106 - 8/1/1989II Acceptance of Condlrlons of Condillonel Use Grant. IS COVENANT, hlade this.. ................... .day of. ........................... ..., 19 ........, AlT 13th PlyNs t 89 by. an Merfert .......................... .......... ..................... ......................................................................... -. ...................................... ....................... .................................... .... for the uk and benefit of all persons from time to time resident or owning property within the _.__._.__Grantom, boundariesof the. ........................... City .of ....................... MUSkeLO . ............. ............, (City. Village. Town. Gunty) Wadcesha ............................... ....... ............................... .County, Wiwnsln, and for the use and benefit of the said. .... !%? ....... .of. ....... &?k.%?. ......... ..................... (city, Vi11.ge. Town. Gumy) in its own right and as agent lor the purpose of enforcing thex presents on behalf of the above described class of persons. Grantecs. The premises affected by these prexnu (hereinafter called the Premises) are the followinc dcscribcd Ion& in Township ..... .5. North, Range., ... 20, .... East. in the County of. ......................... Waukesha .and State of Wisconsin. tc-wit: FT hW 114 SEC 1 T5N R2OE 031 NW OR S 714.10 FT S1 E 560,3Y FT N59 13'E 312 FT NJ. W405.37 FT StJ9 W70.79 FT TO BGN 3 AC R543/174 TJP 5/83 blail address of the Premises is. ..... 5.6~..~~~.~.6....J~..~~~. ...................... .... Grantors warrant and covenant that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they are all of the owners of the Premises and that no othrr person has any estate or interest therein except by reason of easements for public utilities, building reotrlctiona. dedications to the public or ptlblic ba'ics. instrumcnu not of record, nnd mortgages to banks. savings and loan associations or insurance companies. Grantors reprernt chat petition on their behalf was made to the., .of. . City Hskepo ............... ......... pmsuant to the ionin. Code of the said ... .city .......... ,___, lor grant of permission to erect and/or conduct on the Premises a use there permissible not by right bur only by Conditional Use Grant; that in connection therewith Grantors made certain rcprwntations and agreements as to site. building and operation plans which were incorporated into the Conditional Use Grant; that based thereon Conditiocal usc ~r;nt~\'o. .lU6. .was issued under date of. .... h@.Eit... bh., ... ., 19.9.. and that a truecopy thercof is on filc with the (ClLV, VII!BPE. low. C.Ju"tY) .. .Plan...comrissim. ......... of.the. ..- ............... of .... .bske@.. ... ......... (Clry. Villnp. Tow. Gunryl NOW, THEREFORE, Grantors hereby accept the said Conditional Use Grant and covenant strictly to comply with all of the terms and conditions thercoi. This covenant shall run with the land and shall be binding on the Grantors and on all persons claiming any estate or interest in the Fremises by, through or under the Grantors. as long as the said Premises ere used as described in the Conditional Ux Grant for ...... ...... ... se SIGNED AND SEALED IN PRESENCE OF ...... ". ... , ......................... ........ ....... ...... ...... .......... ........ ....................................................... ......... CORPORATION .... (SEAL) ..... -. . -. ... ............ .... (SEAL) TIPL NAME HERE I, A CORPORAIlON, .. ." ...... ...... ... ....... .._ .(SEAL) ." ......................................... ................ .(SEAL) , TlTLL ACKNOWLEDGMENT INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WISCONSIN, ..County. )-. Perlonslly Came before and. ......................... _, Secretary ., President of the above named wrporation. to me known to be such persons and offiscrr who oxocutsd the foregoing instrument and scknswldd purposes therein contained. chat chcy ueeuced chc same am aueh &eer& by Its authority. lor rhs me this. .day of. ....................... 19., ... ........................ THIS INSTRYMBNT WAS DRAFTED DV (SEAL) ..... came before thc above nnmed ... ...... ............. .............................................. to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing Instrument - L a nt Number _____ _.__. .__ __ lU6 .. Scu. bl.11. bl.15. b0.7) end 19.97 Wb. Srsrr. Belore thc .................................................... Plan Commission of the .......................... city of..... .............................................................. fhkego ., (Asrlng My) (UW. v111eSe. TOW". Gunru) Waukesha G~unty. Wiscbnsm, In regard to Premises at .. Sb5 wL3964 Janesville Road .................................................... ......................................................................... ................................... in Township ................ 5 North, Range ................ 20 East ,. ................................................... Waukesha County, State of Wisconsin, further described as follows: FT K%J 114 SEC 1 T5N WOE COM NW COR S 714..10 FT $1 E 5b0.39 FT N5Y 13'E 312 FT Nl ~405.37 FT ses t~70.7~ FT TO m 3 AC ~5431174 TJP 31a3 . WHEREAS the Zoning Code and Zoning District Map of the above named municipaljty, pursuant to State Statute, providc that the premiscs may not be used of right for thc purpose hereinalter describcd but that UFOII petition such use may be approved by the municipality as a Conditional Use Grant in particular circumstances as defied by the standards in the Zoning Ordinance; and Petition therelore having been madc. and public hcaring held thereon. and the ......................................................... Plan Conrrission of the. .ci.. ................. of ......................................................... .having determined that by reason of the particular nature, character and circunlstanccs of the proposed use, and of the specific and contemporary conditions, grant of such usc upon thc tcrlm and conditions hcrcinalrer prcscribed would be consistent with thc requiremcnts of the Zoning Ordinance: the Premises may be used for the purpse of ...~.~~.~.~.e ;...~C.~s~..&..weS~~.,@f...~.ee..S.- lAcrlng BrJy) (city. VM-. .Town. ~an~y) Now, therefore. IT IS GRANTED, subject-to com liance with the terms and conditions hereinalter stated, that ................................................ .................................... lawn mchandise GRANTED by action of thePl.i!?l..~.S&X! ..... .of the ..... 7th ..... _._.____day of .......... &.Carb.K ..... ........., 19 .%... Attest: ll Original filed in the oflice of the ........ p.. .....S si. ............ o 1 he CONDITIONS of this Grant are: hereof in such form as to constitute an effective covenant.running with the land. 1, This Grant shall become effective upon the executio appropriate Building, and Zoning Use and Occupancy Permits in conformity to this Grant, is made within months 2. This Gxnt shall be void unless proper application, pursuant to the building and zoning codes of the municipality, for of the date hereof. 3. This Grant is subject to amendment and termination in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code of this municipality. 4. Construction and operation of the use granted shall be in strict conformity to the approved site, building and operation plans filed in connection with the Petition for this Grant, and mexed hereto. n part of thrir lobum by th~ Owner, which Imnar ahdl oontsin yrovblonr for patina of the prrrinont conditionr to notify 5. Any of the conditions of this Grant which would normally be the responsibility of tenants of the premises shall be made employew thereof. .. -. . .- ....."",.I ..... - . ......... .. ".. *.)c ,....,. 7-.-....~ "ah "..-:"r- ............ - " . -. .- - . -. .."."" " IIItWUI 4YN UIIIIYnU :e 6. Conditions on the Operations a. Hou. fo ra ' n' Ornament ?a?&P- kk.-Sat. 8:OO am - 9 p, Sunday lh5p; Manufacture ornaments will not 'lree Service - 8:OU m. -5:OO p, h.-Sat., d%day as rquired; Lawr dDneo.%&& sh%'?d~fel&~~hrhl& &, smoke or dust: n/a c. Water supply requirements: d. Provisions for sewage disposal: e. Other. nl a n/ a 1. Materials processing such as, log splitting shall not be allowed in the front yard are; \hod chipping or grinding of a cormerical nature shall not be, conducted at this location. I! are hown on mapa, drnwlng, photogrophr, or ~lmllar attuchmeno, Enter: "See ExMblt .............. ......'I / ~ 7 Conditions on the Buildings a. Facade material of each building side: b. Entrances, Design and Location: c. Signs attached to the Building, Location. Size, Design (including lighting): d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: e. Other: nl a nta nl a Three ,(3) exterior security lights .be installed 8. Conditions on the Site a. Street Access (number, location, design) Janesville Road b. Off-street Parking (location and des@ includin screeni? thereoo. h!?mt-, be completed AWt c. Loading and Service Areas (location and design) d. Outside Storage of Materials, Products or Refuse (location and screening thereof): linited to && is On e. Finished topography and building grades, retaining walls, storm water run-off: f. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant types, size, spacing): rrslst be completed by June g. Pedestrian walkways, terraces, malls (location and design); h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting): i. Exterior Lighting of the Site, location design and power: and nuinrain the existing scree from anesn le Road 5 1 nla Ekhibit "C" and all other outside sotred itms mt be renwed by April 30, 1994 nla nl a j. Other: 1, Vehicles, equipmt, and lendecape materials ehall not .be etored in tha front yard art Yard ornamnt dieplay shdll be elhwed to be displayed no closer than 50 feet to the baae setback line of Janesville Road. Rccelpt el a True Capy el thls Inatru ent an behell el the petlrloner ecknowledgtd the .......$ jhdey ol. ...~~~............., !9%! ...... &,e U . ......_..... ~ ..... i/ .. ............. ..... ......... be 99( 0,: 8,