134 - 6/1/1997Con F ional Use Grant
Mother-in-law Unit
DoormQt Tie
Please see the attached
Name ad Uehn Mdrar
City of Euskego
Muskego, WI 53150
P.O. Box 903
.... - - - - . ... ...
lor thc use and benefit or 011 persons rrom timc to time rccidcnt or o~ning prop:rty the
bou~rdoricsoltllc. .C.i.t.Y ................. 01 ... Jlus,keg.a.
fCllY, VIII.,:.. 'TUW". Cuumy>
#a@kesdsa .................................... ........................
and bcncfit 01 thc said. .C.i.f.Y .or. .M~~.k.eg.o.
in its own riclx and os oscnt lor the pwpose of cnrarcin: thcse prcscnts on beholi or t1,c O~VC
dcscribcd closs 01 perso,s, Gmntccr.
r p lollowlnp descrlbcd lands in Township., .>. .Kortl~, Ilmr~c. '0 oat. in 11): County
A Ilc prcmiscs ullccrcd by tllcac prcscnts (hereinalter called the Preml,rs) ore t\lc
.Cotmy. Wiscondn., and lor tlxurc.
..... ,. - - - -.
K:ily, VIII.C<. Torn. County) -
or. Waukesha ............................ .and State 01 IVisconsilr. tg-wit: -
rllnN TO: :1cy of Muskego
,trn: Sand1 Asti
[uukego, WI 53150
'.I>. Box 903
".." .......... ,I "."_
That PT SE 1/4 Section 23 T5N R20E COM E 1/4 post, TH S 405.40 FT,
TH S 88 59' W 209.93 FT, TH N 6 E 1107.09 FT, TH E 167.64 FT to BGN
...... J I r
. . , . ". ... ... .(SEAL)
\ 34
EChc thc.,Pl+,n.. .C.~.~!mi~.s.!,o,~, ... .or 111~. C.i.t,p ............ nf. ..M.~.sk.eg.~ ........... ......
,WF?!.!.ke..s.h.a.. ... .County, \Vircr.nsin. in regard to I'rcmiscs iltbll.k.0 ... S9.122 ... Bnxhar.n. .D.r.iv.a..
InLti,?,: Udy1 IU~. v~II,,,,~. .I..,~.,?, r;.88~ty~
.in 'I'ownship. 5. .North, Ran1:c. ..?.!?.. ..Last - .............................................. Waukesha Gtmty.
htc or \Vixonsin. lurthcr tlescribcd us lollo\vs:
That PT SE 1/4 Section 23 T5N RZOE COM E 1/4 post, TH S 405.40 FT,
TH S 88 59' W 209.93 FT, TH N 6 E 407.09 FT, TH E 167.64 FT to BGN
provide that tllc prcrniscs may not lx usccl or richt for tile purpose hercinnltcr dcscrilxd but thntbpn petition such usc
WfIEREAS tllc Zoning COJc ancl Zoning District hhp of the :~I:ovc nm1cd municipality, pursuant to SLatc Statutc.
nuy be approved by Lllc mtmicipality as D Cmnclitiond Use Grant in parLicuI:w circunutnnccs os clcfincd by tllc standards
in the Zoninz Ordinnncc: and
I'ctitiorl thcrcforc having bccn Inlnclc. and ptdllic Ilcnrin:: held tllercon. nncl the .. Blan ommissi mission. ........ IActhBp Ib.rlyl
of thc. ..Cit~. .......... or .... Mus.k.eg.o ...... .......................... .having tlctcrmincd that hy rcmn ot thc
Iwrticdar nature. cI1ar:ctcr ancl circunwnnccz of tllc proposed usc. ancl ol tllc specific ond contcmprory conditions. grunt
ol such LISC tlbwn thc ternls and conditions hcrcinuftcr prcscribcd wotllil be consistent with thc rcquiremcnts ol thc Zoning
(city, VIII~~~. rowll.6uncy~
Now. therclorc, IT IS GRANTED, sulrjcct to compliancc with the temn oncl conditions Ilcrclnnltcr stutccl. that
tllc l'rcnliscs rimy hc mcd for tl~c lwrposc .Fl~.t.h.e.r~.i~.=.l.aw .... Vni.t ............................................ ...............
thc. .!.Z.th. .clay of. ..Jun.e ............ .__, 10..4.3..
............ .rttl....?-+~.~~ ___.______
(h.l"y'>r. l~,~d'l<"t. a>drmmn) -.
(Clty. \'llln~:c, '1.1.w. . l:<ua,~y] Clrrk
Ori1:innl filcrl in tl~c officc d thc.?.!.?.~. .D,~~.~.~.t.m.ei?t.. ....... of thc. .C.i.t~ ..... ._..ol .... Muske.go ...... ... (Clt". Vl1l"P. '). w11. 1i.llWI
SICnctl:...~.~...~~...~~ ........................
Thc CONDITIONS ol this Grant arc:
Sandi Asti
~~ ~
I This Grant shall Ixcomc ctlccrive upn tlh: cxcctltion and recorcling by tllc Owntrs ol thc Prcniiscs or an acccptnncc
Ilcrcol in mcI1 lorn1 as to cmlstitutc 1111 cflcctivc cnvcnnnt runninc wit11 hc land.
1. l'llis c1.211~ sl~~ll Ix wid unless proper ap&c.:\tion, pursuant to the lxlilding nnd zoninl: coder ol thc ~ntmicip:~Iity, lor
of tllc date hcrcol.
3. This Grant is subjcct to nrncndlncnt ond tcrminution in nccordoncc with hc provisions or the Zoning Cndc or this
pl:m filcd.in.conncction yitlr thc Pctition lor this Grant. und nnncxccl I~crc~o.
dl. Constrtlction nncl nperition of rhc LISC grnntccl shall k in strict conformiLy IO the nl~provccl sitc. Imilclinc and nlrratinn
n part or tllcir Icax by tI1c Owncr. wllich Icasc sho11 contain provisions for pxting ol thc pcrtincnt conditions to notily
5. Any of the caditions ol this Grant \vhich would nonnnlly bc thc rcsponsibility or tcnnnts of the premises slinll LC made
cnydoyccs thcrcnl.
appropriate Buildina, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grunt, is nlodc witllin ............ months
.- __ . -__ "" ......... #.I,, ..........
.... . . , . .. - . - ._ . ., .
6. Conditions on the Operations
a: Hours of operation: n't a
b. Performance standards relating to noise. vibration, odor, smoke or dust: n/ a
c. Water aupply rcqulremcnts: nla
d. Provisions for sewage dispsal: n a
e. Other.
7. Conditions on thc Buildings See Resolution 1)p.c. lZ7-g7
a. F:acndcmnterinlofeachbuilclingsiJc: See Resolution #p*c* 127-97
b. Entrances, Design and Location:
C. Signs attaclled to the Building. Location. Size. Design (including lighting):
d. Exterior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other:
8. Conditionson thcSitc See Resolution # 127-g7
a. Street Acccss (number. lwation. design):
b. OK-Strcet Parking (location and clcsicn including scrcening tllCrCor):
C. Loading uncl Scrvice Areas (location and design)
(I. Otltsitlc Storqe of blnterials. Products or Rclttsc (location'nnd screening thereof):
e. Finished topgruphy nnd building grntlcs. retainiq \vaIIs, stom water run-off:
f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs, slzc. spoclng):
E. Pcdestrim wallmnys. tcrraccs. molls (location nnd design):
h. Signs (frce standing) location, size, design (including liglxing):
i. Exterior LiChting of the Site. locntion clcsign nnd power:
j. Otllcr.