128 - 5/1/1995- ar Grnnt No.12 8 NO. z cua 1 IIDOII LAND CL
Acceptance of Condltions ditional Use Grant.
THIS COVENANT, Modc this.. .8!?h. .Jay of. May .................... 19. 95 ..
by. ,.-%C.fi. 0.1.?.9.!?. ............... ........... ........
............ ....... ....... ....... ..... ..................... ........................ ........................... .Grantors,
for the UY and benefit of all persons from time to time rcsidcnt or owning prop;rty within the
boundaricsof rhe..c.i.,fJ. ................ of .... ~..??.?.?.k.Ft.g.?, ......... ... ......
ICIW. VIIIO~~. 'rown. county)
Waukesha ...................................................................................... .....
nnd hncfit of the said. city IIiisK .......... e g o Gunry, Wlxonrln, and lor the uae
......................... of., ..... .... ......... ......... (CltY. V1llD"C. To.un. cOu0,Y) .....- " -
Mail nddress of the Prcrniscr is. S74 W16810 Janesville Road ..................................... .......... ...........................................
I ................ .__ ....................................... .(SEAL)
. - - .. -. J
.. I T**l H*HL HERE
........ ........ , ...... , ,... ... .(SEAL)
......... ... ... .(SEAT-)
........... -. ... }%
me this ..... .dny of. ...... .. I9 .......
.County. Permonally cLltne bcfore
................. ... ... ............. President
and. .................. ...
of the obvc nnmed corparution. to me Ikr,own to be such pcrsons and
.. Secrerary
officers who executed thc forcgoinc instrument nnd uclmowlcdgcd
tlm they executed the snrne as such omcers. by its authority, for the
ptrpascs tlxrein containcd.
................... lLlawCe=-h q. ............ Personally came bclore
me this., .dny of. %7.9"$.. ................... l9..%,
the above nomed. ................................................................
........ .. - - - " ................................................
nnd nclmow1ed;ed thc same.
to mc Iknown to he thc persons who executed the foregoing Instrument
~y Commission crplrcs. ?..L?.:.?.?, ,..._,
Notary Pd1i.c. State 01 Wisconsin ...... .........
Ecforc thc. .P.lan. C.ammis.s.i.on.. .nl thc. ..C.i.tf.. ..... ....................... ..... ,._of. Mu~s.k.egn
tA.,llW W"1 GI,", VlllUrI,, 'I.uW1. U,"",")
S4aukes.h.a ._. ..... County, \Vixonsin, in regard to I'rcmiscs at. ...s 1.4 ... b11681.0. .Janaswil.l.e...Rna(
................... ..... .in 'I'ownship. .5. ..... North, Ranc:c .... n.. .Fast.. ... Waukesha ................ Cnunty.
S~nrc of Wlsconain, fimhcr clcaorlbcd PI lollows:
PT W 1/2 SEC 10 T5N R20E COM W 1/4 COR TH S 01 109.75 FT TH N 62 27' E
1020.69 FT TH N 56 01'12 E 411.95 FT THE BCN TH N 56 01'12" E 220 FT TH N
33 58' 48" W 260 FT TH S 46 01'12" W 220 FT TH 533 58' 48" E 260 FT TO
TRD 12/94
BGN. 1.313 AC. VOL 1014 OF DDEDS PG 379 EX ~531670 WD 8/77 ~2017/546
WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zonin:: District Map of tllc a1;ovc namccl municipality. pursuant to SL~LC Statute,
provide that thc premises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinafter described but that upon petition such use
may be approved by tlx municipality as B Conditional Usc Grnnt in pnrticular circumstances LIS defined by the standards
in the Zoning Ordinancc; and
Petition thcreforc having been made, and public hcarins hcld thereon, and thc..P?.?.* .... !??.?.!i?.~.i!?.!! ..................
ol thc. city ........................... of ..... !k?k .C.Q?.... ......................................... .having detcrmincd that by reason ol the
of such use upn thc tcrm and conditions hcreinnlhx prcscribed \vouIcI he consistent with the rcquircmcnts of thc Zoning
particular nature, charxtcr and circumstances ol thc proposed use. and of the specific and contemporary conditions, grant
(Acrlnp ILW
(City. Villace. Torn. Guntyl
NOW, Lhcrcforc, 1T IS GRANTED, subjcct to compliancc with Lhe terlns and conditions herclnnftcr stated. that
.... .... .... .... .........................
~.~~xp.s.c.u.a.t.i.o.n a.f a.~...e~c..i.f;.~.iag....S..1.Ll.g.~.~...f..a~~~.y reg id en .f ?a ~...~~f
the Prclniscs may lx ~~scd for the ~>urposc of. .?+.?X.!!. .EP&?.!!.C.!!t s.+.l.e.s b...Re.P.a.i.F: *.!id th.e
thc ..... .2.nd. ..... day of ......... Hay ....... "?39(..,:?5 /,i*2~l .roWn. urn^)
.... .... .... ............................................
GRANTED Iby action or Lhc. .El.an. .Co.mrnissiO.rbl thc.. .C.i.ty.... ......... nl ..... .Nusk.e.gr?. ............... .......
. 18' ........
httes; .. ........... ................................................ . .I ,, ,I'
.+;* ..i .~ (Seal)
................. ........ ..: .... ......... , .: ,- Tltk ..~.jr.Q.F ' 4ne ~_, 1
I ~. i-
.I., I ..... CL..LY---G.~L!S.. .... :i :? .. '? :: (~~~~t. IP~C~I~IW a901rman) ,, - . I.
(Clty. Vlllnge. Town. County) Clerk i*.. . :z :;.2 '. %.
Original ~I~CI in tlIc nfhcc or Lhc. ... ..........
The CONDITIONS ol this Grant arc:
I, This Grant shall become cffcctive upon thc cxaltion and recording by the Owners of the Prcrnises of an acccptance
hercor in such form as to constitute an effcctive covenant running with thc land.
2. This Grant shall hc void unlcss propcr applic.ation, pursuant to thc building and zoning codes ol the municipality. far
appropriate Building. and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Gmnt. is made within ......... ..months
or the date hcreol.
3. This Grant is subject to amendment and tcrmination in accordancc with the provisions of the Zoning We of this
plans hled:jn,conn,cction with the Petition lor this Grant. and nnncxcd hcrctn.
4. Construction and operation ofthe me granted shall be in strict conformity to thc approved site. building and operation
5. Any of the ccnclitions of this Grant \vhich would normally be the responsibility of tenants of the premises shall be made
a part of their lease by the Owner. which Icase shall contain provisions lor posting of the pertinent conditions to notify
crnployccs thcrcof. _" ..... ..,.,a',. "1N I<.,,
the Operations
a: Hours of operation: See Resolution #P.C. 56-95
b, Pcrformnnce atnndarda relarlng to noi% vibration, odor, moke or dust: See Resolution #P.C. 56-9,
7 Conditions on the Buildings
a. ~ncndematerialo(eachbuildingside: see Resolut.qn #p..c. 56-95
ki. Entroneu,DrrlunendLoe~tlon: see ~~~~l~~i~~ 0p.c. 56-95
c. Slgns attached to the Bullding. I,acatian. Size, Design (including lighting): see R~
d. ExterlorLightingoftheBuilding:see REsolution #p.c. 56-95
e. Other.
solution UP.C. 56-
8. Conditions on the Site
a. Street Access (number, location, design) ~ see Res 0 1 u t ion #P . C I 5 6 - 9 5
b. Off-street Parlcing (location and design includingscrcening thereof), See Resolution #P. C. 56-95
c. Loading and Scrvice Areas (location and design) ; see R~ 1 t io n #p . c . 5 6-9 5
d. ~utside~tor~gcolMaterisls.ProductsorRcl~~sc(location'andscrccningthereot)~~~ Resolution #P.C.
e. Finished topogmphy and building grades, retaining walls. storm wtcr run-off: see ~~~~l~ti~n #p. C. :
1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs. size. spacing):see ~~~~l~ti~~ #p .c 56-
g. Pedestri;lnwalltways, terraces, malls (location and design)kee Resolution #p .co 56-95
h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): See Resolurion #p c 56-95
i. ~.xteriorLightingoltheSite,locationdcsignand~wer' See Resolution //p.c. 56-95
j. Otlw
.- 1 1