120 - 6/1/1993- . ." ... ., 19. ., . .. .. . .. . i for the use and benefit ol all persons from time to time resident or owning property within he boundariesof the c1t.y. ..... ....... ai..... ..... Muskego ~~ ,... ..... .._ (City. Vlilsne, Town. County1 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... ...... .County. Wisconsin. and lor the use and bcnoflt of the said. .C&.tX ~ ......... of..^ ~~~... M%!ke.@o. (my. vlllagc. Town. Gunry) ,. "_ ., . . . , .. The premlrea nffected by chew resents (herelnelter called the Prerntae,) are the City Of MUakPsO following descrlkcd hc!s in Township. ~~ ' .North. P.ange. 20 ~ ~ .East, in the County Attn Collette Klenz of^ ........................ Waukksha 1- and State of Wisconsin. (*wit: POB 903 All that part of the SE 1/4 of Section 18, T5N, RZCJE, in the City of Muskago, Waukcsha County,'bounded and described as follows: 41.5' West 836.60 feet from the NE corner thereof; thence continuing South 88 degrees Commencing at a point on the North line of the said SE 1/4 distant South 88 degrees 41.5' West on said North line 151.70 feet; thence South 326.20 feet; thence North 68 degreee 07' East 131.00 feet; thence South 7 degrees 22' Eaet 134.60 feet to the centex line of State Trunk Highway NO, 24; thence N6rth 74 degrees 49' East along said ' center line 112.90 feet; thece Korth 15 degrees 36' Nest 455.58 feet to the point of beginning. Tax Key #2232.997 Also known as S83 W20618 Janesville Road, Muskego, WI Muskceo 1854681 Mail address of the prclniscs is^ s83 w20618 Janesville Road and that no other person has any estate or interest therein except by reason of easements for pub!ic utilities. building restrictions. dedications to Grantors \~zrrmt and covcnant that at the time of the enseding and delivery 01 thcse prcsants they arc all 01 the owners 01 the Premises thc pblic or public bodlcs. mtrurrents ):or 01 record, and mortgages to banis. savinzs und loan associatiomor insurance companies. Grantors reprcscnt tilat petition on chcir L-ehalf was made to the. .C.i.tY .. .~ ~. ... .ol.. ~~~M!.SkegO.. pLlrSuant IO the Ionin_c Cede of the 52id. City .... Of ~~~~~~~.....~ Muske.go ., for grant of permission to erect and/or conduct on the Premises a ase there pcrmlssiblc not by right but only by Conditional Use Grant: that in connection therewith Grantors made certain representations and GI?, YII!E,,E. Town. Counry) Genevieve Krabbenhoft (SEAL) J , TITLE CORPORATION STATE OF WISCONSIN. .coi:nty Personally Came before me rhis~ .day of. ... ., President ., 19. ... ., and ., Secretary of the above named corporation, to me known to be such persons and officers who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged purposes therein contained. chat they executed rhe same as such officers. by its authority. lor the }... TH15 INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (SEAL) NO. z cua t l~mll~ COND. ........ ;umber .___. ... 120 - -2 23, 61.31. 60.71 and Ip.97 Wls. 5s~. ........................... Waukesha .County, Wisconsin, in regard to Premiscs at S83 W20618 Janesville Road ......... ......................................................................... .!.E. I.(.+. .!#.W.?.0~,.18.. .In Townshlp ...a .,_,. .North, Kange.2.Q. ... .Eaat...w~~.~~.S.~~.!.. ........... .Caunty. Stm oi Wisconsin, further described 89 follows: All that part of the SE 1/4 of Section 18, T4N. R20E, in the City of Muskego. Waukesha County, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of the said SE 1/4 distant South 88 degrees 41.5 West 836.60 feet from the NE corner thereof; thence continuing South 88 degrees 41.S' West on said North line 151.70 feet: thance South 326.20 feet: thence North 68 linn of State Trunk Highway No, 24; thanca North 74 degrees &9' Eant along add center line 112.9@ feet; thence North 15 degrees 36' West 455.58 feet to the point of beginning. " degrees 07' East 131.00 feet; thence South I degrees 22' East 134,60 feet to the cente: providc that the premises may not be used of right for the purpose hereinafter described but that upon petition such use WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District Map of the above named municipality, pursuant to State Statute, may be approved by the munic.ipality as a Conditional Ust Grant in particular circumstances as defined by the standards in the Zoning Ordinance; and of thc. cit.Y .. ......or. Muskego (CW vlllagc, chnfy) .. .................. ~.. having detcl-rninccl that by rcason of the partici!lnr nature, character and circtlmstancs of the proposed use, cnd of the specific and contemporary conditions, grant of such use upon the terms and conditions hereinafter prescribed would be consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinence: the Premises ma he used for the purpose oP!!??i-f.?!!?..Y ? US e...?!...?.*. .existi*.~..str."c.t"r.e. .(du~leX~...i.n...a.n Now. thuefore, IT IS GRANTED, subject to corn linnce with the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, that RS-2/0HS ............ zoning District the^ 6th ... day of. A@!. ........................................................ ........................... ... ...... GRANTED by action ol the. Pkn. CoKi. Attest: J:n K. Plarenda ..................................... ".- ,%+./v K kJ fl2Je T I ..c?.t.r. .clerk.. (City, V8lls~e. Town. County) Clerk Original filed in thc office of the .. ... C0mmiSsio.n. The CONDITIONS of this Grant are: hereof in such form as to constitute an effective covenant running with the land. I, This Grant shall become effective upon the execution and reco;-ding by the Owners of the Premises of an acceptance 2. This Grant :hall bc void unless proper epplication, pursuant to the building and zoning codes of the ~nunicipality, for of the date hereof. appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within. .months 3. This Grant is subject to amendment and termination in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this municipality. 4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict wnformity to the approved site, building and operation plans filed in connection with the Petition for this Grant, and annexed hereto. 5. Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility of tenantS of the premises shall be made a part of their lease by the Owner, which lease shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditiom to notify employees thereof. - "l.DLi.l" lblN "ll.l".r. (OVER) .. 6. Conditions on the Operations a. Hours of operation: b. Performance standards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: c. Water supply requirements per 'Ode d. Provisions for sewage disposal, per 'Ode Site, and Operation Plan is required to be approved by the Plan Commission prior to e, Other.l. If building is destroyed by more than 50% of the assessed value, a Building, erecting a new duplex. nl a nl a 7 Conditions on the Buildings a, Facade material of each building side: In accordance with plans on file in Building Inspectors b. Entrances, Design and Location: c. Signs attached to the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lighting), none permitted d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: in character e, other.In order to protect the welfare and architectural harmony of the neighborhood in the event that the building be destroyed by any means and a new duplex be construct€ on the site, the owners of said property shall submit for approval to the Planning Commission a Building, Site and Operation Plan as required in Section 17:6.03(3)A.2 and that this requirement be recorded as part of the Conditional Use Permitfor the property in accordance with plans on file in the Building Inspectors Office (photos) Office(photos) 8. Conditions on the Site a. Street Access (number, location, design) s83 h'20681 Janesville Road b. Off-street Parking (location and design including screening thereof), Per code . c. Loading and Service Areas (location and design) : n/a d. Outside Storage of Materials, Products or Refuse (location and screening thereof)' none permitted e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-off: n/a f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types, size, spacing)' n/a g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location and design) :n/a h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): none permitted i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location design and power. n/a j. Other: Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner Note: Where the conditionsare shown on maps, drawincs, photographs, or similar attachments, Enter: "See Exhibit. ~- -__ 1