136 - 4/1/1997Please see the attached II 2248098 11 Muskego. WI 53150 P.O. Box 903 .................... Waukesha , .CotlWc, \Virconsin. in regard tn I)rcnliscs at. .S8.~...W~~~~~...~oe~,,.Driv,e. ..... . ,. ........ ..In IO\VI~~I~~I~. ...>..... .h'orth, Rolli:c .... ................ Lost . ................................ .fi)Lmty, 20 - Waukesha Sm~c or \\kcomin. rurillcr dercriIxcI us (Ol~O\\.s: Lot 171 in Meadow Green West Additfon No. 3, being a.part of the Northeast 114, Northwest 114 and Southwest 114 of the Northvest 114 of Section 15, all in Town 5 Nor, Southeast 114, and Southwest 114 of the Northeast 114 of Section 16, and in the Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Ori1:innl lilcrl in lllc nf6c.c d tl~..P,l.an. .Depar,tment .or tllc..wu .......... or ..... ~uskago.~ ......... 1 Sicnccl: .................. Ii - The CONDITIONS or this Grant arc: Sandi Asti Lot 171 in Meadow Green West Addition No. 3, being a part of the Northeast 114, Southeast 1/4, and Southweet 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16, and in the No,rthwest 1/4 and Southwest 114 of the Northwest 114 of Section 15, all in Town 5 Nort Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Mail addrcsr of the Prcm;scr is. ..$.8.1.. .!d.1?,3.85. .~.!?,e1...!?.K.i.ve. Crnntors wrmx :and COYC~~C tlm nt rhc tinrc or the enscalinc and dcllvcry or thc: :E prcsnts they nrc 011 c SICSED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF ... ...... ...... ...... CORPORATION .(SEAL) .... - ................................. .... .(SEAl.) , llTLl ACICNOWLEDGMEN'C INDIVIDUAL I/_.?.,?. .: 1 d. Condltlona on the Operntlons m Hourc of operntlon: n / a b. Bcrlormanec scmnderdg relntlng to noise, vibration, dor, smolte or dust: n / a c. Water supply requirements: n /a d. Provisions for sewage disposal: n/ a I e. Other: 7 ConditionsontllcI3uilditlgs See Resolution #P.c. 74-97 8. ~ac~dcmatcri~1oTcachbuilclingsidc: See Resolution i1P.C. 74-97 b. Entrances. Design and Location: C. Signs nttschcd to the Building, I-ocotlon. Sire. Design (Including lighting): cI. Extcrior Lighting of the Building: I1 e. Other: 8. Conditions on the Site See Resolution #P .C. 74-97 a. Street Access (number, locntion, design): b. OlLStrcct P3I'kinG (location and dosign including scrccning tllcrcol). c. Loading ant1 Scrvice Areas (locotion and design) cl. Outsidc Storngc of blaterinls, Products or Rcfttsc (locotion'nnd scrccning tllereol): c. Finishecl topography oncl building grades, retaining \vaIIs, stom \vntcr run-off: 1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs, size. spacing): g. Pcdestrim \vallways. terraces. malls (location and clesicn): h. Signs (Iree standing) location. six. design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lip.htin2 of tllc Site. locntlon design and power: j. Other,