151 - 12/7/1999P
.. - .
II11111111111111111111lUllllllUllllllll IAND COVENANT
WC253B22-3-BE6 .. 7 . .. Docrrmmt 'We
Please see attached.
01-07-2000 10:18 QM
REC. FEE: REC. FEE-EO: 4.00 14.00
Named Ream Mk
City of Muskego
Attn: Sandi Asti
Post Office BOX 749
Muskego, WI 53150 \5 1
MSKC 2198.949
THIS COVENANT. h4adc this ......... 13 ,.do!* or December .. Kurt Hlder by ...-.-..-..- .................. ........................................................................................................................
III~.~..~~I~Y.IIII.IIII1lIIIU1lllll.llll~, .,,,,, ............................................. I,d ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Orantoral
18 g...,
........ - ............. - -..... ..... ............. - ........................................ .................................................................
!a.ukesha.. ......... ........,... ........ ..... Gunty. \Vlscondn. ond lor the ux
rind benefit 01 thc sald ..... CLtY or ........ tb-kL-?€X! ............................................. ................. (Cllr. VIIIwe. Torn. &my)
~n its own r1g11t and os ogcnt ror the purm 01 cnlorclng thuc presents on beholl 01 the abovc na KW NO. MSKC 2198.949 -
dcwribcd class 01 prso?s. Grontccs.
Thc prcmises allcctcd by thcw resents (hcrelnoltcr called the Premiwa) orc the
followll# descltcd lands In Towmlrlp ...................... 3 North, Ilancc. .20 .... Enst, In the County
01. .... a~ke~.h+.. ....... and store ol \Vixonsln. to-wlt:
"cy" ,a, City of Muskego
Attn: Sandi Asti
Post Office Box 749
Muskego, WI 53JJQ.--."-
Ten (lo), Township Five (5) North, Range 'henty (20) Fast, in the City of Muskego,
All that part of the East One-half (1/2) of the Northwest One-Quarter (1/4) of Section
Waukesha County,,.Wisconsin, described as follows, to wit: Comnencing at a point on the
North-South 1/4 line distant South 1255.6 feet from the stone marking the North 1/4 cornet of the said Section; running thence S 57" 01' ,W 273.46 feet to the point of
Cornencement of the lands herein described as the Northeast corner thereof; thence S 32.
N 57' 01' E 100.0 feet to the point of comnencement. Reserving the Northwesterly 57.0
59' E 217.0 feet; thence S 57O 01' W 100.0 feet; thence N 320 59' W 217.0 feet; thence
feet for highway and service purposes.
blall nddrcss 01 the Prcmlres 1s s73 W16485 Janesville Road ............... .. ..................................................
and that no other perm? hns ony estate or Intcrut thcrcln except by reason 01 catemcnts lor publlc utllltlcs. bulldlng restrlctions, dcdlcptlons to
Gruntors \varront ad covenant thnt at thc tlmc of the cnxaling and dcllvery or tlw prcrnu they orc oll of rhc owners of the Prm\w
the public or public bodies. Instrumcnta not of rccord. and nrortgagcs to banks. wvlncs and loan awlntlon: or Inaurancc cnmpnnlu.
Grantors rcprcscnt thut pctlrion on their behalf vas mode to the ....... .!%_ .......................... of ........... M.Y.Sk!?.g!? ............ .......
pursuant to the iotrlng Cdc of the xld c.&Y. .-_._-..-_._.._.-., for grant 01 pcrmlulon to crcct andlor mducr on the Prmlxr o use
there pcrmisrlblc not by right but only by Condltlonal Ux Cront: thoc In conncctlon tlicrcwlth Grantors made'certdn reprucntatlonr and
scrccmcnu os to sltc. bullding and operutloo plnns which were Incorporotcd Into the Candltlonnl Ux Cmnt: chnt bod rhcrcon Gndltlonol Ltif Cry No ..._... 151 ............... vas luucd ttndgr date of ........ .!?.ece.Ek.z. .. I... ...... I9 .... 9.91 nnd that I twccopy tllcrcof 1s 011 fiic wlth 1k.c
(Ow. VIIIam. Torn. &my)
an omnlsslon .... ..... ,.ol thc ...................................... of ........ Mu.Sk%!?,. c1 ty ................... cow VIIIW, 'ram. ~a~n~l
NOW, THEREFORE, Cmntors hereby accept the wld Conditlonol Ute Crnnt nnd covenant strictly to comply with dl of the tcrmr
unJ condltlom tllcrrof. Tlh covenant ahall NII wlth thc lund ond rlurll kc blndlnc on thc Cruntorr nnd on 011 pcmr slnlmln!$ nny cawto of
Intcrcst In the Pmnlrr by, tlrrouch or under the Crnntora. PI long os the "Id Plcmlxr nro uscd os ducrlbed in tbc Codltlonul Uu Cront lor
tl~ opcrotlon 01: .......................................... vehicle smlce and "....".".. repair I..._.- .......- .............................................................................
In Wltness Whcrcof, Cmntors hove hcrcunto xt thclr hands ond seals thlr ...................... day 01 .... . I9
SIGNED AND SCALED IN PRESENCE OF 1 .....-, "(SEAL. Kurt Hid=. TP~ r ......."...... ".._ ..... "._.._ ...... _._...._...........__.._ (SEAL
..... ... .............................. ............. J i I, * 50")10"1110".
,".E RAMS ltlll
...................................................... .......... .- - ................................................................... (SEAL . 1-1,.
......... ..... ........ .......... - - -. .. .- .................... ......... - ..(SEAl-) . TIT,.
STATE OF .......................... ........... PcrronclIIy came hlorc Pcrmnolly cnmc !adore
me chlr ..._..-......... I day dr ......._..".._......-.. "- ".---...-"..... 19".. .._..._., 19" 47 .
I ......................................... "...-.--...".."..--..-, Pruldmt
and ................................................................... .. Secrcuy -.---.-
ol tl~c abvc nonrcd corprotlon. to mc known to Lr rt1Q pcrrolu and to me Itnowp to he thc pcrrons who cxccukd
officers who exccutqd thc lnrcgolnc lmtrumenc and ocknowlcdgcd and ocknow1cd:cd the wme.
that they cxccuted the wme as rush oficcrs, by Its nuthorlty. lor the
purpow thcreln contained. .... .............
TWS IHIIRVIC~ WAI DIAVTCO my (SUL) dury 14bIlc. Stotc 01 Wivorkln
Sally A. Bukowski
Ecforc the. .Plan. Com?ission. .of tlx. City ........... of. .. .Cll~skegO.
lA.,i.,,: udg) (CllY. VIII,,~;. 'l'#,",,. ('.,un,y)
Waukesha ~~ .Cotlnty. \Visconsin. in regard to I'remiscs tlt S73 W16485 Janesville Road ...............................................................
...... .in Township. 3. .... Rorth, Ran1:e ... 8. ..East,. .!!aUk.e.Sh.% ... .County.
Stntc of \\'isconsin. furcher tlescribcd as follo\\*s:
All that part of the East One-half (1/2) of the Northwest One-Quarter (1/4) of Section
Ten (lo), Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty (20) East, in the City of Muskego,
Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows, to wit: Comnencing at a point on the North-South 1/4 line distant South 1255.6 feet from the stone marking the North 114
corner of the said Section; running thence S 570 01' W 273.46 feet to the pint of
comnencement of the lands herein described as the Northeast comer thereof; thence S 3Z0
N 57O 01' E 100.0 feet to the point of comnencement. Reserving the Northwesterly 57.0
59' E 217.0 feet; .thence S 57O 01' W 100.0 feet; thence N 32. 59' W 217.0 feet; thence
feet for highway and service purposes.
provide that tllc prcmise, may not lx used or right lor the purFose hereinafter describtd but that upon petition such USE
WI3EREAS the Zoning CoJe and Zoning District Map of tlx al;ovc nmcd municipality. pursuant to Statc Statutc,
may be apyrovcd by the municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circumstances ns defined by the standards
in the Zoning 01.dinancc: and
Petition thcrelorc having bcen made. and public hearing held thereon. and the. .pla"..Co~.~~.~~~.~... .......... (Acutv IhJyI
ol thc. .ci.CY. .......... of ...... r?u.$.k ~~~....., ... ... .Ilaving detcrminal that Ily rcasnn ol the
partict~lar nature. cllarxtcr ant1 circunlstanccs ol thc propsed usc. and of the specific and contemporary conditions. grant
ol such use L1p.m thc terms and conditions hcrcinaltcr prcscribed wotdil he consistent with tllc rcquircmcnts of thc Zoning
(ti#?, Vllln~c. Tov:n. &my1
Now, tllercforc, 1T IS GRANTED, su1,jccr.w compliance with the terms and conditions Ircreinaftcr stated. that
thc Prclnises may Ix used lor the purpose of. .YehlG.k. .se.~l.Ce.,.an~..~.~P~ir. .f?S.tab~~~L.. ............. , ..
.... ..... ..............
The CONDITIONS of this Cront arc:
hercol in such form as to constitute an effcctive covcnant running with thc land.
I, This Grant shall become clfective tqmn thc exc;ution nnd recording by the Owners of the Prcmiscs of an acccptnnce
2. TIlis Grant shall L.c void unlcss propcr appIimti011, pursuant to thc building and zoning codes ol thc municipality. for
appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within. .months
ol the date hcrcof.
3. This Grant is subject to amendmmt and tcrmination in accordancc with the provisions or the Zoning Codc or this
4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to thc approved site. building and operation
plans filcd..in.conncction with the Petition for this Grant. ond annexccl Iicrctn.
a nart ol their Icax IIV the Owner, which Icase shall contain provisions for ]=sting ol the pertincnt conditions to notify
5. Any of the ccntlitiom ol this Grant which would normally be the rfsponsibility of tenants or the premise, shall be made
cmplnyccs rhcrcol.
"" - " .,,.,..,..r,* ..........
6. Conditions on the OPerauons See attached Resolution P.C. # 147-99
e.: Hew of operodon: '
b.'Parformrnee rcandrtds relatlng to noise, vlbratlon, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. Provlslons lor SCW~C disposal:
e. Other:
7. ConfJltlonn on tho Dulldlnga See attached Resolution P.C. # 147-99
a. Facade material of each building sidc:
b, Entrances, Design and Location:
c. Signs attached to the Building. I-ocntion, Sire, Design (including lighting):
cl. Exrcrior Lighting of thc Building:
c. Other:
8. Conditions on thc Site See attached Resolution P.C. # 147-99
a. Street Acccss (number. locat\on. de3ign):
b. Off-Strcct Parking (location and dcsign including scrccning thcrcol):
c. Loading and Service Arms (location ond design):
cl. Outsidc Stornp of Mnterinls, Products or Rclusc (locotion'nnd scrccning thereof):
c. Finished topography and buildin: grntlcs, rctaininc \vaIIs, storm wntcr rnn-off:
1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs. size. spacing):
g. Pcdcstrian wallwnys. tcrraccs, molls (location nnd design):
h. Signs (free srmding) location, size. dcsign (including IigIXin~):
i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, locntlon dcsign nnd Imwer:
j. Othcr:
.xlAdLd-. .,A ...... &. s. Asti' ...
(TAX KEY NO. 2198.949)
WHEREAS, Plans were submitted on November 5, 1999 by Kurt Hider to petition for a
conditional use grant and building, site and operation plan approval of a vehicle service and repair
establishment at the property located at S73 W16485 Janesville Road (Tax Key No. 2198.949),
WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned B-4, Highway Business District, and said
use is a permitted use by conditional use grant, and
WHEREAS, The service center would provide general service to automobiles and no
work specific to an automotive body shop will occur, and
WHEREAS, The service center would provide sales and service to battery powered golf
bag carriers, and
WHEREAS, All storage will be located inside the facility or the enclosed area adjacent to
the building, and
WHEREAS, the hours of operation will be 7:30 AM to 8 PM Monday through Friday,
and 8 Ah4 to 5 PM on Saturday and Sunday, and
WHEREAS, No exterior improvements are proposed.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the building,
site and operation plan submitted November 5, 1999 by Kurt Hider for a vehicle service and
repair establishment at the property located at S73 W16485 Janesville Road (Tax Key No.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to the size of the tenant area and types of
products offered for sale shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That signage shall be located on the existing multiple
tenant pole mounted sign.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in
this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action,
or both.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Approved 12-07-99
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