153 - 2/1/2000October 24,2002 OFFICE OF THE CLERK-TREASURER Jean K. Marenda, CMC Clerk-Treasurer jmarenda@ci.muskego.wi.us (262) 679-5625 \ 53 Mr Jack Henry O'Malley Investments 5200 Loomis Road Greendale. WI 53129 Dear Mr. Henry: At the meeting on October 22,2002, the Common Council of the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #201-2002 entitled "Resolution to Terminate Conditional Use Grant Gasoline Service Station for the OMalley Investments, Inc. Parcel." A copy of that resolution is enclosed for your records. Sincerely, CITY OF MUSKEG0 Deputy Clerk mep enclosure W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Box 749 Muskego, Wisconsin 53150-0749 Fax (262) 679-4106 7. - RESOLUTION TO TERMINATE CONDITIONAL USE GRANT GASOLINE SERVICE STATION FOR THE O'MALLEY INVESTMENTS, INC. PARCEL WHEREAS, On February 1, 2000 by Resolution #PC 112a-99, the Plan Commission approved a Building, Site and Operational Plan and Conditional Use Grant for a gasoline service station and convenience store for the O'Malley Investments, Inc. property located at the NE corner of STH 45 and STH 36 (Tax Key Nos. 2257.978.004 and 2257.997 and part of the adjacent WEPCO right-of-way; and WHEREAS, Said approval was subject to the time restrictions for Plan Commission approvals found in Section 6.12 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, On January 15, 2002, the Plan Commission approved a six-month time extension as no construction activity nor other activity as required by Section 6.12 of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance had taken place in the previous 24 months; and WHEREAS, No construction nor other activity was commenced on this parcel, and the Building, Site and Operational Plan approval expired on July 15, 2002; and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission adopted Reso. #PC. 127-2002, recommending complete termination of the conditional use grant in accordance with Section 6.03 (E) of the Zoning Ordinance without subsequent reclassification as a legal non-conforming use; and WHEREAS, A public hearing was held on October 22, 2002 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego. upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby completely terminate Conditional Use Grant No. 153, without subsequent reclassification as a legal flOn-COnfOrming use, on the O'Malley Investments, Inc. property located at the NE corner of STH 45 and STH 36 (Tax Key Nos. 2257.978.004 and 2257.997 and part of the adjacent WEPCO right-of-way) for the reasons stated in Resolution #P.C. 127-2002 including but not limited to failure to comply with the conditions of the Conditional Use Grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That termination of said Conditional Use Grant shall be effective immediately upon adoption of this Resolution. DATED THIS 22nd DAY OF October ,2002. SPONSORED BY: Ald. William Le Doux This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #201-2002 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. 10102 jm Please see attached. WFIUKESHQ COUNTY, W1 REGISTER'S OFFICE RECORDED ON MlCHFlEL J. HQSSLINGER REGISTER DF DEEDS REC. FEE: 20.00 REC. FEE-CO: 4.B0 ~ REC. FEE-ST: 2.08 I RFIN. FEE: TRFIN. FEE-STOTE: POGES : 3 City of Muskego Attn: Sandi Asti Post Off ice Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 L ........... .I ............."... .................................................................................................................. -..... ............... ...-- ..__... -..... ................................................................................................................... ....... Orantera, for thc urc cnd benefir.of nll persons from time to rlmc rcsldenr or owning property vitlrln dre boundnrics 01 rhc ...... .elk ............. .or ............. Musk?@". .............................. ......... (CIW VIII~,:~. ram. hntY) Waukesha ......................... ................... .Cwnty. \Visronsin. nnd lor the use ond kncfit ol thc wld ...... c&!. ......... ,.or ...... Sk.eg0 ...................... (CltY. VII1.L.. . Tow". County) in its own ricin ond ns ogcnr lor thc purposc 01 cnlorcin:: thcsc presents on belloil 01 ~IIC obovc dcscribcd class 01 pcrwons. Grnntccr. NO. MSK~ 7757 997 - "CTY"" 70: I City of Muskego Attn: Sandi Asti Post Office Box 749 -blT531.."" Crilntors warrant alxl covcnmt tlmt at the tinre 01 thc cnwoling and dclivcry 01 tlrcx prcxms thcy arc nll of thc owncrs 01 thc Premiw~ and tlmt no other persol> has my cstotc or inrcrcst thcrcin crscpr by rcoson of csxmcnrs lor public utiiitics. building rcstrlctions, dcdlcatlons to the public or public bodies. instruments not 01 record. and mortnarp to banks. savings ond Ian associntions or Insurance cnmpanlu. Grantors rcprcsctrr thur Ftirion on their bchall woa lnodc to thc. ,.ciLx _... .............. .ol.. .... ~USkgC!. ... pursuant to the Zoning Cde of the seld. ... clb!.. .......... lor srnnt 01 permission to erect and/or conduct on the Prcmlrcs a use thcrc permissible nor by right but only by Conditional Ux Grant: that in connccclon thcrcwlth Grantors rnodiccrtaln reproentotions nnd agrccmcnu as to sitc. buildinc and opcrntion plans which were incorporntcd Into the Condirionol Ux Cmnt; thnt baud thcrcon Condirionol .wns iswcd undcr dolc or. .k?&UC4rY.,.~.. .. Ilj?O.&d that a truecopy tiwcol son file wllh ct.c (Clty. Vlltone, Town. Guntyl llrc Grant KO. ,453.. .Hla;n...bm~.s.si~n.. ,.of rhc. .city. .............. .of,...klSkgQ. .... ... (uty. vmUGc. row". NOW, THEREFORE, Grontors hcrcby accept the mold Conditionni Use Grant and covcnont srrlctly to comply with 011 or the tcrms onJ conditions tllcrcof. Tlh COVCIUJ~~ rl~oll rrm with tlrc lund and droll bc bindine 011 rlic Gruntors rmd on ail Perrons clulnrh:: nny c~ratc or intc~cst in rI>c Prenrirs by. +ouch or u?dcr tilc Cm?ton. (IS long as rhc sn!d Premlxr nrc ud os ducrllrd in tlx Gndlrlonul Ur: Cront lor LI,~ oprotlon .... ~~~Q.~~~~-.~~~~~~...~.~~~~~~... a~.. In Witncaa Whcrcof, Grantors hove hcrcunro xt thclr hands SIGNED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF .......................................... ............................... O'Malley Investments, Inc. "" ........................ .......... ..-........ ....... (SEAL) J . 7,n.r CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT INDIVIDUAL /I .County./ss. Pcrwnolly cams bclorc ._ Pluldcnt 19 ...-... and. ........... .......... Secrcury ol tlrc obvc nomcd corporotlot~, to mc known to Ix sudr pcrsoolu nnd Orhrs who uccutgd tlrc lorcgoinpl lnstnnnenc nnd ocknowlcdgcd that they cxccutcd thc umc os such oficcrs, by Its outirority. lor the purpowJ rhcrcin containcd. STAT? .L or ~~.'~s~ctc:N, ' ............. ... me this ......... ,.day Or. . ............. I 'e tp" ,.. lt ... SEP 12 00 0 0 0 0 3 9 0 .... .......................................................... Waukesha Cannty, \Visconsin. in regard to 13mlscs . tit ...................................................................... NE 1/4 OE Section 25 ....................................................... In .. i ownshlp ................ 5 North. RoniIc ................ 20 East ..................................................... Waukesha County. Srntc ol Wisconsin. furtlre; tlocrlbcd os lollows: SEE ATTACHED provide that the prcmiscs may not Ix used of rlcht lor tlx purpose hereinnlter descrlM but thnt upon petltlon such usc WHEREAS the Zoning We ond Zoning District h4up of thc c~lxue nmlcd municipnlity, pursuont to Stntc Statute, may be approved by the rnunlclpollty os a Conditional Use Crnnt in pnrtlculnr clrctlmtonces os dcfined by the stondords in the Zoning Ordinance; and Petition thcrelorc having been mode, und pt~blic hearing held thereon, and the ................................................................ Plan Comnission ol thc. ... .C.i.tY ............... of ......... MUSk.CgC? .................................................................. hnving detcrrnlncti that by rcnson ol the pnrticulnr nature. chnrscrcr nnd circunntanccs ol thc propsed USC. nncl nl thc specific nnd contemprary conditions, grant ol such USE upn thc terms and conditions hcrcinultcr prcscrlbed wotllil Lw consistent with thc rcquiremcnts ol chc Zoning Ordinnnce: (ALII~I ICJy1 ~CIRY. Vlllam. Ta.n. bnty) Now, rllcrcforc. IT IS GRANTED, suhjcct to cqmplioncc with .the tcmu pnd conditions Ilercinnlrcr stated. thot rhc Prclniscl my Ix used for the purpose of. .oPer,at.~n&.a...gaso11ne. .se.~~.ce...st.at.~or?..and ............................... rnnxmn, an,- cl-nra U"LI"L.LIL.cLIUL 0L"A.L ................................................................................................................................................................................. CRANTED by nction of thc.,Plan...~~~~s;~l thc~ll&i2p- .......................... thc. ........................ I day of .... Febru.arY. .................. 2000 (LltY. VI1 ce. IVWn. "lY1 Original filcci in t~rc nrficc or tlx. ..Pla.~..Co~~~..~~~n... ............ or tlw ..... CiW ............... or ........ Pb+k- ............................. Signed:.. )d?&a!u .................. rd: .... a::": ........ ~ .................... I. This Grant shnll Ixcome cllective upan thc cxccution ond recording by the Owners ol the Prcmisfs of on occcptnncc hercof in such lorm as to constitute an ellcctive covcnont running \vlth the lond. 2. lllis Grant SI~~II LX \Void unh propcr npplicntion. pursuant to the building und zoning codes of tllc nlunlcipnlity. lor appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occuponcy Perrniu in conlormity to this Crnnt, is mndc within. ....... months of tiye date hcreof. 3. This Grant is suljject to amendment ond terminntion in occordnncc \vir11 the provisions of Llle toning Code Of this municipality. 4. Consrrtlcrion and operation of he use grontcd shnll be in stl'ict conformity to the approved site, building and operation plans filcdjn,conncction with tlrc Petition for this Crnnt, nnd nnncxccl Ilel.ct0. 5. of the ccl,ciitions ol this Cront which would nornlnlly be thc rfsponsibility ol tenam ol the premise. shrill be made Dart tl,eir 1~3s~ by the Owner, wlrich Icasc shnll contain provisions lor Imstlng ol the pertlncnt conditions (0 notify IUlY Vlll"0 The CONDITIONS ol thls Cront arc: - crnployces thcrcnf. - ., "" ..................... e SEP 12 00 0 0 0 0 Lf d . . . .. . . - .. . , -. , . . . , , - . - . - . - . . . , . , , .. . . , . " . . . . . . . . . . , . ,.. ......i,. ! .- . .-. ~,.~~~~',:-,~~,..-~-~,, ,. .A:_. .,~,I..~=~IL-;.i=-Y.LYIYY~-~~."L- 6. Conditions on thc Owrtions See attached Resolution P.C. #112a-99 a; Hours of operation: ' b. Performance standards relating to noise, vlbratlon, odor, smoke or dust: e. Water supply requlremeno: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: e. Othar: 7. Conditions on the Buildings See attached Resolution P.C. #112a-99 a. Focndc material or each building sidc: b. Entrancu. Design and Locatlon: c. Signs atraclred to the Bullding, lacotion. Slre. Design (Including llglrting): d. Exterior Lighting of thc Building: c. Other: 8. Conditions on tlx Sitc See attached Resolution P.C. #112a-99 a. Street Access (number. location. dcaign): b. Oll-Srrccr Parl;ing (locotion nnd clcsign including scrccning tircrcol): c. Loading anti Scrvicc Areas (location and design): d. Oursidc Storage olMnterials. Products or Rcfusc (locationhnd screening tlrercol): e. Finisheti topogruphy ond bullding grotla. rctoinlng walls, storm wntcr run-off: 1. Landxaping of the Site and Bulldinp (including plant typu, slzc. spacing): g. Pedcstrinn wollcwoys. tcrrocu, molls (locntion nnd design): h. Signs (free standing) location. size. dcslgn (inclnding liglrtinu): i. Exterior Lighting or the Site. locntion dcslgn nnd power: j. Ohcr: Tax Key #2257-997 BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SEWON 25, TOWNSHIP 5, NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST 114 CORNER OF SAID NE 1/4 OF SECTION 25 THENCE SlP1!i'54"W 1018.01 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE: OF THE WISCONSwELECTRIC POWER CO. RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE S51°38'01"W 396.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE W.E.P.C.0 RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE N7806'59"W 317.18 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF NORTH CAPE RD (C.T.H. "00") RECORDED AS 324.06 FEET; THENCE S05"04'33"E 288.38 FEET ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF NORTH CAPE ROAD TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE W.E.P.C.O. RIGHT OF WAY LINE RECORDED AS 290.40 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 344.01 FEET ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE W.E.P.C.O. RIGHT OF WAY AND AN ARC OF A A CHORD WHICH BEARS N5421'35"E 343.99 FEET RECORDED AS 359.73 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINMNG. EXCEPTING THE WEST 33.00 FEET FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES. CURVE WHOSE RADIUS CF 7777.60 FEET LIES TO xi NOR~ST, SAD CURVE HAS TAX KEY #2257-978.004 BEING A PART OF PARCEL 2 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 5376, BING A PART OF THE NE 114 AND SE 1/4 OF THE NEU4 OF SECTION 25, T 5 N, R 20 E, IN THE CITY OF h4USKEG0, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, BOUNDED AND DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2, SAID POINT BEING THE PLACE OF BEGmG OF THE LANDS TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE <Of 15' 54" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2,176.41 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF RELOCATED STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY "36"; THENCE S 66' 00'23 w ALONG SAID NORTH LINE; 272.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE N 0914'47" W, 86.57 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CIRCLE WHOSE CENTER IS TO THE NORTHWEST, WHOSE RADIUS IS 7877.60 FEET AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS N 5f3f09" E, 322.72 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. WEPCO LANDS THAT PART OF WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER CO FEE-OWNED RIGHT-OR-WAY LANDS IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY. WISCONSIN, BEING A STRIP OF LAND ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET IN WIDTH AND APPROXIMATELY SEVEN HUNDRED SIX (706) FEET IN LENGTH. ADJACENT TO TAX KEY #2257-997 AND 2257-978.004 a a SEP 12 00 0 0 0 b -I 2 AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. i12a-99 APPROVAL OF BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE GRANT FOR A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND CONVENIENCE STORE FOR THE O’MALLEY INVESTMENTS, INC. PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF STH 45 AND STH 36 IN THE NE Vi OF SECTION 25 (TAX KEY NOS. 2257.978.004 AND 2257.997 AND PART OF ADJACENT WEPCO RIGHT-OF-WAY) WHEREAS, Plans were submitted by O’Malley Investments, Inc. for a building, site and operation plan and conditional use grant for a gasoline service station and convenience store at the property located at the northeast comer of STH 45 and STH 36 in the NE % of Section 25 (Tax Key No 2257.978.004 and 2257.997 and part of adjacent WEPCo right-of-way) on August 18, 1999 and was amended August 20, 1999, September 10, 1999 and September 13, 1999, and WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned B-4, Highway Business District, and automobile service related uses are a permitted use by conditional use, and WHEREAS, Section 6.03 of the Municipal Zoning Code requires 1500 foot separation between gasoline service stations, unless “upon examining the plan and specrfications of the size and layout of the proposed station, submitted by prospecfive operator and upon examining a report of the City Engineer as to the effect of such a station upon present traflc conditions, that the proposed station will not result in a traffic, fire9 health, or safety hazard, that such a station will not be offensive to the srrrrotrnding neighborhood by reason of its physical, social, or economic feasibility. ”, and WHEREAS, The City’s Consulting Engineers have prepared a document entitled “O’Malley Traffic Study“, dated October 1999 which addresses the traflic impact review requirements of Section 6.03 of the Zoning Code, and WHEREAS, Said property is located within the Durham Hill neighborhood and is subject to the design standards outlined in the City of Muskego’s Durham Hill Design Guide, and WHEREAS, 0”alley Investments, Inc. requests approval for a 4,800 square foot principal structure housing a convenience store and food outlet with drive-thru, (herein referred to as “the Building”) and a gasoline pump canopy, and said structures meet the floor area and height requirements of the zoning ordinance, and WHEREAS, Said structures are proposed to be constructed in agrarian architectural style, and said styles are in conformance with the Durham Hill Design Manual, and WHEREAS, Said structures are proposed to be constructed with exterior materials which include stone veneer and board and batten siding, and said materials are not in conformance with the Durham Hill Design Manual, because the Plan Commission finds that stone veneers are not approved materials, and 0 SEP 12 00 0 0 0 0 4 J WHEREAS, All Building mechanicals, including HVAC units, are proposed to be screened from view, and WHEREAS, The minimum setback for the B-4 District is 40 feet, the Durham Hill Design Guide requires buildings to be located at the minimum setback line, and said proposal meets the requirements of the Durham Hill Design Guide, and WHEREAS, a 71 square foot ground sign measuring 10 feet 10 inches above grade is proposed, and said sign conforms to the requirements of the zoning ordinance and Durham Hill Design Guide, and WHEREAS, one driveway access point to North Cape Road is illustrated on the proposed site plan and is aligned with the Champions Drive entrance, and said driveway access is subject to review and approval by the Waukesha County Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, Twenty-three parking stalls are proposed, and said number of parking stalls conforms to zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, Parking is proposed to be located at the rear (non-street side) of the Building, and the Durham Hill Design Guide calls for all parking to be located to the side and rear of the Building, and WHEREAS, Landscaping is proposed which is compatible to the Durham Hill neighborhood, and which meets the minimum standards of the Durham Hill Design Guide, and WHEREAS, A dumpster enclosure is proposed to house all rehse containers in an area screened from view, and said enclosure is proposed to be constructed of stone veneer and Board and Batten siding, in order to be compatible with the design of the Building, and said materials is not in conformance with the Durham Hill Design Guide, because the Plan Commission finds that stone veneers are not approved materials, and and WHEREAS, lighting for the drive aisles and parking areas is proposed in the form of six fixtures, each being 15 feet high, with 250-watt lamps, and such fixtures are permitted provided the housing is shielded and placed kith a zero-degree tilt, the lamps are high pressure sodium, and WHEREAS, lighting for the canopy is proposed in the form of ten fixtures, each being mounted 14.5 feet high, with lamps being 400-watt high pressure sodium, and such fixtures may be permitted provided that documentation is provided which verifies the absence of light trespass on surrounding properties, and WHEREAS, With regards to specific operations, the residents of Durham Hill have stated on the record of the Mayors Task Force on Economic Development, that they oppose 24 hour commercial uses and the petitioner has indicated in the Operational Plan dated September 10, Page 2 0 SEP 12 DO 0 0 u 0 ’i Lf 1999 that the hours of operation will be limited to 5AM to 1 IPM, and WHEREAS, With regards to specific operations, the Durham Hill Design Guide places great emphasis on exterior appearances, and petitioner has indicated in the Operational Plan dated September 10, 1999 that they do not object to the prohibition of outdoor sales and storage of goods such as water softener salt, and mulch, and WHEREAS, With regards to specific operations, the Durham Hill Design Guide places great emphasis on exterior appearances, and the Plan Commission desires to limit the negative appearance that accompanies the over-use of temporary banners, pennants, and signs, and WHEREAS, No amplified speakers for the drive-th are proposed, and WHEREAS, O’Malley Investments, Inc. has not submitted for review and approval all required grading, storm water management, and utility plans for review and approval by the Public Works Committee and Public Utilities Committee, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the building, site and operation plan and conditional use grant for the proposal submitted on August 18, 1999 and was amended August 20, 1999, September 10, 1999 and September 13, 1999 by OMalley Investments, Inc. for a gasoline service station, convenience store, and food outlet with drive-thm at the property located at the northeast comer of STH 45 and STH 36 in the NE Vi of Section 25 (Tax Key No 2257.978.004 and 2257.997 and part of adjacent WEPCo right-of-way). Subject to the substitution of Lanon Stone where petitioner proposes stone veneer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That by the passage of this resolution with five votes in the affirmative, the use of stone veneer and Board and Batten siding for the Building and dumpster enclosure shall be allowed as an exception to the Durham Hill Design Guide. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is granted contingent upon O’Malley Investments receiving approval from the Waukesha County Department of Transportation for the pavement marking necessary to delineate a turning lane on the east side of North Cape Road in accordance with the recommendation of the City’s Consulting Engineers. Failure to obtain permission from the Waukesha County Department of Transportation for the pavement marking shall result in this Conditional Use Grant and Business Site and Operations Plan approval being VOID. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That operations shall be prohibited between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5:OO a.m. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the use of temporary or portable signage shall require the issuance of a permit by the Zoning Administrator, and such permits shall be limited to six occasions per calendar year, with each occasion limited to ten calendar days, and with a minimum of fifteen calendar days separating each occasion. Page 3 SEP 12 00 0 0 0 n5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no use of amplified speakers for the drive-thru be used. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That outdoor storage, sales, andor display of merchandise, including but not limited to water softener salt, mulch and landscaping materials, shall be expressly prohibited. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That except for the ground sign approved herein, and the Open Pantry wall sign approved herein, prior to issuance of building permits for signage, all additional signage must be reviewed and approved by separate action of the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends the proposed driveway access location to North Cape Road to the Waukesha County Department of Transportation, and supports the prohibition of access to State Trunk Highway 36. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if occupancy is requested prior to the completion of landscaping and/or asphalting, a bond, letter of credit or cashiers check equal to twice the value of said improvement cost must be submitted to the Planning Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That at the call of the Plan Commission Chairman, the operations subject to this conditional use grant may be subject to fiuther review by the Plan Commission, and any future operations which are deemed to be inconsistent with this approving resolution may be subject to further conditions by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 02-0 1-00 Denied Deferred 09-21-99. 11-2-99 11-16-99. 12-07-99 01-04-00 01-18-00 9-2 1-99 Page 4