127 - 12/1/1994i
THIS COVENANT. Mad. thia ........ 20.ch. .... day of. ... Doo.amb.az. .... 19..9.A.
by. ."xu.r..t .Dn.O.t.r. .... 11[[120331?!5i0538 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
... ... .Grantors,
lor rha YIO and benefic 01 ail peraom lrem the to time tealdenr or ownlns propcrty wirhln the
boundariesolthe. .c.i fY..~ ....... .of .... .M.!?!.k.e.g.O. ......
City, VIII~~C, Town. Cnunry)
.. W.aukha. ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ .County. Wisconsin. snd for the use
and benefic el the auld. .ci.LY.... .el.. ,.kh#.hS.W,, ........._"_... ...................
(ClW VlllSSC. Town. County)
in its own right and as agent for the purpose of enforcing these prcsents on behalf of the above
ribed class of pcrsonr. Granteea. R'TunNTo~ City of Muskego
The prcmises affected by these presents (hcrcinzlter called the Premises) are the
lollowinp dsssribcd lands I" Township. .5.. .North. Rmgc. .?.o.. .East. in the County
of. Wauks.e.ha. .and State of Wiwonrln. t-wlt: 150
T5N R20E CERT SURV 15f298 1.071 AC R353fO51 PARCEL C
Ma~IaddressoithePre,n,scsis.W.1.88 s.82.7~6 Me~rcu~K..~..DKive ~~~ .... s82 w18848 Gemini Drive
Grantors n3rranc and cmc:wnt that at the timc of thc enscaling and dclivery of thcse prcscnts they arc all of the owners oi the Premises
and that PO other person has any estate or interest therein except by ream2 of easements for public utilities, building restrictions, dedications to
:he public or phl~c bodics. mstrur.:e:,ts not of record, and mortgages to banlcs. savings and loan essociations or insurance companies.
Grantors represent chat petition on their &half was made to the. ..c.itX. ........... .of.. .... ~.?!U..S.k..C~.G..
pursuant to the Zmin: Code oi the said~ ~c.i.t.y
there permissible not by right but only by Conditional Use Grant: that in connection therewith Grantors made certain representations and
agreements as to slte, building and operation pians which were incorporated into the Condnional Use Grant: that based thereon Conditionrl
(Ci~v. Village. Town. Gun~y)
... .........., far grant of permission KO erect and/or conduct on the Premises a use
Use Gmnt No. .A,? 7 was issLled under date of. .D.e.c.e~mb.e.r. -2.0. ., 19~ 94 ~~ .,and chat a truecopy thcreof ison file wich rhe
me.!.. ..D.ep.ar~t.ment .ai the. c.i..ty. ............ D .... .Mu.?.k.e.go, (Csty. Villsge, Town. Gunty)
and conditions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land and shall be binding on the Grantors and on all permns claiming any estate or
NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accept the said Conditional Use Grant and covenant strictly to comply with all of the terms
iimmt in the Premises by, through or undcr the Grantors, as long os the said Pvemises are used as described in the Conditional Use Grant lor
:heoperationof: ..... 8.C.f.?.iJ,... W,a.t.e..r.c.r.a.ft.~. ~sno.w.m.o.b..i.1.e. .&. .mi.s.c.el~l.a~ne.o.u.s. S.po.r~ts~ e%u~i.p.ment.. '
In Witne&%&&,(?%%%%%ye h&&k?ct their hands and seals this^ ... /.b.kk!..day of. .... ... , 19. 9.2.
.. ...
... .(SEAL)
6. Conditions on the Operations
a. Hoursofoperation' Per approved Resolution #P.C. 228-94
b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust, p e r a P Pr 0 v e d Re 9 0 1 t i 0 n
c. Water supply requirements:
#P.C. 228-94 , Building, Site and Operation Plan
Per approved Building, Sit@ and Operatioa piah
d. Provisions for sewage disposal ~ n
e. Other. All items to be in conformance with the approved Building, Site
and Operation Plan as approved by the Plan Commission through Resolution
..C" 227-94.
7 Conditions on the Buildings
a. Facadematerialofeach buildingside: Per approved Building, Site and Operation Pla
b. Entrances,DesignandLocation: Per approved Building, Site and Operation Plan
c. Signs attached to the Building, Location. Size, Design (including lighting) Per approved Building,
d. Exterior Lighting of the Building:
e. Other.
Site and Operation Plan
Per approved Building, Site and Operation Plan
All items to be in conformance with the approved Building, Site and
Operation Plan as approved by the Plan Commission through
Resolution I1P.C. 227-94. 1
8. Conditions on the Site
a. StreetAccess (number, location,design), Per approved Building, Site and Operation
b. Off-street Parking (locationanddesign includingscreeningthereof), Per approved Building, Site
c. LnadingandServiceAreas(1ocationanddesign):Per approved Building, Site and Operatio
d. OutsideStorageofMaterials, ProductsorRefuse(1ocationandscreeningthereof): Per approved Buildin
e. Finished topography and building grades. retaining walls, storm wnte;'run-off: na /
f. Landscapingof the Site and Buildings (including plant iypes;.site,:spaclng) Per approved Building,
and Operation Plan
Site and Operation Plan
11 g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location and design..' ,Per Blii-lding, Site and Operation
Site and Operation Plan , . , .>
h. Signs (freestanding) location, size, design (including 1ighting):per Building, Site and Operat ior
i. ExteriorLightingottheSite,locationdesignandpower' Per Building, Site and Operation
j. Other. Plan
All items to be in conformance with the approved Building, Site and
Operation Plan as approved by the Plan Commission through
Resolution #P.C. 227-94.
II Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner
acknowledged the
. . . . . . . . . .
on maps. drawings. photographs, or similar attachments. Enter: 'See Exhibit.