130 - 4/1/1995Before tllC. Plan Commission city .................... ~~~~~ Mus keg0 .of thc. ................. of. ............................................... (Actins My) (CltV. VIII.n.. 'T"V,.. Gruntvl Waukesha . ~ ~.. ................................... ....cotIIl ty, LVimnsin. in regard to I'remiscs at W194 S8464 Providence Way in Townshi 11.. .North, RnnGe East , fi,uncy, ...................................................... ....... 5 2u Waukeeha ................................................. .... ................ .................................................... State or \konsin, further clescribcd as follo\vs: LOT Z4 PLUH CREEK EAST PT NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 NW 114 & SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 SW 114 OF NE 1/4 SE 1/4 OF NW 114 SEC 17 TAX KEY #MSKC 2228.035 W1Y4 58464 Providence Way Petition therefore having been made, and public hearin: held thereon, and the.!.!.?.!! .... !&m!is.s.&.g.p .............. (Acrlnn IhJy) of the .......... Ci.?. ......... of ...... ..Muskego. .......................................... ____having detennincd that by reason of the partictllar nature, cllarxtcr and circumstances of thc proposed use, and of the specific and contemporary conditions, grant of such use upn thc terms and conditions hcrcinal~cr prcscribed woukl be consistent \\,it11 thc rcqtlircmcnts of thc Zoning Ordinance: sty. Vlllnfc. To":". &"my) NOW, thcrelorc. IT IS GRANTED, sul>jccc to compliancc with the terms and conditions hereinnCtcr stated, that thc Prclnises may Ix used for the purpse of. ...~- ther. -~n~.laLl...unFt. ......................................................................... ..................... (Seal), ......... The CONDITIONS oC this Grant are: hereof in such form as to constitute an effcctive covenant running with the land. I. This Grant shall become cffective upon thc exczution and recording by the Owners of the Prcmises of an acceptonce 2. This Grant shall bc void unlcss proper application, pursuant to the building and zoning codes or the municipality. for of tile date hereof. appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within months municipality. 3. This Grant is subject to amendment and termination in accordsncc with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this 4. Construction and operation of theuse granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site. building and operation lpims filed:jn,conncction with the Petition Cor this Grant, and annexed hercto. a part oC their lease by the Owner, which lcase shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditions to notiCy 5. Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility or tenants of the premises shall be made crnployees thercof. ............ - mvmr .I,D,O"l. IC," .I,..II.ll 0::. . :.- 6. Conditions on the Operations nla a! Hours of operation: b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: c. Water supply requirements: n / a d. Provisionsforsewagedisposal: see Resolution 1IP.C. 29-95 e. Other: nla 7 Conditions on the Buildings a. Facade material or each building side: n / a b. Entranccs.DesignandLocation: See Resolution #P.C. 29-95 C. Signs attached to the Building, I-ocation, Size, Design (including lighting); d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: nal e. Other: 8. Conditions on the Site a. Street Access (number, location, design): See Resolution #p.c. 29-y5 b. Off-street Parking (location and design includingscrcening thereof): see Resolution //p. c 29-95 c. Loading and Scrvice Areas (location and design), See Resolution flp , c. 29-9 5 d. Outside Storage of Materials, Products or Reruse (location and screening thereof): See Resolution np " * e. Finished topography and building grades. retaining walls, storm water run-off. See Resolutionf/P.C f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types, size, spacing): See P.esolution #p * c. z9 g. Pedestrian walltways, terraces, malls (location and design):See Resolution #p.c- 29-95 h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location dcsign and power' j. Othcr, ,I: Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the pehtianer acknowledged fie ___.__ 4.th.day of _____..... AP.E.i.l, ____.___.__.._._. 19 g..!... 9-Y 5 9-95 5 , THIs COVENANT, h4nJa rhll dnv oft,,,aoas lllllillllllllllllll a ,11,1, I9 ,,.,.,.., ............ 5 th ARril .... .... 95 ............ by.Rbb.C..r.!.. .!!.~~.?.!..C!. ... ..................... .... ... ... .__ ._., .Grantors, for the U)C and benefit of nll perrons from tlmc to tlmc rcsidcnt or owning property witilln tht boundoficsolthe. .... !%Y ..................... or .............. ?!.!.S.k.W ............................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... ..... "_ - ............... ICIIY. VIIIIII. 'ro-n, CUY~WI ...... ~i%.uk#2Aha ................................................. ..County. Wlsccmsln. and (or the use and benefit of the said. .... C.i..tX .... ..or .... M.G.S.k.e.g.0 ....... ...... (c:lty, VIIIDy.. TO"", bunry) in its own right end as ogent for the purpose of enlorcin: thcse prewnts on behoil 01 the above described closs of pcrsons, Grantccs. l(sy ?fSKC2228.035 ", RLIYRN TO: 'flw pmmlses arlected by there prescntg (hcrclnoltcr colled the Premises) are the tn colle te City of Muskego followllr~ dtccrlhd lnndr In Towhlp ...,! ................ North, Ilcl~~~c ....... 2.0 ........ Enat, In the County Munkogo. WI 53150 or .....Si R.UkB a.hkI ...................... ..aid Statu of \Vlaconaln, to.,VIt: POB g 0 3 "...III"I Lot 24 Plum Creek East PT NE 114 oE SW 114 N1J 114 h SW 114 of SE 114 SW 114 of NE 114 SE 114 of NW 114 SEC 17 W194 S8464 Providence Way Tax Key #MSKC 2228.035 blsli nddreu of the Premiscs is ..... W.9.h .... S. .E).X.a.u.~dan.c.e.. ..w.?!S .................. ............................................................... Grantors warrant and covenant that at the time of thc cnwnling and delivery or tllcsc prcxnts they ore dl of the owners 01 the Premiscs and that no other person has nny estate or intcreft thereln except by rcnwn 01 easements lor publlc utilltles, building re)trlctlons, dedications to the public or public bodies. ilxtrumcnts not of record, and mortgages to banks. savlngs and Ian asmiations or Insurance cornpanits. SIGNED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF ............ Robert Alio'to .(SEAL) .... -. ... .. ... ................... ." ". ....... .(SEAL) , lllLl .. -. - .... ... - - .. -. ... ......... ...... (SEAi.) , TITLE CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WISCONSIN. ICs, ... .... me this. .County./' ~crsona~iy c31ne before ,.day of. ., I9 ..... ._, ............ ......... .. President and. ...... ... ._. .___, Secretary of the obovc nomed carporntion. to !ne kr.own to bc such pcr~nr end officers who crecuted tllc lorcgoing instrument ond 0ci;nowlcdged purposcs thcrcin contained. rhnt they executed the same as such oficers. by Its authority. for the 71115 INSTIIVMENT w19 DR*PTED CY Collette If. Klenz (SEAL) INDIVIDUAL .W.CLW.%XL... Personally came before me thls..30..~ ,.day of.. .. i9.?5 STATE OF \\'ISCONSIN. ........ the above named. ................................................... .. .................................. to me known to bc the perrons who executed the forcgoing instrument ond ocimowlcdzcd the same. ._ - - ". ...................................... ............... - - -. ..