138 - 4/1/1997Please see the attached MSKC 2195.986 Purd Ided&atiM Nlnnber IFIN R-di Aru Name and Rehum Mdrm City of Muskego Muskego, WI 53150 P.O. Box 749 Attn: Sandi Asti \39 (v Ab in ita own rlcht and os occnt lor the purworc ol cnforclnc tlrcsc prescnts on bcholl 01 1I1c rrlnvc OOaYYIMT h ................................. "_ ~~ dcscribcd closr or pcrsonr, Gmntccr. PT SW1/4 SEC 9 T5N R20E COM INTERSEC W LI 6 HY 145.2 FT N '1:' SW COR TH N39 E 211.4 FT TO THE BGN TH N39 E 266.44 FT TH N49 11':: 177.69 FT TH S39W 182.89 FT TH S24 23'E 198.6 FT TO POB R2470/1029 WD 7/97 ... ... ..... ... ....... ...... ... CORPORATION .......... ......... .(SEAL) // ' Vi& President Grandma's Home Cookin' of Ir (SEAL) , I, A conronrr,o* ....................................... ..... I rlrl Mtlhll 111°C Grandma's Home Cookin' ~f. .hd,iana.., .(SEAL) . TITLE ... ...... ... , II7I.I ACICNOWLDDGMDN'r INDIVIDUAL or LhC. !?.X.. .......... of ..... Muskeggo ..... ....... ......... LCiC". VlllnEc. T"C,,. Cc,l",") hnving detcrminccl that by rcawn or the .. ol such use upon Lhc terms ond conditions hcrcinultcs prcscribcd would be consistent with thc rcquircmcnts or tllc Zoning Iwtictdar noturc. clmrxtcr and CirculnStnnccs ol tl~c proposed usc, and ol tllc specific und contcmprnry conditions. grant Ovdinnncc: Now. tllcrclorc, 1T IS GRANTED, suljcct to complioncc with tllc term nntl conditinm hcrclnnltcr stutetl. tlmt 1 tt~c Prclniscs may \IC used for ~IIC purpose or. .st.?ti.on.,.tO.., ..flUid..maintenap< 1 for autos and trucks I GRANTED by nction ol tlic. .?k?*,..c!?F.i, ...................................................................................... ............................... ..... ". tllC. ,xi. .day of. ... April. ......... Attcst': - ?n..": -4 ..... -2.26-GA. klZel2". ,rlt\~.Xay.m.. (h1""or. l~r~"l<lc"t, Oldr.m.n) ........ .Le,rkTr.eas.ur.er...... .- (Cl~y. \'llln~;~,'~~wt~, liurhy) KIwk I .", .. 6, Conditions on tho Operations See attacned cxhlbit A (Resolution #p*c. b4-g7) - a: Hours or operation: b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: c. Water supply requirements: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: I 3. Facadc matcrial of each builcling side: b. Entrances, Design and Location: c. Signs ottached to tl1c Building, I-ocntion. Six. Dcoign (inclr~cling Ilylwing): d. Exterior Lighting or the Building: e. Other, 8. Conditions on the Site See attached Exhibit A (Resolution #F.C. 64-97) a. Street Acccss (nutnbcr. location, dcsign) b. Olf-Strcct Parl<ing (location and dcsign including scrcclling thcrcof) c. Loading and Scrvicc Arcas (location and dcsign) cl. Outsick Storagc of blaterinls, Prodms or Rcfusc (location'and screening tllcrcor): e. Finishccl ~opogr;~phy and buildin:: grxlcs. rctaininp, \vaIls. stornl wtcr run-oll: 1. Landscaping of the Sitc ancl Builclings (including plant typcs, size, spacing) E. Pcclcztrian w;lll~\vays. tcrraccs. malls (loc:ltion ancl clcsiEn) 11. signs (frce standing) location. sizc, cicsign (including lighting) i. Exterior Lichting oi tllc Sire. locatinn clcsign and power' j. Otllcr, Exhibit A AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 64-97 APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE GRANT FOR A GASOLINE SERVICE STATION TO PERMIT QUICK OIL CHANGES AND FLUID MAINTENANCE'FOR AUTOS AND TRUCKS AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT W187 S7825 LIONS PARK ROAD a quick oil change and fluid maintenance facility at the property located at W187 57825 Lions Park Road on March 7, 1997, and WHEREAS, Information was submitted by Keller Structures for district under the definition of a gasoline service station under a conditional use, and WHEREAS, Said type of facility is permitted in any business WHEREAS, A public hearing was scheduled for April 1, 1997, and WHEREAS, The plans propose a 1900 square foot split face block facility with three vehicle bays, and WHEREAS, The location of the structures is within the area effected by the Downtown Design Guide. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the conditional use grant for a gasoline service station subject to the following conditions: and fluid maintenance for cars and trucks only, and 1. The Conditional Use Grant is only for the change of oil 2. If occupancy is requested prior to the completion of cashiers check equal to twice the value of said cost must landscaping and/or asphalting, a bond, letter of credit or be submitted to the Planning Department. 3. Decorative wood fencing with plantings shall be installed along the west and east lot lines. 4. Exterior lighting shall be limited to cut-off sodium vapor down cast fixtures mounted no higher than 15 feet. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to perpetually Comply with these conditions of approval shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day for each day a violation exists beyond the compliance deadline, the initiation of legal action, or both. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That petitioner is requested to offset to allow for twenty-four foot cross access along the appear before the Board of Appeals for a ten foot variance into North end of the property line with no access onto to e Janesville Road. Should this be denied, petitioner will comply with Staff's comments on scheme C. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That architectural roof shingles will be required. Dumpster enclosure match materials of the building. The sign size will be in compliance with sign ordinance. Oil separator will be installed into storm sewer system. Alderman Salentine will contact neighbors for consensus regarding construction of an eight foot fence. Hold Janesville Road is expanded. Central vacuum system and lift and harmless document required for relocation of monument sign when lube compressors all be installed in a common enclosed equipment room. Earth tone mullions added to windows. Samples of building material to be approved by Staff. Accept stripe color to be submitted to Plan Commission for review and approval. Plan Commission City .of Muskego Approved 04-15-97 Denied Deferred 04-01-97 03-24-97