111 - 12/1/1990Before thc. Plan Commission ,ofthe. City Muskego ....... .......... .......................... (Actlnu body) or. Uty, Vlllanc. 'Town. Gunty) ~-Mtchael--Rscher~ Waukesha .... .County. Wisconsin, in regard to Premises at ....................................................................... 566 W14543 Janesville Roal ..... ....... in Township. 5 ....... Norrh, Rmze ...... 20 _.._East,. ......................................... Waukeeha County, '"ate of Wisconsin, further described as follows: Parcel 2 CSW approved Muskego Common Council November 14, 1989 Pt. NW 1/4 SE 114 Section 2 T5N R20E R1200/370 WD 5/90 and Parcel 1 CSM approved Muskego Common Council November 14, 1989 Pt. NW 114 SE 114 Section 2 T5N R20E K1200/370 WD 5/90 WREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District Map of the above named municipality, pursuant to State Statute. providc that the premises may not be used c,f right for thc purpose hereinafter descrihed but that upon petition mch use may be approved by the municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circumstances as dcfincd by the standards in the Zoning Ordinancc; and Petition thereforc having been made, and public hearing held thereon, and the. .P l.a.n ... C.ammis.s.i.0.n. .". (Acring Bdy) of the. 5i.t.Y. .......... of ..... .M.!.S.k.!+g.!? ... .............. having determined that by reason of the (City. VillaGe. Town. counry1 of sucll use upon the term and conditions hereinafter prescribed would be coilsistent with the reql.lirements of the Zoning particular nature, character and circumstances of the proposed use, and of the specific and contem'+rary conditions, grant Ordinance: Now, therefore, IT IS GRANTED, subject to compliance with the term and conditions hereinafter stated, that ... the Premises may be used for the purpose of. th.!? ..E.ep.a.i..? .... a.nd .... p.ain.ting a.f. .awcomoh.i.les.; .... b.o.aL.. GRANTED by action of the.P.1.a.n .... C.Qm!!Lis.s.i.Q.rlof the ..... Ci.U ............ of ..... Mu.skego .................. s.ervice .... c.e.n.ter ... wi.r.h..be.a.t .... p.a.r.k.i.ng, ................................................................................ the.l.7.t.h. ..day of ......D . e.C.eplb.e.r ....., 19 ... 9.1. & 5 / 5 / 9 2 . (City, villaw, TOW". Cuunry1 ....... ... Attest: ..u%% Wa e G .... . W' Sa .... 1 .dte.:p%,~eal) en t $, q o.e--....? ' . 4 ... ................................................... ?'Jean K. Marenda l.>rle., ............................................... { ". City Clerk LJBP Pk ..dm> x ~U.?dL. :& ?.. Tick Mayor ". ..*:.- *.%.'f .d 0.: %; '<?. ". r.,. 1, ,,fZLctl&'; (Mayor, Pruidmr. Chairman1 2 cli~o RPOR+. 5:: 3 1, <kL.! :; 5 c P :,. -, (tits. village. 'ro-n. COUWI CMC .,. . riginal filed in the office of the..p1an~ co~m~mi.?.?io." .......... ..... Signed: ....... The CONDITIONS of this Grant are: I This Grant shall become effective upon the execution and recording by the Owners of the Premises of an acceptance hereof in such form as to constitute an effective covenant running with the land. 2. This Grant shall be void unlcss proper application. pursuant to the building and zoning codes of the municipality. for of the date hereof. 1. This Grant is subject to amendment and termination in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this municipality. plans filed in connection. with the Petition for this Grant, and annexed hereto. 4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site, building and operation a part of their lease by the Owner, which lease shall contain provisions for posting of the pertinent conditions to notify 5. Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility of tenants of the premises shall be made employees thereof. appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within .......... months l,,O,c... *E,N .II".Y"II (OVER1 - -" 6. Conditions on the Operations a. Hoursofoperation: Monday through Saturday from 8 AM to 8 PM: work shall he ?lafining " d Development Dept. will request days a week not including c. me^^^^ information 6 inspoctiona 9:OO AM until d. Provisions for sewage disposal; yfrom the DNR and EPA. , 5100 PM,but inside uae e. not be restricted provid are " [nduatry. Labor & Human Relatione in Waukeaha to address safety concern8 e. 0th: A letter of DNR/EPA compliance and inspection from the Dept. of ghall be submitted to the Planning Dept. within 6 months of the issuance of the Conditional Use. The painting will be done only inside the building lnder State approved methods of exhauet.(painting of eutomoblles/boate/boat trailers) no time shall the automobiles/boats/boat trailers be advertised for sale side. the building with the exception of one car regintered to the :asanova Corporation. 7 Conditions on the Buildhgs a. Facade material o[ each building side: b. Entrances, Design and Location. , , C. Signs attached to the Building, Location, Size, Design (including lighting) d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: e. Other, 8. Conditions on the Site a. Street Access (number, location. design) 1 Customer parking for a b. Off-street Parking (location and design including screening thereof), limited PeriQd Of time (2 ours) be permitted in front of bld . and one car registered to Michael 'isc~.e~oa~~~a~~s~~~~~~as~~~~~n~~~.~)~o~~~ !? long+^---. eriod if for sale .nd those to be picked up after_:e_pa.iLbe located in bldg. or behind bldg. lo outside storage of automobile par s or equipment. parking o vehicles awaiting repai; .____ d. 0utsideStorageoiMaterials.ProductsorRefuse locationandscreeningthereof)? including employee e. Finished topography and building grades. retaining walls, storm water runaff: f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types;size. spacing) \ I parking. g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location and design): h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location design and power. roper enclosed fence to be approved at a later date. j. Other. All parking and outside storage shall be screened with the -Gravel turn-around area approximately 50' x 50' in area with parking on grass to fence line. "rking area and erosion control to he done immediately. -If complaints concerning dust, ruts and erosion, dust-proofing of -Review of Conditional Use Permit fnr pravel in entire rear yard in one (1) year. Receipt of a True Copy of this instrument on behalf of the petitioner acknowledged the .... 1.8 day of. ...... ...... ., 19.9s z . .. Note: Where the conditionsarc show on maps, drawings, photographs, or similar attachments. Enter: "See Exhibit. "" er L1