142 - 7/1/1997a
Please see the attached
Nnmr end Return Ad-
City of EIuskego
P.O. Box 749
Muskego, WI 53150
Attn: Sandi Asti Iq2.
MSKC 2172.999
Panel Idenrifirptiaa Number WIh? w
THIS COVENANT. h4odc this .... 24th. .... .dt+ of. .M?ch. ......
by. ..Bas.s.~.,'.s.,.C.o.un.tr.]r. .Deligh.t.
.. IO. .ga
... ...... ... .....
.... ... ...... ... ... ... .Grantors,
bourdaricrdrhc. ...... Ci&Y ...................... of: ........ !i!NSk&g9 ................................................................ .,.,
~"Lcumcy. \Vlwarrln. end lor tht up
lor tho um and boncfir 01 nil penons from time to tima rcaldent or ownln@ property vltilln clre
ICIW. VIII~,:.. row". cwnlr)
,,,wa-&%!?s"-" 1"__
pnd benefit or the said. .c.i.!X ........ .ol. ,.h%k%%Q., ._.
in it% own right ond os ngctrt lor the purpsc ol cnlorcio; tllw prescntl on kholl 01 tlre obovc
described closs 01 pcrsoons. Grantccs.
(<:I,% vIIIau1. To". County)
'hc prcmiscs nllcctcd by thew: prcscnts (Ircrcinaltcr called the Prcrni5cs) orc thc
lollowing dcscrikcd lands in Township. .5. .Ko:th, Ilan~e. ..?4. ....... East, in tlw County
01. .Waukesha. .and Sratc or \Vixonsin. towit:
,AX RCY NO. 2172.999
rcrunw TO!
Attn: Sandi Asti
City of Muskego
P.O. Box 749
See exhibit B Pending Certified Survey Nap
Mail nddrcss 01 thc Premircs is. .... s!o. .W1605o...J.ane.s."il.l.e.,.Roa.d ......... ....... ........... ...
Gruntors wrmnt and covcnmt thnt at thc tinx 01 thc enrcolinC and dcllvcry 01 thcx prcxnt, thcy arc 011 of the owners ol the Prcmiw
and that no othcr pcrlon has my cstntc or intcrcst rhcrcin crccpt by reason of cawmcnts lor public utllitics. building rutrlctions, dcdlations 10
the public or public bnlics. instruments not 01 record. and nrortgagcs to banla. snvlnp and Ian amiations or Insurance compa4riu.
Grantor, rcprcscnt thut prition on tlxir be!mll WOS modc to thc. .city ...................... .of .... !!!sk.%9.. ......
pursrmnt to the Zoning Cde of the seid. .c.i.tY
there pcmmisriblc not by ripht but only by Conditional Use Cront; that in connccllon thercvlth Grantor8 modi certain rcpraoncotlonr ond
lorpront ol permission to crcct and/or conduct on the Prcmlws 0 usc
sgrccmcnts os to sitc, building ond opcrntion plms whlzh werc incorporotcd Into the Condltionol IJ?w Gront: thnt bnrcd thcrcon Conditlonol
mnt no.^ .............. ... 142 .was Iwcd undcr tlmc ol. April ..-!5. _. 19 ?.!. ond that a truccopy tlwcol is or, filc with llic
an Commission
(Clcy. V111~~~. Town. County)
Yi .ol thc. ..c i.CY ............... 01 ..... .hskegn. ................
(CI,~. VIII~~~. 'Town. c~~~~~I
NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hcrcby ncccpt the sald Conditlonol Use Grant ond covenont strlctly to comply with 01.1 01 thc terms
ad conditions thcrd. Tl,ir covcnmt d~ll run wiLh tlx lu~td and ~1~311 lx bindinl; on tl~c Grantors tmd 011 011 persons cluimin:: nny cstatc or
inlcrcst in tire Prcmiscs by. tlrrouch or undcr tlx Cronrnrs. as long as rhc said Prcmi%cs nrc urd us dcscrilrd in the Condltionol Ux Grunt lor
IIIC oprotlon of:. ..o .~tdo.or-recre.a_af~n.nal.,.fa.cil~tg...=...~~.~~~..za.a.. ..........
In Witnesa Whercor, Cmntors hove hercrtnto at thclr hands ond seals this. .... .day or. ........ .... ...... 19.
................................. (SEAL) Roger Basse
... ... ... .... -" - ...... ............................................ ... .(SEAL)
................ ... I ._ - - - -.
J , 1IIL.
..... ._. . .- . .County. 1 Pcrlonally come bclore
rnc this. .... .day 01 .... ... .... ., 19 .........
......... ., Presidcnt
and. .... .......... ....... .. Secretary
01 tIIc olrovc nulncd corporotlon. to nx known to bc such pcrsorrs ond
olficcrr who csccutcd tl~ lorcgoinc IIwrurncIlc ond ucimowlcdgcd
thot they cxccutcd tlx same os such ofkers. by its authority. lor the
purpow tlxrein contained.
me this .... ..... .............. ..... .................... ..........................
oml ocl;nowlcd?cd thc snmc.
to mc known to Lw the pcrlons who escctltcd+ B-
" "
.in Township. 5. ..North. Rang:e. 20. .East ,.... .__.._.....________..__ __ ... .County, Waukesha
Statc or \\'isconsin. lurhcr clescribcd as lollows:
See exhibit B Pending Certified Survey Map
provide that the premises may not be used or right lor the purpose hereinalter described but that upon petition such LISC
WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District May, of tllc above nmicd Inrlnicipdity, pursuant to Stxc Statute,
may be approved by thc municipality as n Conditional Usc Grant in particular circrmstances DS defined by the standards
in the Zonins 9rdina11c~; and
Petition thererorc ha\,ing been tnadc. and public hearing held thereon. and the. .p.~.a*..C.O~!~.sion... ... ...
LAcri83g ICJyl
of the. .C.iGY. .... ..__._of ..___. M.Wk.e.gO., ... Slaving detcrmincd that by reason ol the
of such use upn thc terms and conditions hereinalter prcscribed woulcl be consistent with the rcquircmcnts ol the Zoning
Iparticular nature, charxtcr and circumstiulces or thc propxed USC. and of the specific and contemporary conditions. grant
1Ctty. Villaac. Twn. Caunryl
thc Pmnises may hc used lor the Imrpsr: or .RN!%!K. .Ee,c~.ea.fio.~al.,.facili.EST. -..Petting zoo
Now, therelorc, IT IS GRANTED, sul>jccl to cornpliancc with the term and conditions hereinalter stated, that
..... . ..
.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
GRANTED Iby acLion of Lhc. .Plan .Cemi.S.?.i.Qn. .of thc. .c,iLY ..~ .or .... !!!?!?keg'? ...
N:lcy, Vlll~gc. 'l'"Wl. c""nly)
....... ~ ".. . . . . . . . . . . ...
the..L5.th. .day of. .Ap.r.iL ., 10.97
01-iginni Tdcd in Lllc offlcc or he. .P.~a~..D.e.partment. .or tilC. City .... .... or. .Muskego ...
Signed: .J~L&. .d, ..__ .& .___
(City. Villagc. 'Tow Cotmty)
" -
The CONDITIONS of this Crone arc
herd in such form as to constitute an eifcctive covcnant running with thc land.
I This Grant shall become cliective upon thc cscation and recording by the Own-rs or the I'rcmises ol an acccptancc
2. This Grant shall bc void unlcss proper application, pursuant to thc building and zoning codes of thc municipality. lor
appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within. ___ ..... months or the date hcreol.
3. This Grant is subject to amendment and tcrmination in accordancc with the provisions of the Zoning Code o( this
4. Construction and operation or the use Granted shall be in strict conlormity to the approved site, building and operation
plzns filed .in conncction with the Petition lor this Grant. and annexed 1ict.cco.
5. Any of the ccnditions ol this Grant which would normally be the responsibility ol tenants of the premises shall be made
a part or their lease by the Owner, which Icase shall contain provisions lor posting of the pertinent conditions to notify
cmployees thcrcof. ." .- "
.,..,o.,. #',N .,.-.,,.,,
.. .. - .. ,.,::.., - " ., . .. , *
sG, Conditions on thc Operations See Attached Exhibit A (Resolution #P.C. 76-97)
a: Hours of operntion:
b. Performance mndard, relating to noise. vibration, odor, amolte or dust:
e. Water nupply rcqulremcnrs:
d. Provisions lor sewage disposal:
e. Othcr:
7. Condition8 on t]~c ~uildil~p Sea Attached Exhibit A (Resolution #P.C. 76-97)
a. Facade material of each building si&:
b. Entrances. Design and Location:
C. Signs attached to the Building. I.ocation. Size, Design (including lighting)
d Extcrior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other.
8. Coltditions on the Site See Attached Exhibit A (Resolution #P.C. 76-97)
a. Street Acccss (number. lcxation. design):
b. Olf-Strcct Parl;inG (location and clcsicn including scrcening tlwcol).
c. Loading and Scrvice Arcas (location and dcsil;n)
d. Outsiclc Stornsc olblnterinls. Products or Rclusc (location'nnd screening thereor):
e. Finished topoGrophy oncl buildin; gratlcs. retaining \vaIls, storm \v:ltcr run-off:
1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs. size. spncing):
g. Pcdestrian wallways. terraces. malls (IocaLion 2nd clesign):
h. Signs (free standing) location. six. design (includinG lightinc)
i. Exterior Lic!lting of the Site. locathn clcsign and ~wower'
j. Otllcr.
Receipt of a True 6py of this instrument on behall of the petitioner
aclmowledp,ed the. .iXt.h..day of. .Ma.&!., ., 10.98.