146 - 6/1/1999Please see attached
RdiL R'El2926IU'~i0740
Xty of Muskego
Name .od Rehlrn M&m
,ttn: Sandi Asti
lost Office Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150 \*c \-'
MSKC 2223.U01
W Idcd&dcm Nmnber (PIM
..... -..*a- ..I"....... UrYII. 1.".
Acceptnnce of Condltlor T",. .PAC1 0 ,O" "r50"01"(0 nA7A
THIS COVENANT. N Jc his ...... Arthur I!. braves
by. .... ... .- .............. .......... .... fi~[t29261~!:;0741
... ................................................................. ." ___ ....... ........ ........................................ ..................... ,.Grantors.
lor the urc and bcncfit 01 dl perrons horn cimc ro Lime resident or owning propmy wir~n t~re
bulrdaricsofrhc. ................................ City of ........................................ Muskego ... ......... IO~Y. VI~I.,~~:~~~. c~~~~I
......................................................................................................... County, Wisconsin, ond for the Waukesha
and benefit of the sold. :...... ol. .____........
In it1 own rlpl~c and 81 went lor the purpose 01 enforcln3 rlwe prrmnts on
....... City Muskego ............ ........... ......................... (City. VllI~ye. Torn. &my1
described closs ol perrons, Grnntccs. lZlYnll TO1
'nlC Prcmlscs ollcctcd by thew glex~lrcs (hcrcinolccr collcd the Prcrnlscs) ore chc
lollowln detcrlbed lands In Towuhlp.. .......... .tiorth, IXmce ........... 20 .&st. I" thC County 01. ........................ baukesha
City of Muskego
ttn: Sandi Asti
Post Office Box 749 .and Statc 01 \Viwonsin. ro.wlt: k us k"WI31.50, .""
Gruntors \wrrmt atrl covcnmt thnc at the tlnrc 01 thc cnscolinc ond dcllvcry 01 rl~cx prcxnts they ore 011 ol the owners 01 thc Prunim
and that no other pcrsm his my cstotc or lntcresc chercin cxccpt by resson 01 caxmcnrs lor publlc utilities. bullding resrricrlons. dcdlcclclons to
thc public or public Wics, instrurr.ents not of record. end mortgagca to banks. rnvlnp ond loan ssociations or Insurance companiu.
Grancoro rcprcscnt [hut wticion on their bholl wos modc to the., .ol.. city Muskego ............... .................... ......
pursuant to the ionlny Cde 01 the 6dd ....... cit.y ............. lor Cront 01 permission co erect and/or conduct an the Prcmlxs a use
therc pcrnrissiblc not by right but only by Conditional Ux Grant: chot in conncctlon tllercwith Grantors rnode'ccrtaln rcprucnmclans and
UgreCmCnU ns to SIC uilding and opcration plans which were Incorporotcd into the Condirionol Use Gront; chat bnxd rhcrcon Condltlonnl
llsc Grant No .................... .wos iuucd undcr dart of. ......... IO '9. nnd thnc a truccopy thcxol iaun file with tt,c
(Ow. 'Jllle~c. Town. &ntyl
f& June 1
Plan Commission .ol rhc .... ci.!?.?...... ......... ol ........................ Muskego ... ..... (ary. VIII~~~. 'rovn. buntYi
NOW, TIEREFORE, Grontors hcrcby occept the sold Gnditlanol Ux Crnnt nnd wvcnant strlccly to comply with all ol the terms
unJ condlcion~ thcrvol. This co~c~~unt slrnll run Ah rhc lund ond ~1~011 h bindlnc on thc Cruncors ttnd on oll perrons cluinrln:: nny cswtc or
Inlcresr In tlrc Prcmlrr by. Ir Y y;;y rpp~;gr~f~long as rhe mid Prcmlmcs nrc ulsJ as Jexrlbcd in chc Condlclonul U*: Cronc lor
thc opcrnrlon 01: ......... .......... ................. .............................. ,...I...". ..... ~n-e-.. ................... ... _. ................ -. . 19. .. '99
6 '&
In Witncaa Whcrcof, Cmnrors have hcrcunco YL chcir hands
............. (SEAL)
....... ................ .- ...... .... ... ,___ .(SEAL)
. - - .. -, , I, * CO"PO"AT10II. I '.' I ......... ... ._ - - -. ... ................................ ...... .(SEAL)
1"PZ M&Mt ,<Ell
. . , ._ " - -.
...... ... ..... .. - - - -. ... .- . ... ...... .(SEAl.)
STATE OF WISCONSIN. ~s. ............ ..... .Gun::,. 1 Pcrsndly cc:ne bclore
me this ...... doy ol .... ............. ._ ....................... I9 ._. .... ......... ............................................. ........ Pruldsnr
ond .................. .................... Secretary
ol cllc nlavc named wrprorlon. to me known co Lx stxh pcrxnrs nnd
olficcrr who cxecuqd thc lorcgolnc Insrrurnent and ucknowlcdgcd
thnt they executed tlw ume a$ such drcers. by Its outhorlry. lor the
, purpau rhcrcln contalncd.
rnc ......
............... .............. .."
to mc known co Lr the pcrrons who cxccuta
Plan Comission City Muskego Mat dx. ........................................................ nf tIlc .......... ~ ................. nr ..................................................................... ....., (AuIw My) Waukesha (CIIY. Vlll,l"". 'l..3..,>. Drlnlyl .......................................................... ~~tlllty, Wirconsin, in regard to I+cmiscs ut .................... ........................................................ S83 W18410 Saturn Drive
city of the ................................ of .............................................................................. Muskego
ICiw Vlllnm. Town. bunty)
........................ ......... ...................... ..................... .......... I Original TIlcd in thc orrlcc ol the Plan Department City .or tllc. or.. Muskego
... ...... .... ................
The CONDITiONS ol this Cront arc:
1. This Grant shall kcomc cllectivc ulxm thc cxccution nnd recording by the Owners ol the Premises ol on acccptnncc
hercol in such form as to constitute on effective covcnant running with the land.
2. l'ilis Grant shall 1% void unlcss propcr a~~plication. ptlrsrlant to thc hilding und zoning codes ol tllc nxmicipality. for
appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conlormity to this Grant. is made within. .months
ol the dace hcrcol.
3. This Grant is suljjcct to amendnlent and termination in nccordnncc with tlx provisions ol the Zoning Ccdc oi this
4. Construction and operation ol che use granted shnll be in strict confornlity to thc approved sitc. building and operation
plans fiicd:]n,conncction yirh tlx Petition lor this Grant, ond nnncxccl iherctn.
5. Any of the conditions or this Grant which would normally be thc responsibility of tenants of the premises sllail be made
a part ol their lease hy thc Owner, wlllch Icnse shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditions to notify
cmployccs thcrcoi. ......... A',* .,,-...., .
.... ... . . , . . . .- . . .. . .. . - . . - . . . . . . , . 0 , .
6. Condltlons on tho Opsratlons SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION 0P.C. 40-99
a: Hours of operation:
b. Performance standards relating to noire. vibration, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. provisions lor sewage dipwsal:
e. Other:
7. Conditions on tlrc Buildings SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION I1P.C. 40-99
a, Facadc material of each building sidc:
b. Entrances. Design and Location:
e. Signs attached to the Building. 1-motion. Sire. Design (including Ii$cing):
d. Extcrior Lighting or the Building:
c. Other:
8. Conditions on thc Sitc SEE ATTACHED RESOLUTION #P.C. 40-99
a. Street Acccss (number. locotion. design):
b. On-Strcct Parking (locotion and clcrign including scrcening thcrcol):
c. Loading ond Scrvice Arcos (locotion ond desicn):
cl. Otlcsidc Storagc of tvlaterinls. Products or Rcftw (locotion'nnd screening thcrcofj:
e. Finished topogruphy and buildin; grades, rctainiq walls. stam \voter run-off.
I. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types. sire. spacing):
6. Pedestrian wallwnys, terraces, molls (location nnd dcsign):
h. Signs (Irce standing) location, size. dcsign (including lighting):
i. Exterior Lighting ol he Sitc. locntion dcsign nnd power;
j. OLlw
WHEREAS, Plans were submitted by Arthur Graves and William Gara on March 9, 1999
for conditional use request for building, site and operation plan approval for the sale and service
of snowmobiles, personal watercraft, and ATVs at the property located at S83 W18410 Saturn
Drive. and
WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned I- I, Industrial Park District, and said use is a
permitted use by conditional use grant, and
WHEREAS, the sales and service area will be partitioned off inside the tenant’s area
WHEREAS, No sales or service will be conducted outside the conlines of the building,
and no delivered product or machines to be serviced will be stored outside the building, all doors
are to be closed during the servicing of machines, and
THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the building,
site and operation plan submitted by Arthur Graves and William Gara on March 9, 1999 for
conditional use request for building, site and operation plan approval for the sale and service of
snowmobiles, personal watercraft, and ATVs at the property located at S83 W18410 Saturn
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to the size of the tenant area and types of
products offered for sale shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in
this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action,
or both.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the definition of a Personal Water Craft is
understood by the Plan Commission to be a non-enclosed vehicle, with an internal engine
powered by a jet drive not to exceed 14’ in length and and a 4.5’ beam.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the permissive use shall be limited to the current
4,500 square feet of space occupied by rental unit located at S83 W18410 Saturn Drive, and may
not be expanded in size.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the use shall be restricted to the sales and service of
snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and personal water craft, and related parts and
BE IT 1 ATHER RESOLVED. That the use shall be restricted to aMUa moss sales.
including all income from sales of new and used machines, parts, accessories and service, of 1.8
million dollars ($1,800,000).
Y ~ ~~ ~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no more than 2 machines of any and all types may
be displayed outdoors on the premises at any one time, and no machines may be left outdoors
during non-business hours.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the business shall be required to schedule itself
before the Planning Commission annually, on or about the anniversary date of the granting of the
conditional use, for the purpose of reviewing the matter generally, and more speci6cally to
address: (i) determining whether the business remains in compliance with the conditional use; (i)
reviewing sales activity records of the business; (iii) determining how close the business is to
achieving its maximum allowed sales at this site; (iv) being updated by the business on its fiture
business plans including, when appropriate, its plans to move the business to a new permanent
retail location; and (v) such other matters as are of concern to the Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the business shall no less than semi-annually
provide the City Planner with a copy of documentation reporting its total gross sales since the last
report. its total year-to-date sales, a comparison chart showing current year-to-date sales figures
versus prior year-to-date sales figures, and a comparison chart showing annualized sales figures
year by year since starting the business, and the business shall also provide such other
documentation as the City Planner requests to supplement his review.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That maintenance will be done inside with doors and
windows closed, hours of operation will be 9:OO a.m. to 8:OO p.m. on weeknights and 10 a.m. to
3:OO p.m. on Saturday, no outside storage will be allowed, no parking of trailers in the front of the
building will be allowed, and trailer parking will be permitted in parking spaces on west side of
site not to exceed three in number,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the facility will have their own dumpster, and
not share with other tenants.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Approved 06-0 1-99
Deferred 04-20-99 05-04-99
4- 13-99