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148 - 6/17/1999AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 88-99 APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPERATING ILLUMINATED OUTDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES FOR THE MUSKEGO MOOSE LODGE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT S86 W21693 JANESVILLE ROAD (TAX KEY No. 2231.995) \58 WHEREAS, On August 3, 1999 the Plan Commission granted approval for a Business, Site, and Operation Plan for a new principal structure, accessory structure, parking and landscaping for the Muskego Moose Lodge, by adoption of resolution #PC 77-99, and WHEREAS, said BSO included lighted outdoor horseshoe pits, and WHEREAS, The property is currently zoned B-2, Business District and lighted outdoor recreational facilities are permitted under a conditional use grant, and WHEREAS, lighting is proposed in the form of 500 watt down-angled metal halide fixtures mounted on 40 foot poles. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a conditional use that permits the operation of outdoor lighted recreational facilities for the Muskego Moose Lodge (Tax Key No. 2231.999. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas building facades and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission and that failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. TFEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the light poles surrounding the horseshoe pits will be turned off at 11:OO P.M. The Common Council may grant approval of extending hours of operation for special events. There will be a biannual review of this Conditional Use Permit. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 08-03-99 Defeated Deferred 08-03-99 DDNmeN Number II Please see attached WFIUKESHFI COUNTY, WI REGISTER’S OFFICE RECORDED ON 03-28-1339 3:41 PM MICHFIEL J. HFISSLINGER REGISTER OF DEEDS REC. FEE-CO: 4.00 TRFIN. FEE: REC. FEE-ST: 2.00 PFIGES: TRFIN. FEE-STFITE: 5 REC. FEE: 12. 00 r*med)”d- Clty o Mus ego Attn: Sandi Asti Post Office Box 749 Muskego, WI 53150 s MSKC 2165.973 p.rrd IdatibIion Nmk W Moll nddrcls 01 the Prcrnires is. S66 W14444 Janesville Road ... ................................. ... .- ...... ............. ..... lnt~resr 111 tlre P~cmlxs by. tlrmuch or undcr the tmntars. as long os rhc sold Prcmlxs nrc urd a: ducrllxd in the Condlrlonul Ur Cront lor tllC oprorlon or: .............. amending ... existing ........_.......... .............. C.U. permitting operation ..................... of .... auto sales ~ h service ................ center ....-_. In Wltncsa Whcrcol, Croncor: hove hcrcunto YL rhclr hands and rcals this., .._ ..... day of. September ... IP., YY ...... 13 SIC~'CD AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF .-..- ..... ........................................... ........ .- . - - ......... ...................... .... (SEAL) .......... CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WISCONSIN. ........... .. ... Pccano!ly CCIX: bclorc me this ... ..doy of ..... ............................ ... 19 _._.., ..... ..... ._ ............ Pruldcnr and. ol chc ahvc nanrcd corprntloli. to me known to bs,st!cl~pcj&hand ..._............A ;..... Sccrctary olf~ccn who o;ccutcd thc lorcgoinc Inscrumeqc"mpi ticl;noyl&d,,, purpom chcrcln conralncd. thor they cxccurcd tlx same as such ofliccr:. by.!! ,nurlro.dty,ioP?+,' ...... ...................... .' . f- .." :<>;.JGlA!;y .' r! j >.,. . . 1 L.l, ~.. , STATE OF WISCONSIN. ?dqu <CJ hR .-.Ccunry. Pcrmonnlly comcixfon me thls ..... ........ day of ..... &X!-tf.--b.GC .._.._............ 19.9.2, *c atwe nomcd ...... .- f-.-..!.......q.. . }s. ............................................. .................. ." ""_ . .- ............. .to mc known to Lu thc pcrson: who executed the lorcgolnc lnstrumcn~ ond acknowlcd:cd thc some. .... $dwL s' ...................... J .- & ........................ andra S. Astl Part NE 4 SEC 2 T5N RZOE COM NW COR S89 50'E 294.73 FT SI9 01'E 1763.49 FT THE BGN S19 01'E 326.76 FT N60 57'E 160.47 FT S19 01'E 215.93 FT N60 57'E 302.11 FT NO 22'E 613.51 FT S60 57'W 669.43 FT TO BGN VOL 1066/619 DEEDS EX VOL 1165/209 2.048 AC REM R1080/987 TJP 1/89 providc that thc prcmise, may not lx used ol right for the purpose hereinalter describcd but that upon pctition such use WtIEREAS tI1c Zoning CnJc ancl Zoning DistricL Map ol the i~I:ovc nalnctl municipality. pursuont to SLXC Stntutc. may be approvcd by tllc municipality os a Conclilional Use Grnnt in ]particular circumstances as dcfined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinancc: and Petition thcdorc having been nrnde. ond p'ublic heoring held thewon. and the .. Illan ... Cornmiasion.. IAcnlnm RJyI of thc. .City. ........... of ............ .H~uskego.. ... ,Cw. Vllln~s. Tom. &,my) .hnving detcrrninccl that by rcnson of thc ol such LISC upm thc term and conditions hcrcinolw prcscribed woulJ Lx consistent with tllc rcquircmcnts of thc Zoning IpartictIIar naturc, charxLcr and circuInstanccs of the propsed usc. ancl of the specific und contemporary conditions. grant Ordinancc: Now, hercforc, l'r IS GRANTED, suhjccl; tu compliance with the lernrs ond conditions Iweino(tcr stated. that thc Prclnises may Ix used lor the Iwrpose ol ................................................................................................................. amending existing C.U. permitting the operation .:A. , of auto sales & service center GRANTED l>y action or Lhc ... R.l~~..~.~~nmi~,$.~O~ ...... thc. .1Zth. .day ol .... .June... .......... Actcsc: .......... ........ TItl&~~,~ .- - (M,"or. I',c.ldrnr. Ol~l,rnO") (CltY. \'lllue. Tu*.". &my1 Cld J 1 . .: The CONDITIONS of this Cront arc: I This Grant shall 'xcome cflcctive upon thc cxccution ond rccording by the Owncrs ol the Prcmiscs of an acccptzncc hercof in such form as to constitute an effcctive covenant running with fhC land. 1. Il'llis Grant shall 1% void unlcss propcr application, pursuant to thc building und zoning codes of thc mtlnicipality. for appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant. is made within. .months of the date hcreof. 3. This Grant is sutiject-to arnendmcnt and tcrmination in accordoncc wit11 the provisions of the Zoninc Code of this municipality. 4. Construction and operition or the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site. building and operation plans fllcd:in,conncction with the Petition for this Grant, and onncxccl I1CrCtn. 5, Any of the C~,lClitiollS ol this Grant which would nornlally be the rcsponsibility ol tenanrS of the premise, si1011 be made n !>art of their lcase I)y the Owncr. which lcose shall contain provisions for posting ol thc pertinent conditions to notify crnployccs thcrcof. - - " . " "" - - - ....................... Cond1t'on8 On o~srAtfon8 SEE ATTACHEI) RESOLUTION #P .C. 68-99 .' a: Houn ol opernrlon: ' b. Perlormance scnndards relating co noise. vibration. odor, smoke or dust: e. Wnrer supply requirements: d. Provlslona lor sewage dlspaortl: e. Other: ' Conditions on Buildings SEE ATTACHED RESOLmION #P.C. 68-99 o. Focndc motcrial ol each building sidc: b. Entrances. Dulgn and Location: e. Slgn3 ntteclrcd to the Building. l.seatlon. Size. Design (Including llglrtlng): d. Extcrior Lighting ol rhc Building: c. Other: 8. Conditions on thc Sitc SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #P.C. 68-99 n. Screec Access (number. locntion. design): b, Off-Strict Parking (locntion nnd clcsign including scrcening thcrcol): c. Loading ond Scrvicc Areas (locarion nnd dcslgn): d. Outsidc Storngc ol blaterinls. Products or Rcfusc (locntion'nnd scrccning thcreol): e. Finishccl topogruphy nnd building grntles. rctaininc walls, storm wnmr run-off: 1. Landscaping ol the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs, size. spacing): g. Pcdcstrian wolltwoys, tcrracu, molls (location nnd design): h. Signs (lrce stonding) locntion, size. dcsign (including ligllting): i. Excerior Liglrcing of tile Sire. locntion dcrlgn nnd ~mwer: j. Otllcr. e AMENDED APPROVAL TO AMEND THE CONDITIONAL USE GRANT FOR E.J. SALENTINE S66 W14444 JANESVILLE ROAD (TAX KEY NO. 2165.973) RESOLUTION #P.C. 68-99 BUCK-PONTIAC AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT WHEREAS, Plans were submitted on May 7. 1999 to amend an existing Conditional Use that permits the operation of an auto sales and service center by Allen Link for the E.J. SaIentine Buick-Pontiac property located at S66 W14444 Janesville Road (Tax Key No. 2165.973), and WHEREAS, The property is zoned B-3, General Business, and whereas the existing use is a permitted conditional use, and WHEREAS, The petitioner proposes to add over 20,996.5 SF of building to accommodate the proposed u5e, and WHEREAS, The existing 1,380.6 square foot structure at the corner of Janesville Road and Tess Corners Drive, commonly known as S66 W14452 Janesville Road, is to be removed, and WHEREAS, Said request represents a substantial change under the existing conditional use and would thus require a Public Hearing before the Planning Commission. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the amendment to an existing conditional use that permits the operation of an auto sales and service center by Allen Link for the E.J. Salentine Buick-Pontiac property located at S66 W14444 Janesville Road (Tax Key No. 2165.973), subject to engineering approval of site drainage. That the applicant apply for modification to Conditional Use within 120 days after notice for the City that final street reconstruction plans are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Tax Key Number 2165.981 be combined with Tax Key Number 2165.973. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas. building faGades, and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission, and that failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 06- 11-99 / i