144 - 8/1/1998F I-
i I I
Please see attached
14. ad
~csDdinsk PfE1282GI!!<!04009
Named RFMn Mdrar
City of Muskego
Attn: Sandi Asti
Post Office Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150 \*
Pucd IdmtihIim Nmk (PIM
lor the use and bcncnr 01 nil persons lrom rime to time rcsldcnt or ownlng property ullthln dre boundorie~orrhc city of MuskeEo ....................................... .............................................................................................. LCI,~. VIII~,,~. 'rum. cmntr) I .""." Woukamha ,W~mdhr(h.un
ond benefit olthc~ald. ?y .... ,.el ....... ??k ....... ............."-. BKC 2242.984 md a portion
in its own right and 0s agcnr lor the pwpox 01 enlorcin:: thcx presents on beholl 01 riic ,TAX REV NO,
described closs 01 mrsonf. Grantccs. I I)CIYRN TO1
ego -
((:l,y, VIIII".. Torn. County) I ' of MSKC 2241.999 -.
Thc prcmlser nllccred by rhcr prcunts (irereinalter called the Prcrnlscs) are i
following drikd I~ds In Township ...................... 5 Kortll, ItnnCe ...................... 20 East. In tllc C0u.j
or .and Store ol \Viwonsin. to-\vIr:
'City of Mutlkego
Attn: Sand1 Aeti
au es a Post Office Box 749 ................................. MlJekeao,-WI2JA! .""_
3eing all of Parcel 1 of CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 8376 and 1 -*Ids located in the NW 1/4 of
:he NW 1/4 of Section 21, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of MUR~ 0, Waukesha County, Wisconsir
,ounded and described as follows; Commencing at the Northen. corner of said NW 1/4
Section 21; thence S88 degrees 34' 31" W along the North 1.i. 81f said NW I/4 Section 21,
505.00 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be dc- rlbed; thence S 01 degrees
!5' 29" E, 300.00 feet; thence N 88 degrees 34' 31" e, 99.''* feet; thence S 19 degrees
27' 47" W, 120.54 feet; thence N 79 degrees 09' 12" W, 518.39 feet to a point on the
:enterline of Racine Avenue (C.T.H. "Y"); thence N 02 degltes 12' 21" E, along said
:enterline, 303-26 feet to a point on the North line of said NW 1/4 Section 21; thence
88 degrees 34' 31" E along said North line, 430.20 feet to the place of beginning.
lxcluding therefrom those lands previously dedicated for public road purposes.
Zontaining 120,074 square feet of land, more or less to dedicated right-of-way lines.
bloll nddress or thc Prcmiws is
MSKC 2242.984 and a portion of 2241.999 .................. .................. ....................... .......................................... ._ .............. .......
and that no other person has any cstatc or interest therein except by renson 01 eawmcnts lor public utilities, bulldlng ratrlctlons, dcdlccltionr to
Grnntors wrront old covcnant thnt at the tinrc 01 thc cnsealinc and delivery of thew: prcwnts they nrc all of the owncrs of thc Prcmirw
rhc public or public bodies. instruments nor 01 record. end mortcagcs to banks. sovlngs ond lolln auocimtlons or Insurance companiu.
Grantors represent thnr petition on their bcha I.sm tnndc to the., .of.. ._ city Muskego ........................................ ..................
pursuant to tlre ioning Cde 01 the seid. ___
there pcrnlissible not by right bur only by Conditional Usc Grant: that in conncctlon therewith Grantors modecerraln reprucnrntionr ond
egrecrncnu ns to site. building and operotion plans which were incorporated Into tlic Condirionnl Uw Cmnt: that bod rhcreon Condirlonnl
'"ffan F ommission .vas issued undcr dare or. ..A".@!s.t.. ?... ., 19.98., nnd thot a rruccopy thereol Is on file with tI:c
...... .ol rhc. ................. .or.... ........................................... Muskego
LltY 1Clty. Vlllwe. Torn. &mu) .... lor grant of pcrmisslon to erect andlor conduct on the Prcmlws a use
.................... 144 rant o City
((:aty. VIII~~~. 'rown. hntY1
NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hercby accept the said Condirionnl Ux Grant nnd covcnont strictly to comply with all 01 the terms
anJ cmditionr ri~crcol. Tllir covcmnt d~all run with tile lutld ond si1311 bc bindin(: on llnc Gmnturs 18nd on all lxrsons cluimin:l nny cstarc or
Inlcrcsr in the Prcmiscs by. ci,rouCh or under thc Grcnrorr. as lon~ os Ihc said Prvmircs nrc urcd as dcscrllxd in tlrc Conditionul Use Crunr lor a home .... for the aged, more ... specifically a 24 unit facility for elderly ......................... resident th~ operntlon or: .................... ...-.
In WItncss Whcrcol, Grantors hove hereunto %t rhcir hands and seals rhla., ..2kT ,.day or ......._. ................ IQ.?~..
.. " . , ._ , , .. ... ......
........... ...... ........ ........
...... , ,. ..... ...... , ... ......... ... ...
....................................................... .(SEAL)
l, * CO"PO"*TIO",
T",' 11Ah.S MZRE
........................................................................ .(SEAL) . TOILS
. - - -. . -. . , .. ................................ ............ ..(SEAL)
, lllLl
STATE OF WISCONSIN. lSs, ............... - ... .. .County.) Personally come bclorc
me this ............... day 01. ....... ... ., I9 .........
.................... ... .... _. Presidcnt
ond ....................... ...... , .......... .......
ol tlrc alpvc nomcd corporntion. to 1r1c iknown to h stlch pcrsons and
officers who txccutcd thc foregoing instrument and uclmowicdged
that they executed the same as such ofhers. by Its authority. lor the
purpowzr thcrcin containcd.
Sandra S. Asti
rsonally cnmeklore
............... ............
to mc Iknown to bc thc pcrsons
My Commission erplru
Ecforc thc. ........... .or tllc. ........... nl. ................... ..... ...
... .Caunty. \Visconsin. in reaard to I'rcnriscs at. ................................ ......
Plan Commission city Muskego
(,?c,i,l,: UdY) (CllY. vllll,";. 'T"W9, G"",y)
Waukesha MSKC 2242.984 and a portion ...........
of MSKC 2241.999 .a 5 20 Waukesha in I ownship h'orth. Ranl:e East G~nty. ........................................... .............. ................ ................................................
Scntc of Wlnconsln, furtlrcr clescrlbcd ns follo\\*a:
Being all of Parcel 1 of CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 8376 and lands located in the NW 1/4 of
the NW 1/4 of Section 21, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wiscons
bounded and described as follows; Commencing at the Northeast corner of said NW 1/4
Section 21; thence S 88 degrees 34' 31" W along the North line of said NW 1/4 Section 21,
505.00 feet to the place of beginning of the lands to be described; thence S 01 degrees
25' 29" E, 300.00 feet; thence N 88 degrees 34' 31" E, 99.14 feet; thence S 19 degrees
27' 47" W, 120.54 feet; thence N 79 degrees 09' 12" W, 517.39 feet to a point on the
centerline of Racine Avenue (C.T.H. "Y"); thence N 02 degree's 12' 21" E, along said
centerline, 303.26 feet to a point on the North line of said NW 1/4 Section 21; thence
N 88 degrees 34' 31" E along aaid North line, 430.20 feet to the place of begi-ning.
Excluding therefrom those lands previously dedicated for public road purposes.
Containing 120,074 square feet of land, more or less to dedicated right-of-way lines.
WIEREAS thc Zoning COJe and Zoning District Map of the d:ovc nmcd mmicipality, pursuant to StatxStatutc.
may be approvcd by thc municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circumstances as dcfinccl by the standards
provide that tllc premises may not be uscd of right lor tllc purpose hereinafter describcd but that upon petition such me
in the Zoning Odnancc; and
Petition thcrcforc having been madc. and puhlic hearin: hcld thereon. and the
Plan Commission ..........................................................
<Acting I3cJyI
ol thc ... ........... of ................ ................. Muskego .having detcrminccl that Ily reason of tllc
I:urtictllar nature. charxtcr ant1 circumstances ol thc propxed USC. and of the specific and contcmprary conditions, grant
ol such usc upn thc term and conditions hcrcimfkcr prcscribed woul~l be consiskmt with thc rcquiremcnts of thc Zoning
(City. Vllln~~. Tocn. Gunry)
Now, thedorc, 1T IS GRANTED, sulj CL to c rn la cc with the ternis and cp diti s here lter stated. that
t c PI lnlscs I 11 used for thc mrpse or. __. _.. paciiity E? elderly residents. ................................................................................ akorne ?ofltce aged, more speclficayyy a !ft unit
- ....................................................... .............................................................................................................. p.~an"~commission G NTED by action of thc. __. ....... or Lhc. ................... .or ................................... .;. 4 tP thc. .............. day of ......................... ........ 19. 98~ ..;:.I ..
City Muskego
'" /" (Seal)
4 _' Mayor ..... 'I_ILIC. . .....
4' 4' -7,
-. (hlww. I'rcsldmt. Clrurmm)
'lillC.. ,.
Plan Department OriGinnl filctl in tllc dLcc or hc. city .of tllC. ........ .of. ............... Muskego
(ClLY. V,ll"(j. "own. Ch,",)r)
Signed: . k ................. J& ........................
" -
The CONDIT!ONS of this Crow arc:
hercof in such form as to constitute an elfcctive covcnant running with thc land.
1, This Grant shall become cfrectivc ulmn thc cxc:ution and recording by the Ownm of the Prcnrises of an acccptnncc
2. l'llis Grant shall Lx void unlcss propcr application. pursuant to thc building und zoning codes ol tllc municipality, for
appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is nmdc within. ... ..months
of the date hcreof.
3. This Grant is suliject to amendment and tcrrnination in occordancc with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this
4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site. building and operation
plans filcd,.in.conncction with thc Petition lor this Grant. and anncxctl hcreto.
5. Any of the cmrtlitions or this Grant which would nornlally be thc responsibility ol tenants ol the premises shall bc made
n part or their lcasc by the Owner, which Icase shall contain provisions lor 1:osting of thc pertinent conditions to notify
, crnployccs thcrcor,
i. - - .- .- "" " - - -
." " - - - - "_ "
.\.m,."'. IWN .1...1..11
- 6. Conditions on the Operations
a: Hours ol operation:
b. Performance stnndards relating to noise. vibration, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Water supply requirements:
d. Provisions for sewage disposal: 1 e. Other:
'. Condltlan'an tllanulldln~s See Attached Amended Resolution #P.C. 140-98
a. Facndc materinl or each building sidc:
b. Entrances, Design and Location:
c. Signs nttachcd to the Building, Location, Sire, Design (including lighting):
8. Conditions on thc Site See Attached Amended Resolution #P.C. 140-98
n. Street Access (number. location, design):
b, Off-Street Pnrlcing (locotion and dcsign including scrccning thcrcol):
c. Loading unci Scrvice Areas (locotion and dcsi[:n):
(1. Otltsidc Storngc oltvlnterinls. Products or Rclusc (locorion'nnd scrccning thcrcol):
e. Finished topogruphy nnd building grotlcs. rctaininp, \valIs, stom water run-off:
1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (incltlding plant typcs, sizc. spacing):
g. Pcdcstrinn wnllwnys. tcrraccs, molls (lcmtion and design):
h. Signs (frce standing) locotion, sizc. dcsign (including lighting):
i. Exterior Lighting of tllc Site. locntlon dolgn nnd power:
j. Other.
. ,>
0. :
Receipt of ofrue Copy of this instrument on behallof the pctitioml
ncltnowledged the ... .day or. ._.___. ._...._._. ... 19.
(TAX KEY NO. 2242.984 AND A PORTION OF 224 1.999)
WHEREAS, Conceptual plans for a 24 unit elderly housing complex for New Markets.
Inc., was approved on lune 16, 1998, under Plan Commission Resolution #PC 104-98, for the
property located in the southeast corner of Woods Road and Racine Avenue, and
WHEREAS, A conditions of approval included:
I Rezoning the property from a B-I, Neighborhood Convenience District to a
RSWOIP, Multiple Family Residence District with an Institutional and Public Service
2. Increase the land area to accommodate a density for 24 units, and
3. Approval of a conditional use
WHEREAS, A Public Hearing for a rezoning has been scheduled before the Common
Council on August 1 I, 1998, and the proposed property has been expanded to permit the
increased density, and
WHEREAS, A building. site and operation plan has been submitted that includes a two (2)
story, 24 unit facility to be for elderly residents, with 14 one-bedroom units, and 10 two-bedroom
units on a 2.56 acre site, and
WHEREAS, The elevations include a prairie style architecture, with the low base shown
as brick, a mid band of textured cement siding and the top band as stucco, with an asphalt
shingled roof, and
WHEREAS, The site shows 19 surface parking stalls and 29 underground parking stalls
and a complete landscaped site including detention pond, garden area and dumpster facilities.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a conditional
use for New Markets, Inc., for a 24 unit facility for elderly residents, at the property located in the
southeast corner of Woods Road and Racine Avenue subject to rezoning of the property from B-
I to RSWOIP and approval of a certified survey map of the entire site
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas building facades and
drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in
this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action,
or both.
BE IT RESOLVED, That brick corner and return treatment will be placed on building.
The age of residents will be 55 years and older Mechanical grill with architectural material be
used. Additional fencing. Dumpster enclosure will be same material as building. High pressure
sodium vapor lighting will be installed, Additional parking spaces provided on site plan for future
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Approved 08-04-98