131 - 6/1/1995.............................. ........................ ................................................. Eerore t~lc. ,,,Plan Commission city Muskego W144 S7880 Durham Drive .of thc. of.. IAcflw Oady) (CIW vlll"nc. 'rwn. Cnunry) ,.., GJaukesha CoLlnty. Wisconsin, in rezarti to Premiss at. .............................. ........ ......................................... ................. ................. in lownshi 11.. ...... North. Ran(;e ........... ..East .County. .. 5 State or \Visconsin. further clescribcd os follows: 4 1550 20 Waukesha .............................................. PT SE 1/4 SEC 11 TSN R20E CERT SURV 10/235 5 ac M/L R1397/1205 WD 12/91 TAX KEY #MSKC 2204.996.001 WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District t\hp ol thc above n3mcd municipality, pursuant to Stxc Statutc, provide that thc prcmises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinafter described but that upon petition such use may be approved by tlic municipality as a Conclitional Use Grant in particular circumstances as defined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinance; and Petition thcrcforc having been madc, and public hearing lheld thereon, and the .... Ua.!! .... C.?.!!!!i.?.?.i.?.* ................ (Acrlng l3cdy) of the ......... C.i.ty ........... of ........ Muskego. ......... :... ............................ .having detcrmincd that by rcason of thc particular nature. charncter and circunlstanccs of thc proposed use, and of the specific and contemporary conditions, grant of such use upn thc terms and conditions hcrcinafter prcscrlbcd would be consistent with the requircmcnts of the Zoning Ordinonoe: (Cky. Villn~s. Tov:n. Caunry) Now, thercforc. IT IS GRANTED, suljccr to compliancc with tllc terms and conditions hereinafter stated, that thc Premises may bc used for ..... cn.mms rr.ia l...P.e.E.so.na.C GRANTED by action or the ................... ... ... 20th thc. day of. _, 19. Zib!HK June ................... ............................... Attesc. ......... ......... (Seal). ........... Tlrlt.. - - ayor (M~~~~. rrCrl'lent. CI~.I~.~.~) (ULY. VIIInw.. Town. Cwnty) Ckrk Originnl'filccl in tllcorficcor 111c.Plan Commission ... ......... ..................... city Muskego ... - Signed: The CONDITIONS of this Grant are: Collette M. Klenz I. This Grant shall become effective upm thc ertccution and recording by the Owners of the Prcmises of an acceptnnce hercof in such form as to constitute an erfcctive covenant running with the land. 2. This Grant shall bc void unlcss propcr application, pursuant to thc building and zoning codes ol the municipality. for ol the date hcrcof. 3. This Grant is subject to amendment and termination in accordnncc with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this municipality. 4. Construction and operation of& me granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site, building and operation plans fiIcd.in.conncction with the Petition lor this Grant. and annexed hercto. 3 part of their lease by the Owner, which lcnse shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditions to notify 5, Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility of tenants of the premises shall bc made employees thercof. appropriate Building and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is mode within ............ months tnvms .,..#.... lllH "ll."I.,., I+ + Na, I OLIO I II#W LAND Cog' 1 ","Le" LO drnnt No. DOCU. &' Ac+cptmce of Condiri. Conditional Use Grant. THIS COVENANT, h4odc thls., ._. THIS .PACE RE.. io leR RLCORDIHO DATA 20 th .day or. June 95 ....... .. I?. _, R&t20841!%05l6 by ........ P~nid ...~~.~~.~. ...................................................................... ....... ................... ................. ........ .. ...____. .................................................................................................................... orantor,. for the use and benefit Of a11 perrons lrom timc to timc resident or owning property within the boulrdorloolrhe ..... Ci.t .y..... .................. of. ..,.... Jus.kn.gn ... " ............................................................ tctty, VIII.~.. 'Town. cuuoly~ .Ua.uka.eho... ..... ........ .County, \Vl~condn. and lor the we and benefit of the aaid. ......... Cit.. ....... of .............-_ Uuakega .................................................... (LllY. III.IIC. T0.X". Gunry) In It8 own rlght and as ogcnt for the purpose 01 cnrotcing thoc presents on beholf of rlre above described clnss or persons, Grantccs. TAX MS K C 2 2 0 4 . 9 9 6 . 0 0 ". RETURN TO: 'rhc prcmiscs ollcctcd by these prcscnts (hcrclnoftcr callcd the Pccmtm) are tho Ae tn col le e City of Muskego followll% dew:ltxd londs In Tounship ........... 5. ........ h'o:th, IlanCc ......... 2.Q ....... East, in thc Cwnty 01. Maukes.ha. .snd Stote 01 \Visconsin. to-wit: POB 903 PT SE 1/4 SEC 11 T5N H20E CEKT SURV 10/235 5 AC M/L R1387/1205 WD 12/91 TAX KEY #MSKC 2204.996.001 Muskego. uIJ.Z.50" W144 S7880 DURHAM DRIVE blail nddrcss of the Prcmircs is .MI44 S7880 Durham Drive ...... ........... .................................... ................... .................. .................. SICXED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF ..... -. ......... I1 ., ..A.*.L&%%& ..................... ,.__ .(SEAL) avid &dl1 ......... ..., ...... , .................... .(SEAL) ... i I"PL NAME HERE I? A COIIPORITIOH. ........ ........ , ...... , ... ... .(SEAL) , TllLL ........ .... .......... ....... .(SEAlJ ACKNOWLEI CORPORATION STATE OF WISCONSIN. L. .......... .... me this. ...... .day of. ... ., 19.". ., .County.j ~crsom~y came before .................. ... .., President and .._._ .._, ... ... ..... ol rhc otvvc nnmed corporation. to me known to bc such pcrsons and Sccrctary officers who crccuted thc forcgoinc ilxtmmcnt and dnawlcdged purposes thcrcin contained. that they cxccuted the same as such omcers. by its authority. lor the 3GMENT INDIVIDUAL .~'%!k.dC&. %.Cmnty.}'" Personally came bclore STATE F WISCONSIN. me this..A.q%n of. -x.fl...L. ............ ;"" .. 19.% the above named ......:.................... .............. .............. ._ - - - ..... ......... ............ to me Imown to k thc pcrmns \vi10 executed the lorcgoing instrument and nclpowled:ed thc same. &zkkz+&...z- Notary Ibblic. Statc or Vhonsin .................... L.,,,.,, .......,..-I..., .... .......... h" .i .. e.: .__ I ...... - " - . "_ ...... . .~ c 6. Conditions on the Operations a: Hours of operation: b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: SEE RESOLUTION fIp c * 8" c. Water supply requirements: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: " " e. Other: a I, I, 7 Conditions on the Buildings a. Facade material or each building sideSEE RESOLUTION ~IP. c. 87-95 b. Entrances. Design and Location: 11 19 C. Signs attached to the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lighting) 0' '1 d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: 1' 08 e. Other: 8. Conditions on the Sitc a. Street Access [number, location, design), SEE RESOLUTION #P. C. 87-95 b. Off-street Parking (location and design including scrcening thereof): " " C. Loading and Service Areas (location ond design) II I, d. Outside Storage of Materials. Products or Refuse (location 'and screening thereof) ~ I, 0, e. Finished topogrophy ond building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-or: " " 1. Landscaping of the Site and Buiidings (including plant types. size, spacing): ,, ,, 8. Pedestrian wvolltways, terraces, malls (location and design): ,, ,, h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): ,, ,, i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location dcsign and power: ,, ,, j. Othcr: The 60' x 136' building will be used for inside personal recreational riding facility with tne availabilty of storage of all Personal property and an outdoor corral. ,I : Receipt oia True Copy of this instrument on behallof the petitibner 21st June acltnowledg the .......... .day of. .......................... ...., 19. .... 95 ... Pm ............................... & .................... 0" 7 Nrltc: Where tlx canditions;uc 41own on mnpr. drawin~s, plwtnC'opha. or similur uttuchmcnm. Entcr: "kc Exhibit. - - .