137 - 5/1/19972242070 . Conditional Use Grant Mother-in-law Unit ,- Documsm Number ~mcnt nue 9 2242070 Rosardiug Aru Name ami Rebvn Mdrar P.O. Box 903 City of Muskego Ne. LCUO I #ROW# LAND CC Accc~tancs of Conditions THIS COVENANT. Modc rhls .... ... ........................... by.;.-. .RQh.C.X.t.. .!!,.!. Leichfuh-s .dl+ 01 .. IQ. ., ............................ .................................................... .................................................................................... .......... ..: ........................................................................ .Grantors, lor tllc usc ond bcncfir 01 011 persons horn tlrnc to rirnc rcs~dclrt or own~ng propny witI>ln r11c boundaricsolrlx ....... C.i.U ............... 01 .Mu~,k.~,g.O. ... .............. ..... (CIW. VIII.,:~. 'rorn.cu,mr) 'fllc l'rcmiscs uflectcL{ by tllesc presents (Ixrclnarrcr collcd tile ~~~~1,:~) tllc city of Muskego lollou+~ dcccrlkcd lands in Tawd\l~ 5 NOI~II;I\~,,~. 20 ~m~. I,, ll,D c~,,,,~~ or ..... .............. ...... .......... . . Attn: Sandi Asti Muskego, WI 53150 or ............ w.cl.u~.e,ah..a ......... ,.and State 01 \~lacon~l,,. to.wit: """I, ....... "."- A parcel of land in the NE 1/6 Bnction 13, T5N, RZOE, Town of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described a8 fo,llows: Commencing at a point in the East line of said 114 section whSth is 1329.6 feet north of the SE corner of said 114 section, running thence westerly on a line which extended would intersect the East line of the West ~112 of said 114 Section at a point 1332.80 feet north of the South line of eaid 1/4 aection, 245.00 feet to a point; thence northerly and parallel to the Eaet line of eaid 1/4 section. 185.00 feet to a point) thence easterly, 245.00 feet to a point in the East line of said 114 section; thence southerly along the East line of said 1/4 section, Mail nddrcsr or L c TL.~XCS 15. _.. 185 qopfe,et,to the place of beeinning. w124 s8085 North Cape ~~~d ............ ...................................................... ..... ...... and ti181 no other perron hnl any cstntc or lnrcrcx tllcrcin erccpt by rcoson of cascnlcnrs lor public utilltlu. building rcsrrlcrlons, dcdlcotlonr to Gronrors \?arrant and covcnmrt tlmt oc the time of thc cnlcoling and dclivcry of tlicsc prcsnrr rhcy orc all of tho owners of the Prcrnisc~ thc public or public Wict. Instruments nor 01 rccorcl. and IllOrl~aCCJ 10 banks, sovinp and hn nwxiotlons or InsyroIxc COIII~J~IIC~. Cmncorr rcprcsc~~c tiwt pctltion on their hclrdl wm modc 10 thc. .ci.t.Y, ............... .of..._ ........................... Muskego pursuant to the Zoning Cdc of rhc seid. ..... .c.%l!.. .... for gront of pcrnrision IO crect and/or conduct on the Prcrnlrcs o usc rhcrc pcrnrlssiblc not by riplx but only by Condltlonal Use Cront: tlmt in conncctlat tlxrcwlth Cranrorr modc ccrroln rcprcscntorionr and ogrccrncnrs or to ritc. building ond opcrnrion plona which were Incoorporatcd Into thc Conditionul Use Grant: thot bxcd thereon Condirlonal ICltJ., VIII.*I. Turn. &my) llrc C;r.,nr No. .... l..?.?, ... .wos ~rrucd under <Inre 4.. ..... M.s.Y .... 2..0... ....... 19 ,.4.%, nnd tlmt o truecopy rlwcof son WIIR 11.x ....... ............................ .p.~..3.F.. .. C.O.m.m.i.s.s.i.0.n .... oI rhc. ..... c.i.c.y. ................. 01 k! u..?.k.e.go. <or./. V1ll"GC. 'Tow". Cu<lnty) SlCSED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF .. ..... " ....................................................................................... ... ... ... . ..... ... - I ...... ... ......... ................... I I .. @afl,&& Robert M. Leichfu ........ I. (SEAL) ... - - - ................ .............................. ............ (SEAL) ........................................................ ..(SEAl: , TITLE I ACKNOWLEDGMENT J CORPORATION INDIVIDUAL ... ....... ... I 2nd ... ... Wa,u,k.esha.. .Cotmty, Wimnsin. in rcprd to I'rcmiscs at. ~12.4.. ~8.0.85. .No.r.r.h, ..cap.e. .~Qa.d ... ...... .in Township .... 5. .Nortll. Ranl:e .... 2.0. .East ,___ ............................... Waukesha htc 01 \\/isconsin, lwllcr clwribctl 11s follo\vs: .G~nty, Muekego. Waukeeha County. Wieconein. bounded and deecribed ae A parcel of land In the NB 114 Section 13, T5N, R20'E, Town of follows: Commencing at a point in the East line of said 1/4 section which is 1329.6 feet north of the SE corner of said 1/4 section, running thence westerly on a line which extended would intersect the East line of the West 1/2 of said 114 Section at a point 1332.80 feet north of the South line of aaid 1/4 section, 245.00 feet to a point; thence northerly and ,parallel to the Eest line of said 1/1 section, ,185.00 feet to a point; thence eaatatly. 265.00 feme to a point in the Eamt line of maid .1/6 section; thence southerly along the East line of said 114 section, 185.00 feet to the place of beginning, ..... -. ....... ... ......... ..... .... GRANTED hy :letion or tllcP.l.a.r! ..... t11C. .za. .clay or. ..M .ax... httcstl ....... (Scal) mc. .Ma.ynr., ~~ (t.lliyt>r, I',C,tLl(l"l. Cl>~l,.ll""l * 6. Conditions on the Opcrations ' a: Hoursofopcrntion: n/a b. Performance standards relating to noise. vibration, odor, smoke or dust: n/ a G. Water supply requirements: nle d. Provisions for sewage disposal: n/a e. Other, 8, CouditionsontllcSite see Resolution #P.C. 108-97 a. Street Access (number, location, design) b. Off-Strcct Parking (location ancl clcsign including scrcening thcrcol) c. Loading and Scrvicc Areas (location and dcsip) (1. Outsiclc Storngc of blaterinls. Products or Rcfusc (location'nnd scrceninc thereof): c. Finished topography ancl building gradcs, retaining walls, storm wntcr run-off, f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (inclrtding plant types, size. spacing) g. Pedestrian ~vnllways. tcrrxcs, malls (loc;lr.inn and tlcsipl): h. Signs (he standing) location, size, dcsign (including lighting): i. Exterior I-i~htin~ nl the Sitc. locntion clcsipl and Imwer: j. Otllcr: - 4. : Recciptola True Copy or this instrument on behalfof the pct'itibner acknowledged the. .dl .... .day of ... ...A .$..e .... ., I?. 97 .....