104 - 11/1/1988 (4)'ITYIIW TO, .I "." HO. Muskego City Hall Planning Dept Post Office Box 903 Muskego, WI S3150-090: "._,."..., ."""-.I.-. ""."_ Commencing at the center of the said section; thence North 89"20'40" East on East and Weat 1/4 line, 129.0 feet; thence South 0°55'12" East 50.0 feet; thence North 89020'48" East, 155.2 feet along the Southerly line of Muskego Dam Road; thence South 7'12'20'' East 76.0 feet to the Northwesterly line of S.T.H. No. 36; thence South 29" 22'48" West on said line, 579.70 feet to the North and South 1/4 line; thence North 0°55'12" West on 114 line, 627.45 feet to the point of Commencement. CORPORATION INDIVIDUAL Ecforc thc. Plan Commission ,r,f tllc, city Muskego ............ .......... ....... Waukesha nl. lA~1lw UdsI ICIIY. \'llll,,lU. .1.,...1. (:nm ..Count 1, \Vix(wsin, in rc& to I'I.cnliscs ;It. Sl8$ W16311 Loomis Road ............. 'Part 0.f' "he NW 114 of tie SE 1/4 of Sec 34 5 .in 'Vmvnship. .Nn<th Rvq:c. 1..::15t,. 20 Waukesha ... !htc ol \\'ixonsin, fwlllcr clcscrilbcrl us ~UIIO\VS: .G~nty, Commencing at the center of the said eection; thence North 89°20'40" East on East and West 114 line, 129.0 feet; thence South 0'55'12'' East 50.0 feet; thence North 89"20'48" East, 155.2 feet along the Southerly line of Muskego Dam Road; thence South 7"12'20" East 76.0 feet to the Northwesterly line of S.T.H. No. 36; thence South 29'22'48'' West on said \Jest on 114 line, 627.45 feet to the point of Commencement. line, 579.70 feet to the North and South 1.14 line; thence North 0°55'12" "_ sipxl&.L. ..rP x*. ..................... Sandra s. Kecording ,/6. Conditions on the Operations a: Hoursoloperation: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Elonday through Saturday b. Performancestandards relating to noise, vibration, odor, smoke or dust: outside storage of junked c. Water supply requirements existing d. Provisions lor sewage disposal: exis tine e. Other: As addressed in Conditional Use Grant 104 vehicles, vehicle parts and equipment prohibited Resolution 1fP.C. 47-96 Resolution I1P.C. 197-96 7. Condltlons on thc Buildings o. Fncadc rnnterial ol each building sidc: exis tine b, Entrances, Design and Location: existing E. Slgns attached to the Building, Location. Size, Design (including lighting): see Resolution FP. C .4 7-9 d. Exterior Lighting of the Building: existing e. Other: As addressed in Conditional Use Grant 104 Resolution #P.C. 47-96 Resolution I1P.C. 197-96 (1 8. Conditions on thc Site a. Street Access (number. loc~cion, design) exist ina b. Off-street Parking (location and tlcsign includingscrceningthcrcof). see Resolution #P.C - 47-96 #P.C. 197-96 tl. Otltsidc Storage olMaterinls. Products or Rclusc (location.and scrcening thereol): see Resolution #P . C. e. Finished topography and building gratles. retaining walls. storm watcr run-off, exi t ing 1. Landscaping of the Site and Buildings (including plant typcs, size. spacing):,.. ~~~~l~t~~~ #p c. 4 7-9 g. Pedestrian walkways. terraccs. malls (location and design) N/A j h. Signs (free standing) location, size, design (including lighting) see ti^^ #p .c. 47-96 j. Othcr: i. ~xteriorI..i~l~tin~oftheSite,locationdcsi~nandpowcr' See Resolution #P.C. 47-96 47-96 and VP.C. 197-96 BP.C. 197-16 #P.C. 197-96 As addressed in Conditional Use Grant 104 Resolution #P.C. 47-96 Resolu'tion #P.C. 197-96 Receint of a True Coov of this instrumcnt on behalf of the pctitibner II , 25 .I ocl(now1edged the ........... .d3y of. ................................. 19. ..... March 97 II Sandra S.