143 - 5/1/1998Please see the attached
MSKC 2177.934.001
Pnrcd Idaai6uIion Nmnber PIN
Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. 7725, recorded in the ofiic- of the Zegistrr oi
Deeds of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on June 29, 1995 in Volume ti6 of Certified
Survey Naps on Pages ~148 through 15Q inclusive as Document No. 2048419, being part
of the 5ou:hwcst :/4 uf the Nurtiieast~ li4 of Section 5, Town 5 North of Range 20 East.
Said lot being in the City of Muskegc, Cmnty of Wa-kezha, ani Sthte of Wisconsin.
...... Kl95 S6610 Racine Avenue
Moil nddrcss 01 rhc Prenrircs is. ... ...
SICSCD AND SEALED IN PntsmcE OF 1 ................................. ...........
... 1
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.@. 4 ..".&............ ..................... (SE L) ert An on, res ent, Kiiskego 'Motor tar
.................................. .... .(SEAL:
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, TllLI
.. .- ......................................... .... ._. .(SEAl. . TITLE
Sai;drz S. Asti
Plan Commission city Muskego
WOK tllc,..,..,..,,,,,,.,.,,.. ................................... nl Ihc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........ nr .................................................................................
Waukesha (AUIIIW ualy) (Cll*. Vuln,lr. 'rn.~,,. C.*,,,L
Coulrrp. \Vlscanrln. in regurd to I'remlso ttt W1& 86610 Racins Avenue ..................................................... ............................................................................
5 ............. 20 ....... ................ .in 'I'owlship.. .......... North, Ruly:c ..East,. .............................................. .G)unty, Waukesha
Scntc of \\'isconsin. furlhcr clcscribcd us follows:
Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map NO. 7725, recorded in the office of the Register of
Deeds of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on June 29, 1995, in Volume 66 of Certified
Survey Maps on Pages 148 through 150 inclusive as Document No. 2048419, being part
of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 5, Town 5 North of Range 70 Ezst.
Sald lGt bcing in Ihe City of Huskego, County of Waukesha, and State of Wisconsin.
City Muskego (hehp lbdyl
of Lhc. .................... of ............................................................ .hnving cletcrminccl that I>Y rcnsnn of the
Now, tlrercfol.c, 1T IS GRANTED, suljcccJyOcom liancc with tllc CII IS an I con ItItrns Ilcrclnoltcr stutecl. that ca?, used car dea1ershl;l ..... tllc I'rclnises may lx used for tlrc purpose or.
............................................. ..................................................... ...........................
G NTED by nctinn f thc. ..... ..... ..... w fh thc. ....... .day or ........................................... ......... ,,, I.
Atto& ................ ...
. Mayor rttlc.. - - - ,.
(h.l""alr. l+C.I'lC",, amlr;nm) ,:
(Clty, Vllln~:e.'~~w~~, lh#s%y) I'lcrk
, , .-
Ori1:innl filcrl in tl~c dficc or tlrc. Plan Department .of tllc. of. City Muskego :,: ........... ............... ................. .................................................
I (Clt?. Vllpp., Tym. (i,s,,)r1
SiGnccl:.. .........
Tirc COIWITIOIU'S oi cilis Grunt nrc:
Ilcrcol in such form as to constitute nn ckctivc cnvcnnnt runninp, with tI1c Inncl.
I. This Grant sholl bccome clfcctive upon the cxccutlon ond recording by the Owners of thc Premise?, or nn acccptoncc
2. l'lris Crmt slltlll Lx void unlcss propcr application, pursuant to thc lxlilcling trnd zonin(: COLI- or tllc nnlnicip:llity. lor
appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy I'enniu in conformity to this Gront, is modc within ........ ..months
of the date hcrcof.
3. This Gronr is subjcct to omendlncnt ond tcrminution in nccordnncc with lhc provisions of the Zoning Cndc ol this
5. Any of the colldirions of this Gront which would norlnnlly be thc rcsponslbility or tcnanrs or the premises shnll be mode
n part or thcir Icasc by tlrc Owner. wlrich lcnsc shall contain provisions lor Insting of thc pcrtlnenteonditions to notily
cmployccs tlrcrcof. - - . - - . - .- " ". " -. "_ -. .... ." .. " "
I I ,n"rir 5
.11.1,11. a',,& .. L.....,,
a: Hours of operntion:
b. Performance stondards relating to noise. vibration, odor, smoke or dust:
c. Wow supply requirements:
d. Provisions lor sewage dispzsal:
a. Focadc material or each building side:
b. Entrances, Design and Location:
c. Signs attached to the Building. Locotion. Size. Design (including lighting):
d. Exterior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other:
~ .~
8. Conditions on the Site See attached Exhibit A (Resolution #P.C. 68-98)
a. Street Access (number. location. design),
b. Off-Strccr Parking (locotion nnd clcsicn including scrcening thcrcol):
c. Loading unci Scrvice Areas (locatlon and design):
d. Outsidc Storage of blnterinls, Products or Relusc (locntion'nnd screening thereor):
e. Finished topogruphy ond buildin; grotla, retaining walls. storm \vnkr run-olf:
1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs. size. spoclng):
g. Pcdestrinn wnllways, tcrraca. malls (location nnd design):
h. Signs (free standing) location, size. design (including lighting):
i. Exterior Lighting of the Site. locntlon dcsign nnd power:
j. Otlrcr.
WHEREAS, Plans for a 150 car, used car dealership for Muskego Motor Car Company
was submitted by Robert Anton at the property located in the NE Vi of Section 5, on Racine
Avenue between the Muskego Storage property and the Mill Valley School grounds, and
WHEREAS, Said property is zoned B-3, General Business District, and said use is a
permitted conditional use as a service and sales establishment for automobiles, and
WHEREAS, Conceptual approval was granted by the Plan Commission under Resolution
#P.C. 17-98 on February 17, 1998, subject to the rezoning of the property fiom B-2, Local
Service Center District to the current B-3. and
WHEREAS, The plans submitted depict a 3.8 acres site, with a 3,000 square foot block
building, and
WHEREAS, The dealership will be known as Muskego Motor Car Company and
proposes to sell, rent and lease used cars.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission grants conditional use
approval for the building, site and operation plan submitted (received May 19, 1998) by Robert
Anton for a 1 SO car, used car dealership at the property located in the NE Vi of Section 5.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building
Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be
maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if' occupancy is requested prior to the completion of
landscaping and/or asphalting, a bond, letter of credit or cashiers check equal to twice the value of
said costs must be submitted to the Planning Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in
this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action,
or both.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Conditional Use will be brought back to Plan
Commission for review one year after occupancy. No salvage, repair or painting of vehicles on
property beyond normal dealer preparation. No display of outdoor streamers and banners.
Additional (nine) evergreens will be placed on the east lot line.
Plan Commission
City of Muskego
Approved OS-19-98
Exhibit A
Resolution #218-96, Approval to an Amendment to the Building,
Site and Operation Plan of Basse's Country Delight subject to
four criteria, an
WHEREAS, On November 5, 1996, the Plan Commission approved
use grant be applj.ed for to accommodate the petting zoo, and
outdoor recreational facility for Basse's Country Delight at the
WHEREAS, Information was submitted by Roger Basse for an
property located at 570 W16050 Janesville Road on March 14,
1997, and
WHEREAS, One of the four items required that a conditional
General Business District requiring a conditional use grant as a
WHEREAS, Said type of facility is permitted in the B-3,
private commercial outdoor recreational facilities on sites of
not less than 120,000 square feet, and
and a public hearing on March 14, 1997, and a public hearing was
properly noticed on March 21, 1997, and held today, April 15,
WHEREAS, The petitioner applied for a conditional use grant
of the conditional use grant for private outdoor recreational
facility for a farm petting zoo, subject to the following
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves
1. The Conditional Use Grant is only for a farm petting zoo
and allows only those animals permitted in the RCE, Country
Estate zoning district, and
2. Continued and full compliance to Resolution #218-96 is
still neccassary, and
3. When a Certified Survey Map (CSM) of the commercial use
on the site is submitted, it must encompass a minimum of
conditional use grant (CUG) for a private outdoor
120,000 square feet to maintain compliance with the
recreational facility. Said CSM shall be submitted for
approval prior to the recording of the CUG; said CUG not
taking effect until recording of same.
health code regulations.
4. Compliance to all applicable State, County and Local
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to perpetually comply
with these conditions of approval shall result in the imposition
of fines of $100 per day for each day a violation exists beyond
the compliance deadline, the initiation of legal action, or
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Conditional Use for
petting farm only with an annual review. Necessity of the
installation of turning lanes placed on annual review.
City of Muskego
Plan Commission
Approved 04-15-97
Section 3, 'low 5 NoLt.II, Ranqe 20 East, in the
being a part of t.1~ S.E. 1/1 of the S.F. 1/4 of
City of Muskeg@, i.laul(eslm County, Wisconsin.
of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 3, Tow 5 Ncrth, Range 20 East, in t City of
Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bunded and descrited as follows:
Cmencing at the Southeast corner of said 1/4 secti@n; thence
N.00°34'55"W., along the east line of said 1/4 section, 921.33 feet to a
point on the centerline of Janesville Road (C.T.H. "L"); tltence 5.65O55'14"W.,
along said line, 69G.41 feet to a point of curve; thence Southwesterly
32.14 feet, along the arc of a curve, cenl.er lying to the south, with a
radius of 2293.66 feet, and with a cllord which bears S.65°31'05"W., a chord
distance of 32.14 feet to the pint of becjitlning
thence continuing southwesterJ.y alony said line, 125.59 feet alony the arc of
a curve, center lying to the south, with a radius of 2703.66 feet, and with a
chord which bears 5.63032'57"W., a chord distance of 125.58 feet to a point;
thence N.23°11'03"W., 297.93 feet to a point; thence N.66°40'57"E., 125.08
feet to a point; thence S.23014'31"E.. 290.78 feet to tlv? pint of beginning.
DEDICATING therefrm the south 60 feet for public street purpses.
Containing 29,256 square feet net.
I, GARY J. SMtIli, registered land surv yor do hereby
?HAT I have surveyed, divided and mapped a part of the S.E. 1/4 t
. escrl ;
ROGER A. BASSE and REBECCA A. RASSE, his wife, owners of said land.
THAT I have made such land survey, division, and map by the direction of
land surveyed and the land division thereof made.
THAT such map is a correct represrr~t.ation of the exterior hundaries of the
Statutes and the land division ordinance of the City of Muskeyo, in surveying.
dividing, mapping and dedicatiny the same.
THAT I have fully contplii; ::t.h the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin
Dated: February 24, 1998.
AS OWNERS, we hereby certify that we caiwcd the land described on this plat
to be surveyed, divided ma&& and dedicated as represented on the plat. We also
certify that this plat is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to he submitted to the
following for approval or objectivn: CITY OF NUSKECO.