140 - 7/1/1997- LAND COVENANT humen1 Number Docmart litlc Please see attached 0 2332317 Rscording rlru Name and Return Addmu City of Muskego Muskepo. WI 53150 P.u. Box 749 MSKC 2180.994.001 Purd Identi6cntion Nrvnber WIM THIS COVENANT. h4odc chis., ~..3?d ........ .,.J;,v or. ... ........ MPrch 19,~ ~., Cathy ZTudzinski / Zmudzinski, lnc. by. .................. :: ............................ .... 9a rarc.1 1, Cwrtifiad Eurvay Map No. 8390. Part of tho 1111 1/4 of €ne 1/4 ana the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 5, T5N, R20E SICSED AND SCALED IN PnCsmcC OF ..... I I I I .Zmud~~nak~....Inc... ............... ... Cathy Zmudzinski , President .(SEAL) ... ........ ... .-. .(SEAl.) , TITLE Ecfnrc tlrc. .P!??,.CUP?.G.V ............ .or tllc. ......................... city nf. ................... ........................................................... Muskego IAYIII11, WUI ICI,~, 'IW~*. rsrllltr~ Waukesha C~unzy, \Visconsin, in regurd to I'rcmiscs ot SE 1/4 Sect 5 (SE corner of Racln .......................................................... ........................................................................... & .Tans. .Dr.:.). .?.!?!?:,q94.,!!0!. .in Township. .>. .... North. Runl:c. .............. 2c Lost.. - ...................................... Waukesha .fi~unty. !~LC ol \\'irconsin. lurlller clescribcd us lollows: Parcel 1, Certified Survey Map,No. 8390. Part of the NE 114 of the SE 114 and the NE 114 of the SW 114 of Section 5,.T5N, R20E. providc that tlrc premise, lnny not be USCCI of riCht for the purpose herelnoftcr dcscrlbcd but thnr;upon pctltlnn such usc WI.IEREAS tllc Zoning GJe ancl2onin;: District tdop of the al:ovc nmcd mtmicipality. pursuant to Stotc Statutc, nray be opi>rovcd by lhc municipality os 3 Conditional Use Grant in pmticular circtlnatanccs os clcfincd by [lrc stondords in the Zoning Ordinnncc: and I'ctitiorr Lhcrcforc hnving been nlndc. and public llcarin; held rllercon. and the ............................................................. Plan Commission ~AILLII IbJyI IwrticLIIar nnturc. chnrcctcr ancl circulnftnnccs ol tl~c proposed usc, ancl nl the specific und wntcmprnry conditions, grant olsuch LISC ulwn thc ternls ond conditions hcrcinuftcr lvcscribcd \vouI~I be coluistent \\,it11 thC rcquircnlcnts thC Zoning Ordinnncc: ! flm../iA.?-dM+w. Jean K. Marenda / rltlc.2?Y.~r (MuYor. Ik.ldC",, _.__.__ chlr,m.") ~ Now. rhercforc. IT IS GRANTED, suhjcct to compliancc with tllc tcrllls oncl conditions Ircrcinnftcr stutccl. that tllc I'rcmises nw Iy: used for tltc purpasc of. .... +..~.F+T.. S.9 .... s~.~.ei.n..t.~!e.ai.e.r .................................................. ._ ............... ...................................................................................................... .............................................................................................. GRANTED by nction of the. .P?.a!!..C.?%!ssion _._.. of thc. Xi .* . .......................... the ....................... .day or ..... ?.!+x .. ................................. 19 ... 91. 1st Attest; ........................ : ..... ~ (Scol) . Clerk-Treasurer ., rille (Cky. \~llln~:~,'~~w~, (:Iu~I~yl 1:krk ........................................................... '.., .'I '.. Ol,il:ind filed in LIIC nrfict: LIIC. Pl?*..?C.P?rf?ent thC. !%x. ............ or ........ M~.?.k.%o ............. VI^ T~YI ...... ............................. ... "" ..,. Sandra 5. Asti Thc CONDlTIONS of this Grant nrc: 1 Ilcrcof in such lorm ns to constitute nn cflcctivc covcnant running with tllc Inrxl. I, This Grant sholl bcconlc crcctivc upon thc cxccution nnd recarcling by the Owners ol thc Premises ol on occcptnncc 1. l'llis Cr~nt sllall lw void unless propcr appIic.:ltinn, ptlrsuant to tlrc Ixlilclinl: tlnd zolrinn Codcs ol LIIC mtmicipdity, lor appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Gront. is nlodc within ........ months of the dotc hcrcol. 3. This Grant is subjcct to arnendlnent nnd tcrlnination in occordnncc wit11 1l1c provisions of the ZoninC Cnclc ol this rnunicipolity. a!. Construction nncl opcrition or tlx usc grmtcd sllnll Lx in strict conformity IO tI1c approvccl sitc. Indclinc and npcrotion pl:m rdcdin,conncction with thc Pctition lor this Grant, und onncxccl llcrctn. 5, Any of the conditions ol this Cront which would normnlly be tlrc rcsponsibility of tcnonu ol the premises slrnll be mode n part or thcir lcnsc by LIrc Owncr, wlliclr Icasc shall contain provisions lor Imsting of thc pcrclnent conditions to notily , cml>loyccs tlrcrcd i - - - " .- " " . " - - " -. - - - - " " 7 ......... "" ,',,, -l,..ll.l# r""ril> ve of rI1c ol I1nvinc clctcrrninccl that by rcasnn ol the City Mlskcgo ........................ .......................................................... [City. Vllln~~. Twn. Cnm~yl i li .6. Conditions on the Operations See attached Exhibit A (Resolution #p-c* 99-y7) a: Hours of opcrntion: ' ., b. Performance standards relating to noise, vlbration. odor, smoke or dust: e. Water supply requirements: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: e. Ocher: 7. Conditions on tl,eBuildings See attached Exhibit A (Resolution W.C. 99-97) a. Facade material or each building si&: b. Entronccs, Design and Location: e. Slgnr attacl1ed LO tllc Bulldlng. 1.oeatlon. She, Derlgn (including Ilghclng): d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: e. Other: 8. Collditions on the Sitc See attached Exhibit A (Resolution #p.c. 99-97) a. Street Accfss (number, location. design): b. Off-Strcct Parking (location and clcsip including scrccning thcrcof): c. Loading untl Service Areas (location nnd design): cl. Outsiclc Storage of Materink. Products or Rcfusc (locotion'and screening thereor): e. Finished topography ond buildin:: grades, retaining \vaIIs, storm watcr run-off: f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typu, size, spacing): g. Pedestrian wnllwnys. tcrracu. malls (location and design): h. Signs (Iree standing) location. size, dcsign (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting or tllc Site. locntlon dcsign nnd power: j. Ohcr. ,/' Exhibit A REEL~~~~RA;'O~~ AMENDED APPROVAL OF A BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 5 (SOUTHEAST CORNER OF RACINE AVENUE AND TANS DRIVE) RESOLUTION #P.C. 99-97 / CATHY ZMuNZINSKl FOR A FOUR (4) SCREEN THEATER AT THE WHEREAS, The Plan Commission approved a Conceptual Building, Site and Operation Plan for Cathy Zmunzinski under Amended Resolution #P.C. 78-97, and WHEREAS, Conditions of approval included: 1. grading and drainage plans need to be submitted to Public Works 2. revised landscaping plans; and monument sign need to be submitted to the Commission 3. The scheduling of the Conditional use Grant Public Hearing to be held upon receipt of petitioner's application WHEREAS. A Public Hearing was held on May 20. 1997. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and Operation Plan and Conditional Use for a multi-screen movie theater at the propem located in the SE 1/4 of Section 5, subject to the following conditions: ~~ . -9' 1. That a copy of said plans, dated "Revised May 7, 1997, be kept on file in the Building Department and 1/4 Section file along with any subsequent changes to the same. 2. That if occupancy is requested prior to the completion of landscaping, a bond, letter of credit or cashiers check equal to twice the value of said costs must be submitted to the Planning Department along with an itemized price list of said costs from a qualified dealer. 3. That grading and drainage plans be submitted to the Public Works Committee for review and approval prior to application for building permits. 4. That all aspects of this plan as they relate to landscaped areas and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. 5. Evidence of County D.0.T approval be provided to the City for the access drive on Racine Avenue. 6. That failure to comply with the conditions of this approval shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day per violation, the initiation of legal action, or both. 7. There will be a boulevard entrance and exist onto Racine Avenue, The two driveways onto Tans Drive will be deleted off site plan subject to Fire Department approval. Excel and decel lanes will be added on East and West side Racine Avenue. 8. A photometric study be done with 112 fi. candle on property line 9. Street lights need to be placed in right-of-way in boulevard entrance on Racine Avenue. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That access on Tans Drive be limited to left turn only with raised island. That the entrancdexit on Racine Avenue be moved two hundred feet north of the hill crest subject to County D.0.T approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That with respect to the revised site plan received June 20, 1997, the Tans Drive entrance island be extended krther into the Tans Drive right-of- way and angled to allow for left turn only on Tans Drive. Additional plantings be placed on the T Tans Drive boulevard island. Three trees added on Tans Drive property line west of detention area and two trees added to yard areas east of the monument sign. In relation to the revised building elevations received on May 9, 1997, WAC units on top of building will be shielded above the lobby areas by a parapet wall and set back out of the line of vision ovw the theater areas. The dumpster shall be turned 90 degrees to allow doors to open to parking space. Dumpster enclosure shall be constructed of materials to match the building. Color of building will be painted and must be sealed. Light fixtures in parkjng lot will be sodium vapor down cast cutoff with no angle (parallel to the ground). An additional light fixture added to Tans and Racine intersection within the right-of-way. Parking lot will be paved before occupancy permit will be issued. Fire access will be on east side of building creating a 30 foot wide street running the length of elevation being no closer than 10 feet 6om building (within this 10 foot offset there shall be a 3 foot landscape area and a 7 foot sidewalk). Certified Survey Map will not be approved until grading and drainage plans and Public Works approval are received. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted 07-01-97 Defeated Deferrsd 05-20-97 06-03-97 06- 17-97 05-12-97