific nnd contemporary conditions. grant
of such use upn thc telms and conditions hcrcinuftcr pracribcd worlld Lv consistent with thc rcqtlircmcnts of thc Zoning
the Prcmises may lx used for the purpose ol .... %%. at,% ..a,..& .c.?r.e..center ......................................................
(CltY. Vll1"li.. Tor.". bu"tY)
Now, Llrerclorc, IT IS GRANTED, sul~Jcct IO cornpiion c wit11 Lire tcrnu ond conditions Irercinnltcr stored, thnt
..... ". .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
GRANTED by nction o thc f'lall ..& mhSiQn ..... thc ........ 1.2 .............. day of ... "..... i c.k.k%Ly " ' .................. fld.?.
(Ctty. V1II.y.. Town. GmnW Ctsrk "f,..;
~~ ......... .J :, ,
Original ~cc~ in tI1c nrficc or tllc ...... Pl%...misSiOn. ............ of thc .... Gi.Q ................ of ...................................................... Muskego (CltY. Vlll",.. Torn. Cammy)
Signed: ....................................................................................................
The CONDITIONS of this Grant nrc:
1. This Grant shall bme clkcctlve upan thc cxccutlon and recording by the Owners of the Prcmisu of an mcccpmncc
hercof In such form as to constitute an elkcctlve covcnnnt runnlng with thc Innd.
2. lhis Grant shnll 1% void unlm propcr npplicntion. pnrsnnnt to thc building nnd zoning codes of the mrlnicipolity. lo!
or the date hcrcof.
3. This Grant is subject to omendnrent nnd tcrminntion in nccordoncc with the provisions of tlre Zoning WC of chi!
4. Gnstruction and operation of the use granted shnil be In strict conformity to the approved site. building and operntlor
plans filedin,conncction with the Petition lor chis Crnnt. nnd onncxccl I~crcto.
5. Any of the caxlitions of this Grnnt whlch wvould normnlly be the responsibility of tcnanu of the premise. stroll bc madl
~1 part of their !case by t!lc Owner. wlrlch Icosc shall contain provisions for porting of the pcrtlncnt conditions to notll)
cmployco thcrcol.
appropriate Buildina, and Zoning Use and Occuponcy Permiu in conformity to this Grant. is mode within ............ month!
"" "
.11.1..*. a"" .".I
a: Hours ol operotion:
b. Performance rrondards relating to noire, vibration, odor, smoke or dust:
e. Water tupply requlremenu:
d. Provisions lor sewage disposal:
e. Other:
.. ..... ". ......... ........ ........ ..I .:,. I .I ~...i.._l;,-.~:,.~.,~.. I
6. Conditions on thc Operations See attached Resolution P.C. # 030-2000
7. Conditions on thc Dulldings See attached Resolution P.C. # 030-2000
o. Focsdc material ol each building sidc:
b. Entroncu, Duign and Lacatlon:
c. Signs ottacired to the Building, 1-ocotion, Sire. Duign (including lighting):
d. Extcrior Lighting of the Building:
c. Other:
8. Conditions on thc Sitc See attached Resolution P.C. # 030-2000
o. Street Access (number, lacotlon, design):
b. On-Strccr Parking (location nnd dcsign Including scrccning thcrcof):
c. Loading ond Scrvice Arcor (locotlon and dcricn):
d. Outsidc Srornge ol Moterlnls, Products or Rcltlsc (locotion 'and scrccning thereof):
e. Finished topoyruphy ond building grotlo. rctoinlng \vaiis. storm wntcr run-off:
1. Landscaping or the Sitc and Buildlnp (including plant typu. slzc. spacing):
g. Pcdestrion wolkways, tcrraco, molls (lacntion nnd design):
h. Signs (Ircc stonding) locotion, sire, dcsign (including lighting):
i. Exterior LiEllting ol tile Sitc. location dulgn nnd pwer:
j. Otlrcr:
I. :
Receipt of o True Copy oI this instrument on behollol the pc&w
ocltnowledged rile ................ day or ............................................. 19 ......
.. .d.m.l..,...&...U. ..... ~ ............................. andra S. Astl
Nme: \Vl~crs thw~~~dltl~~~~~t~ slmwnnnrnnps. Jrawln~!~. lplwt~n~plw, or 11mll~r #stltdtn~c~tln, ftntcr: "See li~lil~ir ......................
L- "." ."
- RESOLUTION #P.C. 030-2000
(TAX KEY NO. 2196.957.001 / S75 W17461 JANESVILLE ROAD)
WHEREAS, Plans were submitted by Mike and Diane Kostecki for a Building, Site and
Operation plan and Conditional Use Grant for the Kingdom Care Day Care located at S75
WI 7461 Janesville Road on January 14,2000, and
WHEREAS, The property is zoned B-3,General Business District, and the Plan
Commission has determined that the proposed use is permitted by Conditional Use Grant, and
WHEREAS, The property contains an existing 2,968 square foot masonry structure to be
refurbished to accommodate the day care center, and
WHEREAS, Interior alterations must be in conformance with all State and Federal Code
and licensing requirements, and
WHEREAS, A fenced-in play area has been proposed adjacent to the south side of the
structure, and
WHEREAS, No outdoor lighting or landscaping changes are proposed, and the existing
pole mounted signage will be refaced, and
WHEREAS, A service drive is proposed around the building, and no change to the existing
parking lot is proposed, and,
WHEREAS, All required State and Federal licenses must be obtained prior to occupancy,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a building, site
and operation plan and conditional use grant for the Kingdom Day Care located at S75 W17461
Janesville Road.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the service drive shall be paved with hot rolled
asphalt pavement within six (6) months of occupancy, and if asphalting is not completed within
said time, a bond, letter of credit or cashiers check equal to twice the value of said costs must be
submitted to the Planning Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Plan Commission shall evaluate the adequacy of the
existing parking area one (I) year after occupancy, and may place additional requirements on the
petitioner at that time.
llAA 9 00 0 0. 5 Y
” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas building facades and
drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval
contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of
legal action, or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Adopted: 02-15-00
Introduced: Februaw 15.2000
Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary