133 - 12/1/1995I THIS COVENANT. h4odc this 5 th .Jay of. ........... ....... December by..: w!L&.l.A.am 5. .K.a.!h.Z ~N.i.e~As.e" ............ ......... .... .............. - . ... .... ." ". ............ ........ ... ........... .Grantors, for the use and benefit of all persons from timc to time rcsident or owning prop:rty within the boundnrioolthc. ,.C .6.t Y... ....... ,.of ................................... ... Nuskego ICI,~. V~IIW~. 'rown. CW~~~I .Llauk.e.sn.a ............. ................. .County. Wisconsin. ond lor the use ond bencfit ol thc said, ..C.i.t.Y. .......... .of. .Mu?K.e.g.o .. ..... K:ky. VIIIWC. Tom. Camry) described clou ol perso% Gmntccs. In its own right and as ogcnt for the purpox of enforcing thcr prernts on khnif of the above T C A P r - R Thc premises allectcd by there prcxnts (hcrcinoftcr collcd the Prcrnircs) are the following derc:ibcd lands In Township 5 ............. Koxlr, Ilance ..... ?? ........ Ens t. in the County of. ..W.a..U.k.C.~.h..?. .and Stntc of \\'isconsin. towit: I :ITY OF YUSKEGO .TTN COLLETTT: 'OB 903 IUSKEC.0, WI 23130 ".._. .""_ LOT 101 PLUM CREEK ADU NO.l PT NE 1/4 & SE 114 OF SW 1/4 PT NW 1/4 & SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 SEC 11 T5P1 R2UE RZ104/331 8/95 ,. - - - -. ... .- - - -. ....... ........... .(SEAL) ....... , TIILL ........ - _" . ... ...... ... .(SEAI.) , TllLE ll I1 CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT INDIVIDUAL I STATE OF WISCONSIN. STATE OF \\'ISCONSIN. .., ..... ........... .County. me this ......... .day of .... Personally cnme belore ................................................ Of the above named wrprotion. to mc known to be such pcrsons and officers who accutcd thc forcgoing instrumcc~t ond acknowlcdgcd that they executed the same os such oficers. by its authority, lor the purporcr rhercln contained. THIS IHSTIYMEIII WAS DRlrTlD DI wled:cd thc some. Collette bl. Klenz -____ IScrtlw 39.51 (1) 01 the Wkmln St0 CrDnhW.. KrmIec3. Wl1"cS nd nom. 6. Conditions on the Operations a: Hours of operation: n j a b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: n / a c. Water supply requirements n/ a d. Provisions for sewage disposal, / a I/ e' Other. 7. ConditionsonthcBuildings See Resolution #p.c. 186-g> a. ~acadcmnterialoTeachbuildingside: see Reso~ut~o,n #p.c. 186-93 b. Entrances. Design and Location: c. Signs attached to the Building, Location. Size, Design (including lighting): d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: e. Other: 8. Conditions on thc Sitc See Resolution #Y.C. 186-93 a. Street Access (number, location, design): b. Off-street Parking (location and design including scrcening thereor): c. Loading and Service Areas (location and design) d. Oucside Storage of Materials, Products or Rcluse (location'and screening thereoo: e. Finished topogrophy ond buildinfi grades. retnining walls, storm watcr run-off: f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types, six. spacing): 6. Pedestrian wallways, terraces. malls (location and design) h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting or the Site. location design and power: , j. Othcr: ,. : Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalrol the pet&ner acknowle bS.L ... ., 19.9.2. .. ............. ....