149 - 8/3/1999Documea Number II . Please see attached ., . .. I. . @5mam4G IGISTER'S OFFICE WPUKESHR COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON 10-04-1999 2:26 PM MICHREL J. HRSSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE: 12.00 REC. FEE-CO: 4.BB REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 TRFIN. FEE: L'FIGES: TRPN. FEE-STFITE: 5 iliEl29911~!.::0823 Rssodi Aru. Name .ad Itelurn Mk City of Muskego Attn: Sandi Asti Post Office Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 Fmd Idmli6uIian Nmber (PW MSKC 2231.995 ......................................................................................................... Waukesha County. \Vlrconsln. nnd for the use nnd bonont 01 rho rald .......... c~~~~.~~~~:~~~~:M~~~.~.~o .............................................................. in its own rigl't ad or agclrt lor the pwpox or cnlorcln: the prescntr on belmlf 01 the above TAX e1v *e. MSKC 2231 - 995 dcscribcd closa ol pcrsont, Grnntccc. nuIvnm TO, 'nrr vtmlaal oIlaai8d by LhaM PraUIuI (IlarPlndcor aallud Iha PrarnllaI) am lho Aktn, mandi ti City of Muskego Post Office Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 lolloull?g dtw:ltcJ land$ In Tonnslrlp ........... 5 ......... North, IIalrCc .... 2.0 ............ East. In tlrc County of. .... Wauk~h,~.~ .................... and State at \Vlnonsln. to.vr\t: "_.._.."" Being part of the SW % of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East. Commencing at the S 4 corner S 88" 45' W 1602.48, thence N 05" 45' W 284.76 ft. to the beginning of the lande baing described. N 05' 45' W 333.00 ft, thence N 75" 45' E 210.27 ft, thence S 06' 34' E 332,.32 ft, thence S 75' 45' W 275.10 ft to the beginning. I bldl nddrcrr of chc Premlscr Is.. ._ ....................................................... ............................... ......__....... .._..... 586 W21693 Janesville Road ......................... u,,J comiitlonr tlweol. Thls covcmmc rllnll run wlth tlr lutd and rl~aII h bindlnc on tlnc Crumora md on all perms cIdndn:i nny cacutc or NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hercby accept thc sold Ganditlonal Ux Grant and cnvenant rtrlctly to comply wlth all 01 the terms I~CICSI 1n clx Prenrlrr b , tlrmuch or under thc Crnntors. or lonc as the auld Prcmlm nrc ud or ducrlbed In the Condltlonul Ur Crmt lor tllc operollon or: Illuminated outdoor recreation facilities ...._ ._.._...... ........................ In Wltncsa Whcrcof, Cmntors hove hcreumo YI rhclr hands and leols thls. ..f?g~ .day of. ,.$S~.&.~.b.fL. ... 19. ,?.f ecrorc [IlC. 'lan' .................. Commission ..... .or tlw. City Muskego nl. Waukesha ........... .......... (AG,l4v: My) (CI,).. V1IIII"L.. 'l',,*,,,, C,,,n,y) ...................... ......... County, \Virconsin. in rqard to I'xnliscs at ........................................ S86 W21693 Janesville Road ...... ............ ..in 'rowship ............... 5 North, Rnn1:c ............ 20 ..East .................................... Waukesha .fi,unty. ...... htc Or \Viscnnsin. furher clcscrilxd OS lollows: Being part of the SW b of Section 18, Town 5 North, Range 20 East. Commencing at the S b corner S 88" 45' W 1602.48 ft, thence N 05" 45' W 204.76 ft. to the beginning ef the lands being described. N 05' 45' W 333.00 ft, thence N 75' 45' E 270,27 ft, thence S 06' 34' E 332.32 ft, thence S 75' 45' W 275.10 to the beginning . WIDREAS thc Zoning CoJc and Zoning Uistricr hhpof the d:ovc named mtlnicipality. prswmt to Starc Staturc, provide that tllc prcmises may not h used ol right lor the purpose hereinalter described but that upon petition such LISC may be approvcd by thc municipality as 3 Gndirional Use Crnnt in particular circumstances as clcrinecl by the standards in the Zoning Ordinance; and Petition thcdorc having bcen made. and public hearin: Iicld thereon. and the. Plan Commission ........................... ... IAclhp ICJy) of thc. .......... of ............... .. City Muskego 1c1,r. Vl1l"CI. TO..". bun,") .having detcrmincd that Ihy rcasnn ol the Orir,innl filccl in tilc dficc oi LIK ,PL.a,!! .... P1e.p.a.r.tme.nt. ...... of the. .C,i.ty ........... of ...... ~.M!Xk.e.g.Q ..... - signcd:~.~.~. .$ ...... &: ........... (ClLY. v 1n.c. 'I. l'amty1 The CONDITIONS or this Grant arc: hercor in such form as to constitute an effective covcnnnt running with tlw land. I This Grant shall Ixcome cffcctive upon thc cxciution and recording by the Owners of the Prcmises ol an acccprnncc 2. l'llis Grant shall Lx void unlcss propcr applicntion. pursuant to thc building and zoning codes ol the nwnicipality. lor or the date hcrcof. appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within. .months 3, This Grant is suljjcct.to amendment and tcrmination in accordancc wirh the provisions or the Zoning codc or this municipality. 4. Construction and operjtion of the use granted shall be in strict conlormiry LO the approved site. building and operation plans filcd:/n.conn,cction with the Petition lor this Grant. nnd onncxccl Iwccn. 3 part ol their Icarc by the Owner, which lcasc shall contain provisions for Imsting of the pertinent conditions to notily 5. Any of the ccnditions of this Grant nhich would normally be the responsibility ol tenants of the premises shall be made crnployccs thcrcol. __ "" " -. -" .1,.1..1. an* .1,..1,.,, rn"rlrr 1 6. t'onditions on thc Operations SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #P.C. 88-99 nI Hour8 o[optmtlon: b.'Perlorrnance standards relarlng to nolrc, vlbrarlon, odor, smolte or dusr: e. Water supply requlremenu: d. Provisions lor sewage disposal: e. Other: I, 7. Conditions on tlrc I3uilJinga SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #P.C. 88 -99 a. FacnJc mntcrloi or each bullcllnp ddc: bo Enrroncoa, Dulgn end LoGatlon: C. Slgm ormehccl to die Bulldhg, 1-oestlon. Sire. Dcrlgn (Ineludlng Ilglrtlng): d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: e. Other: E. Conditions on thc Sitc SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #P.C. 88-99 n. Street Acccss (number. locotion. deaign): b. Off-Strcct Parking (location and clcsign including screening thcrcol): c. Loading ond Scrvicc Areos (locatlon ond design): d. Outsidc Storage of blnterinls. Products or Rchsc (location'and screening thereof): e. Finished topogruphy ond building grotla, rctainiq walls, storm \vaLcr run-off: 1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types. size. spacing): 6. Pedestrian wallwnys. tcrraca, molls (1oc;ltion nnd clesip1): h. Signs (frce stonding) locotion, size, dcsign (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting of the Sitc. locntlon dcsign nnd rawer: j. Otllcr